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Van, Becca - Keira's Wolf Saviors [Pack Law 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 8

by Becca Van

When Keira saw another sign for the airport, her fear increased exponentially. She now knew David was going to fly her out of New Mexico, and there wasn’t a thing she could do about it. She kept her eyes on the road, but she made sure to look for any opportunity for escape. She caught David’s relaxed pose from her peripheral vision and knew he thought he had the upper hand. She needed to get out of here. If he got her onto a plane she would never be able to escape. She slowly but surely increased the speed at which they were traveling. She did it gradually, being careful so David wouldn’t feel the pace of the car getting faster. She eased around the bend, thankful her parents had insisted she take intensive defensive driving lessons once she’d gotten her license at sixteen. She was more than capable of handling the car as they traveled around the long, sweeping bend. She saw another sign indicating the airport was only ten miles up the road and knew what she had to do.

  She pushed her foot down on the accelerator a little more and knew when she felt the gun against her temple she had pushed too hard, too fast.

  “Ease your foot off, Keira, or I’ll shoot you now,” David snapped.

  Keira didn’t ease off. She pushed down until her foot was flat to the floor.

  “If you shoot me, you’ll die, too. Is that what you want, David? Do you want to die beside me?” Keira asked maliciously, not caring if her brother pulled the trigger. She had the upper hand, and he knew it. She could kill them both with the flick of her wrist.

  She saw David undo his seat belt, and then he leaned over her, trying to reach the keys and pull them from the ignition. Keira took her foot off the accelerator and slammed it down on the brake. The brakes locked up, and the tires screeched as they slid over the black tarmac of the road. David went slamming into the windscreen headfirst. The look of horror on his face as he went through the window would be forever etched into her mind.

  She heard the sound of the gun going off as her brother flew past and out through the glass. She felt a searing pain in her shoulder and knew she had been shot. The bullet ripped through her flesh, and fiery pain emanated out from the bullet wound, up into her neck, and down her arm. She wrestled with the steering wheel as the back end of the car began to slide. The car spun on the road and she tried to circumvent the spin by taking her foot from the brake. She screamed with pain as she turned the steering wheel into the direction of the spin, using both hands to hold the wheel, but she just wasn’t strong enough. She was in too much pain. She felt her conscious mind slipping as she battled the agony and the car.

  Black spots formed before Keira’s eyes, and she slipped into darkness as she lost the battle with the car and fainted.

  * * * *

  Jake couldn’t find the man calling himself John Carmichael anywhere. He caught the man’s scent mixed with oil and knew without a doubt that Carmichael had been involved in the explosion and destruction of the club. He knew Carmichael had been sent as a diversion so whoever had Keira could gain unimpeded access to her. He howled out his frustration, his wolf taking over as his fear wrought through his system for his and his brothers’ missing woman.

  “Devon, are you still on her trail?” Jake asked his brother as he moved toward the truck he had driven to work that morning.

  “Yes, they’re headed toward Farmington,” Devon replied.

  “Fuck. Greg, where are you?” Jake asked.

  “I’m already heading in your direction.”

  “Greg, have you passed the turnoff toward Farmington?” Jake asked.

  “No, I can just see the sign now. I’ll meet you there.”

  Jake ran for the truck and was on the road speeding for Farmington in moments. He pushed the accelerator pedal to the floor, fear for the safety of his mate making his heart beat fast. The knot of anguish in his gut was so big he felt his stomach churn. He breathed deeply and evenly, trying to get himself under control. The last thing he wanted was for his wolf to take over and for him to end up in his animal form with no control over the truck he was driving. The image burst through his mind, making him laugh, which helped ease some of his tension. How he could laugh at a moment like this was beyond him, but he was thankful, because he now had his emotions and beast back under control.

  Jake was glad Greg would enter Farmington from the opposite side of town from him. There were only two ways in and out of the town besides the airport, so he knew if Keira were to come out the other side of the town, she would meet up with Greg.

