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Cole (Hunting Her)

Page 24

by Eden Summers

  She pushes to her feet, this time slower, her weary caution staring down at me. “You need to do whatever it takes to get Stella and Tobias back. You never should’ve hesitated for me.”

  “Wouldn’t you have done the same?”

  She flinches, her chin hitching slightly before she glances away, denying the truth.

  She doesn’t need to admit it out loud. I already know. Her initial reaction would’ve revolved around me, just like mine did for her. It’s the settled dust that causes the problems. The callousness of the decision.

  “We’re meant to be together,” I growl. “I’ve been committed to you since the day we met. But now it’s your turn to decide. You can’t sit on the fence anymore. Do you pick me or your unhappy life?”

  “That’s unfair.” She crosses her arms over her chest, building a barrier between us. “You can’t make me decide your future.”

  “You were my only future until today. So quit thinking of life as unfair and just. Good and bad. Moral and corrupt. Say you’ll be my wife and I’ll do anything to make that happen. I’ll tell Costa his daughter isn’t an option because I’ve vowed myself to you.”

  She sucks in a breath, the shock fading under a quickly descending frown. “Stop it.”

  “Why? Because you’re scared?”

  “Of course I’m scared. My chest physically hurts due to my fear for you and those kids, but I also don’t want to spend a lifetime in prison.”

  “Instead you’d prefer to spend the rest of your life in misery? Wasting every day wondering what it would’ve been like to be happy with me? Prison is a minimal risk, Nissa. I’d always protect you. You’d have the world at your feet if you were with me. I could give you the opportunity to set up foundations. Charities. I’d give you all the money you’d need—”

  “I don’t want your money,” she snaps.

  “Then what do you want?” I shove the scotch bottle and glass to the side, leaving nothing between us. “Why are you still here? Why haven’t you thrown my marriage proposal back in my face and stormed out?”

  “That was a proposal?” Her mouth gapes. “You’re serious?”

  “Marry me.” I say it louder, strengthening the words. “Commit to me and be my wife. Show my family I haven’t made the wrong choice in hesitating with those kids, because you make me stronger. You make me fucking unstoppable.”

  She winces, those beautiful hazel eyes pinching as she swipes her tongue frantically over her lower lip. When she glances over her shoulder to the lobby, I’m in trouble.

  Her doubts are winning the fight.

  “You’ve never felt at home in the FBI, Nis. They’re not your family.”

  Her fingers twitch at her side, her gaze once again returning to the lobby.

  She’s going to run.

  “I’m sorry,” she murmurs. “I can—”

  “I know more about your father,” I cut her off, using the low blow as a leash to keep her with me. “I know so much more than you’d want to believe.”

  Her face pales, the color draining to reveal the starkness of the heartache I’m causing.

  “You wanted him to be moralistic and pure. To be an agent who everyone looked up to, but—”

  “Don’t.” This time her plea is pained, torn from the depths of her soul. “Don’t start the games again. Don’t say something you can’t take back.”

  “He’s exactly who you’re meant to be. He makes his own rules. Follows his own path. He’s on my side now.”

  The color continues to fade from her features. “I don’t believe you. You’re only saying this because you know things are—”

  “You’re right. I’m telling you because I know you’re going to run.” I push to my feet. “Because like I said, I can’t follow this time. And even if this shitstorm could work out, I have pride, little fox. I won’t chase you again.”

  She squares her shoulders. “Where is he?”

  “Chicago. Working for an associate of mine. Slowly paying off the debt he owes my family.”

  Her lips press tight, her stubborn disbelief creeping in as she says, “He wouldn’t have stayed away.”

  “Are you sure? Do you really think he could’ve faced returning to you?” I make my way around the table. “He threw away the career you idolize. He turned to criminals for help. And he left you alone while you grieved your mother’s death.”

  She retreats a step. “You’re doing this to hurt me.”

