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Learning Lessons

Page 40

by KT Morrison

  “Oh, you, oh,” she moaned. He dug himself in, ran his hand up her smooth side, felt her ribs, let his hand come up over her soft breast, felt her nipple, clenched hard and tight, graze against his palm. She was trembling, gasping, looking up to the stars while her eyes were closed. He knew she was coming. Not some barn burner but a long slow one. He loved those ones too. Loved when she rode it out, softly turned her head from side to side, watching something going on behind those closed eyes, her brow gently furrowed like she couldn’t quite understand what she was seeing.

  “Oh, Jess, you’re so amazing.” Tyler ploughed and Pete held firm, and Jess wriggled on the two of them. Her arm came up over her head, exposed herself to the two of them completely, surrendered to them. She was going to let them do whatever they wanted.

  Tyler became insistent. Pete could feel his hard tool grinding against his own inside his wife. He could feel that hard cable that ran along his underside pushing against him, claiming all of his wife’s space. Pushing him out of the way and making his wife’s hot interior his and his alone. Pete pushed himself harder, he thrust himself into her. She had never felt so good ever. He’d never been here before in this tight space behind his wife. He loved it. He loved every bit of her. He wanted to be like this with her for all night. He wanted this to last until the sun came up. Tyler pushed his hand off her breast and he took it up for himself. Pete swept down between them, his hand held her belly. He could feel Tyler’s impressive size lurking inside her—restless, a leviathan; he plunged deeper.

  Jess yelled out when Pete found her button. She was swollen hard. She buckled when he worked it. He ran his finger on her, gently, then forcefully pressed it to her. She was wet like he’d never felt. She came again, bucked so hard she almost came off him. But he had her pressed hard enough against her lover that it was contained. He slid himself in again. Tyler’s thrusting grew urgent. He was deep in his wife. She was loving it. Pete pushed himself deeper, felt Tyler’s sticky sack against this own.

  Tyler hugged her to him, he could hear the breath squeezed from her with his force. Pete’s hand was stuck between them. Tyler pounded her until she shook, so hard now, so fast, Pete was getting bucked off. He gripped her hips, dug his fingers into her flesh and he pounded her from behind.

  Tyler pulled her away. Turned with his wife impaled on him, lay on his back with Jess over top of him. Her hair hung down in his face and their lips locked. Jess’ hand moved to her own rump, she spread a cheek. Pete scrambled up, climbed over Tyler’s bulging thighs and he kissed his wife’s back, his heart momentarily stopped when he felt her delicate skin under his lips. He slid himself inside her. Watched himself sink slowly into her dark puckered hole. She gasped into Tyler. He heard her. She felt him. She knew he existed.

  Tyler lay rigid for her, let her fuck him, let her slide her stretched out sex up and down his size. Now Pete had control of her bottom and he claimed it. It wasn’t for his pleasure. It felt amazing, so amazing it was like joyous fireworks were spraying off in all the colours of the rainbow inside his heart—but he resisted it. He did it for her. Gave her his hard little tool and put it in place for her to enjoy. Everything was for her. She bumped and writhed on them and watching her slender back work—showing off her pretty muscles working underneath, watching her tight skin bunch at the small of her back when she arched her rump for more pleasure, her thin arms holding her body up while she fucked two men—the image had his balls tightened up high and desperate. He was pumping his lubricant into her, she had him more excited than he could remember in ages. His wife was a complex, complicated, sexually troubled yet wantonly vibrant young woman. A job, a husband, two kids, a household; none of it had extinguished her licentious spark. He lightly slapped her cheek, self-consciously. She gasped. He did it again. He spanked her bottom harder.

  “Ah!” she gasped to Tyler.

  He slapped her again, harder. He felt hard as stone inside her. Her rump showed a red hand. He smiled, he closed his eyes and rolled them up, let himself enjoy the feel of her tight insides on him. Gave himself permission to be a part of this. He loved her so fucking completely, bad girl that she was.

