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SHARE: An MMF menage (Double Delight Book 3)

Page 10

by Gisele St. Claire

I sighed. I could have absolutely anyone I wanted, and still, there was nothing on the radar for me. No matter how hard I looked, I wasn’t finding anyone out there that appealed to me. Sure there were guys who left me feeling horny and wet, fantasizing later about what it would feel like to have them plowing into me over the hood of their cars. But deep down, I knew that I wanted more. I wanted the first one to be special—not in some mushy, ‘it must be love’ kind of way. No, I wanted a good fuck. The kind that would set the bar high.

  Turning, I looked at my breasts. Sitting high and round on my chest, my nipples were centered, the size of quarters, deep pink, and hard as the rocks, I collected from the beach in the summer. I scissored my nipples between my fingers and exhaled as I squeezed my legs together. Pinching my nipples between my thumb and forefingers, I watched myself in the mirror. It was hot and I was turning myself on even more at the sight. I was so ready to be fucked, but my vibrator was going to have to do.

  With the steam now filling the bathroom, I knew that the water was warm enough and I stepped inside, pulling the curtain closed. I left the vibrator on the edge of the tub, telling myself that I had to get clean before I was going to let myself have this moment. It was enough to inspire me to get the hair washing and general scrub down over quickly. As my hands grazed over the top of my mound and then against my still hard nipples, I gasped at the electric feeling and reached for my favorite vibrator.

  It was pink and gold, curved perfectly to cup me, with two little silicon fingers that slipped around my clitoris. It fit me like a glove and I had to use some restraint with it. I knew exactly where to place it to bring myself to orgasm in less than a minute, but I had a little extra time and I wanted to enjoy one of the rare moments where I had the apartment all to myself.

  I turned it on to the first setting, the gentle buzzing hum echoing against the shower walls. Leaning back against the tile I closed my eyes and pinched my left nipple while guiding the vibrator against my clit with my other hand. Digging through the files I kept in my memory, I thought about one of the best porn scenes I had watched recently, one that was such a delicious tease it almost felt painful to watch. A gorgeous guy with a rock hard cock was on his back, being massaged sensuously by his girl. She teased around his penis for probably ten minutes before she finally touched it, touching her tongue to the tip. He almost jumped right off the bed when she did it, but he held back and in the end, it had paid off for him. All the while she was being eaten out by him eagerly as he panted and ached for her to take his dick in her mouth.

  I wouldn’t have been able to hold back. His cock was long and thick and looked like a gorgeous sculpture. I imagined taking it deep in my mouth as my cunt slid right over the top of his tongue.

  My back arched and I pressed the vibrator against me more firmly, turning up the speed one more notch. Not too high…no. That would be too quick.

  I imagined his tongue dipping inside me, tasting how wet I was and drinking every drop of me in. Teasing me with his fingers and then slipping two of them into my pussy while his lips sucked my clit, making me moan. I switched to my right nipple and pulled on it, stretching it out slightly away from my body and then letting it go. Returning to it with warm, soapy fingers I kneaded and squeezed, feeling the glorious weight of it in my hand, the hard nipple pressed against my palm.

  “Fuck me,” I moaned aloud. I had neighbors and the walls were thin, but I didn’t give a shit what they heard.

  I turned up the vibe again, moving it in a pulsing rhythm against my clit. Yes, this was it. I was riding the wave that was going to take me to exactly the peak I wanted to reach. I could feel the warmth spreading between my legs, pooling down my thighs, spreading up the length of my spine. This one was going to be so good…

  Clean and satisfied, I stepped out of the shower with a smile on my face and wrapped myself in a fresh towel. The mirror was too foggy to see anything, but I could tell how pleased I must look with myself.

  “Who needs a man,” I said out loud to my fuzzy reflection as I grabbed a bottle of lotion and began applying the moisturizer to my slightly tanned skin.