  “Maybe.” I take caution in my approach. “Maybe I’m doing it in retaliation for you wanting to walk away from me again. Or maybe I’m trying to make you fucking realize this is where you’re meant to be.”

  “You’re lying. He wouldn’t have abandoned me.”

  “Who says he did? Haven’t you ever wondered why you have such remarkable rent control? Not one damn change in your payments in how many years?”

  She straightens, her face betraying her shattering emotions. She glances toward the bar, her arms finding their way around her chest again, her sniffle an agonizing grate against my ears as she blinks through rapidly building tears.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” she whispers. “Were you waiting for a time to use this as ammunition?”

  “It wasn’t my plan to keep the information from you. But laying his secrets bare in Greece was too soon. You wouldn’t have believed me. And after we returned, you made it your mission to build distance between us.”

  I hate her suffering.

  When we’re fighting and spiteful, it’s different. I usually thrive on her venom. Not when she’s like this, though. Not when her pain is palpable and her devastation is threatening to break free.

  Her lips part, then close again. She struggles to remain composed as she keeps eying the escape.

  I grab her arm, ignoring how she stiffens as I drag her into me. “I was going to tell you. You need to believe that.”

  “I don’t know what to believe. My entire reality is changing. Nothing is what it’s supposed to be. Not my memories of my father. Not my feelings toward you. I can’t make sense of any of it.”

  I hold her through the arduous heartbeats, her palms resting gently against my chest. I’ve always loved her strength. Her tenacity. But this—the lost, vulnerable side of her—is what breaks down my walls to leave me a chained slave at the altar of her existence.

  She owns me.

  She always will.

  “Be my wife,” I whisper. “Give me a reason to take a different path with Costa.”

  She doesn’t move, doesn’t even say a word as I struggle through her silence.

  “My life will be yours.” I rake a hand through her hair, placing my lips to her forehead. “You’ll be happy with me.”

  She sucks in a shuddering breath and holds it tight. She doesn’t return my hug. Doesn’t reciprocate the affection at all, except for the subtle lowering of her head to my shoulder.

  I could hold her like this forever. My possession. My treasure.

  Before I can get enough, she steps back, sniffing away her emotions to stand tall. “I appreciate you telling me about my father. Although, I’m sure you could’ve found a way to do it sooner.”

  She looks anywhere but my eyes—at the bar, the lobby, my fucking suit.

  She’s about to leave.

  “I, umm.” She frowns, the words seeming to be agonizing. “I need to go. Like you said—I’m a distraction. And that’s not helping get those kids back.”

  “So you’re telling me to marry her?”

  Her nose crinkles as she nods. “If that’s what you think needs to be done… If that’s how your world works…” She shrugs. “I don’t know. I’m out of my league here. This is all beyond my comprehension.”

  “It’s not my usual wheelhouse either, little fox.”

  Her lips curve in a pained smile. It’s only brief. The slightest glimpse of heartfelt beauty before it slips beneath her suffering. “I really need to go.” She jerks her head toward the lobby, killing me slowly. “I’m not going to wa
ste any more of your time.”

  “Nissa.” Her name is a warning. A brutal fucking plea.

  She can’t walk out on me again.

  She has to know I won’t chase her a second time.

  “Leaving is the right thing to do.” Her face crumples. “But I want you to know I wouldn’t go back and change anything. Not even what happened in Greece. Luther needed to be taken down and I’m glad I was there to do it. Everything worked out the way it was meant to.”

  Even us?

  Even the sweat and seduction? The addiction and compulsion?

  I want to ask, but my pride won’t allow it.

  I’m done. Fucking shattered.

  “Go get those kids.” She retreats. “Do whatever needs to be done.”

  I want this conversation to stop. I fucking need it to, if only severing her words didn’t mean cutting short the last moments we have left.

  “Goodbye, Cole.” She scrunches her nose and swallows hard. “Stay safe.”



  She leaves me standing there, her head hung as she walks through the lobby to the city street, disappearing into foot traffic.

  I don’t follow.