  Tyler pulled her from him. Twisted her away. Pulled her easily from his short length, rolling under him, knocking him over as they bumped around between his thighs. He got behind her again. Lay on his side with his head on the pillow. He allowed himself to feel her. Let him enjoy the warmth of the skin of her back. His hand went down and scooped one of her jiggling cheeks up and parted them once more. He slid in again. God, she let him do it. She was an awful, dirty woman. He smiled into her back, pressed his face against her. Felt Tyler’s thrusting rock her beautiful body against his. He fucked her. He thrust his little erection in and out of her while her boyfriend had her pulled apart in the front. Buried deep inside her.

  “Oh, Tyler,” she whispered.

  Pete felt filled with love.

  She was gasping now, pained yips, and squeaks, her hand clawed at Tyler’s big arm. Pete was going to come. It was glorious. He hadn’t been with her forever it felt like and now he was going to claim her insides with his seed, he went faster; he could feel it coming.

  She cried, gasped, “Stop, stop,” and she kicked her sweaty legs like she was swimming underwater, kicked and kicked until they both slid out from inside her and she swam above them to the pillows.

  Tyler scooped her up and cradled her. She looked so small against him. He looked like he could protect her from anything.

  She said, “I’m okay, I’m okay.”

  Tyler said, “Did he hurt you?”

  “I’m fine. It just started to sting,” she whispered to him. She curled up against his big strong body, her hands went between her legs and she was soothing the places where they’d entered her.

  He suddenly felt very lewd. Perverted. Like he was some creeper who’d been hiding in the closet, came out and sneakily stuck it up some girl’s butt while she was with her boyfriend. He felt like he’d ruined their night. But it was his night. His wife.

  “Jess?” he whispered.

  “I’m fine, Pete, really.”

  “Did we get rid of your hiccups?” Tyler asked, being cute.

  She thought, then giggled, “Yes.”

  He said it again, “Did we?” and he tickled her sides.

  She cuddled into him, hugged an arm around him, giggled again, “Yes.”

  Tyler’s erection stuck up between them, glistening, sliding across her thighs. He felt suddenly aware of his size again, laying naked in bed with them. He looked down, didn’t like what he saw. He had nothing to cover it with. They were laying on the bedspread.

  Tyler whispered, “I still want to make love to you.”

  “Me too,” she whispered. “I want that too.”

  Tyler kissed her forehead.

  “I can’t do both though. Not again.”

  “That’s okay,” Tyler said. “Pete can watch. Oh—”

  It was like something occurred to him. He let Jess down on the bed and twisted behind him, opened the drawer on the nightstand.

  “Look what we’ve got here, Pete.” He turned holding the huge, but accurate, pale rubber replica of his own cock. The end of it wagged out of the end of his fist.

  Jess covered her mouth while she laughed, “I can’t do two of those, oh my God, are you crazy?”

  “Not for you. For him.”

  Pete said, “Jess, I thought you got rid of that.”

  “For him?” she said to Tyler.

  Pete frowned, “For me?”

  “Why would she get rid of this?” he said, looking at in his hand, admiring it.

  “Why would I want it?” Pete said, still frowning, puzzled.

  “He wanted me to get rid of it,” she said to Tyler.


  “Because the kids might find it.”

  “Always with the kids. I care about those two boys as much as you do. They don’t come in here, Pete. It’s fine. I made it for her.” He poked her thi
gh with it.

  “Tyler, they could come in here. That drawer isn’t locked. What would they think?”

  Jess smiled, looked up at Tyler.

  “Jesus, Jess.”

  Jess said, “I’ll put it somewhere better.”

  “Like up Pete?”

  Jess smiled and then quickly sucked her lips into her mouth like she didn’t want Pete to see her amused by that.

  “Why the fuck would you say that?”

  She looked up to Tyler, then back to Pete. “I don’t know. I—”

  Tyler said, “You know... Why you wanted her to fuck other men. To be your proxy. Send her to do the things you want to do yourself.”

  Pete’s head shook in disbelief.

  “You want to put that in my ass? You think I want that in my ass?”