  But the truth was, I might. Well, I didn’t need a man, but the thought of having one around was kind of appealing. I had never had a serious boyfriend, thanks to my dad’s close involvement in my life. Sure, he had probably spared me a lot of heartache by scaring off the losers that I went to school with. But I couldn’t help wondering if by being spared all that heartache that I had also been kept from experiencing some things that were really crucial to growing up and having healthy, formative romantic experiences.

  I towel dried my hair and ran a brush through it before pulling out the hair dryer to finish the job. I was lucky to have well-behaved, very manageable hair. It meant that I didn’t have to spend all day on it, which was good since my dad expected me to be at the garage at the crack of dawn every day. In the end, there was really no point in putting much into my appearance for a long day at the garage. It was all sweated off my face by around noon anyway.

  Tonight I was heading to pick Samantha up though and I wanted to look my best. Not for Sam…hell no. She had seen me at my very worst and I knew I didn’t have to put on any kind of a show for her. We had been best friends since we were very young, back in elementary school. After high school we had decided to get an apartment together while she worked her way through college, paying her tuition through her newly acquired job at the very exclusive Club V.

  I slipped into a tight pair of skinny jeans and a tight white tee, with a short sleeved black blazer over the top. I added a double strand onyx necklace and admired my reflection one last time as I applied mascara and a matte red lip. It wasn’t my normal look, but it didn’t hurt to change things up from time to time. And Club V was definitely the sort of place where I wanted to be looking my best. I’d probably grab a drink before Samantha was off work anyway and I would hate to prop myself up next to the bar looking sloppy.

  Ready to go, I raced down the apartment stairs and out to my car where it was parked on the street. The drive didn’t take too long and before I knew it I was pulling up outside of Club V. Curt, one of the valets, recognized me from my many trips to pick up Sam and nodded his head, indicating that it was fine for me to park in the lot behind the large industrial building that was reserved for employees.

  The lot was nearly full but I managed to find a spot and checking my lipstick one last time in the rearview mirror, I stepped out and headed to the back entrance. As soon as I opened the heavy door I was met with the throb of the bass from the music emanating from the main room and I made my way toward the bar of Club V.

  Chapter 2

  I knew what Club V was all about, so there was nothing I could see in the place that would surprise me, no matter how sexually inexperienced I was. The bar was set away from most of the major action on the floor, curving against one side of the large main room. Across the way was one of the pools and I could see that I had wandered into the place on a very active night.

  Couples were making out in every direction I looked, some engaged in more serious sexual play than others. I saw several girls walking the floor, looking for one of the single men to engage. Samantha had told me about the collared girls, what their collars meant and what they would do. I knew that to some it might sound like prostitution, but I had to admit that it didn’t sound like bad work if you could get it. Since I had such a solid setup at my dad’s garage I had never really had to worry about making money. I didn’t have a lot to spare, but I got to live the kind of life I wanted and I wasn’t sure what more I could ask for.

  “Hey Taylor,” Celeste, the head bartender called over to me as she saw me round the corner from the private entrance. I shot her a smile and went to sit on one of the empty barstools.

  “Busy night?” I asked as I hopped into the chair.

  Celeste rolled her eyes. “Holy fucking hell,” she said, half under her breath. “Another one of those ads in a flight mag. We draw so many new people on nig
hts like these. Samantha is working some of the private rooms because so many of these new folks chose those and the alcoves over joining me here at the bar. So I’ve been busy making drinks, but there haven’t been as many people here keeping me company tonight.”

  “Nice to be busy, I suppose.”

  She nodded. “Surprisingly though none of these newbies appear to be shy. They all jumped at it as soon as they were in the door.” She nodded over to a man on one of the couches in the corner who was face deep in the crotch of one of the collared girls.

  “Jesus,” I said as I watched what was transpiring. While the man wasn’t the most attractive, he seemed to know exactly what he was doing with his tongue and the girl with the collar was clearly enjoying herself. That or she needed to be nominated for an Oscar, stat. Her head was thrown back and her hands were buried in his hair, holding him against her as he lapped at her cunt. Every few seconds she let out a mewling squeal. Even though I had just finished bringing myself to an intense orgasm less than an hour before, the sight of this in front of me left me a little breathless and wishing I could join in the fun.