  Jake slowed the truck and stopped when he saw his brother trotting along the road in his wolf form. He leaned over and opened the door to let Devon in and watched as his brother changed back to his human form. Since they always carried a change of clothes wherever they went, Devon reached into the back and grabbed the clothes and began to dress.

  “Go,” Devon said.

  Devon was just as eager as him to find their mate. He looked over at Devon as he drove, needing to know more information if possible.

  “Did you recognize the scent of the male?” he asked.

  “No. It could only be her brother or one of his colleagues. The scent was definitely human and not were,” Devon growled. “How far are we from the turnoff?”

  “Two miles,” Jake pushed the accelerator flat to the floor.

  Jake slowed the truck when he got to the turn, and hit the gas again after the bend. The black rubber marks on the road up ahead made his gut clench with fear. He slowed the truck and howled with pain when he saw the metal and rubber strewn about. The sight of a black car in a ditch on its roof was nearly his undoing. He stopped the truck, turned off the ignition, and was out of the driver’s seat in seconds.

  “The male is over there. He’s dead. Looks like he went through the windscreen,” Devon pointed out as he joined his brother.

  “Fuck, she’s still in there, Dev. We have to get her out,” Jake said, hearing the anguish in his own voice.

  Jake pulled on the driver’s side door of the black sedan and wrenched it off the car. He threw it away and knelt down. The sight of Keira’s bruised, bloody body and pale face made his wolf push against him. He reached in and checked for a pulse, his body slumping in relief when he felt it beating in her neck. He crawled into the car underneath her, wrapped his arm around her waist, and released the seat belt. He was careful that she didn’t flop and fall into his arms. He eased her body down onto his and slowly crawled from the wreck. He was grateful when he felt Devon wrap his hands around his ankles and pull him free with Keira lying on top of him.

  “I’ve called the paramedics,” Devon stated as he helped Jake turn Keira onto her side.

  Jake stilled on his knees above her when she moaned, but she didn’t open her eyes. He could smell blood all over her and began to search for wounds. He let one of his claws elongate, and he sliced her shirt away. He found the gunshot wound on her shoulder and checked to see if the bullet was still in her body. There was an exit wound, and he was glad the bullet had gone right through her. He pulled his T-shirt off and tied it tightly around her, trying to stem the flow of blood. Once done, he checked the rest of her body. She had small cuts and abrasions as well as bruises. The biggest bruises were on her left shoulder and between her breasts from where the seatbelt had held her into the car. There was a large bruise and lump on her left temple, which he knew was the cause of her still being unconscious.

  Jake turned his head when he heard tires squealing on the asphalt and looked up to see Greg pulling up in his truck. His brother ran over to them and knelt down at Keira’s side. He looked up into Greg’s gaze and saw moisture in his eyes.

  “She’s alive. The paramedics are on their way,” Jake stated, trying to ease his brother’s anguish.

  Jake watched as Greg threw his head back and howled. The sound had chills racing up and down his own spine because he had sounded just like his brother a bit earlier. Fur erupted on Greg’s arms, and he knew his brother was out of control. He had to get Greg settled because he could hear the sirens in the distance. The last thing they needed was for the h
umans to find out about their kind. He grabbed his brother by the shoulders and shook him.

  “You can’t do this, Greg. You have to keep it together for Keira,” Jake said. “Come on, man, the paramedics will be here any moment.”

  Jake watched as his oldest brother breathed heavily, struggling with his wolf. He saw when his brother won the battle against his wolf. His brother’s eyes changed from gold to brown, and his fur receded back under his skin. He was just in time.

  The paramedics were at their side moments later. The two men checked Keira over and then slid a large needle into the back of her hand, hooking her up to a saline solution. They slid a backboard beneath her and then transferred her to the mobile stretcher. They wheeled her to the back of the ambulance and slid her in.

