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Her ToyBear

Page 15

by Bonnie Burrows

  “It won’t happen again, Jen. When there’s a surprise, a slip, it usually just happens one time. I’m not gonna slip again.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  Jennifer pondered this, considering carefully. “Perhaps,” she said, “there’s something we can do to make certain it doesn’t happen again.”

  “What? How?”

  “Well…you seem to have a need to change during this time. It’s something you have to do. So what if, to prevent you from slipping, we do something to satisfy your need?”

  Wesley was truly curious now. “What have you got in mind?”

  Jennifer straightened up on the bench, and Wesley took away his arm, still keeping his attention on her. “Something obvious,” she said. Standing up from the bench again, she held out her hand to him. “Come, Wesley,” she told him. “We are going back to the penthouse.”

  Eagerly, he leapt from the bench and took her hand. “To bed?” he asked.

  “You’ll see,” Jennifer replied.

  And quickly, the artist and the werebear walked out of the park and back to the street, where Jennifer’s home awaited them a few blocks away.


  “Take off your clothes,” Jennifer told him.

  They were back where they’d started: in her studio. Jennifer had Wesley standing on the tarps in front of the futon once again. She crossed the room to her easel and table and set up her pad and supplies while he quickly stripped off his clothing and tossed it away to one side, eager to show her what he wanted to give her again. The second his briefs were off, Wesley’s pole quickly sprang into view and took its full erection. Jennifer seated herself at the easel and looked appreciatively at the nude perfection that she had so missed, even in the depths of her confusion and fear. With an approving smile, she said, “That’s good.” My beautiful, perfect boy, that is so good. “Now…change.”

  He blinked at her, startled at the request. “Change?”

  “Yes,” she said with certainty. “Go ahead. Change. Show me the bear.”

  Wesley gulped, as amazed as he was aroused. After all the hours and nights he had spent despairing of Jennifer ever wanting to see him again as his human self, he was totally unprepared for her wanting to see again what he’d become in her bed. Her face bore no hint of the terror that she’d shown him then. She was perfectly calm. Or no, not exactly calm. She was expectant. Anticipating. He gulped again and felt the blood rushing down to make him even stiffer where it counted. “You’re sure?” he asked.

  “I’m sure. Go on. Show me.”

  He took a breath and shut his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, the contours of every part of his body began to change. Head, shoulders, arms, legs—everything melted and morphed from the form of a young man to something else. Black hair broke out all over the morphing shape in the studio. Hands and feet became massive paws with savage talons.

  The human face became a snout covered with black fur, crowned by a broad black nose. Ears disappeared and returned in a different shape and a different place atop the head. Standing on hind legs, the transformed Wesley made a noise that was both a growl and a whine, staring over at Jennifer through the eyes of a bear.

  Jennifer sat with a charcoal in her hand, transfixed and mesmerized at the metamorphosis before her. For long, incredulous moments, she simply could not move. She could only stare at the animal that now occupied the space where her young lover had stood only moments ago and try to convince herself that she had actually seen what had happened in front of her.

  Wesley gave another long whining, growling noise, holding up his mighty forepaws, showing those frightful talons, but making no gesture of threat or menace. He almost seemed to be pleading with her again: Jennifer, don’t be scared.

  It was all that Jennifer could do to say, “Oh, Wesley…”

  She took in a startled breath as Wesley lowered himself onto all fours and stood there, calmly, as if to ask her what she wanted him to do next. Blinking, shaking her head, forcing herself to concentrate, and fighting her way past what she now had to admit was not impossible, Jennifer asked, “You can really understand me when you’re this way?”

  Making that same noise, Wesley shook his own head at her.

  “Oh my God,” she half-whispered. Again fighting for her concentration, she said, “All right…all right, then. Can you just stay that way and let me start some rough sketches?”

  He shook his head and vocalized again, and with an effort, Jennifer began. She brought her charcoal to her pad and started to block in the shapes and contours of the bear’s body.

  The pure wonderment of having seen Wesley shift from a human body to an animal form right there in her studio quickly took over. Heart pumping fast and adrenaline rushing, Jennifer sketched and drew him every way she could think of. An almost giddy feeling washed over her as an actual bear that was truly the young man who had shared her bed did all the things she asked. He turned around and let her draw him standing on all fours at different angles. He stood up and turned around again, letting her capture him on paper that way as well.

  He sat comically on his hind quarters like a performing bear in a circus, holding up his forepaws, and she drew him in that position. He lay himself down on his side, and she sketched his black-furred Ursan frame lying on the tarps. The pages of her sketch pad flew by. She wore down one charcoal stick and started another.

  Her giddy feeling persisted. Somewhere in the midst of it, she felt herself smiling and sensed laughter welling up inside her. Jennifer did not know whether to call the experience unreal or surreal. But it was happening. The drawings on her pads were truly rendering a bear in her penthouse.

