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The Troyer Sisters Series - Amish Romance: 4-Book Box Set

Page 4

by Rebekah Fisher

  Putting down the last bushel, Miriam smiled back at him. “Mr.Tory will be pleased. I can’t thank you enough, Joshua.”

  “My pleasure. I had a lot of fun.”

  “Well, there isn’t much to eat because I haven’t even had time to get groceries, but I’d like to fix something for you to eat.”

  “Why don’t we go into town and I’ll buy you supper. After all that work, you shouldn’t be cooking anyway. Then you can go over to the hospital to visit your family and I can bring you home afterwards,” Joshua suggested.

  “That actually sounds like a very good idea. I am really tired,” Miriam said, smiling shyly at Joshua.

  “Great. I don’t know about you, but I am famished. Shall we go now?”

  “Let me just go in and wash my face and freshen up,” Miriam chirped as she skipped into the house.

  She put on a clean dress, and as she tied her kapp, she realized she was humming. But suddenly her mind began to whirl.

  Joshua is just a friend. You can’t have feelings for him even though he is so sweet and makes you laugh. You just met him and besides, like most men, he will only break your heart, she thought to herself. But he helped me today out of kindness, and I’m going with him into town because I have to go there anyway, and I do have to eat.

  * * *

  They went to a nice little restaurant on the other side of town and feasted on chicken wings and shrimp and other delicacies that Miriam had never had. The evening was wonderful and she was amazed at how happy she felt. After dinner, they went to the hospital to visit with her family. Her father and sisters were awake and feeling much better.

  “Miriam, I see you met Joshua,” John said as he looked up when they walked into the room.

  Miriam went over and kissed her father. “Jah, and we have him to thank. With his help we were able to pick all the tomatoes and Mr.Tory will be very happy when he comes by tomorrow.”

  “Ach, that’s good news,” John said. “Danke, Joshua.”

  Joshua nodded and looked at Miriam. “I’ll wait for you downstairs so you can have some time with your family.”

  Miriam smiled and watched as he walked out the door.

  John looked at his daughter and smiled. “He’s a very nice man, Miriam.”

  Knowing what her father was thinking, she replied, “Jah, Daed, he is. It was very nice of him to help me, but he is just a friend. I don’t have time in my life right now for anything else.

  Miriam went to see her sisters. “How is everyone feeling?”

  “I’m feeling better, and the rash isn’t as itchy,” Rose said, trying to sit up in her bed. “I can’t wait to get home and sleep in my own bed.”

  “So how are the Troyer’s today?” the doctor said as he came into the room and picked up the first chart. Looking over the papers he said to Miriam, “I would say that your father and sisters should be ready to go home by the weekend.”

  “Thank you, doctor. That’s fantastic news.”

  After visiting for a while, Joshua drove Miriam home. “Danke for the help, supper and the ride,” she said as she took Joshua’s hand when he helped her out of the buggy.

  “And danke to you too. I enjoyed the day very much. I hope we can see each other again.”

  Miriam smiled. “I imagine our paths will cross again. Goodnight, Joshua.”

  Closing the door, she went and turned on the kerosene lamp sitting on the kitchen table. She stood for the longest time staring out the kitchen window thinking about her day with Joshua.

  Do I dare open my heart again and let Joshua in? What if he decides to leave town and my heart gets broken again?I can’t deal with the hurt. Nee, I need to concentrate on my family. Once they get home, I’ll be very busy and I won’t have time to see anyone. That’s just the way it has to be. Next time I see him, I’ll tell him I won’t be able to see him again.

  * * *

  Chapter 9

  The next day, Miriam went into town to get some groceries. Her father and sisters would be home on Saturday, and she needed to stock up the pantry and fridge with good healthy food. Stopping briefly at the hospital, she was hoping to avoid seeing Joshua. Waiting for the elevator, she kept looking around and didn’t see him anywhere. When the elevator arrived, she was lost in thought and didn’t notice the man coming out of the elevator and bumped right into him. Startled she looked up, and her eyes met with the soft blue smiling eyes of Joshua.

