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Justify My Love: An Interracial Romance (BWWM)

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by Caine, Candy


  When a tall, handsome, hunk in cutoff sweats gets in Marnie Davis’s face for hijacking his Laundromat dryer, sparks fly. She calls him a barbarian. He calls her a hooligan. Imagine her chagrin then, to find the barbarian, Scott Langley, dressed like a GQ model in her law offices the next day. It turns out Scott is the godson of one of the partners of her firm.

  When the partner forces Marnie to take Scott under her wing, they decide to bury the hatchet and behave like two professionals. Despite their growing attraction for each other, both are determined not to forge any kind of new relationship. They have been burned too badly by a past relationship. It takes a shocking tragedy to finally bring the two lovers into each others’ arms—only to have a sensational trial, where they are opposing counsels, tear them apart.


  Because of You

  Christmas with A Stranger

  Dangerous Attraction

  For Your Love

  Forever Yours

  Heated Pleasures

  It’s Love That Really Counts

  Love With A Younger Man

  Never is Not Forever

  Save the Last Dance for Me


  For Your Love ★★★★★

  “What would you do and how far would you go for love? With great wit, twists and turns, a cast of well-crafted characters you’ll want to cheer for, (and some you won’t), Candy Caine’s delightful story asks and answers this age-old question.”

  —Niambi Brown Davis, Author of Sanctuary

  For Your Love★★★★★

  “A sexy, fabulous read. I couldn’t put it down. I was disappointed that the book ended when it did. I could have read on.”

  —Bertrice Small, Best-selling author of Skye O’Malley




  An Interracial Romance (BWWM)

  Arrow Publications, LLC

  Copyright © 2014 Candy Caine. All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, no portion of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the express written permission of Arrow Publications.

  ISBN: 978-1-934675-71-7

  Arrow Publications, LLC

  20411 Sawgrass Drive

  Montgomery Village, MD 20886


  All names, characters and incidents featured in this publication are imaginary. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead) is coincidental. They are not inspired even distantly by any individual or incident known or unknown to the author.

  Author recognizes that all trademarked items mentioned in the book belong to the trademark holders of said items.

  Chapter One

  Today had been one long-ass day, Marnie Davis thought as she opened the door to her one-bedroom apartment in East Meadow, a suburb of New York City. It wasn’t palatial, but she’d picked it because it was close to her law firm in Mineola and not too far from Manhattan. She dropped her leather briefcase on a chair in the kitchen on her way to her bedroom. Stripping out of her clothes, Marnie put on an oversized tee that came halfway down her thighs and padded back to the kitchen with the intent of reviewing the notes she’d taken during court.

  She turned on her Keurig coffee machine and was about to select a pod when she heard a loud knock at her door. Peering through the peephole, she saw that it was Jason Whitman and opened the door.

  Before she could ask what he was doing there, he’d covered her mouth with his as he eased her back into the apartment, kicking the door closed behind him. His mouth devoured her supple lips a little longer before he began to ravish her slender neck.

  Breathlessly, she asked, “Why didn’t you call?”

  He stopped nibbling her neck long enough to answer. “Since when do I need an engraved invitation to be with my girlfriend?” He turned her around in his arms so that her back was to his chest, making it easier for him to slip his hands under her shirt to play with her breasts. Marnie moaned softly as he stroked and kneaded her dusky-colored nipples between his thumb and forefinger as he continued to hungrily nip at her neck.

  Jason moved his other hand slowly down her flat belly to her thick patch of pubic hair. He inserted two fingers inside her, rubbing against her magic spot. She threaded her fingers through his shock of blond hair as her back involuntarily arched. With every nerve cell in her body now awakened and twitching, she felt her love juices begin to pool between her thighs. She could feel the hardness of his straining erection against her.