  Finally, she settled back in her chair and put down her charcoal, admiring the last drawing she had completed. And she let a little laugh bubble up from somewhere deep inside her. “Oh, this is so fantastic,” she said. “This is just so fantastic.”

  Wesley lifted up his bear head from where he lay on the tarp and growl-whined at her, the first sound he had made since the session began. Jennifer said, “Change back and come on over.”

  She watched the bear move up onto all fours and felt the same wonderment surge through her at seeing the reversal of his transformation: the disappearance of the body of black fur and the morphing of all his parts back to what they had been. In a moment, he was again the most beautiful young human lad she had ever seen, crouching naked in her studio.

  Wesley walked over to the boxes arranged near the futon, took a towel from one of them, and wrapped it around himself. Then he joined her at the easel. He leaned over the back of Jennifer’s chair and let her flip through the pad and show him everything she had just drawn: sketches of his bear head and bear claws and bear body from all the different angles he had given her. For all that she had made the charcoal fly over the paper, Jennifer had drawn him with perfect accuracy and perfect detail.

  “Wow,” Wesley said. “Jen, these are…these are…” Words failed him. He simply repeated, “Wow, Jen…”

  “You like them, then?”

  “Like them? Jennifer, I think you draw me as great like that as you draw me as a human. I’ve never seen myself like this. I’ve looked at myself like this, in the water where I’d go swimming or fishing back home, or sometimes in the mirror when I was by myself. But I’ve never seen myself like this. You did something with me that looks like…like you weren’t drawing an animal. It looks like you were kind of…I don’t know, drawing my soul.”

  She looked up at him. The sweetness on his face was infinite. It was almost as if she were seeing all the affection in his eyes for the very first time. And she wondered, even in the midst of the shock of discovering what he really was, how she could ever have feared this precious boy, this beautiful and incredibly loving young man. This was no monster at her side. This was the sweetest creature in all the world.

  “That’s a lovely thing to say, Wesley,” she told him.

  “It’s a lovel
y thing to do, Jen,” he replied. Then he leaned in a little closer. “Jennifer…I feel like nobody’s ever known me or understood me like you do. Especially now, since you were willing to meet me again and let me explain. And since…maybe you forgive me for keeping it from you. Jennifer, can you really find it in your heart to forgive me?”

  One tear rolled from Jennifer’s eye down her cheek. Her voice cracked. “Yes, Wesley. Yes, my sweet boy. I forgive you. I understand. I’m sorry I was so frightened.”

  “You’ve got nothing to be sorry for, Jen. Scared was all you could be. I get that. But now that you’ve had me like this in front of you and drawn me like this… Jen, you know now I’d never, ever hurt you. Ever.”

  “I know,” she said simply.

  He dropped down to one knee beside her seat and took her by the hand with which she’d drawn him. He kissed her hand, then held it against the muscular plateau of his exquisitely hairy chest. Never taking his eyes from hers, he said, “Then, Jennifer, please… Please, can I have sex with you again? Please, I’ve never wanted anything so much in my life. I just want to be inside you and feel us together. Let me have sex with you, Jen. Please.”

  Gently, she took her hand from his chest and moved it to his face. She caressed his cheek and softly said, “Take off the towel and come here, my sweet darling boy.”

  In an instant, the towel was on the floor at Wesley’s feet, and he moved forward to embrace her lips with his and slip his tongue into her mouth. She kissed him back, hungrily, and moved her hands along his neck, shoulders, and upper arms while he hurriedly undid her blouse and slipped her bra out from under it. Wesley cupped her breasts while feeding her his tongue, and they began to discover each other’s bodies once more.

  In a blur, Jennifer’s clothes were strewn around the chair and the easel, and he lifted her from the seat and carried her over to the futon. He stretched her out naked on it and climbed onto it with her. He spread her legs apart and wrapped them around his hips. Without hesitation, he aimed his straining, needy member into an opening far more inviting than any cave where any bear had ever been, and eased his length inside her.

  Jennifer cried out with feelings that she did not know how she could ever have wanted to deny herself, while Wesley came down on top of her and pumped in and out of her. Into every thrust and penetration, he put all of the need and desire—and desperation—that he had felt since the morning when she ran and hid from him. He pumped her as if to beg her never to run from him again. And as she tightened her arms and legs around him to receive the wondrous strokes of his shaft, he believed she never would.

  Wesley pumped her fast and deep, screwing away all the sorrow that he’d felt at almost losing her, then slowed down and stroked in and out of her deliberately, tenderly, letting her savor the way he stretched and filled her channel even as he savored her tightness and wetness enclosing his throbbing tool.

  He wanted to make this reunion sex go on as long as he could, to make the two of them one again. Jennifer took his mouth in long, moist kisses of instinctive understanding, echoing his need with her own. Eventually, he couldn’t go slowly any longer. He sped up and began to hammer her with thundering blows that struck hard against her mound and made tremors of ecstasy go through both their bodies.

