Book Read Free

Silent No More

Page 13

by N. E. Henderson

  It’s my turn to roll my eyes, but he can’t see me doing so. I plop down on the couch. Nick comes up and sits down on the corner. He reaches for me, pulling me into his arms with my back to his chest. He’s making it difficult to stay irritated at him. He feels too good. I lay my head back against his shoulder. I don’t want to argue either. I just want to relax in Nick’s warm arms, but I don’t need this man coming to my rescue. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself and I need to make him see that.

  “I can take care of it, but I bet you’re used to snapping your fingers and people do what you say. Am I right?” He wraps his arms around my shoulders, hugging me, and I realize I’ve never felt more safe and content in my life. What is this man doing to me? He’ll have me dependent on him if I’m not careful.

  He laughs. “Usually the people I deal with aren’t defiant. They either know that I know what’s best, or understand it’s going to always be my way.”

  “Defiant?” I snort.

  “Yes, and I can tell that you and I are going to have an issue with that. You are difficult at every turn.” He inhales my hair and sighs.

  “If you keep using words like defiant, then yes we are going to have issues.” I turn my face and body so I can snuggle in his arms. He chuckles lightly before placing a soft kiss on the top of my head. I could get used to being here. I really like the way I feel tucked against Nick’s body with his arms wrapped around me.


  After a lazy Sunday at Nick’s house, the next couple of weeks seem to fly by. I don’t remember the last time I was ever this happy. I conceded on the house search and I let Nick have his way when he brought me to a cozy beach-front property the following Monday. Much to my irritation, the house was perfect. It’s going to cost me a fortune, but the beach is totally worth it.

  The house is only about 2500 square feet, but who needs a big house when the ocean is your backyard? Not me. My house has three bedrooms and two and half bathrooms with an open floor plan. It’s everything I could want; it’s modern but still has a warm homey feeling.

  Somehow, I managed to close in five days. I’m pretty sure Nick had something to do with that, but I decided not to question it. I’m too in love with my house to think about the negatives or the craziness. The fact that I landed a house in Mali-fucking-bu for a cool two-million dollars is a steal. Of course, that’s after the three mil I depleted out of my savings account to use as a down payment. I’m a good photographer, but I’m not that high in demand to make those figures. The money came from an inheritance left to me when my father died. I wasn’t able to use it until I turned twenty-five. This is certainly good use of all that money.

  I spent most of the first two weeks picking out furniture and accessories. After waiting on deliveries, I spent the next week arranging everything. I did not concede on that end.

  Nick really didn’t understand.

  Part of the fun of a new house is picking out all new stuff. Every day something arrives, and it’s like Christmas morning opening presents. I don’t remember the last time I had this much fun. When Luke and I picked out furniture for the apartment, he whined until I gave in to what he wanted.

  Jenny worked for me this past Wednesday since the store will be closed for Memorial Day weekend on Saturday, so I’ve had the whole week off to get my home in order. I really could have been an interior designer if I didn't loved photography so much. I’m so proud of me. Nope, no shame in that. I’d shout it from the rooftops if I could. I love what I do and work damn hard at it. By late afternoon on Friday, every space is filled.

  I’m hanging my last set of black and white photos on a bare wall in my living room when I hear a scratching sound at the door. I pull my head in the direction of the front door where I see Nick walking through. The dogs come running in, jumping on my oversized plush chair in the living room. Niko claimed that spot his first night here. The four of us have stayed the last two nights in my new home so far. I love Nick’s house, really I do, but nothing compares to living literally on the beach. It’s awesome. I wake up to the sound and smell of the sea.

  “Need any help?” I ask as I step down from the step stool. Nick has his arms full with grocery bags. Instead of a Friday night out with just my friends, I talked them into a cookout at my new place. My friends readily agreed. The house is on the small size compared to the others in my neighborhood; however, I have a huge deck. I plan to make a lot of use out of it.

  “No, we have everything. You relax, babe. You’ve been quite the busy woman this week and you’ve done a great job filling it with a lot of shit,” he says as Nikki walks in the door carrying more groceries. I roll my eyes at his comment.