  He removed his fingers from inside of her and wiped them on her shirt as he moved her toward the kitchen table. With lightning speed he swept everything off and bent Marnie over the table. She listened as he tore open the foil wrapping of a condom with his teeth as he unzipped his jeans. The buckle on his belt clanged as his jeans dropped to his ankles, the anticipation stoking her desire further, making the short wait unbearable.

  She gripped the sides of the table as he pushed up the back of her tee and pushed into her slit. “Is this what you want, baby?” he said taking firm hold of her hips and pumping into her. Each thrust drove her closer to a climax. Her mind was wrapped around one pulsating thought as his speed increased and the table creaked. She was plugged directly into the pleasure. Though she wanted to prolong the pleasure and keep the involuntary tremors at bay, the ecstasy spiraled through her in waves and she cried out aloud.

  Jason’s breath became increasingly audible as he lifted ass and slammed his rod into her. It soon became long torturous moans as he ejaculated and collapsed momentarily on top of her.

  Then, without a word, Jason stepped out of his jeans, left them on the floor and went into the bathroom. Marnie picked up everything that had been thrown from the table onto the floor. When Jason hadn’t returned, she went in search of him. She found him sound asleep in her bed. Somewhat confused, she wondered what that was all about, but was too exhausted to think about it. So, she crawled into bed and joined him.

  When she woke several hours later and felt for him, she discovered he was gone. Obviously, he’d stopped by just to get his wick wet. Feeling used, her eyes welled with tears. The only thing missing was money left on the dresser. Hopefully, he’d have an explanation for her tonight when he took her to the charity dinner.

  * * *

  Court was nearly a repeat of the day before. She drove back to her office to prepare paperwork for another case, but it hadn’t gone as smoothly or quickly as she’d hoped.

  “Damn!” Marnie Davis, said, glancing at her desk clock. She had to get a move on or she’d be late.

  Quickly, she closed the case file she was reading and placed it into her briefcase. Opening her desk drawer, she grabbed her purse, lifted her coat off the hanger on the rack and hurried from her office. She got halfway to the elevator when she heard the voice of Frank Conway, her supervisor and a senior partner of the law firm of Conway, Pasternak and Freed.

  “Marnie! Wait up!”

  She whirled around to face him.

  “I’m glad I caught you. I wanted to touch base with you on the Reynolds’ case before you left for the evening.

  Hopeful this chat wouldn’t take long, Marnie replied, “Everything’s going smoothly, better than I’d hoped for.”

  “How much longer do you think the deliberations will take?”

  “I should be able to wrap it up soon,” she said, edging her way toward the elevator.

  “Good,” Conway replied with a smile. “You seem to be in a hurry, so I’ll
let you go.”

  “I have that charity dinner with Jason downtown at the Marriott.”

  “Oh, yes, I remember. Well, I won’t keep you then. Have a good time.”

  “Thanks, Frank,” Marnie said, making a mad dash for the elevator.

  Normally Marnie loved to admire the tasteful décor of the firm’s lobby, from the turn of the century paintings adorning its walls and warm, dark oak furniture, to the deep-piled luxurious beige carpeting but not tonight. She barely had time to rush home, shower, and dress before Jason arrived to pick her up. Her need to leave earlier in the day to avoid having to rush was bollixed when she unfortunately had to file a last minute injunction for one of her ongoing divorce cases.

  Her mind shifted to Jason and his barging in last night for hot sex. She hadn’t spoken to him in several days, which, in itself, seemed somewhat odd and then there he was banging on her door, horny as hell. Usually, they spoke several times a week. Being busy with her cases, she hadn’t really noticed until now. He must be preoccupied with his job. The quintessential salesman, Jason was always putting some high-powered deal together, not to mention the fact he had his eyes on a VP position at a large commercial real estate company where he worked.

  Of course traffic was heavy and the stupid antics of the other motorists quickly got on her nerves. It seemed to her there was a giant conspiracy out there aimed at slowing her down. Too bad her respiration rate wasn’t doing likewise. Moments later, she realized she’d been breaking just about every traffic law trying to make time, doing exactly what she’d criticized the other drivers of doing.