  Celeste snapped her fingers near my face. When I turned around she was grinning. “What can I get you? That is not on the menu.”

  “Well, that’s a damn shame.” I squirmed in my seat and turned back toward the bar.

  “We do however have a new cocktail called ‘Face Fuck’ if you’d like to give that a shot.” She said it with a laugh and I couldn’t help smiling.

  “One ‘Face Fuck’ for me, please.”

  Celeste headed to find some of the ingredients for what turned out to be a very complicated drink while I sat there trying to pretend there was nothing going on behind me, but the persistent moaning made it difficult. How could anyone work here and not just strip off their clothes and mount the nearest thing?

  Taylor, you need to get a grip or get fucked, I thought to myself.

  As if he could read my mind, a man further down the bar moved to sit beside me.

  “If you’re looking for a face fuck…well,” he gestured to himself with a grin.

  I tried not to roll my eyes. Club V was a place, for one thing, I knew, but I wasn’t here for it. I wasn’t even allowed to participate if I wanted to. You had to be a paying club member if you wanted to take part in those sorts of activities and unfortunately, my job at the garage wasn’t enough to fund that sort of extracurricular activity.

  I shook my head at the man as Celeste returned with my drink. “No thanks, I think this has got me covered.” I knew when to tell a guy to fuck off, but I was here to pick up Samantha, not offend one of the paying customers.

  Celeste took in the situation. “Dave, are you bothering my girl here?” She also knew she had to be careful. She was the bar manager and was used to defusing tense situations, but she also had to keep in mind that this man was a club member. Still, Celeste set the tone for what was allowed at her bar and the truth was that not much got past her.

  “Not bothering,” he said with a half smile and hands up in the air. “Just…making an offer.”

  “Well, I’m sorry to break it to you, but she’s not up for grabs.” She twisted her face into a sweet, seductive smile as she leaned over the bar and close to his ear. “I’ll tell you who is though—look over there, in the corner. That’s Dana. She’s new, but she’s really good and I think the two of you could have a really good time together. Why don’t you go say hello to her?”

  It was enough to drag Dave’s attention away from me and shortly afterwards he was flirting with the collared girl, who led him away to one of the alcoves with a giggle.

  “Thanks for that,” I said as I sipped my cocktail. It was a combination of so many flavors—cranberry, vanilla, peach and…something I couldn’t pick up.

  “That’s jasmine. You’re tasting jasmine,” Celeste said with a smile. “House made jasmine infused vodka. Just a little something I came up with.”

  “It’s incredible.” It really was. I took another sip and felt the alcohol hit my knees, relaxing me somewhat.

  “By the way, I know you can take care of yourself here. I’ve seen you do it a number of times. I just wanted to spare you any of the fallout from that one. It’s his first time here, but he’s a longtime member. Spends most of his time at the Seattle location. Major tech investor and has a Twitter account you don’t want to end up on.” She grimaced.

  “Yikes, well thanks, Celeste.”

  “No problem.” She looked at her watch. “I don’t know how long Samantha is going to be. It was a party of eight and she was mixing drinks for them in one of the private rooms. Basically, she has to stay until they are done and…well, there are eight of them in there.”

  I laughed. “I understand. It could be a while. That’s okay, I’ll just sit here working on my drink.”

  “How is your work? Still working for your dad?” She asked as she began wiping down one section of the bar.

  I nodded. “Yeah, it’s mostly me and him these days. We’ve still got Rodrigo and one other guy working for us, but people seem to wait a little longer between tune ups. Money is tight for a lot of folks.”

  Celeste snorted. “You don’t have to tell me. Supporting a family feels next to impossible sometimes. Take my advice and stay single and childless for as long as you can. Of course, you’d never know that anyone was struggling by the way things look around here.”

