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Piper Dreams: Dream it, Seize it, Live it. (Dreams Series Book 1)

Page 18

by Duncan, Amélie S.

  She rolled her eyes but ate more from her plate. They each took a bite from each other’s.

  I tried a bit of theirs too. Once we were done, Piper grinned at the three dishes of ice cream. I went back to the bed. Seren followed. Lying down next to me, she flipped to the movie selection and pressed start. “We’ll watch action tonight for Brody.”

  I patted her leg. “Thank you.” I looked over at Piper, who was watching us.

  “We need to eat the ice cream before it melts,” Piper declared.

  She handed one to Seren, who actually finished it after all of her dinner. I was very pleased.

  I held out my hand for Piper to come back to me, and she took it and moved back between my legs like that was her spot. I lifted her hair and kissed the back of her neck, and she snuggled back against me. The movie started, and I ate a few bites of the ice cream before handing it over to the two of them who happily devoured the rest. Seren, to my surprise, got up and put the dishes on the cart and wheeled the tray out.

  “I can do it; you just do it before I can,” she said to my astonished face.

  I chuckled and rested back with the two of them now snuggled up on me. I was tense but noticed no animosity between them. So I eased and watched the movie. As it went on, I found myself drifting off and before I knew it I was completely asleep.

  I woke in the dark with Seren and Piper still on either side of me. Piper, snoring softly, and Seren curled up in a ball. Both on top of the covers. I smiled and took off Seren’s wig and eased her under the covers. I then did the same to Piper. She whined a little but returned to her sleeping state. I kissed their foreheads, then slowly got up from the bed and grabbed my jacket. I looked over at the two women. If only life could be this easy with the four of us. But I knew better. This journey had a finish line, and we were closing in on it. Piper wouldn’t be with us.

  The night air was hot and humid, and my jacket wasn’t necessary, but that wasn’t the reason I brought it out in the first place. Leaning my back against the door, I pulled out my one hundred and ninety-two-days old cigarette pack. I’d taken the pack out every day since leaving Colorado. But it dawned on me that I hadn’t taken it out for a week. Had it been a week? So much had changed. I wasn’t thinking about the past. I was thinking about the present with Piper. The two of us had the present, but we had no future. And I needed to remind myself of just that. So I continued my ritual. However, this time, the pack didn’t come out by itself. The picture behind it came out too. Of the one that I didn’t even get to know, but that changed everything between Mia and me. Why the hell was I still carrying it around? I scolded myself. Yet, I was immediately on my knees scrambling against the wind that picked up and took it from my hands. I caught it just in time before it blew out of my life forever. No, I wasn’t ready to let go of my past. I needed to focus on my future with Seren and Cole. They’d come for me last time and were still there now. They were my family.

  I took a deep breath, and put the pack back in its place and went back into the hotel room. This time, I bypassed the shared bed and went to the adjacent room where I stretched out to sleep alone. Where I belonged. I was half asleep when the bed dipped and a soft body pressed against my front.

  “Brody. Are you asleep?”

  I should have told her to go, but I was weak and kept my mouth shut. I guess I was curious, wondering what she would do. She kissed me tenderly on the lips then curled up on my chest and went on back to sleep. My heart smiled. My Sprite. She just wouldn’t stay away. She was green. Maybe she hadn’t known love and loss yet. I hoped that wouldn’t come from me.

  I’M JUMPING OUT of a plane today was the second thing that crossed my mind when I woke up this morning. The first was Brody half carrying me to the shower because I was slow getting up. He was wearing only his low hanging jeans, looking all kinds of yum.

  “Hey,” I complained as he freed me of my tank top and shorts. My disappointment, hanging in the air between us. I turned on the shower and washed myself. Had I already lost my appeal? He didn’t even move a muscle to climb in with me or touch me.

  “We’ll be alone in Lake Forest,” he said as if plucking the thought from my mind.

  “Fiona told me all about the trip,” I said. My tone was casual, but the subject anything but.

  “The orgy part?” he questioned, foaming up his beard.

  “You knew! Why didn’t you tell me?” I was a bit too loud for the small space.