  “Damn, can I get you to do this to my house? Shannon, everything looks great.” She is looking in every direction as she walks to the kitchen following her brother. This is the first time she has been back inside since the day I closed on it. The place was completely bare last week.

  I follow behind them. “Did you two buy enough food?” I ask with a hint of sarcasm as I peek into each bag being nosy.

  “Just shut up and put the meat in the refrigerator. You’re not the one that has to cook all this shit for everyone,” Nick says, taking out multiple bottles of wine and champagne out of a brown bag. He’s not being an ass. He’s smiling and jacking with me. I’ve learned in the last couple of days, he does and says things just to get a rise out of me. I think the man loves to start arguments.

  Luke has finally stopped texting me. I guess he’s got the hint that we aren’t getting back together after the last message I sent him. The fucker actual called my mother, who in turn called me, trying to plead his case.


  Apparently, she didn’t see the cheating as a big deal. After she found out my new boyfriend was the CEO of a multimillion-dollar publishing company, she changed her tune. Needless to say, I hung up the phone after a five minute conversation and haven’t bothered to call her back. I haven’t even told her where I’ve moved to.

  I never told Nick about the text messages Luke kept sending me. It would have been one more thing to make him flipping mad. I’ve been having a pretty awesome week and didn’t need anything to piss him off. Our relationship is new and fresh. I don’t want any more damn drama.

  “Looks like you two have everything under control. I’m going to grab a shower before everyone starts to arrive.” I walk out of the kitchen and head for our bedroom. Your room, Shannon. Not yours and Nick’s. Slow the fuck down. You’re starting to sound just like him.

  Walking through the bedroom into the master bathroom, I turn on the shower. I quickly shed my clothes and toss them in the overflowing hamper. Somehow, my closet has accumulated more of Nick’s clothes than all the clothes I own, hence why the hamper is overflowing. He changes more times in a day than Stacy does, and she’s a prima donna. I step into the shower and wash the day’s dirt away.

  Even though I have been working hard at prepping my house, I still feel like I’ve been a slacker at work. I haven’t made an appearance all week. Mainly because Jeffery Chaney has been asking for an appointment with me all week from what Jenny has told me via our phone calls. Apparently, he is remodeling his office and wants to showcase my work. Nick is going to love this. I’m not looking forward to that conversation.

  Once my hair is cleaned and I’ve shaved, I turn off the water and step out. After drying off, I wrap the towel around my body and go to the sink where it takes nearly ten minutes to dry all my hair. See, this is the real reason why I like the air-dry method. Less time, but I don’t have the option today. Not that I plan to style it. I’m more of the comb-through-and-go type.

  I walk out of the bathroom into the closet and hunt for an outfit. No dress tonight. I’m at home, and I want to be comfortable. I opt for a pair of dark blue jeans, my fitted Avenged Sevenfold t-shirt, and complete my ensemble with black Yellow Box flip-flops.


  I finish up and head back in the bathroom to apply a
light layer of makeup and I’m good to go. Why women feel the need to pile on tons of makeup is beyond me. All that shit makes me feel like I need to wash my face, so I opt for minimal.

  As I walk back into the bedroom, I see Niko and Charmin curled up at the foot of our…I mean, my bed. Good thing I bought that doggy stairs for the bed, much to Nick’s annoyance. Charmin wouldn’t have been able to get up there if I hadn’t.

  They aren’t used to a lot of noise or people, so I imagine people have started to gather. I notice the bedside clock reads 6:58pm as I’m walking out of the room. Sure enough, more of my friends have filtered into my house.

  As I walk out the backdoor, I see Nick at the grill cooking, and it smells wonderful. Jase is standing next to him talking and drinking a beer. Nikki, Stacy, Ben, and Kyle are hanging out talking in the lounge area of the deck. Katelyn is hanging onto Shane’s arm with a beer in the other. Since when does she drink beer? Yeah, something is going on with those two and I aim to find out.

  I walk to where they are standing next to the railing. “And what are you two up to over here?” I ask while giving Katelyn a knowing look.

