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Learning Lessons

Page 26

by KT Morrison

  “Hold on,” Jess said, and she leaned forward, came right up to Pete between the two front seats and she pulled her coat to her, tried to find her pockets. She pulled out a bottle Pete figured was lube.

  “Oh,” Jess gasped and stopped what she was doing. Her eyes closed and her mouth fell open. Pete looked back and saw that Tyler had his head under her hiked up skirt and he was in her sex, probably had his tongue buried in her. Jess let him, she hung her head next to Pete and let Tyler works his tongue through her. She was gasping and hissing.

  She pulled herself away from him, swayed her hips away and she growled, climbed back with him. He kissed her neck and she tilted her head to him while she opened the lube, popped the top and squirted a lot into her open palm. Then she was on her knees again and she was stroking his cock, hard and sticking up now. She watched her own hand go up and down it, making it shine in the light.

  Pete couldn’t believe they were going to do this, He said, “Jess, isn’t he too big? He’s going to hurt you.”

  “We’ve got lots of lube, Petey. Tyler will be careful.”

  “Pete, man,” Tyler said, “it’s not like I’ve never done anal before. I’ve never hurt a girl.”

  Pete could see Jess's face, see her expression.

  “Oh, she didn’t like that, Tyler. She doesn’t want to hear about your other girlfriends,” Pete laughed.

  “Shut up, Pete,” Jess said, she was frowning.

  She lifted her long skirt up, bunched it around her waist and she put a leg over Tyler’s lap. She had her back to him, facing Pete, and he could see her wet mound.

  “Are you watching, Pete?” she said.

  “Yeah, Jess. Show me.”

  Tyler gripped her waist, she was bent, her head tucked forward under the low velour ceiling of the van. Then she lay back on Tyler, her silky blonde head in the crook of his neck. She spread her legs, lay them over his open thighs.

  “Can you see okay?”

  “It’s kind of dark,” Pete said.

  Tyler took his cock and he was stroking it along her mound, arching his hips so he could pull that big thing back far enough that the tip would get behind her, slide up between her spread cheeks.

  “Watch, Pete,” Jess said, “use the light on your phone.”

  Pete reached for his phone in the inside pocket of his suit jacket.

  “Oh, ow, oh,” Jess gasped out. He could hear wet flesh being forced apart.

  He flicked through his menus, his hands shaking until he found his flashlight app and started it.

  Jess was squeaking and complaining, there were sticky wet noises and the sound of air being forced out of her body around his big girth.

  He got the light on them, lit up their dirty pornographic fusing. Jess had her legs open wide, her sex was untouched, wet and slippery looking, aroused. Tyler’s enormous manhood stretched out from his unzipped jeans and the tip of it was skewering his wife’s tiny anus. He was so thick he was pushing her own flesh into her hole, her skin tightening around where she was being penetrated. He shone the light on Jess's face. She was in pain.

  “Are you okay, baby?” Pete said.

  “Mm. He’s, ah, so big, Petey. Can you see?”

  “I can, Jess.”

  Tyler was dragging it out now, giving her some relief. Jess squirted more lube on her hand and then she put it between her legs, rubbed it on Tyler’s cock and her own soft flesh where it was piercing her.

  “Pete? Do not take a picture, okay? I will kill you if you take a picture,” she said.

  “I won’t, Jess,” Pete said from behind his phone.

  Tyler was breaching her again, making her cry out. He was slipping it in though, he was making progress now, the lube was helping that big thing spread her wide. Jess pressed her back into his chest, she was humming, going up high to a squeak when his size hurt her a bit too much. She turned her head and closed her eyes and they kept kissing while he gradually let that amazing cock of his sink into Jess. She would stop kissing once in a while and frown, her wet mouth held agape, then get back to kissing. She put her hands up her own shirt and she fiddled around, working at the front clasp of her bra he figured. Her hand went over one of his, her little fingers squeezing between his big fingers. She pulled that hand up under her shirt and put it over her breast. Her hips started to move on him, she started to get the feel of it, swivelling in the tiniest contracted circles while that cock sought to probe deeper.

  “Do you like it?” Tyler whispered to her, looking into her eyes.

