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A Lady's Seduction [Highland Menage 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 13

by Reece Butler

  A wave and the women were gone, leaving the door open for the men. Alana hoped few would see her in the bed. MacKenzie had promised only James would observe Cormac bedding her. As she was the daughter of an earl proof of bedding was required.

  Alana wore a sheer garment that allowed the red of her pussy curls and her hard nipples to show. There were no bedcovers to hide behind as they’d been folded over the foot of the bed. She did have bed curtains, but they were tied back.

  Alana had drunk only a little wine as she picked at her food. The MacKenzie men, however, had been drinking, some heavily. Colin and James had seemed happy but reasonably sober when the women brought her upstairs. As she left a few of the men had eyed her as if guessing what they’d soon be seeing. She did not want any male but her husbands to see her.

  Deep masculine roars surged closer. Panicking, she rolled off the far side of the bed, crouching between it and the wall.

  “Ye’ll nay be seein’ my wife, ye mangy swine!”

  That would be Cormac.

  “‘Tis the custom, te make sure another’s nay been put in her place.”

  “Aye, when the bride and groom havena set eyes on each other afore,” bellowed Cormac in reply. “We well ken what Alana looks like, havin’ seen her first as a wee lassie.”

  “Ye need a witness!”

  “I’ll be my brother’s witness. Now go soak yer heads in more ale.” James sounded calm, at least in comparison to Cormac.

  “She’s just a woman, MacDougal. Good for nothin’ but fu—”

  The unmistakable crunch of a fist on flesh brought a grunt of pain, then a roar. Cormac ran into the room, James right behind. She ducked out of sight. She heard them slam the thick wooden door and bar it before fists and boots pounded.

  “Ye must come out sometime, MacDougal!”

  “Aye, and by then ye’ll be passed out under the table,” roared Cormac in return.

  “The laird’s opened the whiskey!” yelled someone in the corridor.

  Was it Colin? A roar of approval covered the complaints. The horde stampeded back to the hall, though someone kicked the door again first. When it was quiet she slumped in relief.

  “There’d best be food, drink, and a chamber pot in here. We’ll nay be leavin’ for a wee while,” said James.

  “Come out, wife, and show yerself,” said Cormac. “‘Tis just us now.”

  She poked her head over the high bed, frowning at them. “Are ye drunken?”

  Two dark heads swung her way. Matching smiles broke out below eager eyes.

  “We’ve had a wee dram or two,” admitted Cormac. He looked smugly arrogant. “Naught that will keep us from bedding our wife.”

  “I’ve heard whiskey makes men droop.”

  Cormac strode to the middle of the room. He set his feet and lifted his hands wide. “Come, wife. Undress me and see fer yerself if I be droopin’.”

  Instead of climbing on the bed and looking ungainly she slid along the wall until she was free. Their eyes dropped. She looked down. Twin peaks pushed the thin fabric away from her body. Heat flashed up from her curls.

  “Ah, lass, ye are a sight fer sore eyes,” said Cormac. “Ye make my cock ache from wanting ye.”

  She took a moment to drink them in. Just as she’d been lent her scrap of nothing, Cormac and James wore the finery of others above their plaids. She doubted she’d ever see Cormac wearing a royal blue velvet doublet trimmed with lace again. Buttons strained over his massive chest. James looked equally good in green.

  “I am waiting, wife,” reminded Cormac.

  “I am looking, husband.” She tilted her head, tapping a finger on her chin. “You fill out a doublet well.”

  He glanced down. “‘Tis foppish, but Colin insisted.”

  “Colin was right. The serving women are all jealous of me.”

  He preened. “Ye like it?”

  “Aye, but I like what’s inside even more.”

  “Then best get unwrapping.”

  She took her time, circling rather than walking direct, making her hips sway with every step. Their growls proved it was worth it. She would only have one wedding night and would enjoy it. Her pussy throbbed, swelling with eagerness.

  “What did you tell the laird’s new wife?” asked James. “MacKenzie looked very pleased with himself and said to thank you for your tip to Silean.”

  Her blush strengthened.

