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Mayhem Madness: Reckless Bastards MC Series Books 1-7

Page 60

by KB Winters

  This piece of shit should have been more careful because he fell right into our trap. “That sounds like bullshit from where I’m standing,” I told him.

  “Sounds like somebody is writing a check his ass can’t cash,” Cross tossed out, forcing his attention to dart between us. His finger slipped from the trigger and I turned to Alana.

  “Hey Alana, remember that story I told you about my old horse, Baby?” She nodded almost imperceptibly, eyes wide and alert. “Do for me what I forgot to,” I told her and when she hit the ground, I lit that motherfucker up like I was Bruce Willis in any fucking movie ever.

  The room fell silent for several long moments and then Alana’s bloodcurdling scream pulled us from our thoughts. The fucker had fallen right on top of her and Max was there, tossing his big ass off Alana.

  It took nearly an hour before the place was completely clear and we had the bodies of two Roadkill and three Killer Aces.

  “Five got away,” Savior grumbled when we and Golden Boy returned to the group. “Through the woods.”

  “I think I clipped one of ‘em,” Golden Boy said, hands on his knees as he sucked in air.

  “Stitch and I are going back to the clubhouse. Someone needs to pick up Doc. A few of the girls have wounds.”

  Jag had his arms wrapped around two of the girls, leading them to the Chevy with the kind of tenderness they needed.

  “Roadkill and Killer Aces together. How the fuck did that happen?” I looked to Cross to see if he had any insight.

  “The same way you and that girl reached out to his enemies, he went after ours. Though after what we did to those fuckers, I’m not surprised.” None of us said it, but we all knew we weren’t done with the war yet.

  Once we dealt with the Killer Aces, we’d have to deal with the Roadkill motherfuckers.

  Chapter 21


  If Lasso thought I’d fall back to sleep once he and Jag left to kick some ass and shoot some outlaws, he was sorely mistaken. I’d spent the whole night pacing, hoping none of the women were hurt because of me, and then the baby began to toss and turn, causing me discomfort and nausea so I sat down like a good little mama.

  And I began to knit.

  It wasn’t much, just a cotton rainbow thread that would become a baby beanie, but it was more than enough to keep my mind off what Lasso was doing. And why. I’d placed those other calls, giving away four more stash house locations and hoped it would force Genesis to make a mistake. He was already on the edge; that phone call earlier proved it. One more little nudge from me would be the thing that tipped him over.

  I must have dozed off for a while because a knock on the door woke me and Lasso wouldn’t knock.

  I grabbed the gun he’d left. I stood with my stomach facing away from the door as I peeked through a small opening. A curvy blonde stood on the other side. She looked harmless so I opened the door.

  “Hi, I’m Jana, Max’s wife. I just wanted to check on you. May I come in?”

  Max at least seemed sorry about not helping so I said, “Sure. Did you draw the short straw to come up here?” Lasso had been a tad overprotective lately, so it wouldn’t surprise me if he’d forced her up here.

  “No, but I know what it’s like to be new around here and how intimidating it can be.”

  Arm crossed defensively, I jutted my chin out. “I’m not intimidated. They don’t want me here and I don’t want to be either. I came to Lasso, not the club.”

  She laughed, and the sound was soft and low. “All this comes with the territory, but it’s not so bad.” Jana did seem happy, but she was also in love and had planned and married her guy on purpose.

  “Are you really all right? This has to be tough, Rocky. And you haven’t come down all week. Are you even eating?”

  I sighed, trying to be nice because this woman was making an effort. “Lasso is force feeding me daily.”

  “Good,” she grinned. “Max was the same, feeding me all the time, forcing water down my throat, taking bags of groceries from of my arms and forcing me to sit. It was annoying but nice.”

  “Yeah well, I’m used to taking care of myself.”

  “So am I,” she snorted and pointed to the scar on her face.

  “It’s hardly even noticeable with how pushy you are.”

  She laughed and seemed not offended in the slightest. “Thanks. Do you have a birthing plan yet?”