  Her nerves had reached well into the critical area and she was at the point of losing it by the time she finally closed her apartment door behind her. With little time to waste, Marnie grabbed the elegant, black silk dress with sequins and matching heels she was going to wear from her closet. She hurried to her tiny apartment dryer to remove the clothes she had left to dry that morning before going to work. “Oh, no! Damn it!” Everything was still wet! She pushed the start button—nothing happened. With a groan she realized her dryer was on the blink again and she needed to wear this particular underwear under the slinky black dress. Hurriedly she shoved the wet clothes into a plastic bag and hurried out of her apartment. Luckily, there was a Laundromat a few blocks away where she could dry her clothes.

  Marnie was nearly breathless when she burst into the crowded Laundromat. The only dryer available had someone’s clothes in it. She asked around to the see if anyone belonged to the clothes but everyone shook their heads. Biting her lips, she reached into the machine and removed the still damp men’s silk underwear. She placed them in a pile on the folding table and tossed her clothes into the dryer. She turned it on and then rushed to the drugstore two doors down to purchase a pair of pantyhose.

  Not gone more than ten minutes, she came back to see a tall, dark-haired, good-looking guy wearing a cutoff sweatshirt and running shorts, putting the underwear she’d removed into the dryer, while hers was laid out on the table for the world to see. Oh, God. How embarrassing. She’d hoped to be back before the person had returned and noticed she had removed his clothing. She pasted on a tentative smile as she approached the sweaty, wide shouldered launderer. “Ahmm, Look I’m sorry. I was in a rush and I thought I wouldn’t need the dryer for more than a few minutes—“

  Cold, silver eyes flashed at her. “So you just thought you had the right to handle someone else’s laundry, just like that?”

  “N-no—I mean, I’m sorry. I don’t usually do stuff like this. My dryer was on the blink…”

  The man didn’t stop stuffing his wet clothes into the dryer. “And that is my problem— how?”

  Already short-tempered from the frustrations of the day, Marnie narrowed her eyes. “Look, I apologized, didn’t I? You didn’t have to dump my clothes all over the place!” He ignored her and Marnie lost it. She grabbed one muscled arm. “Look at me when I’m talking to you!”

  He stepped into Marnie’s personal space. She could smell his manly mixture of sweat and testosterone. The heat of his body made her skin prickle. “I’m looking at you all right. A little hooligan bitch who needs to learn some manners. You dump my stuff, I dump your stuff.”

  “A least I didn’t put your things on display like some uncouth barbarian.”

  “Uncouth barbarian, huh?” He picked up her thong panties and held them up for inspection. “What’s the point of wearing something like these? You’d be practically naked.” He said loudly, drawing even more attention from the others waiting for their clothes.

  “Really? You should talk. What about your black silk briefs? I thought only male strippers and pimps wore those.” Marnie said, restraining her impulse to smack him.

  His brilliant silver-grey eyes blazed with fury as the vein on the side of his head throbbed. “Is that what your pimp wears?” He grinned, hands on hips, apparently finding his comeback funny.

  Marnie nearly exploded, but she had no time for this. “You…you…barbarian is too good a word to describe the likes of you,” she said, grabbing her things and bolting out of the Laundromat.

  Still breathless, her chest heaving, Marnie headed home to her apartment. She found herself consumed with the run in with the guy. Her imagination was running rampant with images of him dancing in her mind wearing only those black silk briefs. She could imagine those hard muscles in his arms ripple. It was enough to make her heart race. Too bad he had the manners of someone brought up by wolves. With the glinting silver eyes to match.

  She should have scratched those silver eyes out after he humiliated her in front of all those people. They had obviously enjoyed the encounter and had gathered around eagerly waiting for more action. What had transpired between her and Wolf Man must have been more exciting than the program they’d been watching on TV.