  Their cries of unbridled pleasure reached up to the ceiling of the studio. Wesley’s moment hit him, and he almost screamed, ‘Oh Jen, YEAH…UUUHHH…!” And he released a waterfall of seed into her womb. She whimpered under him, feeling his climax rumble through his body and hers.

  He continued beating in and out of her until he had no erection left. Reluctantly, he pulled out and climbed down Jennifer’s body, kissing her breasts and licking her nipples and stomach as he went, until he came to where he had poured his seed.

  He took the tip of his tongue to her womanly love handle, alternately stroking and teasing wetly at it, and slipping his tongue where his tool had been to lap up the mixture of her juice and his man-milk, until a vibrating crescendo welled up in Jennifer’s loins and spread magnificently through her body, making her feel as if she were leaping out of her own skin with her climax.

  Sensing that he had satisfied her as well as himself, Wesley climbed back up the futon, wrapped her up in his muscular, hairy body, and held her there, lying like spoons.

  With a well-sated sigh, Jennifer said, “You do everything so perfectly every time. It’s all perfect. That last part, going down on me the way you did… Oh, Wesley, you are so very good at that.”

  Breathing warmly on her shoulder, Wesley replied, “Yeah, well…I’m a bear, you know. We love honey.”

  Jennifer squirmed in his arms to look him in his smiling, sex-drunk face. She smiled back at him. And, unable to stop themselves, they burst into soft, sexy laughter.

  Wesley held her there, played with her breasts and her nipples, rustled his fingers through her pubes, and fondled the lips of her sex. Somewhere in that glow of afterplay, a thought occurred to Jennifer. “Wesley?” she said. “Could I ask you something?”

  “Anything,” he said back, making her tremble with the way he slid his fingers along her wet female folds.

  “It’s about how much you’re able to…perform. That is, how many times you’re able to have sex, and how long you last every time, and how much you…produce when you come. It’s just extraordinary. Is that because you’re…”

  “A werebear?” he finished for her. “Yeah, it is. Male shifters, we’ve got twice the sex drive of male humans, probably more. We can just about screw at will, and we shoot more cream than a human male. And I’ve got a hell of a lot of will for you. Everything I’ve got is yours, Jen.”

  To underscore his point, he took the finger with which he strummed and stroked at her sex and slipped it inside her, sending a shock of delight through her body and making her tense up and gasp in his arms before relaxing back into bliss. She let him probe in and out of her with one finger, then two, and squirmed and trembled deliciously at him.

  Almost feeling as if she would burst with pleasure, Jennifer felt his member stiffening and lengthening at the small of her back. She groaned, “Oh…you’re ready again, aren’t you?”

  Kissing and sucking at her neck, Wesley answered, “Hell, yeah. I was gonna take you to bed and do you some more there, but I can’t wait. I wanna do it again here first. Then in bed. All night.”

  She moved onto her back and let him mount her again. The pleasure of his renewed hard-on moving into her again filled her body and her world.


  They finally did make it to Jennifer’s bed, where she had him stretch out on the spread, his staff standing at attention for her. Jennifer feasted long and deep on his pole and his pouch, making him almost roar like his other self. They climbed under the covers, and Wesley climbed back onto her and slipped what she’d had in her mouth back into her womanhood.

  He screwed her twice, long and hard and deep each time, filling her with his thick milkiness. After that second time—their fourth time that day, with still more to look forward to, they cuddled and kissed again. At length, Jennifer rested her head on his hairy chest while he folded his arms around her, and they were still and quiet—until a new resolve came over Jennifer.

  “Wesley?” she said.

  “Yeah, Jen? You ready for it again?”

  She kissed his chest. “Yes, darling, of course,” she replied. “But first…I need to tell you something.”

  He lifted her head from his chest to look into her face. “What?” he asked, sensing something of the deepest importance on her mind.

  “I’ve decided something, Wesley. When you go back to Osborn Wood for your…‘Calling Time’…I want to go, too. I want to go with you.”

  “You do?” Wesley was stunned at the idea.

  “Yes, I do. We’re allowed, aren’t we? I mean, humans, those of us who are close to members of your people the way I am to you, the ones you trust—we must be allowed to join you for this. It’s such an important time, they’d want the
ones closest to them there. And you said there were others like you who had human lovers, human husbands and wives and children—they must be allowed to go and help you through this.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, they are. My folks will be there. And the others having their calling, they’re allowed to have their mates with them, even human mates. Yeah, it’s allowed. But Jen…you’re serious? This is really something you want? I mean, if you go with me, you’re gonna be, like, in our element, I guess. And you won’t know anybody. You’ll be there with strangers, and human mates are allowed, but it’s not a human thing. You know what I mean?”

  “I know what you mean. And I remember what you said before, about some of you sometimes—rarely, but sometimes—not coming back from it. Wesley, if you went out there and became your other self, and went into the forest and didn’t come back, I don’t know what I’d do. I don’t know what I’d do if I never saw you again and never got to say goodbye.”

  “I’ll come back, Jen,” he said. “I promise.”


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