  “I told Fiona she would have to tell you and you could decide if you wanted to participate,” he responded.

  “Oh. I told her I don’t know. I didn’t want to upset her. She was nervous enough. Have you ever been in an orgy?” I asked.

  “Yeah. I have,” he replied as if it was nothing.

  Did he like all that? I opened the sliding door enough to peer over at the sink where he was shaving. He had a gorgeous face and well-toned body. I could imagine many women lining up to get a chance to have sex with him. My brow puckered as a twinge of jealousy reared up. I realized then I didn’t want to think about anyone touching him but me. “Do you like orgies?”

  “No, orgies are not my scene,” he answered.

  I let go of the breath I had trapped in my lungs. “Good. But why did you do it before?” I asked rinsing off.

  “Cole was really into them, and I tagged along for the fun. Is that something you want to try?” he asked. His tone had an edge. Perhaps I’m not the only one jealous.

  “Well, I don’t want anyone touching me, but you, and I don’t want to watch someone touch you. So I guess that means no,” I chattered.

  Stepping out of the shower, I found him holding the towel open for me to dry off. His gaze was smoldering when he was looking at me now, and my ego rose.

  “If we do go, that is all that will happen,” he said. He dried me off, and then kissed me. His hands, caressing my breasts and ass. I opened my thighs. That was where I wanted him. Dropping to his knees, he parted my sex with his thumbs and sucked on my clit, catapulting me right on the verge of climax.

  “God, Brody,” I moaned.

  “Damn, you taste good,” he said and grabbed my ass cheeks, pulling me on his face as he lapped and sucked on my pussy. I held on to his head as I rocked my hips; so lost in the pure ecstasy of his mouth lapping and stroking my sensitive flesh. It felt so good I wanted to keep it going, but he stroked me just right. My whole body shivered as I fell apart, giving in to the climax. He stood, bent me over the sink and stilled, panting against my back. I could feel his long, thick erection at my back. I was more than ready to face him. Sucking my neck, he lifted me up and pushed his cock in.

  “Oh, Piper,” he moaned; his hands, digging into my hips.

  He got his rhythm, his pace inside me. I felt a hot burst of bliss with every glide, my orgasm building again. The coiling deep, tightening the walls of my sex. He flexed his hips in and swirled his cock. Touching places he hadn’t already caressed, sparking off fires that had me clenching harder moving with him. I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip hard to suppress the moan, but he pulled back and slammed in harder, and I moaned loudly. Every thrust hotter than the one before. Every push a promise, leading right to an earth moving orgasm that was building between my thighs. His fingers reached down the front of my body and stroked and pinched my clit until I came hard. My pussy was still rippling with the sparks and spasms from my climax. He groaned on every roll of his hips as he plunged in deep and I orgasmed. He followed me this time. His legs, trembling. Nothing more perfect than him so close to me. I whimpered when we broke apart and kissed.

  A rap sounded on the door.

  “I waited this time, but breakfast is here, and we need to get there and back in time for Cole to call,” Seren babbled. We needed to get going.

  Brody cleaned us up then we went into the bedroom and changed. I put on a pair of sweatpants, a t-shirt, fleece, and sneakers.

  I frowned at my outfit. “They said to dress in loose fitting, casual wear.”

sp; “You still look beautiful,” Brody said.

  “Not as good as you,” I said looking over at him. He had put back on his jeans and added a printed t-shirt.

  “I wear jeans and t-shirts every day,” Brody said.

  “I like the way you dress,” I replied. I liked everything about him.

  He gave me a broad smile. “Come on, we should get going.”

  We ate the sunrise breakfast Seren ordered and left the room and went over to the bikes where everyone else was already set to go.

