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Diaries 1969–1979 The Python Years

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by Palin, Michael

  Rolling Stone magazine, 231, 473

  Rolling Stones, 155, 333, 334, 351, 401

  Rome, 17, 18, 22

  Rookery Nook (play), 539

  Roques, Lot Valley, 30, 32–4

  Rosenberg, Julius and Ethel, 76

  Ross, David, 136, 581, 589

  Ross, Diana, 126, 455

  Ross, Mr (hotel manager), 174, 175

  Rosten, Norman, 566–7, 575

  Rothko, Mark, 554

  Round Britain by Frog expedition, 483

  Le Routier, Camden Lock, 281

  Rowan, Dan, 452

  Royal Albert Hall, London, 112, 370

  Royal Court Theatre, London, 421

  Royal Geographical Society, 516, 606–7

  Royal Shakespeare Company, 541

  Royal Variety Performance (1977), 399

  Rudge, Mr (dinner guest in Barbados), 430

  Rudman, Michael, 318, 319, 523

  Rugantino’s, London, 155, 190

  Rugoff, Don, 230–2, 239, 361–2, 366, 377, 378–9, 387

  Rules (restaurant), London, 106–7, 136

  Rushton, Willy, 257, 292–3

  Ruskin, John, 442

  Chris Orr’sjohn Ruskin, 297, 299, 318

  Russell, Ken, 369

  Russell Harty Show (television), 139

  Russia, 449

  Russian Tea Room, New York, 216

  Rutland Weekend Television, 210, 233

  The Rutles 367, 400–1, 402, 446, 449–50, 452, 454, 459

  Rutter, Barry, 292

  Ryan, Bill, 218

  Ryan, Dr, 312

  Ryan, Madge, 439n


  Sag Harbor, Long Island, 565–70, 576, 580

  The Saint (television series), 412

  St Andrews, 57–9

  St Audry’s Hospital, Woodbridge, 159, 160–1, 162, 164–5, 166, 181, 186, 360

  St Bart’s Hospital, London, 423

  St John’s, Cambridge, 19, 129

  St John’s, Oxford, 409

  St John’s Wood, 351, 356

  St Laurent, Yves, 391

  St Martin, Gospel Oak, 55–6

  St Martin’s Lane Odeon, 572

  St Moritz Hotel, New York, 228

  St Neots, 78, 365, 383, 386, 389

  Salisbury Plain, 27, 377–8

  Salkind, Alex, 376, 466

  Salkind, Ilya, 376, 466

  Salmon, Bob, 406 and n

  Salvage, Don, 82

  Sam Goody’s Store, New York, 313

  San Carlo, Highgate, 213, 520

  San Francisco, 121

  MP’s first trip to, 76n

  ‘First Farewell Tour’, 124–5

  Monty Python screened in, 211

  San Sebastian Film Festival, 404–5

  Sanders, George, 338

  Sanders family, 7

  Sanders of the River (film), 338

  Sanderson, Joan, 475–6, 478

  Sanderson Wallpaper, 254

  Sandison, Hilary, 404 and n

  Santa Monica, 125

  Sardi’s, New York, 218, 252, 271

  Sergeant, John, 92 and n

  Sargent, Herb, 454n

  Sartre, Jean Paul, 198

  Saskatchewan, Pythons tour, 122, 123

  Saskatoon, Python tour, 123

  Sassoon, Siegfried, 168, 386

  Memoirs of George Sherston, 364, 377

  Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (film), 462

  Saturday Night Fever (film), 456

  Saturday Night Live (US TV programme), 423, 558, 560

  Eric Idle on, 334

  MP as guest host on, 436 and n, 446, 447, 453–62, 475

  MP’s second appearance on, 525, 528–31

  MP’s third stint on, 547, 550, 551–3

  Saturn Three (film), 548

  Saudi Arabia, 264

  Savalas, Telly, 320

  Savile, Jimmy, 356

  Savoy Cinema, San Sebastian, 404–5

  Savoy Hotel, London, 474

  Says I, Says He (play), 421

  The Scaffold, 41–2 and n

  Scales, Prunella, 467–8

  Scarman, Lord Justice, 547

  Scene at the Swiss Centre, 211

  Schiller, Tom, 462

  Schlaffenberg, Bruno, 603

  Schwab’s, Hollywood, 557

  Science Museum, London, 427, 584

  Scofield, Paul, 327

  Sconce, Jane, 16

  Scorsese, Martin, 231


  ‘First Farewell Tour’, 116–18

  filming Monty Python and the Holy Grail in, 166–80

  independence, 199

  filming Ripping Yarns in, 346

  Ripping Yarns book-signing tour, 513–14

