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Learning Lessons

Page 21

by KT Morrison

  Tyler was wordless, he was growling and grunting, he was what she wanted: desperate. He had something inside him that biology demanded he deliver and every hormone in his body was firing off green lights. Give it to her, give it to that bitch. His muscles bulged and glistened, the veins stood out like hoses on his arms, his big round ass flexed and tightened with every thrust. Every fibre of his being wanted to deliver his seed inside Pete’s wife. This was dirty animal sex, copulation, procreation, sheer animal lust, husbandry, breeding. It was beyond passion, it was biological necessity, two ideally matched mates about to create a life, their progeny.

  “Ah, fuck, fuck, fuck,” Tyler was yelling now, his voice hoarse and dry.

  Jess pounded on his shoulders, her hands curled up into tiny white fists, “Fuck me baby, fuck me,” she shouted. Her head whipped from side to side, her pretty blonde hair twisting around her. They had both gone out of their minds.

  “Ah, fuck, I’m coming, ah, fuck,” Tyler screamed, the tendons in his neck bursting from his skin.

  “He’s going to give me a baby, Petey,”

  “Ah, fuck—”

  “He’s going to, ah, plant a little Tyler inside me, ah, oh... We’re going to run off to Mexico together—”


  “Give me that come, baby, give it.”

  Tyler’s head flew back as he shot his semen into Jess. Pete watched his balls disappear, climb right up inside his body.

  “Oh, God, that feels so good,” Jess screamed as Tyler buried his huge cock inside her and held it.

  Jess had never felt anything like it. First when he was stabbing into her she thought she might not be able to take it. She thought she was going to have to stop. She felt the uncomfortable thudding against her cervix, his hard knotty head mashing against her farthest, deepest wall. But something came over her and she started to enjoy it. Enjoyed her lover’s tip spreading her farthest reaches, so big he was going into places he shouldn’t go. That dark thought turned the discomfort to dirty passion. She encouraged him, wanted him to penetrate her deeper.

  And when he came she felt his fiery hot seed splashing her more deeply than she could ever feel a man. She felt his forceful streams, like jets, tickling her insides. It set her off and she quivered, cried out, an orgasm starting somewhere in her sides, in her waist, then spreading up through her back. She cried out again as he shot hot pulse after hot pulse inside her, still thrusting, coating her insides, pumping his semen, spreading it over every bit of her soft insides.

  Now he was still plunging, still thrusting deep and holding, she could feel him still flexing inside her, still pulsing the last of his semen inside her. His roars had turned to shuddering groans as his body demanded that he plant his offspring deep inside her, every last drop he had, ensuring his species’ survival.

  “Holy fuck, Jess,” he whispered into the crook of her neck. She scratched lightly at his hard back. “Fuck, I have never, ever, come like that, oh, my God.”

  She could feel his body trembling. He was slick with sweat.

  She milked his cock with her muscles, pulling him softly and squeezing him, emptying him inside her. She rotated her hips, swivelled, felt how slippery he was, how full he’d filled her. She held him to her, wrapped her arms around him, wanted this moment to last a while.

  Then he was sliding himself out of her and she felt the sting. “Ooh, ow, careful,” she said.

  He pulled it out, then lay it across her mound up on her belly. He was slick, slimy, his erection fading but still monstrously large. He rubbed it through her folds, up her mound into her belly button, making her shiny. She watched his dark red skin against her pale soft belly.

  “I can’t believe you wanted that,” he whispered.

  She nodded.

  “That was fucking incredible,” he said. He was glowing. He rolled off of her, collapsed on the bed next to her, laying flat on his back.

  Her hand went between her legs, an urge to touch herself. She felt how wet he’d left her, how stretched and puckered she was. He’d left her gaping. She stung and ached. His semen leaked from her, she could feel it, getting cold now, running from her insides, in between her cheeks down to the bed. She sat up and looked between her legs, covered herself up with her fingers. She was sitting in a pool of his semen, could see spots on the comforter, dark, white blobs in the centre. She closed her legs up.

