Book Read Free

Silent No More

Page 6

by N. E. Henderson

  “What do you mean you’ve waited too long? We’ve only known each other a little over twenty-four hours. That’s the second time you’ve said that tonight,” I say as I stand on my tiptoes kissing his neck. At the same time, going back to undoing the buckle on his belt, tugging it out of his pants.

  I, on the other hand, am in a bit of a rush. This is completely out of character for me. If I give myself too long to think about this, I may end it, and right now, that is the last thing I want to do. I’m still curious though.

  I place my heels back on the ground and look up at him waiting for an answer. He drops to his knees in front of me; his hands on my hips. He looks up at me when he responds.

  “Six months. I’ve wanted you for six long fucking months. The first time I saw you I knew I had to have you.” He starts to trail kisses all over my stomach.


  His lips feel so good against my skin.

  “Where did you see me? Here at The Cove?” I ask as he starts lowering each stocking, one at time. I don’t want to ruin the mood, but I need to know this. Why has he never said anything to me? Why have I never seen him? I would remember meeting Nick.


  I should probably be creeped out by him admitting he’s been watching me for six months, but I’m not.

  “No, my office.” He starts kissing the top of my left thigh, moving up to my hipbone, and then across my belly.

  I wrack my brain trying to think where, but I’ve been in lots of offices in the last six months. Now, he’s kissing down the other side until he reaches my right thigh. I lose my train of thought. Those damn lips of his. I run my finger through his hair. His hair is soft and feels like silk gliding through my fingers. I tug softly.

  “Woman, you are going to be the fucking end of me,” he says, hooking his thumbs into my panties, pulling them down. I step out and he tosses them off to the side.

  He stands and I pop the button on his pants open, sliding the zipper down. I push his pants to the floor. They pool around his ankles, he steps out of them while pulling me closer to him.

  I take a moment to eye him from top to bottom. He has an array of tattoos I didn’t expect. From the top of his right shoulder all the way down to his forearm, there is a wide chain cutting through flesh wrapped around. It almost looks like it’s holding him back, but from what I do not know. His left arm has even more ink. It’s almost a whole sleeve starting from his shoulder and stopping right past his elbow. There is small black script written across his left rib cage that says, ‘What’s past is prologue’. If this was any other scenario, I might laugh at the William Shakespeare quote, but it’s not, so I move my eyes along to take in the rest of him. His torso is hard and muscular. His muscles ripple down his stomach. He has that ever-so-glorious “V” shape going down into his boxer shorts that turns a woman’s mind to mush. There is more ink peeping out. It’s colorful and I can’t wait to see it. Nick reminds me of a beautiful piece of artwork standing before me.

  His lips come down, landing on my neck and blocking my view of the rest of his body. I lean my head back to give him better access. My back arches, bowing into him for a second time tonight. He has one hand on my butt and the other covering the back of my bra. Nick unhooks my strapless bra and tosses it to the side. Moving his hand from the center of my back up to the back of my neck, they then find their way into my hair. His hair tugging is slightly more aggressive than when I did it to him, but I like it. He moves his lips to my collarbone, continuing kissing my skin, tasting me, as if he can’t get enough. He tightens his hold on my hair, forcing my head further back and I bite down on my bottom lip.

  This…him…it feels incredible.

  He releases my hair, pushing me backwards until I feel the bed touch the back of my calves. I sit on the mattress looking down at his boxer briefs. The bulge he had earlier has increased in size. My eyes widen as he hooks his thumbs in the waistband pushing them down. His cock springs free and it’s large. Larger than any other I’ve ever taken. Not that I’ve taken a lot. I’ve only been with two other men sexually, one of which I don’t ever want to think about. Especially right now.

  He sees the concern on my face and smiles. “I’ll take it easy. I promise,” he says. I scoot farther back on the bed and he follows, taking his place on top of me. He straddles me as I lay back on the bed. He lowers his face, kissing me on the lips while both hands palm my breasts. My lips part; his tongue enters my mouth, tangling with mine. He pinches both nipples simultaneously, causing a moan to escape my mouth.