  She nodded and bit her lip. She said, “It hurts.”

  “I can go slower,” he said, and she nodded to that.

  Pete shone his light closer on them, lit up their connected sexes. Tyler’s cock was about halfway inside her little bottom. Jess's pretty pussy was practically throbbing. She was bright and engorged, damp—she was absolutely aching to be touched. Could he get away with touching her? He wondered if it would be all right if he just reached out and stroked that slippery pink slit that he loved so much. Or climbed back there and put his mouth over her hot wet flesh. What would Tyler do though, feeling Pete’s breath on his balls?

  Tyler’s hand enters frame and wipes his thoughts away; the moment was gone. Tyler’s big tattooed hand swept across her hip and the second he touched her hungry yearning lips she inhaled sharply, making her tummy bounce, “Ah,” she gasped then.

  Jess changed the moment she was aroused, her breaths came in heaves, her little body wriggled on Tyler’s big body, her hips gyrating to accommodate this thick thing sliding up inside her where it shouldn’t go. She sucked on Tyler's tongue, kissed at his lips wetly. They both had a hand up her shirt, moving around under there, toying with her hardened nipples.

  Tyler moaned, said, “Mm, I think you like it now, don’t you?”

  She nodded for him, closed her eyes and bit her lip. “How do I feel?”

  “You’re so fucking tight back there, Jess. You feel so good, baby, I wanna fuck you like this all night.”

  “Yeah, fuck me all night,” Jess breathed, then she locked her lips over his again.

  Tyler had his middle finger hooked inside her and she liked it, there was no denying it. Maybe at first this anal experiment had seemed like it wasn’t going to work but once that kid had his hand on her sensitive swollen sex she was on board. His size had to be uncomfortable sliding up where it was. It had to be. Then again now that he had her breathing heavy she seemed to be having no trouble accepting that thing back there. Tyler’s bare shiny cock was an angry sort of red. Pete wondered if it hurt being so big if what you had it inside was as tight as his sweet Jess's bottom. It must feel so good to make a woman do that blissful/pained face that his wife was making while he fucked her.

  Something happened to his app when he tried to move his phone closer, tried to make that dirty point of contact brighter; he fumbled it, didn’t drop it, but now it had gone off on a crazy tangent, flashing some kind of emergency strobe. The inside of the van turned into a Euro dance club, flashing bright white in pulses to electronic music that wasn’t playing.

  Tyler was laughing.

  Pete fiddled with it, slid a graphic slider on the screen but that just made it pulse quicker.

  “Sorry,” he whispered to them.

  Jess groaned and in the bright flashes he saw of her face she looked irritated. She looked like a woman who had been having a great time, was about to have a wonderful orgasm, but her bumbling husband ruined it.

  “What are you doing, Pete?” she said.

  He looked at her face squinting in the bright light, frowning at him.

  He closed it and the van went black. Everyone’s rods and cones were all messed up. It seemed ten times as dark as it should be. He could hear Tyler laughing.

  He opened the app again, went through his menus, heard them kissing which was good. He got it back on in a normal mode and tilted the light to them again.

  Whatever kind of magician Tyler was he had a real trick of getting Jess in th
e mood, because she was lost in his kisses again, her eyes closed but her eyebrows held up high like someone getting the best massage at the best fucking spa. His hand was working between her legs again and she was wriggling on his fat organ buried up her ass. Pete’s fuck-up was in the past.

  Pete stopped trying to be fancy, stopped holding the light close, he just held it at his shoulder and watched them quietly for a good long while. Jess looked so happy with her back against him, her mouth locked on his. It looked like the anal sex was a bit difficult because he wasn’t thrusting, just letting it sit inside her and he let her move herself on it the way she wanted. Tyler worked her between her legs with his big fingers, plunging, stroking and tickling. Pete felt swelled with happiness for his baby girl—it looked like it felt so good.

  Tyler said, “Pete watch this.” Jess's legs were draped over his thighs and he pushed himself deep inside her lifting her up so that Pete could get a better look at Tyler’s cock shoved deep in her hole.

  “Oh Jess,” Pete sighed.

  Jess gasped out, high, a squeak. “How does it look, Petey?” she said.