  Pete was watching her, sitting in the dark corner in his arm chair. His face was grim. He wasn’t mad but she’d given him a show. That had done something to him. She didn’t know what yet but she would find out she supposed. How did that look from his angle? How did she look to him? What must he think of her?

  “Jess?” Pete’s voice, worried.

  She brought her knees up, put her arms around them. She touched her forehead to them, shook her hair so it would cover her face. She wanted to be alone right now.

  Pete came to her, sat on the other side of her on the bed and when she felt his hand on her back, she started to sob. She was dry, she had no tears, but she was racked with shame.

  “Jess, it’s okay, baby.”

  Tyler sat up too, moved next to her. “What’s wrong? Jess, did I hurt you?”

  “I’m fine,” she said into her lap, hiding her face from them.

  “C’mon, baby, Jess, that was fantastic, you wanted that,” Pete said.

  “I know, I know. It was a lot.”

  Tyler’s hand was on her, big and warm taking up the entire flat of her lower back. “That was amazing, Jess. The best sex I’ve ever had.”

  “Really?” she said, quiet.

  “Oh, fuck, Jess. Come here, girl.” He pulled her into his chest and hugged her to him. She put a small hand over his upper arm, felt how hard he was, how strong.

  She looked over at Pete, watching the two of them, his face was blank, beaten.

  “Pete, it was really amazing. He is so incredible.”


  Buccaneer Bay

  Monday, November 7th

  Things had changed around the old Mapplethorpe household in the last few days and Pete could feel it. There was an electricity in the air. Not something dry and static, quickly discharged if you touched a door knob. Something was building, something huge, like a storm on the horizon. The air would sometimes sizzle.

  There was something between Jess and Tyler. He thought it had been fading but their exchange on Friday seemed to have sparked something new. Tyler had already transformed his wife into a horny sixteen-year-old, but since Friday she had regressed. Fourteen? Like if she had a locker at high school she would have a dozen pictures of Tyler in it. Smitten.

  Nothing she said, nothing she overtly did, it was subtle. She had handed Tyler his dinner last night, made eye contact with him, smiled, looked down, blushed, looked away. Like a kid. Pete loved it. Loved to see her like that but he would be a fool to ignore the danger. This game had consequences. As happy as he might be for his rejuvenated fresh-faced little Jess, he had a family to defend. And the object of her affections was so large a presence in their home Pete could be pushed right out a window by his big broad shoulders.

  Standing in the kitchen now, 5:47 P.M., the house empty, he felt that danger like a presence.

  Where was his family? Where were they all?

  Pete went upstairs to get changed, get out of his suit and tie. He got his comfortable pants on and a light sweatshirt, stood looking over the bed. It was a PD day at school. Jess had the day off, she would have been all alone all day with the boys and with Tyler. There was work she was supposed to catch up on, required to. She was up late last night, marking tests, drawing happy faces on some of them with a pink marker.

  Alone in the house all day.

  Petey and Andy were home of course, they wouldn’t be completely alone together. But still. Jess was like a different person. Sometimes he couldn’t believe her behaviour. Some of the things she did seemed to be for Pete’s benefit, to get him going, to make him suffer the way he enjoyed. But s
ome of that was a charade. She did the dirty things she wanted to do then blamed it on Pete.

  He got on the bed, smoothed the sheets out with his palms. Looking for semen stains, something. Please stay with me, Jess. Don’t let me lose you. I couldn’t bear it for real.

  He heard a car door from the driveway.

  They were all home, he could see them getting out of the minivan. Tyler out of the driver’s side, Jess smiling in the passenger seat, unbuckling her seatbelt. He gripped the curtain as he watched them. Jess opened the sliding door and worked on Andy’s car seat. Tyler had the hatch open getting things out of the back. Had they gone shopping?