  “Oh-ho,” said Cormac eagerly. “Mayhaps it be best if ye showed me.”

  She nodded and reached for his belt. At the last moment she detoured to his doublet.

  “Teasing me, are ye?”

  The straining buttons came apart easily. She carefully removed the borrowed finery and placed it on a stool. His shoes and stockings were next, then there was only his belt. His plaid fell to the floor. His cock sprung up, high and thick. She reached for his plaid, but James took it away, winking when she frowned. She’d planned on spending some time folding it to delay further.

  “Show me what ye told the laird’s wife,” ordered Cormac.

  She put her hands behind her and looked up at him through her lashes. She waited a moment, letting him stew, then went to her knees in front of him.

  “Nay wonder he preened like a peacock!” Cormac hooted. “I doubt Colin’s ma ever pleased him that way.”

  “That’s what I said to Silean,” said Alana, making sure her breath touched his tip. “That she was Laird MacKenzie’s second wife, and all ken he loved his Elizabeth well. But if she did this ‘twould drive all thoughts of another from her laird’s mind.”

  “Take me in yer mouth, if ye will,” said Cormac.

  He grasped his hand in her hair at the back of her neck and guided her forward. That guidance was so firm she could not have resisted, though if she had tried he would have stopped.

  “Aye, my laird husband,” she said, and opened her mouth to him. As her lips slid over him a low groan echoed through the chamber.

  Cormac’s fist, tight in her hair, guided her head back and forth. She licked and sucked, enjoying pleasing him. Her pussy throbbed. She heard James groan at her side. No doubt he wanted her lips and tongue on his hard flesh as well. She let her teeth slide against Cormac’s hard cock as she pulled out. He tugged her head back and hissed. His lips were drawn back as if in mortal pain.

  “I wish to get ye with child this night,” he said, meeting her eyes. “I willna come in yer mouth. We’ll save that until yer belly is swelling.”

  She pouted up at him. “I’m wet to my knees with wanting you,” she complained.“’Tis not me who’s keeping you from giving me a bairn.”

  “That’s it!”

  He released her head and stood back, glaring. She shrieked as she jumped up and ran. Cormac had her in two steps. He carried her over his head to the bed and tossed her on it. She landed on her back, fighting laughter, and scrambled to the far side. Cormac grabbed her foot and hauled her back. She kicked at him until he had both feet in his giant paws. He leaned on his knuckles, holding her ankles tight. His eyes widened as he grinned. He moved his fists apart. Her legs spread, though she did all she could to fight him.

  “Ye were a feisty wee thing when we met, and ye’ve not changed,” said James.

  “Stop for a bit,” said Cormac. “I want that piece of fluff off ye and I dinna think ye wish it ripped.”

  Alana immediately stopped fighting. He didn’t release her feet, motioning for James to pull it over her head and toss it aside. She thought Cormac was distracted so tried to escape again. Cormac dropped, so their bellies touched. She shrieked even louder and pounded his head with her fists and his arse with her heels.

  “You beast!” she yelled.

  “Beast, am I?”

  His expression softened. He pressed her hair back from her face, almost lovingly. She calmed, seeing the man behind the mask.

  “Are ye sure about this, Alana?” he asked. “Ye can say nay if ye wish. MacKenzie would keep ye here, safe from yer father. He would kill William if
he could, for the loss of Colin’s eye.”

  “I want this,” she said. “I want to be married to you, and to James.” She looked over at him. “You’ve always been my heroes. How could I not want you as my husbands?”

  Cormac kissed her gently. She sighed and sank into his kiss. Though he was a hard man elsewhere he could soften his lips like a rose petal and make her moan. Too soon, he pulled away. He brought his face so close they almost touched noses. His eyes, as blue as a summer sky, stared into her with such intensity she shivered.

  “Now that ye’re my wife I expect ye to obey me. Aye?”

  She grimaced, as she had when she’d said the word, to the amusement of many. “Aye,” she reluctantly agreed.

  Cormac grinned down at her. “My first order is ye willna come until I give ye permission.”

  He had to be joking. He waggled his eyebrows at her. No, he wasn’t joking!