  I shook my head and she rattled off about a dozen different things I needed to do before the baby arrived. The list was daunting, and my knitting hands stopped, taking in the gravity of my future. If there was a future.

  “It seems like a lot but lucky for you, Teddy and I both have recently had babies.”

  “Must be something in the water,” I grumbled, pulling another laugh from her.

  “It’s those big sexy bikers and you know it.” She winked and leaned back, staring at me. “This will be easier if you make some friends, build a support system.”

  “Like I said, I’m used to taking care of things myself.”

  “I know, so was I. But when it comes to your kid you’ll do whatever you have to, including digging in roots. Becoming part of a community.”

  That sounded nice, like all of the things I used to want for myself. Friends to do things with, like go to happy hour, share retail therapy binges, movie marathons and bitching sessions about relationships. I’d always wanted that but with every year that passed it became more apparent that I would not get it. Eventually, I stopped wishing. Then I stopped thinking about it altogether.

  “I doubt I’ll be sticking around once this is all over.”

  “That’s too bad. Max says you and Lasso seem like the real deal, even if you guys can’t see it yet.” The emphasis she put on ‘yet’ set me on edge but I had a feeling that was her intent.

  “It’s not like that.” And even if things were like that with Lasso and me, there was no way his so-called brothers would ever accept me. “There’s too much baggage, even if it was a possibility. Which it isn’t.”

  “Why isn’t it? Clearly there’s something between you, besides a baby, or Lasso wouldn’t look ready to castrate the world to keep you safe.”

  That was bullshit. “You have a kid, so you already know the lengths a man will go to protect his child. The only difference is that you guys are in love so you see it differently.” I realized how bitchy that sounded and groaned. “Look, I’m not trying to be mean but there is no me and Lasso. If I hadn’t tracked him down, we would’ve never seen each other again.”

  “But you did. And now you’re married and having a baby. I think you’re underestimating Lasso’s feelings.”

  Maybe I was. “Still, it doesn’t matter. His brothers don’t trust me, and I don’t trust them either. When this is all over, no one will be able to forget that.” Least of all me. “I appreciate your advice but we both know when it comes to this club, nothing compares.”

  It looked like Jana had finally gotten the hint. As much as I appreciated her attempt to help, my situation was unique and I would handle it myself. She gave a resigned sigh and turned her disappointed shoulders toward the door. “If you need anything or you just want to talk, give me a call.”

  “Thank you, Jana. I mean it.”

  She nodded and looked at me with sad green eyes. “Lasso is a really good guy and no matter what happens between the two of you, he deserves a chance to watch his kid grow up.”

  “I know,” I grumbled and went back to the sofa after she left. It was the part that left me struggling too. I couldn’t deprive our child of knowing a father like Lasso and I couldn’t deny him the chance at being the father he was destined to be.

  Which meant I might have to stay in Vegas. Plant roots.

  Settled in.

  My phone rang and I snatched it up, hoping it was Lasso to tell me everything was done and done. Over. Everyone safe. “Hello?” I should have looked at the screen.

  “Rochelle. Meet me at the southwest end of the property i
n thirty minutes.”

  “Forty,” I countered.

  “Don’t make me wait a minute more. I’m not in a forgiving mood, Rochelle.” He ended the call and I took several deep breaths, calming my racing heart and emptying my mind.

  Then I sprang into action.

  Chapter 22


  When I got back from Bungalow Three all I wanted was Rocky and a shower, not necessarily in that order. But when I got to the apartment upstairs, it was empty. With all the shit that had already gone down, my first instinct was to panic but Genesis had already put in his harassing call for the day. Still, I turned and went back down the stairs and into the clubhouse. I checked the bedrooms in back as well as the common area, but she was nowhere to be found.

  Now, I was fucking panicked.

  I went back upstairs to our apartment because I knew if she’d left here of her own free will, she would have left some kind of clue.

  And I hoped like hell she did.