  The rain had passed, leaving a heat wave. I was sweating before I even made it to Brody’s bike. And of course, he was handing me the leather coat and helmet. I had a sheen of sweat covering me by the time we arrived at the Ohio Skydiving terminal. I had been placed on standby; if they were able to get someone to jump with me, they would. When we arrived, I couldn’t help but get caught up in the buzz around the terminal. Groups of people holding mini-celebrations of their jumps, with their family and friends. Although when I looked at the accident/death release forms, I was nervous again. Then again, I had signed as much on renting waverunners with Jorge when we went to the beach some summers. There was no doubt there was danger involved in this extreme sport. Everyone was quiet as we changed into the gear that fitted over our clothing. I supposed they were focused on thoughts of their skydives. Would this have made my bucket list? I thought on it as we waited for our short training. It didn’t take long before male and female staff members, geared up, walked with a bounce in their steps up to our group and greeted us.

  “Hey, I’m Sam, and this is Chelsea,” Sam said with a watted smile as he motioned for Chelsea, who waved enthusiastically. “Welcome to your tandem training and jump. Who’s pumped for their jump today?”

  I imagined jumping out of a plane would have to be a rush that you’d have to be pumped up for. Seren and Zack were and gave mighty woots at their delight.

  Fiona clapped. Riley smirked. The rest of us stared.

  “Who’s Piper?” Chelsea asked.

  I raised my hand.

  “You get to jump with me!” Chelsea exclaimed.

  “Uhm, Great,” I said, trying to match her keenness. Brody tugged on my ponytail though he was Seren’s buddy today. Jay was standing by me.

  “It’ll be fun,” Jay said to me.

  “I know I’ll regret it if I don’t try,” I said, and he patted my shoulder. I didn’t look over to Brody, but I felt his hand on my back. He was multitasking.

  Sam went over the parts of the gear and the safety checks and how to fall. “We jump from a little over ten thousand feet; that’s about two miles high. Our parachutes deploy at five thousand feet. We fall about a thousand feet a minute,” he said.

  “We free fall. Times vary by weight. You’ll feel what we call a relative wind passing by you fast. You will exit the airplane with your staff member secured to you. The first parachute will open during the fall, and then we will release the second that will bring you back to land. That will take about another six minutes,” Chelsea said.

  “It really goes by fast, but you’ll remember it for a lifetime. Any questions?” Sam asked.

  “How long will the whole experience last?” Fiona asked.

  “The longest part is the climb to altitude. It takes about twenty minutes. Your freefall lasts approximately thirty-five seconds, and you will fly your parachute for six to seven minutes,” Chelsea answered.

  “Will we be able to talk?” Riley asked.

  “Talking won’t be easy. So be sure to listen and follow your staff member. They will go over our checks and fall advice again on the plane,” Chelsea answered.

  What does it feel like?” Seren asked.

  “I’ve done over five hundred jumps, and each one is indescribable, but you’ll find out today,” Sam trilled and winked at her.

  “I want you for my tandem jump,” Zack said.

  “I’ve got,” he paused to look at Chelsea’s list. “Brody.”

  “He’s the guy with all the luck,” Jay mused.

  “We are around for more questions. The camera is fastened to our wrist. We will be able to capture each one of your flights,” Chelsea said.

  Sam took off a portable radio. “We’re ready? Alright.”

  “The rest of our staff are coming in, and we will be leaving in ten minutes,” Sam announced.

  My heart jumped in my throat, and Brody came and rubbed my arms. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m nervous,” I admitted. He took my hand and held it until we were all paired up with our staffers. We walked out on the tarmac and over to the two-engine plane with the company emblem emblazed on its side.

  “Do you want to be first or last?” Chelsea offered.

  “Last,” I gulped.

  “It’s safe, and a lot of fun,” Chelsea reassured as we walked up the short flight and headed to the back. Once there she fastened me tightly to her, and I sat practically on her in the low seats. We all packed in, in similar states. Seren was already laughing and bonding with her instructor. Fiona, asking a million questions of hers. Doc and his male jump partner were silent, while Zack was making his, laugh. Riley, Jay, and I sat quietly. My nerves on end as Brody got secured in last, to Sam. They were taking the first seat and jump. “I’ll see you all on the ground,” he said looking directly at me.

  I nodded.

  “Your boyfriend?” Chelsea asked.

  I shook my head.

  “Might be after this flight,” she said and squeezed my arms.