  “Just talking,” Katelyn says, returning my look that clearly says why the fuck are you interrupting us?

  Shane breaks our stare. “I’m going to go hang out with my boys,” he says and gives Katelyn a peck on the cheek. As he is walking away, she can’t keep her eyes off his backside.

  I snap my fingers in front of her face saying, “Got it bad, do we?”

  She rolls her eyes and takes a sip of her beer. “Like you’re one to talk. You’ve been shacked up with dreamy eyes for over two weeks now. I wasn’t sure you even remembered you had friends.”


  “He must lay some serious pipe,” she adds, and I bust out into giggles. God…does he ever. Just thinking about his pipe makes my face flush scarlet red.

  “So I hit that nail head on, huh?” she snickers. I don’t respond, but she already knows the answer. I snatch her beer and take a sip.

  “What’s up with you and Mr. Tall, Dark and Oh So Sexy?” I ask as I hand her beer back to her.

  “Girl, I don’t remember the last time my girly parts have seen so much action.” She can’t stop glancing at him. I move beside her and we both lean back against the railing, staring at the men.

  “That good, huh?” I ask as I reach for her beer again and take another sip.

  “Fuck yes,” she declares, snatching her beer back and downing the rest of its contents.

  “Come on, let’s go hang out with the others.” We both pop off the railing at the same time and walk over to the seating area where Nikki, Stacy, Ben, and Kyle are still talking. Apparently, they are discussing Knocked Out when I take a seat on Ben’s lap. Katelyn crunches in the middle of Stacy and Nikki on the couch.

  “Did you know Nikki owns Knocked Out?” Ben asks me.

  “No, I did not,” I answer. That’s cool. Perhaps I’ll switch gyms if Nick doesn’t mind. I saw a few people boxing when I was there a few weeks ago. I’ve been so busy with the house that I haven’t been to a boxing class since I met Nick.

  “You know Shannon boxes,” Kyle chimes in talking to Nikki.

  “Really?” Nikki says looking at me. She sounds excited. “That’s awesome. Tomorrow you have to come up there and show me how good you are.”

  “Sure, but it’s been a couple of weeks. I probably suck already.” I doubt I suck, but no need to boast in front of a professional. I’m pretty sure she could kick my ass in less than five seconds.

  “Shannon doesn’t suck. She’s been boxing since high school,” Stacy tells her. Like she knows how good I am. None of my friends have seen me box before, so I’m not sure why she thinks I’m good.

  “I only do it for a great workout to stay in shape,” I lie to all of them. Really, I do it so I don’t feel helpless and weak again. That’s not something I ever want to face again. I shut that awful thought out of my mind and get off Ben’s lap when I see Nick walking in my direction. I meet him half-way.

  “Beer?” he asks, holding a Rolling Rock out in front of me.

  “Yes, thank you.” I happily take it and down half the bottle. There are just some things that should stay buried deep in the past.

  The rest of the night goes great. The food is outstanding and my friends are getting along great with Nick’s. Things couldn’t be more perfect than in this moment.

  * * * * *

  The next morning, I get up and cook breakfast while Nick is still sleeping. The dogs follow me out of the bedroom and I let them out onto the deck. It’s not too early. The clock on the stove reads 8:03am. I guess all my stragglers from last night already left this morning. I remember Ben crashing in Niko’s chair, and Kyle was asleep on the couch when I went to bed.

  I grab a large skillet from under the stove and set it to medium heat on the gas range. Reaching into a cabinet, I pull out a large bowl. I want to make pancakes, so I grab all the ingredients I need and start whipping the batter up.

  I’m not a great cook; well, if I’m honest, I don’t even qualify as a good cook. This batter comes from a box of Bisquick with a little milk and eggs added. I put a bit of oil in the pan just as Nick places his hands on my hips and leans down to kiss my neck, causing me to squirm a little as his facial hair tickles my skin.