  “Isn’t this what you want, Pete?” Jess said.

  Tyler said, “When you watch you want to be Jess. You want to be fucked, you want to feel this cock of mine inside you. Now’s your chance. Let Jess put it in you since I won’t.”

  Pete looked to Jess. “Is that what he’s been telling you?”

  “Do you want that Pete? Do you want me to do that for you?”

  “What? Are you two fucking crazy?”

  “Yeah, you do,” Tyler chided.

  Pete went serious. “No, I don’t.”

  “Let her do it, man, no one’s going to judge.”

  “Is that what you think, Jess? Is that what he’s poisoning you with?”

  Jess’s eyes were down. Looking at the rubber cock in her hand. “I don’t know what you think. I can’t figure it out, Petey.”

  Pete said, “Tyler, I’m the man in the house, all right? I might not look like you or swing some big dick but I’m the man. I bought this house, I work, I have responsibility; those are my boys, I’m their father, I pay the bills.”

  “But I fuck your wife.”

  Jess didn’t like it, said, “Hey—”

  “She’s my wife.” He put his hand on her knee. “This is my wife and you fuck her because I love her, you were fucking her at my will, you are just a gift that I've given her.”

  “He’s not a gift to be given or tip-huh-taken, Pete,” she said. Her hiccups were back. “And I’m not ah-anyone’s property.” She threw the cock away, off to the foot of the bed. “I don’t know what you want, Petey. Not anymore. I don’t know what any of this was all about.”

  “Any of what?”

  “Wanting me to have sex with other men.”

  “I want you to be happy.”

  “By fucking men that aren’t my husband?”

  “You thought it was hot.”

  “Hey—I thought the men were hih-hot. I thought Tyler was hot. I never thought hard enough about whether it was right or not.”

  “You think it’s wrong?”

  “It was. For me it was. But now...” She put her hand over Tyler’s.

  “Jess, I told you...I don’t want this hurt anymore...I don’t want you to hurt me.”

  “I’m not trying to hurt you. I honestly...I don’t know what you want...I don’t...I feel like I don’t know you...”

  “Jess...don’t know me? How could you—”

  Tyler pushed his hand off her knee. Jess looked weak and sleepy. She looked deeply troubled. Sad.

  Tyler said, “You know she was going to dump you.”


  “She was going to dump you but you got lucky and squirted those little grapes inside her. You got her pregnant.”

  Now Jess was mad, she turned on Tyler, “How dare—I told you was pip-private!” Her face screwed up, and her eyes were quivering. Tyler’s arms went around her and he held her.

  The bed was gone underneath Pete. Everything was gone. Everything he got up for every day was taken from him. His wife, his children...his family—what was it all ever fucking about, what did it all amount to? He existed in a void now, nothing, emptiness. All that he saw as real to this point was not real. “Jess, do you think...I robbed you? Do you think I took your life away?”

  Her head was pressed against Tyler’s chest, her eyes closed, a tear had accumulated under her lashes, swelled large and round, and Pete watched it tremble, waited for it to fall. “No, Pete. How can you say that? Our babies, Pete. You gave me our babies. You never took anything from me. You gave me those two lives.”

  Pete bent, fell until his forehead touched the bedspread. With his face hidden the tears came. They flowed from him, his back heaved. “Jess, I just love you so much. All I ever wanted was for you to be happy. I didn’t want trouble. I didn’t want you to miss out on pleasure.”

  He felt them moving next to him. When he looked up he saw that Tyler was kissing Jess again. She had her back to him, her head turned over her shoulders, her pretty lips seeking to make contact with his. She was biting at his lower lip, her eyes closed. Tears had streamed across her cheeks but her face was peaceful as if she were asleep. Tyler was stroking his half-hard cock, then he kneaded the glans up between his wife’s legs. Pete watched her legs part for him. That big thing pushed against her soft pink parts, pushed and then slowly spread her until it was sinking into her body. She said, “Oh,” a little gasp that disappeared behind Tyler’s pouting plump young lips.