  snowfall, 519

  MP visits Gordonstoun School, 586–8

  Scodand Yard, 92, 110

  The Scotsman, 513

  Scott, Bob, 316

  Scott, George C, 267

  Scott, Gerry, 535 and n

  Scott, Norman, 563n

  Scott, Paul, The Raj Quartet, 499

  Scott, Robin, 408 and n

  Scott, Ronnie, 400

  Scottish Health Council, 483

  Scottish National Trust, 170n

  Scottish Nationalist Party, 193, 199

  Screen International, 371

  The Seagull (play), 458, 531

  Sears Roebuck, 433

  Sebastiane (film), 393

  Secombe, Harry, 432

  Second World War

  Chequers in, 433

  Basil Bunting in, 449

  as subject for Monty Pythons fourth film, 572, 598, 599

  The Secret Policeman’s Ball (Amnesty stage show), 560, 562, 563

  Secrets (‘Black and Blue’ series), 97, 98–9, 100, 103, 108, 111, 131–2

  Sedaka, Neil, 303

  Segal, George, 68n

  Sellers, Peter, 321, 462n, 506, 551

  Selling and Sellers Ltd, 105

  Sendak, Maurice, 251

  Senior, Dick, 22–3

  A Series of Birds (television series), 10 and n

  The Servant (film), 373

  The Seventh Seal (film), 175

  Sewell, George, 292

  Sex Pistols, 430

  Shaftel, Joseph, 17–18

  Shakespeare, William, Twelfth Night, 434

  Shalit, Gene, 217

  Shanks, Bob, 272–3, 274, 277

  Shaw, George Bernard, 265

  Sheffield, 315–16, 352, 421–2, 515, 554

  Sheffield Playhouse, 450n

  Sheffield United, 135, 363, 502, 524n

  Sheffield University Medical Society, 515

  Sheffield Wednesday, 502, 522, 524 and n

  Shepherd, E H, 39

  Shepperton Lock, 246

  Shepperton Studios

  Jabberwocky, 314, 328–30, 331–3, 337–8, 342–3, 344–5, 350

  catering facilities, 331, 447–8, 475, 562, 581

  MP joins board, 346, 353, 354, 358–9, 368–9, 376, 405–6, 572, 581

  Clive Hollick’s wedding party, 400

  Annual General Meeting, 411

  MP suggests Film ‘77 programme on, 415–16

  Palin family visit, 426, 548

  Keith Moon and, 432

  The Life of Brian scene re-shot at, 561–2

  MP concerned over situation at, 561, 563–4

  improvements in facilities, 573

  business slows down, 589

  Sheringham, 7, 161

  Sherlock, David, xiii, 4 and n, 73, 184, 185, 326

  Sherrin, Ned, 374

  Shields, Brooke, 454

  The Shining (film), 412, 456n, 474, 480

  Shinwell, Emanuel, 72

  Shivas, Mark, xv

  ‘Black and Blue’ series, 97, 103, 108, 111, 131, 132, 599n

  The Three Hostages, 425

  Show of Shows (US television programme), 452

  Shrapnel, Norman, 39

  Shrewsbury School, 53, 165, 485, 509, 587

  Shulman, Milton, 13, 1

  Shuster, Rosie, 466

  Siciliano restaurant, London, 320

  Sid (driver), 116–17

  Sidney, Philip, 53 and n

  Sigal, Clancy, 377

  Signford, 299n, 406, 422–3

  Chris Orr’s John Ruskin, 299, 318

  ‘All the Things You Ever Wanted’, 331

  publishes Arthur, 479–80 and n

  tax problems, 511

  Sikorski, General Wladyslaw, 433

  Silver, Joan Micklin, 327

  Sim, Gerald, 537

  Simmons, Jean, 406n

  Simmons, Robin, 483

  Simon, Paul, 351, 453, 455, 462, 560

  Simon Community, 61

  Sinatra, Barbara, 578

  Sinatra, Frank, 127, 187, 338, 578

  Sinclair, Mr (hotel proprietor), 24 and n, 25

  Singer, Aubrey, 403, 425

  Singer, Paris, 25

  Singer Not the Song (film), 321

  Sissons, Peter, 603–4

  Sizewell Nuclear Power Station, 15–16

  Skanes Palace Hotel, Monastir, 492, 498, 499

  Skinner, John, 412

  Skipton, Yorkshire, 539–43

  Slade, 81

  Slater, Rodney, 20

  Slater-Walker, 118

  Smile Orange (play), 444

  Smith, Drew, 182–3

  Smith, Ian, 72

  Smith, Roy, 180, 329

  Smith, T Dan, 603

  Smith, Tony, 104–5 and n, 120, 123, 124

  Smith, W H, 201

  Smy Mr (nurse), 164

  Snyder, Tom, 577

  Socialist Challenge, 400