  Some sick, sorry part of me thinks she’ll come back. That she can’t possibly leave me again. But deep down, I know that’s not my Nissa.

  When times get tough my woman clings to stability, and obviously, I don’t make the cut.

  “Can I get you anything else, sir?” the bartender asks from behind me.

  “No.” I pull out my wallet and throw more cash on the table. I have to get away from here.

  I reach the penthouse, finding the kitchen and living room empty. Everyone’s gone. Even my sisters. There’s no note on the counter. No sign of life… apart from a faint rustle coming from the main bedroom.

  “Hunt?” I palm my gun and aim it at the open door.

  “Yeah. In here.”

  I stash my weapon and stalk to the threshold, finding him standing near the bed. “What are you doing?”

  He shrugs. “I just got back from grabbing something to eat.”

  I scrutinize the room. The bed is still unmade. The bathroom door is wide. Everything seems normal except for Nissa’s suitcase that was neatly packed on the floor the last time I checked and is now a pile of tangled clothes.

  My pulse quickens, the heavier beat inspired by a protective nature I need to ditch.

  “I came in here looking for you,” he adds.

  “Did you think you were going to find me in Nissa’s suitcase?” I can’t keep the aggression from my tone. “Why were you touching her things?”

  He grins. “It’s my job to make sure you’re safe. I bet you wouldn’t have checked to make sure she didn’t stash anything suspicious.”

  He’s right. I didn’t.

  I trust her. Even despite the threats to involve Easton.

  “Leave her shit alone. She’s not your concern.” I check the safety on my gun, then lob it toward him. “Give this a once-over to make sure the guard didn’t tamper with it. When you’re done, relieve Luca from his watching post. I need him back here digging up information.”

  “Benji’s already on his way to them now.”

  “Jesus Christ. Why the fuck would you think that’s a good idea?”

  He waves me away as he releases the magazine and drops it to the bed. “He wanted to see his daughter. And from what you’ve told me, it won’t be a major issue if the sight of her gets the better of him. If he jumps off the roof and plummets to his death, it saves you from doing it, right?”

  He keeps dismantling my gun, feigning disinterest even though I know that fucker is starving for a nibble of insight.

  “Benji’s a problem I don’t want to think about right now.” I discard my jacket and walk forward to throw it against the bed coverings. I can’t get Nissa out of my head. Even with her gone and the ties severed, she’s still the air I breathe. “Instead, we should start planning my buck’s party.”

  “Yeah?” He starts inspecting each piece of my gun, not showing any shock. “You’re going to cave to Costa? You don’t want to go in there guns blazing?”

  “I’m not placing those kids in the line of fire. It was bad enough leaving them behind.”

  “You had to stall. The old man is testing you. He’s trying to figure out what you’re made of.”

  I scoff. “I thought so, too. I anticipated him backing off once I killed the fucker who drove Stella and Tobias from Portland. But then he doubled down.”

  “He’s a prick, that’s for sure.” Hunt starts clasping my gun back together. “There aren’t many men who would witness murder, then immediately offer their daughter’s hand in marriage. This girl of his must be nasty.”

  I don’t give a fuck what she is. All that matters is that she’s not Nissa. And I’ll make sure she knows it, too.

  “It might not work out too bad, though,” he continues. “If you marry this bitch, then slowly knock them off one by one, starting with the father, you could end up owning a fashion label. Wouldn’t that be ironic?”

  “Ironic?” I grate. “How?”

  “Because you’re the least fucking fashionable guy I know.” He shoves the magazine back into the gun and grins. “You’ve got one look and it’s been done to death, my friend.”

  He’s attempting humor. He might even be aiming to raise my sour mood. But he only has the opposite effect. Trying to make light of this situation when Nissa is already on her way home is eating me alive.

  He sighs and lobs the weapon my way. “Where’s the Fed? Who’s keeping an eye on her?”

  “She’s gone.” I return the gun to the back of my waistband.

  “Gone where? To get her hair done? To paint her nails?”

