Book Read Free

See You at the Show

Page 30

by Michelle Betham

  “You did modelling before.”

  “I was in my twenties. That was a long time ago. And you’ve seen the kind of modelling that was, Johnny.”

  Yeah, he remembered. How could anyone forget? “You’ve still got a great body, Stevie.”

  She smiled, looking up as Mark walked into the room, naked from the waist up and still looking every inch the rock star. Totally gorgeous and sexy as hell.

  He sat down next to Stevie, pulling her legs over his and running his hands up over her ankle all the way to her thigh, sliding them up under the denim shorts she was wearing.

  “She certainly has got a great body,” he said, moving his mouth closer to Stevie’s as he spoke. “And I intend to spend a bit of time in there, right now.”

  “Right now, huh?” Stevie asked, raising an eyebrow.

  “Right now,” Mark smiled, kissing her slowly, pulling her closer.

  “Ok, that’s me outta here,” Johnny sighed, getting up off the sofa and grabbing his guitar. “You guys gonna be at the bar later?”

  “Yeah,” Mark said, pulling Stevie’s t-shirt off and leaning over to kiss her breasts. “We’ll be there.”

  Johnny took one last look at them, gearing up for another afternoon of sex – the only thing they seemed to spend their time doing lately – and left them to it. His fight was over now. Mark had won.

  Stevie gently pushed Mark away as she heard the front door close outside in the hall. “You scared him away.”

  “Come on, Stevie, it’s not like he hasn’t seen us having sex before.”

  “That was then, Mark. Things are different now.”

  He started kissing her neck, stroking her shoulders lightly. “When there was always a chance he’d get to fuck you too, you mean?”

  “Jesus, Mark. Did you have to put it quite like that?”

  “Johnny’s cool, he’ll be fine. Come on, baby, I’m dying here.”

  She looked at him. She really was falling in love with this man. Or maybe she always had been in love with him and Daniel was just someone sent to make her realise just who it was she should be with.

  She hadn’t meant to think about Daniel again. She never meant to think about Daniel at all but it was funny how often he still crept into her thoughts.

  “Stevie? You ok, honey?”

  That wonderful, soft Californian accent brought her back to the here and now, chasing away any lingering thoughts of Prime Minister Madison.

  “I’m fine, baby. I’m just fine.”

  She let him push her back onto the sofa, lifting up her hips as he pulled her shorts down, throwing them aside, pushing her legs apart with his knee and she threw her arms above her head, closing her eyes as he lay over her, his mouth lowering down onto hers as his fingers began touching her in places that drove her crazy and she gasped out loud, waiting for that second when he finally pushed inside, sending a beautiful shiver right through her.

  She wrapped her legs around him, his fingers sliding between hers as their bodies moved together and she’d never felt so relaxed, so peaceful as she did when Mark was inside her. She needed him. And that was an admission in itself. She needed him – her rock star boyfriend. And this time she wasn’t going to fight it.


  Daniel had had to do a lot of persuading to get plans changed, flights re-routed and security sorted because he couldn’t do anything now without it having to go through God knows who with what seemed like a million boxes to be ticked and checked. Nothing was simple anymore but he’d made a decision. And he was sticking to it. Everyone could call him crazy but if he didn’t try he’d never know and he couldn’t live with himself if he hadn’t at least asked her, told her what it was that he was willing to do.

  As far as everyone around him was concerned he just wanted to say goodbye, something he hadn’t been given the chance to do before. But in Daniel’s mind he could be saying goodbye to a whole lot more if she gave him the answer he really wanted to hear.


  Samantha was back in her element. She didn’t even mind Daniel being away in America because she had so many engagements keeping her busy right here in London. Charity lunches, appearances at events ranging from fashion shows to high-end store openings and even heading up a special dinner for partners of cabinet members at Downing Street. She was living her dream. The perfect politician’s wife.

