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Young, Allyson - The Promise [Siren Publishing Ménage Amour]

Page 9

by Allyson Young

  “Shit,” she complained. “You tore my beautiful robe.”

  “I’ll buy you as many more as you want, babe. Now spread your legs.”

  She complied, and Sean crawled up between them, his cock bobbing, smacking his belly, the pre-cum shining at the tip. Jillian licked her lips.

  “Uh-uh, babe. This one is for your pussy, and it’s screaming for you, so get ready.”

  “Brag, brag, brag,” Jilly teased and then gasped as he pushed a finger inside to test her wetness.

  “You are always so wet for us, babe, so hot and wet,” Sean nearly groaned then shoved his cock in right to the hilt. He froze at the incredible sensation of no latex between them and fought with all he had at not blowing right then. When Jilly flexed around him, he pinned her to the mattress with his weight and growled at her.

  “If you make me come right now, I’ll paddle your ass so hard you won’t sit down for a month. Lie still and don’t move,” he warned.

  Jillian giggled, and it nearly undid him. Another infraction to add to the list. He slowly pulled back out, his sensitized shaft dragging on the walls of her vagina. He gritted his teeth and pinched his eyes shut, thrusting until he couldn’t hold back any longer. She felt so damn good bareback. He reached down and pinched Jillian’s clit as he poured himself into her. Her resulting climax milked every last spurt from his softening cock, and Sean found himself battling tears again. He settled most of his weight to her side and pressed a kiss on her cheek, closing his eyes to hide some of his intense emotion.

  “I’m going to have a girl baby.”

  Sean’s eyes flew open, and he quailed inside. A girl. Christ, and all those boys, just like him and Peter, sniffing around their baby girl. Who would be old enough to date in just a couple of decades. He couldn’t begin to process it. Payback was indeed a bitch.

  * * * *

  Jilly told Peter over breakfast that she would have a baby girl, and Peter choked on a strawberry. Sean grinned at him mirthlessly. Life was never going to be boring. With luck, they would survive her.

  Jillian pushed back from her empty plate, having devoured cream-cheese French toast with strawberries and maple syrup. She had eaten voraciously, claiming that she might be eating for two. Sean and Peter both hoped it was so and also wished for a respite of a few years.

  “So,” she started, smiling sweetly, “I think I’ll plan the day’s activities. It’s day five, after all, and I feel like taking a turn.”

  Peter nodded wordlessly, taking the dictum like a man. Sean just smiled at him.

  “Oh, and Sean?” Jilly added. “You’ll be my assistant, but there will be something in this for you, too.”

  Sean’s head came up. “What are you talking about, babe? I didn’t do anything.”

  “There’s the little matter of this morning when you were supposed to profess your undying love for me but instead you had that lovely dick of yours do the talking. And then there’s the fighting with Peter.”

  Sean shook his head and opened his mouth to talk her out of it, but she cut him off.

  “Man up, Sean. Today is my day.”

  Sean tried to stare her down, chocolate brown meeting turquoise. Turquoise won, helped by dark-blue eyes narrowing in his direction. Sean secretly wondered how he could add another infraction to the list.

  “And boys?” Jillian queried. “I expect your absolute inventive best on day six. I really want to have to rest on the final day. So you might want to start thinking about tomorrow, or maybe taking some pointers from what I have planned for you today.”

  Sean saw Peter looking at Jillian with arousal and promise. No doubt the same was reflected in his eyes. Jillian simply had no idea what she had just set herself up for. Sean flirted with the idea of inviting some like-minded friends over, but an insane wave of possessiveness boiled over him and he dismissed the thought before it could even take root. He would have Peter slip out and buy an interesting little item he had been eyeing for some time, with Jilly in mind. They were both brought out of their fantasy by the slap of Jillian’s hand on the granite counter.

  “I’m going to clean up here,” she said, halting their protests with an upraised hand and fierce glance.

  “Go to the bedroom and put together a fantasy scene. I’ll be awhile here, so that should give you lots of time to piece together some costumes and rehearse the theme. Just remember that your role will be that of sex slaves. I expect my costume to be out in the hallway so I can put it on before I enter. I’m great at improvising.”

  She chuckled and winked. Sean couldn’t believe how hot that got him and enjoyed the way Peter swallowed with dread.