  “Good morning to you too,” I say as I set the oil down on the counter and turn around facing him. Nick and I have settled into a routine that is light and easy. I’m not so sure I should be feeling as good as I do. I love spending as much time with him as possible. When I’m with him, everything seems to flow naturally, but in the back of my head, there is this voice that keeps saying, “Slow down”. I just don’t want to listen to it.

  “It is certainly a good morning if I’m waking up to someone cooking me breakfast.” He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap mine around his neck. No, that pesky voice needs to jump off a damn cliff and drown. I like feeling this happy with Nick.

  “Don’t get too excited. I’m not a chef, and it’s only pancakes.” I stand up on my tippy toes and kiss him on the lips. He releases me to go to the backdoor to let the dogs in. Once they are in, he grabs their food and fills their bowls.

  “Nikki sent me a text asking to bring you by Knocked Out today. What is with you and my sister?” Nick asks as he takes a seat at the island counter.

  “Kyle ran his mouth last night telling her I box. Now, she wants to know how badly I suck,” I tell him as I pour batter into the skillet.

  “This I gotta see.” His elbows are on the counter top, and he has his chin resting in his right palm while watching me.

  “Whatever. When are we going up there?” I ask as I flip the pancake. I place the spatula on the counter and retrieve a plate from the cabinet.

  “Right after you feed me,” he responds.

  “Can you get the maple syrup out of the pantry please?” I plate his pancake and walk it over to his chair.

  “Sure,” he responds, pushing his chair up. He heads toward the pantry; I can’t help but check out his cute ass as he walks. Shaking my head, I refocus and pour in more batter to make my pancake.

  “Jase has a fight tonight. Do you want to go with me to watch?” he asks as he sits back down.

  “Absolutely,” I say enthusiastically. That sounds fun. I’ve never seen a live fight. Well nothing outside of a gym. I flip my pancake and then retrieve a plate for myself.

  “Sweet, because you were going anyway.” He takes a bite of his pancake and smiles up at me. I roll my eyes as I’m plating my pancake. I decide it’s best to keep all smartass comments to myself. No need to poke the tiger.

  I take a seat next to him and start eating. Once he is done, he pushes his chair back and takes his plate to the sink.

  “Thanks for breakfast, babe.” He walks back up to me and kisses me on the forehead.

  “You’re welcome,” I tell him as I take the last bite of food from my plate and put it in my mouth.

sp; “I’m going to take the dogs for a quick walk, and then we will head over to Knocked Out.” He grabs two leashes from a drawer in my kitchen and calls for the dogs. They readily obey their master.

  “Okay, I’ll change and be ready by the time you get back.” I push my chair back and take my dishes to the sink. Nick heads out the front door and the dogs follow along.

  It doesn’t take me long to organize myself. In a short time, I’m sitting down on my couch, and just as I pick up a magazine to start thumbing through it, I hear the door open. Looking up, I see Nick walking through the entrance with the dogs.

  “You ready?” he asks as he squats down on his haunches and removes the dogs leashes. Once Niko is released from the leash, he shakes his body, causing some loose fur to fly off. He trots off and Charmin follows suit.

  “Yes,” I respond as I stand and head to the door. Nick follows me out and locks the door behind him. Nick has his own set of keys to my house, so I don’t bother to bring mine.

  He clicks a button on his key fob and the doors unlock to his car. I climb in the passenger seat and he settles into the driver’s. The radio blasts “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails, and I immediately blush thinking of the lyrics of that song. Nick glances over and smirks.

  “Something about this song you like?” He pulls out of my driveway.

  “Perhaps,” I say and leave it at that. No need to feed his ego, but God, does he fuck like an animal and I love it. Who knew having this much sex would make a woman happy. Maybe I should have tried it more. Then again, I was dating a minuteman, so the amount would not have helped.

  The drive to Knocked Out isn’t long. Nick pulls into a Starbucks drive-thru, which is located across the street and orders four specialty coffees.

  “I hope one of these is for me,” I say as he passes me the cardboard holder with all four drinks.

  “Yes. My sister has to have coffee every morning. If she doesn’t, she turns into a major bitch that no one wants to be around.” He puts the gearshift into drive and we make our way to the parking lot at Knocked Out.


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