  She may not actually be married to the Prime Minister as such but everyone treat her as though she were, and it was only a matter of time before she officially became Mrs. Madison again anyway. It was beginning to feel like Stevie Stone had never existed and Samantha had never felt happier. She belonged here, she fitted in, people warmed to her because she was part of this world.

  Yes, it was all falling into place. The dream was almost complete, and when Daniel returned from The States he would see just how perfect an ambassador she’d been in his absence. He’d see how much he needed her, because she loved him. She loved this life, that was true, but she loved him more. And with Stevie Stone fast working her way out of his system it wouldn’t be long before he was back loving her too. Stevie Stone was almost history. Some kind of ending was in sight. Some kind…


  Luke proudly admired his tattoo in the mirror. It covered almost his entire upper right arm, snaking up over his shoulder, a mixture of everything from bloodied thorns to serpents. A real rock star’s tattoo, and he was totally in love with it. He not only had the coolest mum, but when he’d told his dad he was the best he’d meant it. He’d let him get this tattoo when they’d been in L.A., as an early eighteenth birthday present, and it was the first of many that Luke intended to get over the coming years. He wasn’t going to stop at just one. He wanted loads, just like Mark Cassidy and Johnny Jackson. Just like Stevie. She’d come with him when he’d had it done – over a number of days - taking him to the same place she’d had one on the under side of her right forearm done, and just being in such a cool place with a woman whom everyone knew and seemed to love, it had been an experience he’d wanted to repeat. It was where he wanted to be, he knew that now. It was where he felt comfortable.

  He loved the whole vibe of his mum’s world. His mum. He still found it hard to think of her as that because to him she was just this incredibly cool person with the best job in the world, but who knew where their relationship would go, given time. He certainly wanted to see her again.

  His mates had been as jealous as hell when they’d heard about his L.A. trip, heard about how he’d hung out with Black Rock Diamond and how his mum was totally in love with Mark Cassidy, because that was certainly the impression he’d got whenever he’d seen them together. He still got the odd upsetting comment from one or two people who continued to find it necessary to throw Stevie’s suicide attempt back in his face, but he was fast learning to realise that it was just jealousy that was making them do that. He’d had a tough time over the past few months but everything was turning out ok now. No, better than ok. Everything was great. Even he couldn’t believe how great sometimes.

  Luke Franklin was in the middle of a life-changing time, but some things were becoming very clear in his head. He’d never really known what it was that he’d wanted to do with his life before, but all that had changed. He knew exactly what he wanted to do now. He knew exactly where he wanted to be. And he’d do everything in his power to make sure he got there.


  The bar was crowded, the music reverberating off the walls from various oversized speakers, but that was the way they liked it. This bar was one of the band’s favourite hang outs when they were in L.A.; a small and intimate place tucked away up a side street, but because of its bohemian atmosphere and cool, rock ‘n’ roll vibe it was always full of the kind of people Stevie loved. And she came here a lot when they were in Los Angeles.

  Billy had gone back to London to be with Ava and the baby but Jack was still around and he’d joined Stevie, Mark and Johnny for a night of partying, turning his rock star mode
right up to full volume as he swaggered round the place, lapping up every bit of female attention that was being thrown his way, and that was quite a lot so he was being kept busy. Just the way Jack Warner liked it.

  “I swear he’s turning into Keith Richards,” Stevie said, swinging her feet up onto the table in front of her as she drank beer from the bottle she was holding. Mark arrived with two more beers and sat down beside her. “Mind you, if he carries on like this he risks looking like he’s stepped straight out of ‘Spinal Tap’…” She turned to a quieter-than-usual Mark. “You ok?”

  Mark stared straight ahead, taking a drink of his beer as he sat back. “We both want a new start, don’t we, Stevie?”

  “Yeah. Of course we do. Mark, what’s up? You scare me when you’re like this. Thinking too much doesn’t suit you.”

  He looked straight at her. “Let’s make L.A. home.”