  Petey was in there too, talking to his mom a mile a minute. Jess was laughing with him about something. Jess hefted heavy Andy out and set his feet on the asphalt and he was already on the go, heading for the front door. Petey jumped down out of the van, excited, and followed behind his little brother. Jess closed it up and waited for Tyler. Tyler came around from the back, a sports bag slung over his shoulder, a couple of their big towels draped over it. Jess was watching him. When he was up next to her, he put his hand around her waist and they were talking. They looked a little worried. Pete though they might kiss. His heart stopped beating while he watched their little intimate exchange out there. This man with his kids, touching his wife—God, the way she looked into his eyes. They were close, but they stopped themselves from bringing their mouths together. Then Tyler walked his wife up the driveway with his hand on the small of her back. He watched, dying inside until they passed below the window where he couldn’t see them. He took a quavering breath then went downstairs.

  “Dad, Dad?” Petey was hollering for him when he got down to the kitchen.

  “I’m here, Petey,” he said as he came through to the hall.

  “Oh man, Dad, we went to Buccaneer Bay, it was so awesome.”

  Pete bent down and picked him up and hugged him.

  “Buccaneer Bay?”

  “Hi, Dad,” Andy yelled, also very excited. Jess came in to the kitchen, Tyler right behind her. Jess looked a little concerned.

  “It’s a water park, Dad. It’s indoors, like, in this huge building, there’s palm trees and water slides, and, like, Hula dancers.” Hula dancers said as a question, unsure of the word.

  “Hula dancers,” Pete confirmed. “Where was this?” he asked. Petey wouldn’t know.

  “Sandusky,” Jess said, quietly, not looking him in the eye.

  “That’s pretty far,” Pete said to Pete Jr. held close to him up on his hip, his arms hugging him.

  “Yeah, it was a long drive but we had fun, we played road games.”

  “Gosh, Petey, Andy, that sounds like a great day. Wish I could have gone with you guys.”

  “Yeah, you would have had so much fun. Tyler and I went down the water slide, like, a hundred times.”

  Jess lifted Andy up and sat him on the counter, licked her thumb and wiped around his mouth. Tyler stood for a moment, didn’t say anything, then walked through and into the laundry room, threw the towels into the hamper in there.

  Pete put Petey down, sat him next to Andy on the counter. “It sure sounds like a great way to spend the day, guys. What a treat, Jess.”

  “Okay, boys,” she said, “let’s go get washed up for dinner.” She helped Andy down to the floor. “Petey, take your brother.” Petey came and he took Andy’s hand and headed for the stairs with them.

  “Look, Pete,” she said, watching them disappear, turning to go up the stairs, “I hope you're not mad.”

  “Mad? Because you and Tyler went and took my boys for a family fun day? That would be so crazy of me. What a silly thing to be mad about.”

  “I know, Pete. I know. It was for the boys, I swear.”

  “Sure it was, Jess.”

  Tyler passed by, heading upstairs.

  “Did he drop off a job application at the Water Park?”

  “Come on, Pete—”

  “You’re making it too comfortable for him here, you know.”


  “He’s supposed to be looking for a way to get back on his feet, get himself out of here. You spread your legs for him, take him out on field trips with my family. Why would he ever want to leave? He’s got you and now my boys.”

  “Pete, don’t be ridiculous, we had to do something with the boys today.”


  “Well, why not?”

  “You don’t think it would be a little outrageous—you know, given the circumstances—to be seen with another man at a water park? I know you recognize it’s crazy. I know you know how that would look, how obvious it would be to any of our friends or co-workers who saw it. You know how I know?”


  “You went to fucking Sandusky. Great Wolf Lodge right around the corner, you went all the way to Sandusky so no one would see you two together.”

  Jess couldn’t answer him. He knew he was right. Maybe she didn’t think that doing that was such a big deal, but it fucking was.

  “You went to great lengths to accommodate him,” Pete said. “You say it was for the boys but you know that’s not entirely true.” He left her, let her think about it, went into the family room.

  Was it really that wrong to include Tyler, Jess wondered. She knew what Pete had meant, but it wasn’t entirely true. Was she going to walk past Tyler with the boys and go have fun at a water park, not even ask him if he wanted to come along? Plus she really appreciated his help today. It was easier with another person helping out. Jess spent most of her time with Andy, the two of them lounging around, playing in Mango Cove. Right next to that, and circling above them, were the Tropical Tube slides and Tyler and Petey spent most of their time going down that crazy thing over and over. It was perfect, she could wave to them as they went, Petey calling out to her to make sure she saw him.