  She was right. Along with the dim lighting and thumping music, everything was covered in exquisite fabrics and it all seemed like something out of a French film depicting a time before they had lopped off the heads of all their aristocrats. Everything in Club V was decadent. Members could come in here and forget everything that was going on outside of the club. Worries were left behind and people indulged in their deepest, darkest fantasies.

  “I don’t know how you do it. Work in this environment every single day. Doesn’t it get to you?”

  “You mean, does it make me horny?” She laughed and nodded. “Yeah, but I think it’s probably been a really good thing for my relationship. You know I met my wife here?”

  I shook my head. “I didn’t know you were married.”

  Celeste nodded and looked down at her bare ring finger. “I don’t wear it to work. Tends to disappoint the club members if they think their chances of getting into my pants are nil. Number one, I’m not into guys. Two…well, the ladies don’t know it, but my wife and I are pretty open. I did meet her here after all.”

  Now I was intrigued. I wondered if Samantha knew about Celeste and her wife meeting here. Maybe she had just been discreet enough not to share this with me.

  I smiled, “Okay, Celeste. I’ve got to know how you met your wife. I love stories like this.”

  “It’s not as cute as you think! But it is pretty hot.” Celeste leaned in across the bar. “She started out working here at the bar and back then she was my employee. There was some chemistry, but she was so much younger than me—I know I might not look it, but I am every bit of 43 years old—I never thought there was a chance for anything to happen between us. And like I said, she was working for me. We’ve got some rules about that here. There aren’t many rules at Club V, but that is one of them. No messing around with the staff, especially not someone directly underneath you.” She rolled her eyes. “So anyway, she decided she wanted to move on up here. There was an opening on the floor and she decided to jump at it. Well, a few weeks later, after she had gone through training, she marches out onto the floor, all 5 feet and 11 inches of her—she’s a goddess, by the way—wearing nothing but that fucking collar.”

  I drew in a breath. Depending on the color of the collar, it signaled what the girl was willing to do.

  “I knew I was going to witness her doing some things on the floor. You know most of the hardcore stuff does get taken to an alcove or a private room somewhere, but on occasion, people get carried away. I mean…you know. It’s happening right now as we speak.”

  Celeste wasn’t kidding. Out of
the corner of my eye, I could see that the guy who had been face deep in the girl’s crotch earlier was now plowing her like a ripe melon and she was loving it from the sounds of things.

  “I knew I was going to see her do things, but remember at that point I really thought it was no more than a crush and for all, I knew it was only on my side. I had no idea if she shared any of these feelings. But that first time seeing her naked. My god, I thought I was going to lose it. She was so breathtakingly beautiful and I knew that some guy was about to gobble her up. She winked at me as she passed the bar that night on her way back to a private room and…I’m not religious, but I said a prayer for her. They vet people pretty seriously here, but once in a while, we get a crazy one or someone who has violent proclivities. I tried to push it out of my mind as I worked for the rest of the night.”

  She shrugged her shoulders and sighed. “I didn’t know what room she was in and we were shorthanded that night. I was just going to serve some drinks in one of the rooms. They had requested that someone be there on hand to serve and that is not my job, but they were some high roller types. I knew who they were because I had served them before. A couple who like to maintain their privacy. They’re pretty big time here in the city and I understood why they came in through the private entrance and only ever had a private room—what I’m saying is that they’re both in politics.” Celeste sort of waved her hand nonchalantly in the air. “I knew it was a fucking big deal and the fact that Amber had been chosen by this couple was a major break for her. They tended to come back and have the same girls over and over again. And with the kind of money, they were spending to have one girl all to themselves…well, it wasn’t anything I would want to get in the middle of. People don’t realize how much money the girls who work the floor can make. With a couple like this…they’ll often pay to not let the girl see other people when they aren’t there, or to stipulate what she is allowed to do with others. These are pretty rare instances, but management makes allowances when people are waving that kind of money at them.”


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