  “What are you saying?” she demanded. She heard James snort.

  “Even if I come, fillin’ ye with my seed, ye willna release until I say ye can.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Ye’ll have no orgasms this night, unless I tell ye aye.”

  This was her wedding night! She was supposed to be pampered, seduced, teased, and enjoyed!

  “How can I stop an orgasm?”

  His eyes gleamed. “I guess ye’ll be finding out, aye?”

  “But…what happens if I can’t stop myself?”

  “Ye’ll be punished.”

  “You mean, you’ll give me a spanking?” She’d quite enjoyed the last few. Even if it stung she would’ve got an orgasm first.

  Still staring at her, he shook his head, slowly moving it back and forth deliberately. He looked far too eager for her comfort. He wanted her to fail!

  “Nay, lass. I ken ye liked my hand on yer arse a wee bit too well. For this I’ll tie ye down and bring ye almost to yer peak and then stop. And then I’ll do it again. And again.” His eyes gleamed.

  “You wouldn’t do that, would you?”

  “I would not only do it, my sweet, I would enjoy it very much,” he said with too much satisfaction. “So if ye peak without permission ye’ll get so aroused for so long ye’ll be screaming and begging me to give ye release.”

  Alana looked to James in horror. “Did you hear what your brother said?” He calmly nodded. “And?” she demanded.

  “And I hope ye come afore Cormac gives ye permission for I shall enjoy torturing ye with pleasure.”

  Her pussy should not be twitching with pleasure at the thought of denial. Yet it was.

  “You are both evil toads.”

  “Mayhaps,” said Cormac. He showed his teeth in a wide, eager smile. “We evil toads will make sure ye ken well what happens if I give ye an order and ye dinna follow it.”

  Alana chewed her lip as she thought of a way to seek revenge.

  “Are ye thinking of ways to torture me back?” asked Cormac.

  “Who, me?” she replied with falsely wide, innocent eyes. Her hands skimmed over his back to grasp his arse. “Our marriage hasna been consummated. Will you just lie there squishing me all night?”

  She swatted his arse with her hand. James didn’t bother to stifle his snicker. Cormac shifted, raised himself up, and fitted his cock to her pussy. She clenched, anticipating the pleasure.

  “Last chance, lass,” he warned.

  She shook her head. He stayed there, still except for the wee inch that rubbed back and forth. He teased her, neither pressing into her pussy, nor sliding past to massage her clit.

  “Are you all talk and no cock?” she demanded. She tried to force him in with her heels.

  “Did ye bring the sweet oil?” asked Cormac without looking away from her.

  “Sweet oil?” Her heart thumped.

  “Aye, brother. Ye did say we’d take our new wife completely.”

  Both of them, at once? She looked from one to the other. Yes. Apprehension and eagerness warred within her.

  Cormac chuckled. “Ye’ll nay be getting much sleep tonight, wife.”

  “Stop talking and get to work, husband,” she taunted. “I wish to enjoy this bed.”

  He took his time cleaving her flesh, intently staring into her eyes as he sank deep within her. Sweat beaded his brow by the time his balls tickled her arse. He filled her fully, and then some. He closed his eyes for a moment. She squeezed him, making him jump within her. His eyes flashed wide.

  “Ye are mine now, my sweet. In the eyes of God and Man, we are one.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Cormac fought the need to move. He lifted himself on his palms, revealing Alana’s body to their view. Her magnificent chest rose and fell as she panted. Her flat belly would soon, he hoped, swell with their first babe. Below her belly his black curls tangled with her red.

  His cock was fully lodged deep inside Alana Sinclair, his wife! An impossible dream, now reality.

  He shifted, and his hairy balls tickled against the curves of her arse. He couldn’t get any closer to Alana than this. Because of the length of his body she had to tilt her head to look into his eyes. Hers were a light blue, so deep he could sink into them and never wish to escape. It did not mean she’d be his forever. They may be married in the eyes of God and man, but wealth, politics, and the right connections could rip them asunder. Her father had all three.

  He would not think on that. Alana belonged to him, and to James. And they belonged to her. For as long as possible, which he wished would be the rest of his life. A long life.