  He smiles and moves from my mouth to my neck, trailing gentle kisses down to my left breast. He caresses one breast while twirling his tongue around my other nipple. Parting my legs, he moves between them, continuing to trail kisses down my stomach until he reaches my hungry center.

  Oh yes, please.

  He looks up at me and then smiles, a big boyish smile as he parts the lips of my wet sex with his fingers. I throw my head back, moaning out loud when he licks up the center. His tongue moves to my clit and I grab the duvet, fisting it in both hands.

  “Oh, God!” I scream as he pushes a finger inside me, then adds another. I’m already on the edge and the man’s just started.

  “Shannon, I like that you’re so fucking wet for me,” I hear through tingles of pleasure as I cry out. He’s sucking my clit hard and I’m screaming again, thrashing my head from side to side. He continues his assault until the last of my shudders slow down; he then removes his fingers. My legs are shaking from the best orgasm of my life. Fuck, I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard, that fast.

  He crawls back up me until we are face-to-face and I’m panting. He kisses me, hard, like I’m his life raft and he’s holding on for dear life. I taste my arousal on his lips and it makes me hot and hungry for more. When he releases my mouth, I’m panting even more than when he gave me a mind-blowing orgasm.

  He presses his forehead to mine trying to slow his breathing. “I don’t have a condom,” he admits with pain in his eyes. I realize he really wants this, just as much as I do. I can feel how hard he is and I want that hardness inside me. I’ve never had sex with a guy without protection, but I don’t want this to end. Ending this now isn’t an option.

  “I’m on the pill,” I say in a low breathy voice, silently praying he doesn’t stop. I need more. I need him inside me…like now. I’m completely not thinking clearly. I’m not thinking about STDs or my health at all.

  He raises his head and looks at me. His expression surprised. “Are you sure? You don’t have to do this. We can wait.”

  “Nick, please fuck me,” I say almost begging him. He takes that as his green light. He sits up then guides himself to my entrance. Using my wetness to lube himself, he slowly presses forward until he’s a few inches inside me. He waits the length of a heartbeat before continuing. But when he does, he fills me until I’m full, full of him.

  My breath catches in my throat and pleasure washes through my body. It overwhelms me as moisture pools into my eyes. I blink the tears away, rapidly, afraid he will notice. If he does, he doesn’t say anything.

  Nice girl moment, Shannon, but I’m too caught up in the moment to feel embarrassed. That is sure to come later. He starts to move slowly at first. It’s incredible, but I want it faster. Just as the thought crosses my mind, he begins to increase his speed, and before I realize it, he’s driving into me, fervently. I fist my hands in his hair pulling hard. He grabs my ass so he can hold me in place. I feel the pressure rising up within me. I don’t remember ever having more than one orgasm in one day before. Damn, this feel good…too good to be real.

  “Give it to me, baby,” I hear him whisper into my ear, and with his command, I start falling over the edge, into a sea filled with pleasure.

  He comes almost as soon as I do, spilling himself inside me. It’s warm and like nothing I’ve ever felt before. He falls on top of me, still deep inside me. He stills himself, trying to catch his breath. Pulling out slowly, he rolls onto his
back taking a deep breath. A second later, he’s standing, and striding across the room.

  “Don’t move. I’m going to fetch a cloth to get you cleaned up,” he says, as he walks into what I assume is a bathroom. I’m content and happy as I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.


  “Wake up, beautiful.” I hear a soft soothing voice say to my left, and then I feel a dip in the bed. I’m lying on my front with my hands snuggled underneath the pillow. I’m comfortable and I don’t want to move. The sheet is pulled over my bottom, but my back is bare. Nick’s fingers feel like feathers going up and down my spine. My eyes flutter open to see him staring down at me. He’s dressed in a grey suit with a white shirt and black tie underneath his jacket. His hand comes to rest on the small of my back. His simple touch warms me.

  “I have to leave for work and I don’t have an alarm clock to set for you.” Panic washes over me, but not because I’m in a man’s bed, whom I really do not know.