  “You look so hot, sweetheart.” He wanted a picture so bad. His finger hovered over the symbol. One tap and it was his. She would hear the shutter sound. “I can take a picture for you, baby,” he said.

  “Mm,” she moaned as Tyler kissed her mouth.

  “Please, Jess.”

  “Not my face, right?” she gasped, pulling herself for a moment from Tyler’s lips. She was drunk with passion.

  “Yeah, take it, Pete,” Tyler said, and he spread her lips wide, his two big fingers with the tattoos pinned her lips far back like a bright pink butterfly. It looked way too Hustler. He didn’t like seeing his wife like that. She was the mother of his kids.

  Jess was mad. Her hand came down and covered herself up, she said, “Don’t do that.”

  Pete’s finger came away from the button.

  “Take it, Pete,” Tyler said.

  “You look so good, Jess,” he encouraged her. He put his phone down, tapped the flashlight closed and sat listening to them.

  They made sounds in the dark. Ahhs, oh yeahs, ows. There was the slick wet sound of Tyler’s hand buzzing and shaking her dripping mound, the crackle of his thick fingers working through his wife’s labia. Jess gasping and then squeaking, the sounds getting quicker and higher. He could feel her breath as she moaned a breathy spearmint gasp from the backseat. He felt its warm caress on his cheek and he shut his eyes and breathed it in, consumed that piece of her. He tightened even harder between his legs, felt a sudden surge, could feel himself so intensely aroused that he was leaking. He wanted to touch himself but knew he would come in an instant.

  “God, Jess, this is so hot,” he whispered.

  Then she was leaning forward, he could sense her face just a breath away from his. She was bending forward, letting Tyler grip her hips and thrust himself inside her now.

  “Are you going to watch me come, Petey?”

  He scrambled to hug her. Didn’t want to lose her. He put his arms around her. He could feel Tyler thrusting himself into Jess's ass, could see his arms wrapped around her, his hand probably reaching around to the front and driving his wife wild with a finger or two slipped up inside her.

  “Kiss me, please, baby,” she whispered to him.

  He couldn’t believe it. He searched in the dark for her lips. He found her cheek and kissed it clumsily, worked his way towards her lips. He felt her hands grip him. One holding his wrist, the other digging into his knee. Their lips met and he pulled hers into his own, thrust his tongue inside her mouth and searched every corner, pulled her slippery little tongue into his mouth. She tasted foreign, tainted. She tasted like Tyler.

  She pulled away, gasped, “Oh, my God, that’s so ho-ot, ah—”

  She cried out, bright and sharp and piercing. Tyler was giving her one incredible orgasm. Pete would like to think it was the touch of his lips on hers that put her over but he knew the reality.

  He watched her thrash, watched her shake her head and cry out and throw her hair around her. Her hand on his knee turned to a deadly claw and she squeezed him so hard he thought he’d have to yell out. He put his hand on her slim back, felt the tremble between her shoulder blades as she came again and again. Tyler was holding himself steady inside her but whatever he was doing with his hands had Jess going out of her mind.

  “Ah, Jess, yeah,” Tyler roared behind her. He dug himself deeper and held her, his hands slowed and he growled, “Come on that big cock.”

  “Oh, God, I am, I am...”

  Pete kept rubbing her back until she had rode it out, stopped trembling. “Oh wow, oh holy...” she whispered underneath him.

  “Was that good, baby?” Pete whispered.

  Jess held his hand, she said, “Oh, Petey, you have no idea. He’s from another planet than you.”

  He squeezed her hand back, said, “I love you, I’m so happy for you.”

  Tyler said, “Where do you want me to come?” He had resumed his stroking into her interior, Pete could hear the now-familiar sound of his wife’s anus being parted and stretched.

  Jess told him over her shoulder, “Inside me. I brought towels.”

  That made Tyler groan with excitement and now he held her haunches firmly, raised himself up so that he was fucking her little bottom doggy-style.

  “He’s going to come in my ass, Petey,” she whispered to him.

  “Does it feel good?”

  “It feels so bad, baby.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  “Yes. Ah, it’s okay though.”