  Pete watched that thing of Tyler’s plunge in and out of his wife’s body, claiming that sacred space for himself. He watched it disappear inside her, that thickness spread her wide; knew she felt it, knew he felt good inside her.

  His wife was gone. That wasn’t her getting fucked like that. Her eyes were closed, her mind absent. She was just a beautiful warm body being penetrated, an organism whose brain was only kept alive by the pleasure signals that Tyler’s thrusting was zipping up there. Jess was gone.

  He watched a while. It was ugly but there was something somehow wonderful in it. He stroked her bare pretty foot. Ran his thumb over the nail edge of her big toe. She came once more. Her eyes still closed. Her mouth hung open after she’d cried out. Her brow furrowed. She was going to come again.

  He got up and put his pyjamas back on while the two of them continued on. They were going slow and passionately. Lovingly. Tyler held her wrist back over his thigh. His other arm was wrapped underneath her, his forearm coming across her softly jiggling chest. She was sighing and gasping with his movement, feeling it build inside her again. Jess had her little hand clamped over his. Her head bobbled loosely with his thrusts.

  Pete went to the door, watched another moment. Watched Tyler’s big balls move on his thigh, tighten up and release as he came inside Jess. Again and again he shot his seed inside her, he was softly groaning, biting his lower lip. Pete turned the light off and went to bed.



  Tuesday, January 3rd

  “Hey, Julio, you ever have someone in your know...become a problem?”

  “A problem? How you mean, like a problem?”

  “Yeah, like, I mean, they’ know—”

  “All kind of problems, Pete.”

  “They’re just ruining...your quality of life.”

  Julio thought about it a moment, trying to figure Pete out. Was this a test or something, like was Pete evaluating him for work purposes or was he genuinely interested? His eyes went narrow.

  “Seriously,” Pete urged, sensing Julio’s discomfort in approaching it.

  “You mean, like, a neighbour?”

  “Yeah, like a neighbour. Someone not in your family or anything. But every time you see them they ruin your day.”

  “What they do though? Like, threaten you?”

  Yeah, that was close. “Right, that’s perfect. Like that. You don’t feel safe with them around.”

  It was just the two of them sitting in the Security Control Room with the lights off. Julio was at the long desk in the centre of the room in front of four computer stations only one of them active at the moment. The wall above him had four thirty-inch monitors flicking scenes of various store locations from the CCT
V security cameras across the Save-Mart.

  Pete saw him in here as he was passing by in the hall and came in to sit with him. He didn’t come in here to talk about this. Just wanted to sit with somebody.

  “You’re asking for real.” He said it and it wasn’t a question.


  He laughed, then, said, “I don’t know, I guess. Yeah, maybe a couple of times.”

  “What do you do?”

  “I don’t know, Pete. Two times I called the time the guy moved away. He used to yell all the time about my friends, my cousins, parking on his side of the driveway—Pete, by an inch or two. Couldn’t be normal, homes went off yelling like he was going to pop his top. One day—just gone. Another time, Maria had a guy, like, stalking her at work...”

  Pete leaned forward. “What did you do?”

  He shrugged. “He would send her, like love letters, they were really...” He shook his head, like he just remembered how disturbing they were.

  “Did you talk to him?”

  He shrugged again. Didn’t want to tell his boss. “All those times I learned one thing: nip it in the bud, you know? Don’t let it go, wait for the other guy to smarten up; set it straight right from the beginning. Guy or girl?”


  “You got problems with. Guy or girl?”


  “That’s lucky. Girls are crazy.”

  “They are,” he agreed.

  They sat in the dark for a moment, Pete swivelling in the chair, rocking around with his heels dug into the linoleum floor. He had his arms folded, his mouth bunched up, twisting while he thought.

  Julio got up, pat him on the shoulder as he passed, said, “I gotta get back to work, boss is a real asshole.”

  Pete chuckled, watched him walk to the light in the hall. “Hey, Julio, thanks.”

  “Sure thing, Chief,” he said. “Hey, Pete? Don’t you do anything crazy.” Then he was gone down the hall.


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