  Her fingernails lightly scratching his arms brought him to reality. He shivered at the light touch.

  “Harder, lass. Dinna tease.”

  “Then you stop teasing me and get moving.” She clenched him with her pussy muscles. When he didn’t react she drummed her heels on his arse.

  “Methinks our wife is a wee bit impatient,” said James. He dropped on the bed beside them. “Do ye wish to see if Cormac can make ye come even though ye try to stop it?”

  Her pout suggested she’d forgotten about his order. James leaned on one hand and used the other to caress her breasts.

  “’Tis not fair if there’s two of you,” she complained.

  “Fair or not, ‘tis the way it is.”

  She clenched him again, the minx. He tried but could no longer hold still. He slowly pulled out as she watched, her eyes staring at the point where they connected. Her nipples hardened. A pink flush crept up her ribs.

  He had a sudden desperate need to plow deep into her, taking her and making her his. He moved faster, going deep enough to make her gasp. Her wee hands clutched his forearms as he plowed into her. She pushed up on her heels, raising her hips to meet him halfway.

  Her eagerness was his undoing. The tension that he’d been able to hold back from sheer force of will, exploded. Heat from his balls blasted into her, filling her with his seed. Grimacing, body in flames, he pumped, pounding as he roared his possession of her.


  Her pussy rippled around his cock as she joined him. “Cormac, yes!”

  He collapsed, dropping to his elbows as he panted. After a moment he let his chin rest on her forehead. His head squeaked along with his pounding heart. He was depleted, yet full of elation.

  Long moments later he hauled himself back up on his palms. He was elated, with a wild sense greater than anything he’d known.

  “Cormac, would ye say Alana is blushing, or is that pink from an orgasm she should not have been having?”

  “What say ye, wife? Did ye have an orgasm when I ordered ye not to? And dinna lie or ‘twill be worse for ye.”

  “I dinna wish to speak of it,” she said. She kept her eyes closed. Her lips were pursed as if she’d eaten something sour.

  He pulled out halfway. Another few minutes and he’d be hard again, ready to go.

  “A simple aye or nay will do.”

  She sighed deeply. “Aye. I couldn’t help it. Your manly cock was filling me so full—”

  He pulled out and
off her. She looked up, eyes wide.

  “How do ye wish to punish our wife, James?” he asked.

  “I say we give her another chance.” James tweaked her nipple, making her squeak. “She can ride me while ye take her arse.” Her eyes went even wider. “Ye did say ye wanted to make her yers every way, aye?”

  * * * *

  James held back a snicker at Alana’s horrified expression. Horrified and eager, all at once. He tweaked her nipple again, this time harder. She arched her back as she inhaled a gasp. He was actually glad she had come, and not just for the thought of punishing her. She would be far more relaxed now, more able to take them both at once.

  He caught her nipple between his lips. He flicked his tongue over it, teasing her. She grasped his hair with both hands, pressing his head against her breast. He bit down, just enough to make her gasp, then flicked it again when she released him.

  “I have the oil.”

  Her eyes went to Cormac’s. James toyed with her breast, letting her think of what would happen. They’d played with her arse, putting many fingers in, but never a cock. Tonight was their wedding, a time to start their life the way it would continue. When they were together like this, pleasure for all was the way it would be. There were many kinds of sensations, the sharp bite at the edge of pain being one of them.

  “Are ye ready to ride a cock horse?” asked Cormac. He held the vial of oil, warming it in his hand. She took a moment to gather her thoughts, and then nodded.

  James rolled onto his back and held his arms out for her. She came to him, smiling almost shyly. They joined hands, hers so small compared to his. He closed his eyes to savor the pleasure as her hot pussy slid over his throbbing cock. She sank down, then lay forward on his chest, his cock deep within her.

  “Mmm, you feel good,” she murmured.

  He wrapped his arms around her, needing to hold her. He couldn’t believe she was theirs, to pleasure, to laugh with, to argue and debate, and to…care deeply about. He didn’t know what would happen but in this moment his life was better than he could ever imagine.

  * * * *


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