  “Oh, and one more thing,” she added. “Peter, chose a vibrator and some lube. For Sean. Sean, choose a plug and lube for Peter.”

  * * * *

  Peter and Sean walked toward the master bedroom in slow-motion. They didn’t look at one another. Peter was afraid that Sean was going to choose the biggest plug and he couldn’t refuse. Peter threw open the closet and motioned to Sean. Sean pointed at the next-to-large-sized plug, and Peter gratefully grabbed it. He in turn picked up a slender, vibrating wand that was actually meant for virgin asses.

  “So,” Sean said, “what the hell are we going to plan here? I’m not so good at drama.”

  Peter laughed harshly. “You are so excellent at drama, you fucking Dom.”

  Sean protested, “I haven’t lived that life for years. Not since you and I started sharing women together. I haven’t needed to.”

  Peter’s jaw dropped. Another first in the day of all days. His best friend just confided that their friendship, albeit with a woman between them, had fulfilled the needs the visits to the fetish club used to meet. Holy shit!

  “What?” asked Sean defensively.

  “I care about you, too, buddy.”

  “We don’t have time for any group-hug shit, Peter. What kind of scene?”

  Peter couldn’t resist. “What does a Dominatrix wear at clubs? And what do sex slaves wear?”

  Sean closed his eyes as though in pain. “Okay. Let’s do that. At least I know what to look for.”

  The next several minutes were filled with sorting through drawers and closets, with occasional grunts of mirth. Peter ended up wearing a pair of too-small red boxers, a gift from a former lover, information he wouldn’t share with Jillian, although Sean might. Sean tied a narrow navy tie around Peter’s neck, fashioning a loop to attach a belt to, and out of spite made Peter stuff a pair of socks in the crotch of the boxers. Wool sweat socks.

  Sean wore a pair of Peter’s pajama pants, black with little blue saddles on them, and called Peter a pussy for buying them. But they were the only things that were vaguely close to a BDSM costume and nearly fit yet called attention to Sean’s cock. Peter worked hard to hide a smile at the sight. He tied the pussy strap around Sean’s upper arm, wondering if Jillian would recognize it. It smelled of her musk and really turned him on, but better that Jillian saw it on Sean instead of him. He was in enough shit as it was.

  Peter unearthed Jilly’s dark pencil skirt and daringly cut it to just under pussy length. In for a penny, in for a pound. In a pinch he would blame Sean. Her pretty, blue, lacey bra would work as a top, and the black hose with matching garter belt and her little pumps would really complete the outfit. He was getting into this fantasy and on impulse included a riding crop. She might use it on them, probably would, but she would certainly be feeling it on her ass tomorrow.

  * * * *

  Jillian hummed as she put food away and stacked the dishwasher, anything to squelch the desire rising in waves up her body. She was going to shower again, both to wash Sean’s semen from her body and to make them wait, but she was suffering, too. She had some really perverted ideas in her head and hoped they had come up with some costumes that would fit them. It didn’t really matter, though, as her ideas were adjustable. Too much fun.

  After a quick shower in the guest bathroom, no hair washing this time, Jillian peeked down the h
allway and saw the little pile of clothes resting in front of the door. She tiptoed over and gathered everything up, returning to dress in the bathroom. She frowned over the sabotage of her skirt and really glowered when it didn’t even cover her ass cheeks, but admitted that the effect with the nylons and garter belt looked pretty hot. Her bra felt constrictive, but she had been naked for several days now and her boobs were going to be hanging at her waist without support pretty soon, so she hitched it to be the most comfy and grabbed the riding crop. If only she had some makeup she would really look the part of whatever it was they were going for. She bit her lips until they reddened, fluffed her hair, slipped into her pumps, and set off on her mission, throwing the bedroom door open without warning. She observed her two men on their knees facing the door.

  Somehow Jillian controlled her laughter. They were trying hard but looked so out of place, especially Sean. These two alpha males would never look submissive, and, bless them, she didn’t want them to, but today was her day and she was going to see it through. Besides, it would make tomorrow all the sweeter. She stalked in, tapping the crop on her hip, nearly giggling when Sean’s eyes widened at the sight then turned on Peter with evil intent.

  She heard him whisper, “Just had to up the ante, didn’t you, you asshole?”

  Peter didn’t reply, but she saw his shoulders shake.