  I glare, despising the constant ridicule of a woman undeserving of his spite. “She’s on her way home. She won’t be back.”

  His grin increases. “Good riddance.”

  I clench my fingers, biting back the need to lash out. He’s testing me. He wants to know where my head’s at, and I don’t want anyone aware of my lacking mental state.

  “Go relieve Benji of his position. I don’t want him watching those kids. I can’t trust him to keep his head.”

  He watches me release the buttons on my sleeve cuffs. I need more room to breathe. These clothes are fucking choking me.

  “Yeah, I can do that. But what do you have planned? What’s your next move?”

  “I’ll let you know when I figure it out.” I sit on the mattress and kick off my shoes. I need a shower. A cold one. To wash Anissa from my life.

  “She messed with you, didn’t she?”

  I don’t react to Hunt’s question as I unclasp my belt and slide it from my pants.

  “How the fuck did she get under your skin?”

  I push to my feet. “I’ve asked you to do something.”

  “Damn. When you said she was gone, I assumed you kicked her to the curb, but you didn’t, did you? She walked.” He huffs out a laugh. “What the fuck have you become?”

  “Leave,” I warn. “Now.”

  “What are you going to do?” He straightens his shoulders. “You’ve gone soft, Torian. The man I originally came to work with would’ve thrived on Costa’s proposal. You would’ve taken it as the perfect opportunity to infiltrate his business and pull it apart from the inside out. Especially after he dared to involve children in the games of men. But I’m beginning to think you’re doing it as an easy out. You won’t attack because you’ve become a pussy, and you’re caving to him for the same fucking reason.”

  I glare, my anger fighting to break free.

  “Holy shit.” He laughs. “I’m right.”

  “No, you’re not fucking right,” I lie. “Kids are involved. I won’t risk—”

  “Fuck the kids. Don’t let them be a weakness. Tobias has gone through heavier shit than this. The boy is Satan’s fucking prodigy, for Christ’s sake. And Stella isn’t your responsibility. None of this is. Layla
knew what world she was bringing her daughter into. She fucking knew. Yet she was the one who went behind your back. She risked that little girl when she started talking to Robert. This is on her head, not yours.”

  “You’re a heartless son of a bitch, Hunt.”

  He inclines his head. “And you used to be, too. It’s how we’ve survived this long. But the future is fucking grim if you’re negotiating with assholes for the wrong reasons. If you cave because you think they’re in control, then I’m out. I’m done. I won’t work for someone with no backbone.”

  I gnash my teeth. I fucking thrum with volatility.

  “You know it all started to go downhill when you set your sights on that bitch,” he continues. “You got drawn in by a Fed and you couldn’t even see that she was taking you down.”

  I grin. It’s all I can do to stop myself from killing him. “You don’t know the first damn thing about her.”

  “You might be right, but I know the exact effect she has on you.” He looks me up and down, his nose scrunched in disdain. “She made you sloppy. You’re not focused.”

  “Without her, I never would’ve taken down my father. She’s far more valuable than you give her credit for.”

  “I’m aware of her value,” he grates. “I always have been. Having a Fed in your pocket is far better than having one on the loose, but she wasn’t in your pocket. She was riding your damn cock while she held the fucking reins.”

  My pulse pounds in my ears. My eyes burn with hatred. “Relieve Benji before you get yourself in trouble.”

  “I don’t give a shit about trouble. I’m not leaving until you shake her off. The Fed’s gone. Get over it.”

  I suck in a slow breath, willing the rage to subside without success. “You’ve always had a problem saying her name. Why is that?” I cock a brow. “Could it be because you’re threatened by her? Maybe even a little jealous?”

  “Jesus. You’re losing your fucking mind.”

  “No, I don’t think so. Not on this. You know she belongs here. You could see it just as well as I could, and that worried you.”

  “Of course it fucking worried me,” he snaps. “She’s the enemy and you gave her the keys to the kingdom.”


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