  I sagged in relief when I saw her hand-drawn plans of the whole Reckless Bastards compound. At least the parts she could see and learn about from others. It was laid out with three pennies taped to it, each one wrapped in a different color yarn. My lips quirked in a smile at the fact she’d used the same yarn from the baby beanie for whatever this map was meant to be. Since I didn’t know, I needed help.

  I found Jag and Cross out in back sharing a joint. “What’s up?” Jag was my best friend and knew me better than anyone. He took one look at me and was immediately on alert.

  “Rocky isn’t here. No signs of a struggle but she’s gone. Left this.” I laid out the hand drawn plans and took a step back, hoping some of it meant something to someone else.

  “Where in the hell did she get such detailed plans?” Cross was angry. Tired and angry weren’t a good mix with him, but I was worried about my pregnant wife. His feelings would have to wait.

  “She drew them from memory so she could be prepared if she needed to make a fast getaway.”

  Jag grinned. “What a woman.”

  “Yeah. See anything helpful?”

  Jag looked at the plans for a few minutes, taking in every detail before he honed in on a set of numbers in one corner. “I think we got something.” He pointed again and stood with that excited look he got when a digital mystery was in front of him.

  “What the fuck is that supposed to be? It’s nonsense,” Cross insisted angrily, taking a long pull off the joint and blowing the smoke toward the sky. “Maybe she decided to end this without more bloodshed.”

  “That would solve all your problems wouldn’t it?” He glared at me, ready to tell me off I was sure, but Jag had left and come back with one of his laptops, started it up and plugged the numbers into some program.

  “Damn.” Jag smiled at the screen then looked up at me and Cross. “She’s damn smart. Those numbers allow me to access her phone, her microphone and GPS.” His fingers flew over the keyboard as he spoke. “We can track her in real time, which means we can get to her before whatever this plan is, pans out. Got her.”

  My phone rang as my gaze focused on the red dot and I absently hit the speaker button. “Rocky, what the fuck, babe?”

  “I’m sorry, Lasso but I had to do it this way. I couldn’t risk anyone else getting hurt. Are the girls all right?”

  She sounded small and worried and I hated that. Rocky was at her best when she was strong and vibrant and lively.

  “They’re fine, Rocky. Come back here now, please.”

  She sighed. “I can’t, not yet. This won’t end any other way Lasso, you know it, too. Genesis wants to meet and I’m about five minutes away from the meeting spot but knowing him it’s more like three. Did Jag get the data I left?”

  “We got it, Rocky. Just keep your phone unlocked.”

  “Already done. You’ll be able to hear everything. I won’t be able to hear you, so I’ll say anything else you need to know. I sketched out a quick plan on the other side of those blueprints. It’s short but if you can get into position in eight minutes it just might work.”

  Jag was already flipping over the plans, but my mind was racing. “What plans? Fuck!”

  “Sorry Lasso but I couldn’t let you talk me out of this. Be mad when this is over. Baby and I need you focused.” She was right dammit but that didn’t mean I had to like it, listening as she entered the fucking lion’s den on purpose. “I gotta go.” She ended the call.

  I turned to Jag. “Tell me this is gonna work.”

  He nodded, sketching out a few things next to Rocky’s notes. “Yeah, it’s gonna work but we need three more men. At least.”

  “I’ll get’em,” Cross said easily, shocking the hell out of me.

  “How about one fucker big enough for three?” Savior nudged between me and Cross, bringing with him an unexpected arrival.

  “Gunnar! Man, shit! How the fuck are you?” I couldn’t hide my happiness that our VP was back. Gunnar was funny and fair, a shit starter with a soft spot for damsels in distress. I was as close to him as I was to Jag but he’d been dealing with the death of his mother and some other personal things lately. Now that he was back, I couldn’t deny my pleasure at his timing.

  “I could be better, brother and once we get your girl back, we can drink all about it.” He grinned and turned so we could see the chubby ball of black hair and blue eyes in his arms. “For now, say hi to Maisie. My sister.”