  Jillian walked around them, carefully inspecting them, staying silent and letting the tension mount. Then she tapped Sean on the shoulder, making him jump.

  “Rise, slave boy,” she announced regally.

  Sean rose gracefully and towered over her.

  “Kiss me like you mean it.”

  When Jillian came up for air, all thoughts of enslaving her boys had fled her brain. It took some time to gather her thoughts, and she saw Sean smiling in satisfaction.

  “So you think you can distract me, Slave Sean,” she said loftily. “Well, you are quite incorrect, and that will cost you a punishment.”

  Sean raised an eyebrow, looking for all the world like a pirate with his shaven head, arm band, and dark silk pants riding low on his hips. Jillian licked her lips, and his cock bounced behind the silk. She sat on the bed and motioned him forward until he stood directly in front of her, his crotch nearly touching her face.

  “Take it out, slave,” she ordered, “and offer it to me.”

  Sean’s hands shook in his eagerness to comply, whipping his cock out and nearly shoving it into her mouth.

  “Hold it steady, right there, and don’t move,” she ordered. “You, Slave Peter, kneel here beside my feet and watch.”

  She smirked as Peter burned his knees to get there, and then she rubbed her cheek across the head of Sean’s penis, smearing the moisture. Her tongue flicked out to gather more, and both he and Sean groaned in unison. Sean’s eyes flicked to Peter, as if startled by the sound.

  “Eyes on me,” Jillian ordered.

  She lapped at the mushroom-shaped head leisurely, letting Sean struggle with holding steady. She hummed against him and blew tiny little breaths over the slit.

  “Do you like what you see, Slave Peter?” she asked.

  Peter nodded vigorously.

  “Too bad,” Jillian said sweetly. “In your case, seeing is just believing.”

  Jillian then began to lick Sean’s cock like an ice-cream cone, sucking the edges, dragging her tongue up the shaft, inhaling him. Sean gasped and groaned and then reached out to steady himself on Jillian’s shoulder, whereby she withdrew and ordered him to put his cock back in his pants and clasp his hands behind him. Sean glared at her but complied.

  Jillian motioned for Peter to stand then twirled her finger. Peter, obliging, turned around in a circle. She reached out and squeezed the sock bulge and choked on her laughter. Sean guffawed, too, and she sent him a look that shut him up quickly.

  “Strip,” she ordered Peter, “except for your collar.”

  She watched as Peter struggled out of the red boxers. They were so not him, but effective for the scene. Jillian turned to Sean and told him to place two pillows at hip level on the bed, then idly reached out and pumped Peter’s shaft twice, running her thumb over the head, spreading the moisture across it.

  “Pick up the socks,” she said and held her hand out.

  Peter placed them in her palm, and she lifted one to dangle it in front of him. Sean turned to see her slip the white sock over Peter’s erection, and she watched him smother his laughter. Peter stared at her and then at the caricature of a condom and grinned.

  “Just a reminder,” she said sweetly.

  “Slave Sean, strip and lay face up on the bed with your ass on the pillows. Peter, tie him down and use that handy abdomen strap. Make it nice and tight.”

  Sean visibly forced himself to obey her. He probably thought he was getting the pillows ready for Peter and was relaxed, which was Jillian’s intent all along. She knew that he was taking notes and adding to her punishment, but she had no fear of him or it. Tomorrow was going to be such a lot of entertainment and mind-blowing orgasms. She was betting on it. Sean allowed himself to be restrained, visibly ignoring Peter’s blatant glee, although she could tell it cost him.

  Jillian hitched up onto the bed, making sure that her new miniskirt rode up and exposed the white slice of skin above her nylons, then the pink of her labia. She watched as Sean drank in the sight.

  “Maybe I should blindfold you, Slave Sean,” she crooned, “just so you can feel,” using his words against him.

  Sean gave an inadvertent headshake, and Jilly froze, watching him.

  “No, I don’t think so,” she said slowly.

  * * * *

  Sean respected her with all of his soul at that moment. Just as he would never deliberately frighten or humiliate his girl, neither would she push him too far. Peter shifted behind her, and Sean knew he, too, had recognized Jilly’s insight. He hoped so, because the gleam was back in her eye.

  “You, Slave Peter,” she said. “Go face the corner and don’t you dare peek, because if you do, I’ll let Sean exchange this little plug for that really big one.”