  All the way home, the revolting scene replayed in her mind in an endless loop. She couldn’t believe how rude the man had been—nor how handsome. Those piercing grey eyes fringed by sinfully long, dark lashes had been mesmerizing. So what? He was a jerk. And to think that women were considered to be the temperamental sex…if she never saw him again, it would be too soon.

  The first thing Marnie noticed when she got back to her apartment was the flashing red light on her answering machine. She was tempted to hop into the shower and ignore it, but curiosity got the better of her. Besides, it could be a message from Jason. And it was.

  “Marnie, I hate to catch you at the last minute with this news, but I have to cancel our dinner tonight. Sorry, babe, but I gotta run. I’ll be in touch.”

  The message translated in her head as “Forget about tonight. I’m not coming. See ya around.” So that’s it? Just like that—no explanation? Mixed tears of frustration and anger began to well in her eyes as she stood there shaking, still clutching her clean underwear and the package of pantyhose. Just what she needed after that horrid encounter with the Wolf Man in the Laundromat to totally ruin her night.

  “Damn you, Jason!” she said, throwing everything across the room. He hadn’t even had the decency to tell her why. That was the part that bothered her the most. He merely showed up when he felt lately. She began to wonder if it somehow had something to do with the fact she’d brought up the subject of commitment when they’d been together a few weeks ago. He hadn’t seemed too happy about it. In fact, he immediately changed the topic. Even though she’d mentioned it innocently, it might have ruffled his single-minded feathers more than she’d first imagined. She was concerned why it should still be such a dirty word after all the time they’d been seeing each other. Usually it was a natural progression in a relationship. Why was it so wrong for a woman to want to marry and have a family? Men! She’d never understand any of them. Perhaps, instead of getting them to commit, we should have them committed.

  Not feeling too hungry after the crazy day she’d had, Marnie warmed up a can of soup for dinner. Then she took a long, hot, leisurely bath while she sipped a tall glass of wine to sooth
e her bruised ego. Afterward, feeling a lot more relaxed, she took the Reynolds’s brief from her briefcase, stretched out on the sofa in her small living room and began to read. Before long, she was totally engrossed in the case, forgetting all about the infuriating man in the Laundromat and her huge disappointment with Jason.

  Chapter Two

  The following morning Debbie Stroub, Marnie’s administrative assistant, handed her a steaming mug of coffee.

  “Thanks, Debbie. Anything happening that I should know about?”

  “Uh-huh. A Mr. Delray called and left a number where he could be reached and Frank wants to see you in his office ASAP.”

  “Did Frank mention what it’s about?”

  Debbie shook her head. “He just emphasized that it was important.”

  “Okay. Buzz him and tell him I’m on my way.”

  Frank’s door was open and she could see that her expensively dressed boss wasn’t alone. There was a man with him, but from the angle at which he was sitting, all Marnie could see was the back of his head. Respectfully, she knocked on the doorjamb.

  Frank stopped speaking and addressed her. “Ah, Marnie. Come on in.” To the man sitting before him, Frank casually mentioned, “This is the young woman I’ve been telling you so much about. She’s become one of the best trial lawyers this firm has to offer.”

  Marnie walked inside, feeling her face heat from the compliment.

  “Marnie Davis, I’d like you to meet Scott Langley, my godson. Scott may be joining the firm.” Then he added, “At least I’ve got him considering it.”

  Scott Langley unfurled his tall frame from the chair and turned around.

  Simultaneously both Scott and Marnie blurted out, “You!”

  “You two know one another?” Frank asked, looking from one to the other.

  “Not really,” Scott replied, his cold, grey gaze slowly taking in Marnie from head to toe. Now that he’d gotten a good look at her shapely, lush body unsuccessfully camouflaged in her severely cut, conservative suit, his mind immediately flashed back to the black silk thongs and skimpy lace bra he had handled briefly the night before. His cock immediately went hard.


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