  I blinked at his confession, but I couldn’t help but smile at the little drooling bundle. “Well, shit, I guess we do have plenty to drink about.”

  “Okay guys listen up,” Jag called out. “We now have six and half minutes to get into position.” He handed out comms as he spoke. “She chose an outdoor location at the southwest side of the property where those small hangars still stand.” He rattled off all the notes Rocky had left about how many men she expected Genesis to bring with him, their types of guns and shooting ability.

  Savior stepped forward with a smile at the same time Stitch came out with vests for us all. “Not that I don’t trust Rocky, but I think it’s better to go in over-armed. A lot can change in a couple years.”

  He was right, then again Savior was the Sergeant at Arms and he knew his weapons. “A couple of the prospects are bringing out shit. Take what you need fast and let’s get the fuck going.”

  That was Savior, short and sweet when he needed to be.

  “I’ll get Rocky,” I told Savior, my eyes serious. My demeanor didn’t allow any fucking argument.

  “That’s fine. I’ll kill a motherfucker who gets off on threatening pregnant chicks.”

  God, I fucking loved my club.

  Chapter 23


  Nerves. They were a son of a bitch, wreaking havoc with my ability to think logically or breathe normally. I could hear noise in the distance, the hum of a motor and footsteps on gravel. Genesis, the bastard. Of course he hadn’t come alone. I didn’t expect he would, which is why I took the extra time to ensure my safety as much as I could when dealing with a raging fucking lunatic.

  To make matters more intense, I had no idea if my cavalry would be Lasso and Jag or an actual cavalry of men who would kick ass, shoot bullets and make Genesis and his Killer fucking Aces regret they’d crossed the border into Nevada. I had no idea and I wouldn’t until it was too late, so I really hope I didn’t misplace my trust.

  “Rochelle, looking good. A little fat for my tastes, but good.”

  His voice came from straight ahead and I stopped, looking up to see where he was. It was difficult to see because his SUV lights were shining bright. “Wish I could say the same.”

  “Had to make sure you listened this time. I know listening has always been difficult for you.” His sickening sneer made me wish I’d come with something other than a small gun strapped to my thigh.

  “I listen just fine Genesis, I just don’t always want to do what you want me to.”

  He laughed that sickeningly soft chuckle he used when he wasn�
�t really amused. “Because you always think you know best. Now look at where we are.” Genesis shook his head as he stuck his hand inside the car and turned off the high beams. He hadn’t changed. Same shaggy copper hair brushing his shoulders, same pouty mouth more suitable to a male model than a gangster. I couldn’t see his smoky gray eyes, but I’d bet they were bloodshot with a combination of pills and coke.

  “Where exactly are we?” I crossed my arms and looked off to his side because I knew it would rile him. I needed him wild and reckless and I could push until he flashed a handgun.

  “Goddammit, Rochelle stop playing these fucking mind games!” His arms jerked forward, and he kicked a leg out sideways in a show of temper, but a quick pinch to the bridge of his nose and Genesis was calm again. Sort of. “Look, just come with me now and work with me until I’m satisfied I’ve been paid back for all the pain and suffering you’ve caused me, then you can come back here and play house with that fucking cowboy.”

  I smiled at his disdain for Lasso. He never did like men who were too good looking, said he couldn’t trust them but the truth was he couldn’t stand the jealousy. “I’m not going anywhere with you Genesis.”

  “Come on,” he cajoled softly, grinning with that little head tilt he thought made him look hot but really he looked like Justin Bieber. “It’s just a couple jobs. It could be like old times. I’ll even think about keeping the brat around.”

  “Like I would ever want my kid around a headcase like you.”

  I shook my head, knowing I was poking the bear but unable to stop myself. He drew closer and I slowly drew back, reaching around my waist for the gun. “How about this Genesis? You go home and you might make it back in time to save another stash house or two.”

  He took two steps forward and then lunged, pulling back his hand and punching me in the nose before I could move. “You still got a smart fuckin’ mouth. I always hated that about you.”


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