  Soho, 95, 149, 357, 400–1, 439, 547, 549

  Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 91

  Sondheim, Stephen, 304

  Sorensen, Ted, 250

  Sotheran, Henry, 598

  Soul, David, 303

  Sound Developments, Primrose Hill, 132, 396, 397

  The Sound of Music (film), 291

  Le Souquet, Chelsea, 560

  Sousse, Tunisia, 496, 499, 500, 503

  South Africa, 28

  South Bank, London, 331

  South Carolina, bans The Life of Brian, 588—9

  Southampton, ‘First Farewell Tour’, 112–14

  Southend council, bans The Life of Brian, 601


  MP’s childhood holidays in, 7, 8

  filming Monty Python in, 9

  MP in, 15–16, 38–9, 40, 54, 62, 70, 77, 83, 107, 144, 164–5, 181, 184, 206–7, 225, 233, 264, 289–9O, 321–2, 327, 343, 352, 403, 442, 536

  Edward’s seventy-fifth birthday, 243–4

  Southwold Church, 352

  Southwold Cottage Hospital, 297, 384

  The Spaceman and King Arthur (film), 571

  Spain, 196, 533

  San Sebastian Film Festival, 404–5

  Speak, Jean, 377

  Spear and Jackson, 411 and n

  Spectator, 510

  Speight, Johnny, 327

  Spielberg, Steven, 530

  Spikings, Barry, 436, 444

  Spirit of the Beehive (film), 314

  Sports Report (television programme), 382

  Sportsnight (television programme), 585

  Spotlight, 253, 469

  Springfield, Dusty, 112n

  Springsteen, Bruce, 265–6

  The Spy Who Loved Me (film), 428

  Stackpole Quay, Pembrokeshire, 341

  Stage, 319–20

  Stagg, Frank (IRA hunger striker), 289, 290

  Stallard, Jock, 192 and n

  Stanier, John, 488, 495, 498

  Stanshall, Viv, 74

  Stanton St John, Oxfordshire, 603

  Star Wars (film), 406, 428, 560

  Starr, Ringo, 158, 204, 248, 485, 575

  Start the Week (radio programme), 512

  Statue of Liberty, New York, 230, 310

  Staverton Station, Devon, 546

  Stay Hungry (film), 439 and n

  Steele, Tommy, 390, 391

  Steinbeck, John, 125, 569

  Stephinson, Ken, 604–5

  Steptoe and Son (television series), 12

  Stevens, John, 377

  Stewart, Chas, 296

  Stewart, Ed, 390, 391

  Stirling, Ripping Yarns book-signing tour, 513–14

  Stivers, Cindy, 577

  Stockwood, Mervyn, Bishop of Southwark, 594, 595, 596, 597, 600

  Stokes, Lord, 72 and n

  Stone, Barbara, 393

  Stonehenge, 27

  Stoneleigh Park Hotel, Dallas, 220–1

  Stone’s Ginger Wine commercial, 187

  Stoppard, Dr Miriam, 246, 467

  Stoppard, Tom, 293, 363, 368, 467, 469

  Professional Foul, 450

  Three Men in a Boat, 208, 234, 235, 240, 242, 246, 255, 256, 280, 281

  Travesties, 235, 246, 255

  Stott, Mike, Funny Peculiar, 326

  Strachan, Geoffrey, xiv, 136, 156, 211, 398, 581, 603n

  Strand Electrics, 326

  Stratton-Smith, Tony, xiv–xv, 56 and n, 62, 104n

  gets Monty Python into US, 111–12

  and Monty Python and the Holy Grail, 140, 146, 148, 189, 190, 227

  Drury Lane show, 160

  Live at Drury Lane album, 163

  and demise of Monty Python, 211

  Pink Floyd gig, 234

  ‘Lumberjack Song’ recording, 259–60

  Streatley, 242–6

  Strindberg, August, 316

  Stuart, Eddie, 364, 383 and n, 385

  Stuart-Harris, Barbara, xiii, 344 and n

  Stuart-Harris, Sir Charles, xiii, 13 and n

  Stuart-Harris, Graham, xiii, 335

  Stuart-Harris, Margot, xiii

  Stuart-Harris, Marjorie, xiii

  Stuart-Harris, Robin, xiii, 344 and n

  Stuart-Harris, Susan, xiii

  Studio G, Wardour Street, 143, 197

  Studio 54, New York, 454–5

  Studio 99, Swiss Cottage, 267

  Sturges, John, 20n

  Summers, Nona, 488

  The Sun, 214, 227, 586

  Sun Alliance, 399

  Sun in Splendour, Notting Hill, 256

  The Sunday Express, 502

  reviews Monty Python and the Holy Grail, 227


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