  “Ach, Joshua, I’m sorry,” Miriam said, flustered.

  “Miriam, I am so glad I bumped into you. I wanted to know if you would like to go to dinner again tomorrow night?”

  “Nee, I’m sorry, Joshua but I can’t. My daed and shveshtahs are coming home, and I’m just much too busy,” she said, trying not to make eye contact. “I actually think it would be a good idea not to see each other again.”

  “But I thought you had a good time yesterday,” Joshua said, looking confused. “I want to say, I really enjoy your company.”

  “I’m sorry, Joshua. You were a good friend in a time of need, but that is all it was,” she said hesitantly. “Goodbye, Joshua.”

  Getting in the elevator, she could feel Joshua’s eyes watching her. Once the doors closed, she let the tears come. This is how it must be. It hurts now, but it is nothing compared to what the hurt will be when he walks out of my life for something better.

  After spending a couple hours visiting her family, she left to go home and put away her groceries. Thinking about her conversation with Joshua, she suddenly felt regret as to how she spoke to him. Once I get my family home, and my life goes back to normal, I’ll stop by the hospital and apologize to him.

  * * *

  Miriam drove the buggy up to the hospital doors and then ran to the nurses station to tell them she was there to bring her family home. Her father and sisters were wheeled down in wheelchairs and helped into the buggy. Miriam looked around quickly and was a bit disappointed that she didn’t see Joshua. She hoped he wasn’t too upset with her.

  “Aww, it feels good to be alive,” John said, taking a deep breath as they drove home.

  “I still feel tired,” Abigail moaned from the back of the buggy.

  “That’s normal. The doctor said you can’t over exert yourself just yet. You’ll have a few more days of rest, I’m afraid, before you are truly better.”

  After she had made sure everyone was settled in bed, she went down to the kitchen to prepare something healthy for supper. Her mind kept wandering to Joshua, and she kept getting annoyed with herself that he was in her thoughts.

  One by one, she brought up the dinner trays. After she had brought in her sisters’ trays, she brought in her father’s.

  “Mmm, Miriam, I actually feel hungry,” John said, pushing himself into a sitting position.

  “That’s good, Daed. I made roast chicken and potatoes for supper. I thought you might be a bit tired of soup.” Miriam chuckled.

  Miriam sat on the side of the bed as she watched her father dig in.

  “You have no idea how wonderful this is, compared to the hospital food,” John said, looking curiously at his daughter. “What is it, my child?”

  Miriam gave her father a puzzled look. “Nothing; why are you asking?”

  “I know something is bothering you, Miriam. What is it that’s troubling you? It’s about Joshua, isn’t it?” John asked, cutting into his chicken.

  Miriam was going to say no, but looked at her father and sighed. “Jah, Daed. I don’t know what to do. Joshua has said he likes me and wants to see me again, but I can’t, Daed. I’m afraid to get hurt again,” she confessed.

  “What happened to you, Miriam, was very unfortunate,” John said, putting down his knife and fork and reaching for Miriam’s hand. “But you can’t allow Jacob to take your happiness away from you. It’s true you were very hurt, but that doesn’t mean the same thing is going to happen again. I spoke briefly to Joshua one day at the hospital and I could tell he was a decent young man with great values.”

; “Jah, but Daed, I’ve been unkind to him. He helped me so much, and I loved spending time with him, but when he asked to see me again, I pushed him away,” Miriam cried. “He probably wants nothing more to do with me.”

  “You don’t know that,” John said. “I can’t tell you what to do, but listen to the signs that Gott is sending you. You met Joshua for a reason. Follow your heart and Gott will show you the reason.”

  The next day, Miriam decided to follow her father's advice. Parking the buggy, she walked into the hospital. As she looked around, she saw one of the nurses that had taken care of her family.

  “Hello, is Joshua around?” Miriam asked as she approached the desk.

  “Hello, Miriam, actually he isn’t. He hasn’t been in for a few days,” the nurse said. “I think he said he wasn’t feeling well and went home. No one has seen him since.”