  Chapter Twelve

  Devon paced the waiting room outside the emergency theater. They had wheeled Keira away behind those double doors, and he had been pacing impatiently ever since. The sight of her pale, bruised face as she had disappeared from his view made his heart clench with fear and sorrow. He hoped to never see his mate looking so weak and fragile again. He had been waiting for over two hours now, and he wanted to go bursting through those doors and get some answers. He looked up and down the hallway when he scented his brothers. He could see the anxiety on Greg’s and Jake’s faces and wanted to be able to tell them some news, but he didn’t know anything himself. Just as they got to his side, the double doors to the theater opened to admit a small woman who didn’t look old enough to be practicing medicine.

  “Are you with Keira O’Lachlan?” the small woman asked.

  “Yes. How is she?” Devon asked.

  “She is fine. She has remarkable healing capabilities. The gunshot wound has closed and is healing rapidly. Would you know the reason for this miracle?”

  Devon wasn’t sure how to answer. He looked at his brothers and back to the young doctor again. Greg move forward from the corner of his eye until he stood in front of the woman.

  “If I tell you, you will have to keep it a secret. The last thing we need is the government or the medical profession coming after us,” Greg replied.

  “How about you all follow me to my office? I’m Dr. Charity Stoner,” Dr. Stoner said.

  “Keira was shot in the shoulder and even though the bullet went straight through there was a lot of tissue and ligament damage. The bleeding has stopped and the arteries and veins have closed. I disinfected her shoulder and gave her a shot of antibiotics to stave off infection, but from what you have told me I don’t think we have anything to worry about. She lost quite a bit of blood, but I didn’t need to transfuse her. She has a large contusion on her left temple, which is my biggest worry. She hasn’t regained consciousness, and the longer she stays out the more there is to worry over. If she isn’t awake within the next hour, I will have to inject dye into her body and have an MRI scan done on her brain. If her brain is swollen and bruised it could mean she has brain damage, but we won’t know for sure until she’s awake.”

  “Fuck it. If that bastard wasn’t already dead, I’d kill him myself.” Jake growled.

  “I’d like to know what happened to Keira if you have the time to explain,” Dr. Stoner said.

  Dr. Stoner’s pager beeped, and she tilted it up then smiled at them.

  “Keira has just regained consciousness,” Dr. Stoner said. “I’m sure you’d like to see her.”

  Devon and his brothers followed Dr. Stoner from her office down the corridor and into a curtained-off cubicle. The sight of their mate trying to reach for a cup of water was the best thing Devon had seen all day. He rushed over to the table and picked up the cup. He sat on the side of the bed, slid an arm beneath her shoulders, and supported her weight as he held the cup to her lips. She took a few sips, and then he helped to ease her back down to the pillows.

  “Keira, I’m glad to see you awake. I’m Dr. Charity Stoner and have been looking after you. Do you remember what happened?”

  “David, he kidnapped me at gunpoint. He was taking me to the airport outside of Farmington. I crashed the car,” Keira whispered.

  Devon saw the tears in Keira’s eyes, and from the glazed look and sluggish pupils, he knew she had to have one hell of a headache. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed the top of her head.

  “You’re safe now, sweetness. He won’t be bothering you anymore,” Devon stated, his throat tight with emotion.

  “He’s dead, isn’t he? I killed my own brother,” Keira whispered and began to cry. The sound of her sniffling and sobbing had moisture gathering in Devon’s eyes. He looked to his brothers and saw they were in the same condition as he was.

  “I’ll leave you to comfort your mate. I still want to hear what happened from you all one day real soon,” Dr. Stoner said to Devon and his brothers and then left the room. She popped her head back around the curtain a moment later and smiled. “Keira is going to be just fine.”

  Devon closed his eyes and inhaled Keira’s familiar sweet scent as he picked her up into his arms and rocked her as she cried. Once she was done with her tears, she slumped down against him and drifted off to sleep. He would tell her when she was awake later that she didn’t have an option about David. It had been a choice of her brother or her, and he was glad she had chosen to keep herself alive.

  Devon and his brothers sat at Keira’s bedside for the next twenty-four hours. She drifted in and out of sleep as the swelling on her brain slowly lessened. They were eager to get her home and back in their bed where she belonged, and Dr. Stoner had said they would be able to take her home today.