  What was the harm? She went where no one would see them—no one who knew them. Everyone had a great time. The boys really had a blast. Mission accomplished, right?

  “When’s dinner, Mom?”

  “Soon, Petey, soon, go in with your dad please, keep him company while I cook.”

  “I’m hungry, Mom,” Andy said.

  “I know, baby,” Jess answered as Petey and Andy both ran through to the family room. She leaned an arm on the open fridge door, looking for something quick to make.

  Did she get something from it? Sure, it was kind of exciting. Going away somewhere new for the day practically felt like she was someone else. And, yes, she got to see Tyler with his shirt off all day long. He had a perfect body, a dream body. It was natural to want to see it, she saw a lot of the other moms out there today watching him. She saw their jaws drop. Quite literally. Gosh, that felt amazing too. Being seen with him. People knowing he was with you, that he was your man, that you were his girl. At lunch they were standing in line waiting for a table right next to a long mirror. She saw herself with him and it just looked so good. They looked like a couple. She felt like a million dollars when she was with him. Sitting and eating, Tyler helping with her boys, people watching this lucky woman—it did occur to her what a family they would make. She knew that was crazy, impossible. He was so young. He would be moving on soon.

  But what if? That was a scary, scary thought. Uh-oh. What if what, Jess?

  It didn’t matter. It could never be. As exciting as it was to consider, it would never be. She just had to enjoy this while it lasted. She just had to enjoy the little fantasies, the little perks that came with living with this young stud. And seeing him today, with his shirt off, being so good with her boys, spending time as a couple—it had made her so incredibly horny.

  “Yeah, oh, Dad, that’s the Castaway Wave Pool, Dad,” Petey was shouting from the family room. “You go in and then these waves come and they pick you up, or they can knock you over. Tyler and I were... We had a boogie board and I could stand on it...when the wave came...and I didn’t fall off.”

  Jess left the fridge, moved over to the
archway that went down to the family room. Pete was sitting in his chair, Petey standing next to him, practically jumping up and down, pulling on the arm of Pete’s chair. On the screen of their TV was a picture she’d taken of Petey in the wave pool today.

  Pete lifted the remote, pressed a button, and now it was Tyler holding Petey’s hand as he tried to balance on a blue foam boogie board.

  “Pete, what are you doing?”

  “What? The boys are showing me the pictures from today.”

  She looked back into the kitchen at her phone sitting on the counter. Pete was in the cloud. Looking through every picture she’d taken today, doing it with the boys while they told him what a great time they had.

  “Oh, look at this. You guys had a great day,” Pete said. He knew it was a violation. But he’d been bruised, slighted. And he wanted to see what they did. Wanted to see with his own eyes if it was as bad as he imagined.

  He clicked for the next picture. A pool surrounded by palm trees, a rope-bridge prop strung over it, Petey climbing across it like monkey bars, floating barrels and pirate chests bobbing underneath him. Tyler waist deep in the water below, watching, muscles glistening wetly.

  “That looks like fun, Petey.”

  Another click.

  Jess crouching down, posing next to little Andy. Pirate ship behind them, cannons peeking out over her slim shoulder. Sunglasses up in her wet hair. She was wearing a black bikini. Her perfect soft flesh on display. Tyler had looked at the screen—saw this angel—and pressed the red circle. He saw her, really saw her, when she was Jess—when she was Petey and Andy’s pretty mom. Not some man’s wife looking for a good fuck.

  “Oh, I like that picture. Tyler took that one?”

  “I guess so, Dad,” Petey said.

  Jess said, “Pete, why don’t you come and—”

  “Hold on, Jess, we’re just looking through these pictures,” he said.

  Another one.

  Ah, look at this one. Feel the burn. Tyler with his arm around Petey. His other arm flexed in a huge muscular display, abs crunched. Petey doing the same with his skinny little seven-year-old arm.


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