  Jess's hand touched him between his legs and he almost jumped out of his skin. He felt her fingers going over the little outline of his cock as it pressed so hard against the front of his suit pants. In that moment he knew there could be no other woman in his life but his Jess. He felt consumed by his love for her—it was too much for him.

  “Oh, baby,” he cried.

  “Is this your tiny dick? It’s smaller than my hand.” Her hand went up and down the front of his pants, the heel of her hand digging into the underside of his painfully hard erection.

  “Oh, Petey. You’re so small.”

  She rubbed him hard, her hand rocking up and down, pressing him against his pubic pad under his pants. She moaned, and grunted while Tyler slid himself in and out of her. Her head went up and then back and down, her eyes closed.

  She said, “Are these your little balls?” She squeezed them with her fingertips.

  He’d seen her hand on Tyler. He never felt smaller than right now as she rubbed him through his pants. He was as hard and as big as he’d ever be but Jess's fingers were cupping his balls and the tip of his dick was running between the pads of her clenched hand where it met her wrist.

  Tyler was grunting with his thrusts, a steady slap of his skin against Jess's soft cheeks. Her body swayed against Pete with his movements, moving her hand on his cock with the thrusts of her big lover.

  Tyler was hunched over her back, his big hands gripping Jess's smooth haunches, her flesh pressing down under the fingertips of his strong grip.

  Pete put his arms around Jess's shoulders, hugged her head against his chest. Her hand was still pushing against the tip of his little hard on. Pete spread his legs a bit, held her tighter, he could feel his balls jiggling in his loose underwear. Couldn’t even fill out a pair of briefs with his little manhood. He watched out the window, the wintry dark night so lonely except for one set of headlights slowly passing along the quiet street. Heavy snowflakes drifted across the parking lot, fat and wet, drifting sideways lazily.

  He buckled, his body shuddered three times and he thought he might pass out. He snorted through his nose, grunted high, like a crying whimper; he was shooting semen into his pants, hard jets trapped in the fabric, his wife’s wrist pressing against him. He could feel his underwear filling, wet and hot, streams running through the creases of his thighs.

  Jess knew and she stopped her movement
, pressed him tightly against her arm and let him hump himself against her as he kept coming. His whimpers turned to sobs and he let her go, folded up in the driver’s seat in front of her. He squeezed his little cock through his pants, felt the wetness right through the fabric and Jess rubbed his back slowly, going around in circles, feeling so good.

  Tyler kept slowly, steadily, fucking her anus, but even Pete could sense a tremble in him, a ragged, urgent quality to his breathing. Jess rubbed and Tyler fucked and he could feel that through Jess's little warm hand over his back. His breaths turned to quiet dry sobs. He was so overwhelmed. So happy but so profoundly devastated, lost and alone, too.

  Tyler roared low and clenched, he was coming, and Jess pressed into Pete with Tyler’s weight on her back as he lost control and was ejaculating inside her.

  “Oh, my God,” Jess whispered, “I can feel you coming.”

  Tyler kept pushing into her, pressing her over and over again into Pete’s back. His roar turned to groans and grunts as he shot shorter and shorter pulses. Pete could smell the vodka on his breath.

  “Aah, fuck,” he said, finally. He sounded spent. Pete could feel movement, jostling through Jess, the sound of movement above him, the clink of a belt buckle.

  “Ow, careful,” Jess hissed. Pete could hear the wet sound of Tyler’s weapon being unsheathed from his wife’s bottom. Jess gasped and sighed in pain.

  Tyler collapsed back on the bench seat, making all sorts of satisfied, approving sounds. There was a quiet slap as he must have put his hand on her bare bottom, probably laying there looking at her naked rump, her dirty sex opened wide for him. There was a faint perfumey smell of Jess's ass now.

  “What’s wrong with him?” he heard Tyler’s low rumble.

  Her hand still smoothed Pete’s back, warm and small, so friendly, so needed right now. “He’s fine,” she said.

  Pete said, “I’m fine.” He lay there bewildered at what this weird thing had become. Feeling distant from Jess but at the same time so loved and so outrageously in love with her.

  Jess whispered, “I love you, Petey.”

  Then she was pulled from him roughly. She yelped and giggled, Tyler said, “Get over here.”


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