  By the time Keira woke, the sun streamed in the windows. Devon had been glad his Alphas and Michelle had popped in for a visit last night to see how Keira was, and he was thankful Michelle had brought some of Keira’s clothes with her. He was eager to get out into the fresh air and away from the smells of the vomit and the clinical disinfectant used in the hospital.

  Keira was sitting up now, and she had a healthy rosy glow back in her cheeks. The bruise and knot on her temple had diminished, but he could still see by her eyes she was in a little pain. When she flung the cotton blanket aside and moved her legs over the edge of her bed, he and his brothers were at her side in an instant.

  “What are you doing, sweetness?” Devon asked as he took hold of her hand.

  “I need to use the bathroom and then I am going to shower,” Keira replied.

  “Let me help you, baby,” Greg stated as he scooped her up into his arms.

  “No. Put me down, Greg. I can do this myself.”

  “I know you can, Keira. Just humor me, okay? I need to feel you in my arms and take care of you for a bit,” Greg stated.

  Devon bit back a smile as he heard Keira sigh with resignation. He knew their mate was itching to give Greg a mouthful, but she closed her mouth, her lips in a thin line as she held her tongue. Yep, their little mate was going to be just fine.

  * * * *

  Devon was in the backseat of Greg’s truck with Keira. He had her snuggled up against his side and wasn’t about to let her pull away anytime soon. To have her in his arms, her scent in his nostrils, and the heat of her body against his after such a scare was pure heaven. He knew his brothers wanted to be in the back with their mate as well, because Greg kept glancing at her from the rearview mirror and Jake kept turning around to check on her.

  He had his arm wrapped around her shoulders, her head was resting on his chest, and she was sound asleep. No matter what she said, Keira still wasn’t fully recovered from her ordeal. As soon as they got her home, he was going to carry her up to their suite of rooms and tuck her into bed so she could rest. Keira stirred when Greg slowed the truck and pulled into the driveway of the pack house. She lifted her head from his chest with a yawn and stretched.

  “Are we home already?” Keira asked.

  “Yeah, sweetness. How do you feel?” Devon asked.

  “Tired. I would love a bath though.”

  “You can have anything you want, ba
by. We’ll have you settled in no time,” Greg called from the front.

  “I just need a bath. My muscles are still a little sore,” Keira stated.

  “We’ll give you a massage after your bath. That should help relieve some of the soreness,” Jake said.

  “You don’t have to…” Keira began.

  “We know we don’t have to, sweetheart, we want to. We like taking care of you. It makes us feel good,” Devon said with a gentle smile.

  “Well, in that case, I would love a massage,” Keira replied.

  Devon gave Keira another hug and scooped her up onto his lap as Greg pulled the car into the carport. He was out of the truck and on his way through the door to the house before she could protest.

  “You don’t have to carry me,” Keira protested halfheartedly, wrapping her arms around his neck.

  “I like carrying you,” Devon replied and continued right on up the stairs to their rooms and into the bathroom, his brothers following behind.

  Devon sat her on his lap while Greg ran the bath, and he began removing her clothes with the help of his brothers. When Keira was naked, Devon handed her over to Greg and began to strip off his clothes. He climbed into the tub and took her back into his arms, settling down in the hot water while his brothers removed their clothes. He picked up some bath gel, squirted it onto a cloth, and began to wash his mate. The sound of her sighs as he ran the cloth over her body made his dick jump and twitch with interest, and even though he couldn’t control his unruly cock around his mate, he knew she wasn’t up to any loving. She was still recovering.

  Devon’s brothers slipped into the water, and they surrounded Keira. They each washed her, needing to touch her and to reaffirm to themselves and their wolves that their mate was safe and well. Once they were done, Jake climbed from the tub first and dried off. He slipped from the room carrying a large towel and a bottle of massage oil. He was back in moments, and Devon passed Keira over to him as he and Greg got out to dry off, too.


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