  “It already is your home, isn’t it? You’ve got a house here…”

  “I mean our permanent home, Stevie. Our permanent home. You and me, based in the U.S., living here in Los Angeles, or anywhere you want. We can stay in Brentwood, or move to Beverly Hills or Pacific Palisades, anywhere you like…”

  “Hey, hey, slow down will you.”

  He moved closer to her, taking the bottle out of her hand as she continued to stare at him, his voice taking on an air of something resembling excitement. “Come on, Stevie. It could be just what we need, you and me. A whole new start, a brand new life…” He suddenly leapt out of his seat, running off towards the bar, and all Stevie could do was stare after him.

  “Hang on…Mark! Where the hell are you going?”

  “What’s up with him?” Johnny asked, wandering over, watching as Mark jumped up onto the bar.

  “I have no fucking idea,” Stevie replied, kneeling up on the bench she’d been sitting on, totally bemused as she watched Mark take another swig from his beer before throwing the bottle down to the barman, then turning to look at her.

  “I want to prove to you I’ve changed, Stevie!” Mark shouted, trying to be heard above the sounds of AC/DC’s ‘For Those About To Rock’. “I want to prove how much I love you!”

  “You don’t have to prove anything you bloody idiot! Get down off there before you fucking hurt yourself!”

  “No! I want to show everyone how much you mean to me, because I love you, baby, I love you! I love this woman!”

  “He’s gone nuts,” Johnny said, shoving his hands in his pockets.

  “So, come on, honey, let’s do this, once and for all. Let’s get this show on the road, let’s make it all official!”

  “What the fuck are you talking about, Mark?” Stevie shouted, getting up and moving closer to him as AC/DC turned into Guns ‘n’ Roses claiming ‘You Could Be Mine’.

  “Let’s get married, baby! You and me, Mark Cassidy and Stevie Stone – let’s get fucking married!”

  He jumped down off the bar and swung her up into his arms, kissing her long and deep as the bar erupted into shouts and cheers, but all Stevie was aware of was Mark’s body against hers and a kiss that was making her go weak at the knees.

  “So, what do you think?” Mark smiled, his hands snaking up under her t-shirt.

  She smiled too, she couldn’t help it. “I think you’re a fucking crazy American. But, you know what? I love that you’re a crazy American so yeah, let’s do it. In your words, let’s get fucking married!”

  He picked her up and swung her round again, sitting her down on the edge of the bar, the music turned up even louder as an impromptu celebration party suddenly got under way around them.

  “You won’t regret this, Stevie,” Mark said, stepping between her open legs, his forehead resting against hers.

  “Yeah, well, I’d better not, Cassidy.” She slipped her arms round his neck, kissing him slowly, feeling herself falling under his spell with every movement of his mouth on hers.

  “You fancy a real rock star wedding then?”

  “Whatever a real rock star wedding is,” she laughed, suddenly feeling a ridiculous excitement building up inside her. She’d just agreed to marry one of the world’s sexiest, most unpredictable rock stars and she felt stupidly happy, when just months ago she would never have even considered it. But a lot had happened since then.

  “And about making L.A. our base?”

  She shrugged. “Let’s do it. Why not? Like you said, we could all do with a new start.”

  “I love you so fucking much, Stevie Stone. So fucking much.”

  “Yeah, well, you’d better, mister. Or there’s gonna be trouble.”

  He smiled that Cassidy smile, letting her go and jumping back up onto the bar as the sound of Black Rock Diamond and his own incredible voiced thumped out of the bar’s huge speakers. Mark Cassidy was back where he belonged, putting on a show as people flocked around him – a true rock God. And Stevie had just agreed to spend the rest of her life with him.

  “Did you know that was coming?” Johnny asked, walking over to her as she slid down from the bar, rooting around in her pocket for her ‘phone that had just started ringing.

  “Of course I didn’t. Mark wouldn’t have planned that, Johnny. That would’ve come completely out of nowhere.”

  “So, you believe he’s serious then? I mean, that was some proposal.”