  Peter instantly complied, and Sean so appreciated the fact that Jillian was not going to let Peter see him and the vibe get acquainted. She could teach some of those wannabes at the club a thing or two about class. Class and BDSM play did indeed go together. The sight of Peter’s erection bobbing under a white sports sock was definitely lacking in class, however, and absolutely hilarious.

  Jillian shook her boobs at him within the confines of her lacey bra, and it had the desired effect. Sean’s cock surged to full attention. It lost a little enthusiasm when she picked up the slim wand and figured out how it worked, nibbling on that sexy bottom lip. Sean wanted to have that mouth on him again and wondered if begging might help. Nothing wrong in trying.

  “Please, uh, Mistress Jillian.”

  Jillian appeared to jerk in shock at the title. “What, Sean? I mean, what do you want, Slave Sean?”

  “I would like you to put your gorgeous lips around my cock again, please,” he begged as prettily as he knew how.

  Jillian boggled at him, then recovered. “But this is about your bad behavior, Slave Sean, not about your needs, correct?” she asked archly, reaching for the lube.

  She pulled her skirt up almost to her waist to get comfortable, and the sight of her pouting pussy framed by the garter belt nearly made Sean come right then and there. There would be dress up tomorrow, for sure. He would find time to get out to the sex store first thing tomorrow or that lingerie place just around the corner. Jillian smiled at him, and Sean knew that she was fully aware of the effect her move had had on him. His last lucid thought for the next while was that she was so going to pay tomorrow.

  * * * *

  Jillian crouched between Sean’s legs and applied lots of lube to his anus. His puckered opening clenched, and she heard herself crooning to him to relax. Surprisingly, he did, although she avoided looking at his face, not wanting to embarrass him. She inserted
the thin nozzle carefully and squeezed. Sean jerked a little but made no sound. Jillian glanced up to make sure that Peter wasn’t looking and, on impulse, grabbed the crop and smacked him once on an ass cheek.

  Peter jumped and yelled, “What was that for?”

  “Just to remind you not to peek. And because I could,” she retorted.

  Peter growled deep in his chest, and Jillian anxiously looked to see if she had hurt him. She clambered off the bed and touched his buttock for heat but could find none and could detect no mark. Big wimp, she decided.

  “It’s okay, honey,” he whispered. “You just startled me.”

  Tears stung her eyes. Peter was truly sorry for probably knocking her up and was prepared to see this whole scene through, although she really didn’t want revenge. That particular desire might come back during labor and delivery, but that was some time away. She patted his bottom gently and pressed a kiss where she had hit him. When she climbed back on the bed, she saw Sean watching her with intense emotion, and he mouthed “I love you” at her. Jillian nearly stopped her play at that moment, but he read her intentions and gave her a go-ahead twirl with one tied fist. Onward.

  * * * *

  Jillian began to fellate him, obviously taking her time, laving the head of his cock, twirling her tongue over all his most sensitive bits. She cupped his balls in one hand, rolling them and stroking with exquisite care. Sean’s breath hitched in his chest, and he strained at his bonds, trying to take her head between his hands. Frustrated, he fell back and let her have her way with him, thwarted by the belly strap to even move his hips very much. Not that she needed his help. His climax was already building at her touch, and he was going to simply let it come, not fight it and hold off. This was Jillian’s pace. He closed his eyes and relaxed into the oncoming surge, only to pop them open as the wand slipped past his sphincter and began to vibrate. All thoughts of an intense yet tender orgasm fled his mind as tremors assailed him and his cock lurched in response to that damned tingling in his ass. Jilly did something with her hand on his balls and grasped the base of his cock hard, preventing an early release, and Sean literally panted, then bit down on his cheek to avoid begging. Not to be deterred, she turned up the vibration, rolled his balls like marbles in her hand, and deep throated him, swallowing as she did so. Sean shouted, and she relaxed her hand, his ejaculate spurting in waves down her throat. When he was finally able to breathe again and open his eyes, the little wench was smiling the same smile he just knew Eve gave Adam right before the apple incident. Sean weakly smiled back, not even able to give her the “wait until tomorrow” look he had been perfecting. Jillian bounced in delight and patted his belly proprietarily, then gently removed the vibe from his colon. She slid off the bed, giving him a nice view of her ass, not that he was in any shape to really appreciate it. His cock didn’t even twitch.


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