  “What time is it?” I ask, panicking that I might be late for my meeting at Lockhart Publishing.

  He smiles at me. It’s warm and sweet. He leans down giving me a light kiss my cheek. “Don’t worry. It’s early. It’s six in the morning, but don’t go back to sleep.” I start to rise up, but his hand applies pressure so I can’t move. “And don’t get up until I’m gone.” My confusion must be evident on my face. “If I see any more of this beautiful skin, I’m not going to make it to work today and neither will you.” I sense he is serious so I smile and stay snuggled into the pillow as he walks out of the room.

  I hear the jingle of keys from the living room, and then a door closes. A minute later, I’m getting out of bed. I’m stunned, stopped in my tracks.

  Hanging from the knob of the top dresser drawer is my grey dress, black belt, and jacket. Sitting on top of the dresser drawer is my new white silk bra and matching panties, along with my nude stockings. My black pumps are sitting neatly on the floor next to the dresser drawer.

  “When did these get here? How did the man know what I planned to wear today?” I say out loud with one hand hovering over my mouth.

  I look around the rest of the room, neatly sitting on a soft bench in front of the window are the rest of my things that I had in my room last night.

  What the he...oh, I can’t think about this. I need a shower and I have to get ready. I turn on my heel and head to the door that I assume is the bathroom. Opening it my assumption is right and I enter walking straight to the shower and turn the water on hot. While I wait for the right temperature, I pee and brush my teeth. My toothbrush from my room has made it up here too. I guess he doesn’t want me using his.

  Rinsing the remains of my toothpaste off my toothbrush, I remember the broken mirror from last night. Now it makes more sense. They have to clean the mess up, but why didn’t he just move me to a different room?

  “Apparently, this is his hotel,” I say as I remember his orders to the big scary guy. I assume he is security at The Cove.

  Stepping into the shower, the water feels good against my skin. I’m not tired. In fact, I feel thoroughly rested. I don’t remember the last time I felt this good. Maybe I never have. Is this what great sex does to a girl? I ask myself while applying shampoo. The contents of my shower did not make it up here, so I use his shampoo and conditioner. It smells of fresh air after rain; it smells like him.

  I use his body wash and razor too. Once I rinse the conditioner out of my hair, I turn the water off and open the door, stepping out. I towel off and wrap it around my hair. Walking to the vanity, I grab body lotion and notice the small bruise on my left shoulder. The right one doesn’t have any evidence of Luke’s attack last night.

  I can’t believe he did that. He’s never acted like that in the six years I’ve known him. I need to put this out of my mind. I concentrate on applying lotion all over my body instead. It smells tropical and I love it. I walk into the bedroom to retrieve my makeup bag. It has a small container of deodorant inside that I take out and quickly apply.

  I finish up by drying my hair and applying a small amount of makeup. I hope he’s okay with me using his stuff, but I really don’t have time to dwell on it or ask him.

  Once I’m back in his room, I put my bra and panties on first, then the stockings. Grabbing for my dress on the hanger, I look it over. I guess it was nice of him to put it on a hanger. I’m sure it had a few creases from being in the bag. I really should have hung it up last night.

  Removing the hanger, I unzip the dress and step into it. I zip it up and put the black belt in place. I step into my black pumps and place my folded jacket over my arm. I’m still warm from the shower and I don’t want to put it on yet. I grab my purse and head for the living area.

  I stop at the door where I heard wood crack the previous night. There are small pieces of the door jam on the floor. It’s broken where it latches shut. I disregard this and walk through. I reach into my purse to make sure my keys and phone are there. They are so I head to the door.

  It’s 7:30 am. I have to hurry to get my portfolio from my office so I can make it to Lockhart Publishing on time. I shouldn’t have spent so long under the water in the shower, but it felt so good.

  I get into my car and drive a little over the speed limit to get to my office. This isn’t rare for me. Even when there is no fear of me being late, I still drive a little over the speed limit. I don’t do it on purpose. I just can’t stand driving at what I consider a slow pace.