  Stevie looked at him. “It shows he’s putting me first and that means something, coming from him.” She looked down at the caller ID on her ‘phone and a sudden strange, tight sensation crossed her chest as she saw the name flashing up on the screen. “I’ve got to take this, Johnny.”


  But she’d gone, running through the crowded bar until she hit the street outside, because she needed to be alone to take this call.

  She leaned back against the wall, finding it hard to get her breath back as she finally answered the ringing ‘phone, looking around to make sure nobody was within earshot.

  “I didn’t know you had this number.”

  “I can get anything, Stevie, you know that.”

  She closed her eyes as his voice came down the line. That clean, ultra-polite English accent that had once said things to her that would have shocked his Westminster colleagues, even more so if they’d known what he’d been doing when he’d said them.

  “What’s happening here, Daniel?”

  “I need to see you, Stevie.”

  “Jesus, Daniel, come on…I’m in L.A.!”

  “So am I.”

  Her stomach flipped over and she opened her eyes, her heart starting to beat so hard and fast it made it difficult to breathe. She hadn’t expected to ever hear from him again. Ever. So hearing his voice now was both confusing and painful and she didn’t really know what to do. Or what to think.

  “It’s all sorted, Stevie. Security, discretion, it’s all in hand because I need to see you. I really need to see you. I’m at my house here in Los Angeles. I’ll give you the address…”

  “Now? I…I’m out with…I’m with Mark, Daniel. I can’t just…I can’t…does it have to be now?”

  “Now would be better, yes. I know it’s late, but…”

  “Daniel…Jesus, what’s going on here?”

  “I don’t want to talk on the ‘phone, Stevie. I just really need to see you in person and it really needs to be tonight. I’ve got to fly back to London tomorrow and I need to do this now.”

  “Do what? You’re sounding like that crazy man you were when I first met you.”

  “Can you get here, Stevie?”

  She sighed, closing her eyes again. His timing was way off but she couldn’t ignore him. She should, but she just couldn’t. She hadn’t thought she’d ever see him again and she’d almost got used to the fact that those loose ends would never get tied, but now – now he was here and she had the chance to say everything she still needed to say. She couldn’t ignore that.

  “I suppose so.” She looked around for a cab, listening as he gave her the address of his L.A. home. “Ok, I’m not t
hat far away. I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

  “Somebody will meet you outside. You’ll know who it is.”

  “I fucking hate this cloak and dagger shit, Daniel, you know that.”

  “I know, but please, it’s necessary. I’ll see you soon.”

  She didn’t know what she was doing as she climbed into a cab and headed for Beverly Hills, all she knew was that Daniel Madison had just called her and told her he needed to see her so what else was she supposed to do? She hadn’t had a chance to say goodbye, and because of that she’d never really settled. Maybe this could be the chance she needed to get closure on the whole episode and move on. With Mark.

  She grabbed her ‘phone out of her pocket as it started ringing again, pressing “answer” before she’d even looked to see who it was.

  “Did asking you to marry me make you feel the need to run off?”

  “Mark…I’m sorry, baby, I’ve just got to…I’ve got to go somewhere.”

  “Where? It’s almost midnight, Stevie; where the fuck could you possibly need to be at this time? Except in my bed.”

  She smiled. She should just tell him what was going on, but seeing as she didn’t really know exactly what that was herself how could she?

  “Just trust me Mark, please. I won’t be long. It’s just…it’s just something I’ve got to sort out, that’s all.”

  “Is everything ok?”

  There’d once been a time when either of them disappearing like this wouldn’t have been an unusual occurrence, but so much had changed in such a relatively short space of time. It didn’t feel comfortable behaving this way anymore, and part of her wanted to just tell the cab to turn around and go back. But the bigger part of her needed to know what Daniel wanted.

  “Everything’s fine, baby, really.”

  “You still want to marry me then?”

  “Yeah, I still want to marry you, Cassidy.”


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