  Miriam climbed back in her buggy, suddenly worried that he might have the flu. You're being silly, she thought to herself. Maybe he isn’t sick at all and just wanted some time off. But then again maybe he is deathly ill. Should I go and visit him? I’ll pray to Gott tonight for guidance.

  She knew where he lived because he had shown her when they had gone out for dinner. She remembered how he had dropped everything he was doing to help her pick the tomatoes. How could she ignore someone in need? Wouldn’t God would want her to help someone in need?

  * * *

  The next day she had made up her mind. After she had everyone settled, she prepared a large plastic container of soup and headed over to Joshua’s. Walking up to the door, she knocked and waited. After a few minutes, she knocked again. Looking around outside, she saw his buggy parked.

  Frowning, she tried the doorknob and found the door open. Going in, she looked around and called out.

  “Joshua, are you here?” she yelled.

  Not getting an answer, she walked into the kitchen and put the container of soup on the table. Miriam looked around the kitchen and found that someone had attempted to make a meal but seemed to have left everything where it was.

  Wrinkling her nose, she went to the stairs and called, “Joshua, are you there?”

  Getting no response, she climbed the stairs and called out his name again. Suddenly from the far room, she heard a moan.

  She opened the door and found Joshua sprawled on the bed soaked in sweat.

  “Joshua, how long have you been like this?” she asked, running over to him.

  Feeling his forehead she cried, “you’re burning up.”

  She quickly ran down the hall opening every door looking for towels. Finally, finding them, she brought them into the bedroom. “Don’t worry, Joshua; I’ll take care of you,” she said as she turned and went downstairs.

  She went and found some ice and bags and a clean pail to fill with water so she could sponge his neck and face.

  Up in the bedroom, she pried off his shoes and managed to get him laying properly on the bed.

  As she was sponging his face, he opened one eye and moaned, “have I gone to heaven?”

  Miriam smiled. “Nee, you are still very much alive. Why would you say that?”

  “Because you are an angel,” he said before he fell asleep.

  Miriam smiled to herself as she watched him sleep. Without thinking, she reached over and brushed a few strands of wet curly hair away from his forehead. Sighing, she picked up a wet towel and began wiping down his face and neck. She worked quietly and quickly and then placed a cold compress on his forehead. She then went to go out to the barn and tended to his horse, making sure it had fresh hay and water. She sighed. I better go in and tidy up his kitchen. Once she was finished and the kitchen was sparkling, Miriam decided she should stay at his house while he was sick, so she quickly checked on Joshua before driving home. God would expect her to care for him; not to mention her conscious couldn’t just leave him.

  When she arrived home, she was delighted to see her father and Rose sitting in the kitchen having a cup of tea.

  “Where have you been, Miriam?” John asked when she came in.

  “Ach, Daed, Joshua has fallen ill. I decided to take your advice and talk with him but discovered he had not been at the hospital for a few days. I went to his house and found him in very bad shape,” Miriam said as she took a few things out of the pantry. “I’m going to stay at his place so I can keep an eye on him. If he gets worse, I’ll take him to the hospital, but I’m hoping I can just nurse him back to health. He doesn’t seem to have a rash, at least what I can see.”

  “Does he not have anyone who can do that?” Rose asked, sounding a bit put out that Miriam would not be home to wait on her anymore.

  Miriam glanced at her sister. Nee, he lives alone and has no one. Besides, you can get up and about now.”

  “So does this mean you have a new love interest?” Rose teased.

  “Nee, just a friend in need. I can’t leave someone I know who needs help,” Miriam said, making a face at her sister.

  “You’re a good woman, Miriam. Your mamm would have been so proud of you,” John said. “Go and take care of this man. We owe him so much after he helped us, it’s what Gott would expect us to do.”

  Packing a small bag for herself and a few groceries to make more soup, she climbed into her buggy. The sun was starting to set which gave the fields a beautiful orange glow as if God had lit them up.