  “I’d be happy with a kiss,” I said grinning at the thought of Brody sweeping me up and carrying me away like a romance novel. The plane started taxiing down the short runway. The door was open, and I was sure we would all go flying out. The takeoff was rockier than any domestic flight I had experienced before, making every hair on my body stand at attention as we lifted higher into the air. Chelsea placing her hand on my arms had alleviated some of my fear as well as talking in my ear about the safety instructions. The plane slowed, and I felt my heart contract as Sam moved Brody and him to the opening.

  “See you in a few everyone,” Sam said. Brody saluted, and they went out. Seren gave us the thumbs up and went out without another glance back. Zack had to be told to wait, and then he jumped out. I felt sweat break out over my body as I watched Doc, Fiona, and Riley go, leaving only me and Jay to jump. I started breathing hard; tears falling down my face.

  “I don’t think I can do this,” I cried.

  Jay’s jump instructor moved him to the opening, and he held on the bar above the door. He turned his head towards me and yelled. “You’ll be fine. It goes quickly, and it’s safe.” Jay left.

  Chelsea had moved us up, and the opening seemed larger now. I was sure we would be sucked out any second. Tears of fright started to all again.

  “It’s now or never, Piper,” Chelsea said. “You want to fly back down?”

  Did I? I shook my head. No. Skydiving was something I wanted to do and at that moment, I added it to my own bucket list. My knees wobbled, but still I went with her as she moved us before the opening. The wind blew around us fast. I crossed my arms in front of me. Oh my God! My heart was hammering against my rib cage. Chelsea didn’t say another word, just moved us out of the plane. We were airborne. My scream got lost in the wind. Oh my god. This was really happening! A million sensations went through my body faster than I could catch up as we were suspended in air. I curled my legs and held my arms out as I’d been taught. My heart was jumping in my throat as thoughts raced through my head, and I looked down at the ground, so far beneath us. Chelsea got me to give the thumbs up as we floated fast toward the ground. What if the parachute didn’t open before we hit the ground? We were speeding through the air so quickly, I didn’t have time to think of an answer. I wasn’t in control. I could only go. I could only be. And maybe that was enough. Before I knew it, she pulled the ripcord for the parachute. My feet pointed downward now with Chelsea still firmly attached to me as we soared across the sky. We were
going to be okay. Wiping my eyes, I stared down at the grid-like outline of the terrain below us as we continued our descent. I wished I could go back and do the freefall again, but our skydive was over. We were sailing towards the ground. I gazed over the blue skies and beauty of the greenery below us. It truly was an experience of a lifetime. Gravity pulled us quickly to the ground. Luckily I remembered to put my legs out in front of me. I took some deep breaths once we landed on the grass and waited as Chelsea detached herself and helped me to my feet.

  “How was that? I know you were nervous at first,” she asked.

  “I did it! I jumped out of a moving airplane!” I screamed.

  She laughed and high-fived me. Even though I was embarrassed at my reaction on the plane, I did it. Me. Piper Rowe did it!

  “It was amazing. Thank you,” I enthused. I was a bit jittery on my feet but recovered enough to get on the golf cart. She climbed in next to me, and we moved towards the terminal.

  “Are we the last one’s back?” I asked.

  “Yes. Everyone got back safe,” she said, and I relaxed through the short ride back. When I got off and walked in I was immediately swept up in Brody’s arms. He was checking me over.

  “Jay said you were scared and crying,” he said.

  “I was, but wow I did it. It was so . . . Wow! I can hardly believe it!” I said enthusiastically.

  “I’m happy you enjoyed it,” he said.

  “How was it for you?” I asked.

  “It was indescribable,” he said and kissed my lips and stroked over my cheeks. “We’ll get you something to eat, and you can relax.” He was still fussing over me, taking off my suit for me. I enjoyed his care just as much as the flight.

  “Nice to meet you, Piper,” Chelsea called out. She raised her brows at us, and I laughed. Well, there was the extra attention, and I wasn’t above soaking it up.

  Brody took my key and went over to collect my camera, and we took a couple of group photos before we left for the hotel.

  “We should get some more group photos,” Zack said, running over to a random passer.


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