  I unlock the door to my gallery and rush to the back. I grab my portfolio from the tote I left it in and hear the door chime. I know it’s not Jenny. We don’t open until 9:00 am. Walking back out front with my portfolio tucked under my arm, I see Luke closing the door.

  “Get out. Now!” I say as anger washes over my face. I can’t believe this. He has some nerve showing up here after what he pulled last night.

  “Shannon, I’m sorry. Baby, I lost control last night. I didn’t mean to act that way, but we have to talk about us. That’s all I was trying to get through to you,” he says with a solemn voice as he approaches me.

  I ignore the “baby” remark.

  “Luke,” I say as I hold my hand out to stop him from getting any closer. “I don’t have time for this. You know I have a meeting at LP this morning. Leave, Luke.” My hand is touching his chest and I push him backwards. “Now.”

  He grabs my left arm hard and I’m pulled forward into his embrace, then his lips are on mine. There is nothing tender about it, and I don’t kiss him back. Instead, I bring my knee up to meet his crotch, causing him to double over, but not before he scratches my arm beside my elbow. It hurts and I know it’s going to leave another mark.

  “Get out!” I shout. “We are over and I never want to see you again! I’ll be getting my things from the apartment tomorrow, so don’t be there when I come by!” I hiss at him.

  Luke just glares at me in disbelief, but doesn’t say anything else as he gets up and walks out the door. I wait a moment to calm myself, and then I leave too, locking the door behind me.

  I will not let this prick ruin my day.

  * * * * *

  Walking off the east elevator on the eleventh floor of the LP building, I have two minutes to spare. I’m wearing my jacket now. Not because I’m cold, but because Luke left a nasty scratch on my left arm. The same arm where there is still a small bruise. My fair, sensitive skin does not need any more damage.

  I walk up to the receptionist and she greets me with a warm sweet smile. “Hello, Miss Taylor. How are you today?” she asks.

  “Please stop calling me Miss Taylor,” I say, smiling brightly at the sweet woman who I have come to know as Rachel.

  “Okay, Shannon, if you insist,” she says, shaking her head. "Mr. Lockhart is ready to see you now.”

  “Mr. Lockhart?” I question, confused. “I thought I was meeting with Teresa.” This is a change I would have liked to been prepared for.

  “Miss Matthews couldn’t be here this
morning, so Mr. Lockhart is handling all her appointments today.” She is gesturing for me to follow her. My nerves sky rocket. I’ve never met him before, but I know he’s the president of Lockhart Publishing. I’ve heard Nicholas Lockhart has a brutal business reputation. I do not need this today.

  I follow Rachel into his office. She announces my arrival and walks out of the door while closing it. I see him standing behind his desk with his back facing me looking out the window.

  This is the west side of the building so I assume he has a view of the ocean. His desk is large with two plush chairs sitting in front. There is a large couch and coffee table off to my left and a meeting table and chairs to my right.

  My nerves have just started to calm down when I barely hear him say, “Please, take a seat, Shannon.”

  His voice is soft and familiar. I walk farther into the room as he turns and I see him. I stand, stunned. My eyes widen a bit and I drop my portfolio on the ground.

  “Nick.” It’s all that comes out of my mouth. What the hell? He rounds the corner of his desk to come stand in front of me. He bends down to the floor and retrieves my portfolio. Standing back up, he gestures towards the couch.

  “Why don’t we sit?” Everything washes over me and reality sinks in. This is where he saw me months ago. He knew I was going to be here this morning, yet he said nothing. The nervousness I felt only a moment ago is replaced by bitchiness.

  “No,” I say, taking a step back. I know if he touches me, my anger will dissipate after spending last night with him, a really shitty night that turned out spectacular.

  “Would you please take a seat? It’s going to be difficult enough getting through this meeting knowing what’s underneath that dress.” His warm eyes glide down my body and his lips turn up into a small smile. Warmth washes over me as his eyes come back up to meet mine. I am determined not to give in to him so easily, so I place my hands on my hips and I continue to look at him. I can’t believe he is Nicholas fucking Lockhart! He’s my damn publisher. This can’t be real.


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