  I’m only going to take care of him and nurse him back to health. After that, I’ll go back home. I have too much to do there, and I’ll make it clear to him that I am only doing this out of friendship and because it was what Gott would want me to do; nothing more.

  Miriam kept repeating this over and over in her head as if she was trying to convince herself that she felt nothing for this man; but deep down inside she worried that her true feelings would get the best of her.

  * * *

  Chapter 10

  Miriam brought her horse into the barn and then went upstairs to check on Joshua. Lighting a lamp, she found he was still sleeping, but the fever had returned, and he was once again soaking wet. She needed to get him out of those clothes but wasn’t sure how she was going to do it.

  As much as Miriam didn’t want to go through his things, she quickly opened up his dresser drawers until she found some nightclothes.

  I’ll leave these here so when he wakes up he can change, and then hopefully I can change his bedsheets too.

  Miriam went downstairs to the kitchen and put the soup she had brought in a pot and put it on the stove to warm. Looking around the house, she found it very bare and couldn’t figure out what was missing. Sitting there, it suddenly dawned on her. There was no woman’s touch that made the house feel like a home. Shaking her head, she smiled, wondering how lonely it must be living here all by himself.

  When the soup was heated up, she poured it into a bowl. She went over to the pantry and found something that would work as a tray and found a box of crackers, putting a few on a plate. Slowly walking upstairs, she put the tray on the dresser and went over and gave Joshua a few nudges.

  “Joshua, wake up. You need to eat something,” she whispered.

  “I’m awake, but my head hurts,” Joshua moaned.

  “Can you get out of bed so I can change your sheets? You’ll feel much better,” she said pulling a chair close to the bed.

  Standing, Joshua managed to get over to the chair and plopped down. “You’ll find some extra sheets in the closet in the hall,” he said, sitting with his eyes closed.

  Miriam quickly changed his bed then turned and said, “Okay, now we need to get you out of those damp clothes and into some clean nightclothes. Do you think you can make it into the bathroom alone?”

  Joshua nodded, and stumbled into the bathroom.

  Finally, he emerged from the bathroom and whispered he was done. She gave a sigh of relief. “Okay, now into bed and have some soup.” She fluffed the pillows and threw back the covers.

  Once he was back in bed, she brought over the tray. Sitting on the side
of the bed, she lifted a spoonful of soup.

  “Okay, open wide,” she said.

  “I’m not hungry,” Joshua moaned.

  “Shush, you have to eat; even if it’s just a bit,” she said, as she brought the spoon to his mouth.

  Taking the spoonful of warm soup, Joshua forced himself to swallow.

  “That tastes good, Miriam, danke,” he said, hoarsely.

  Miriam smiled as she continued to feed him the soup. Once finished, she gave him some water and gave him two pills that the doctor had given her when her father and sisters were sick.

  “Alright, now lay back and get some rest. I’m staying downstairs on the couch so if you need me, just call,” she said, wiping his mouth with a napkin.

  “Thank you, Miriam. You are truly my angel,” Joshua whispered as he closed his eyes.

  After washing the dishes, Miriam found some spare sheets and blankets and set up her bed on the couch. Getting into bed, she realized just how tired she was. She closed her eyes, and said a short prayer to God.

  Please Gott, let Joshua get better. I thank You that he does not have the rash. But he is such a kind man, he doesn’t deserve to be sick. I need to get home to my family. I know that we are supposed to help those in need, but right now my family needs me as well. Please don’t let this be a sign that You are leading me to Joshua. I don’t want anyone in my life right now, and I don’t want my heart broken again. Please spare me the pain. Amen.

  * * *

  The next morning, Miriam woke up after a restless sleep. Once she was dressed, she went to the kitchen and put on some coffee. She needed the caffeine this morning if she was going to get through the day. She poured herself a hot cup of coffee and a glass of juice for Joshua. As she walked into his room, she found him asleep and soaking wet. Running over, she felt his forehead and discovered the fever was back.

  Miriam panicked as she checked his arms and neck for signs of the rash. Breathing a sigh of relief, she ran downstairs to get another bag of ice and some cold cloths.


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