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Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales

Page 9

by Clarissa Black

  Hot streams of lightning bolts streamed from my insides. I could feel his hot lava gushing into me, embalming me, claiming me.

  Hideshi after releasing all of his manhood, collapsed on top of me after drawing his final breathe. I smiled a malicious smile, thinking this would be only one of many more to come. I’ll have him all to myself.

  I embraced him as he kissed the insides of my neck. Locked in each other’s embrace, he folded his body behind me. A happy, content smile formed on my face as I realized that I had my dream Asian guy spooning with me.

  A month happened so fast. It was already the opening of the events building on the day of the public press release. Of course the building was inspired by a blend of Japanese and American design. It had a temple style roof while its interior was deliciously modern American. Everyone who was anything in the industry was there in that building and commented on the glorious design of the building.

  “The architecture of this building is just so grand; I just wouldn’t expect something like this to happen in the middle of an American heartland,” the Governor commented.

  “Yes. Love blooms in unexpected places.” I said as I clutched Hideshi’s arms. Everyone knew about us already. I looked at the secretary and saw her throwing fiery glances at me. I smiled back.

  The event was a raging success! Everyone’s concerns were answered and the local government was very supportive and thankful for providing jobs to the local populace, including Dillon who was now chief of security working side by side with Mr. Tanagi.

  Almost everything was neatly tied-up in the American operation. Something already rumbled within me, and as with his family tradition, our story would unfold more back in Japan. I felt a sense of peace and satisfaction. I would not have traded this for any opportunity. I learned that you should always follow your heart.

  “Ready to go babe?” my sexy Asian man said to me in an Airport, wearing a deliciously sexy Gucci suit matched with an emporio Armani shades. Other girls were checking him out.

  “Ready,” I said grabbing on to his muscular arm. I placed my head on his chest, like two lovers in a twilight, as we walked towards departure written in Japanese Kanji.

  Primal Mates

  (BBW Paranormal)

  By Clarissa Black

  “I like it, if you like it.”

  The slouching of his back and his fidgety movements irritated me. Trailing me like a lost puppy in this museum, my boyfriend, Sam, the slim, slouching nerd, left it to me to pick where we should go this Friday night.

  Luckily, there was a photography exhibit showcasing local city heroes in the museum.

  “Don’t you have an opinion?” I said, trying not to sound annoyed. I really just wanted to keep a conversation going outside having to work the usual office grind. It wasn’t my fault that I wanted a decent night out without me having to decide on everything.

  His spine slumped some more as he looked at one of the photographs. Now normally, under this lighting, he has a cute face. But in my eyes, his cuteness has long disappeared replaced with his indecisiveness, his lack of leadership, and his fragile character. I have to admit, I was growing dissatisfied with Sam.

  “I said ‘I like it if you like it’”, Sam said while looking at my face, carefully observing if his comment had somehow pleased me. It didn’t.

  “Well what do you think of those firefighters in the photograph charging in to save some ladies?” Maybe my helpful guidance might inspire him, or hint at him, of the idea of heroes – of masculine men. The photograph showed a firefighter amidst a fire blaze in an inner-city apartment clutching a child. A hero, who fiercely did what he had to do - now that’s a real man.

  “It seems rather scary.” He stammered. “Where do you want to go next? – Do you want us to stay or do you want to go?”

  Scary? That’s what he thought of a man charging in to the throes of death, risking his life for another. I thought, there was a real man, a man I can count on. I started to wonder if I Sam would even save me, or let alone carry me with his puny arms into safety.

  I’m being harsh. Maybe he wouldn’t be able to carry after all because of my weight. This weight, my ample curves, had left me with an insecurity. After going through a carousel of bad relationships with the type of men that turned me on, I was left hurt, feeling rejected. At least Sam was nice, I reasoned.

  Sam, objectively speaking, was cute in some light angles. He had a slim, non-athletic body, pale skin and a slender face. But the most important trait he held was that he liked me. He really liked me. So after another bad relationship with cruel men, I decided to end it by going out with a nice guy. He didn’t mind that I was on the heavy side. Not all guys can appreciate a cute faced, curvy woman, with a healthy appetite. I thought he was a find. How wrong I was.

  “Well…” I started, unamused and crossing my hands, “Where do you want to go Sam?”

  He shifted his weight. Looking down, then looking up he replied. “Wherever you want to go.”

  His eyes always flickered while waiting for me to decide. I always have to decide on what we’re going to do next. It’s irritating. Can’t he be a man and decide once and for all? I think I may need a drink after this.

  Harsh violent words formed in my mouth, but before a barrage could escape, my lips held shut. It’s not time yet, but I was certain that this was not going to work. It felt depressing. And when I get the feeling of the blues there’s only one thing I like to do.

  “Fine. Let’s go get something to eat!”

  “Awesome!! Now where do you want to go?” Sam said gleefully.


  As I followed the exit sign, a photograph caught my eye. Walking ahead of Sam and holding his hand, my interest turned into a sudden stop bringing Sam to bump against me. Sam reeled back from the mass of my weight. My hands clenched tightly on Sam’s hand. He asked, “What’s wrong?”

  For a minute I was mesmerized, ignoring this man-child’s inquiry. A local squat member had made it to the national news. Everyone knew the heroism that he did; Asch the heroic squat member who saved the city, along with his dog, from a devastating bomb blast. Now here was a guy who knows what to do.

  The portrait of a bold, determined looking man glossed the photograph. His handsome face had made me salivate more for him than food. His piercing blue eyes showed his fierce but contained outlook of the world. His angular face was brutally to seductive to look at, made even more subtle by his wide, delicious smile which gave a relaxed gentleness in his expression. He stood erect, chest out with his shoulders back, which made Sam look like a collapsed hanging puppet doll. Too bad Asch’s partner dog wasn’t there, but they put an opaque photo of him on the corner anyways.

  Sam inched over to inspect the photo of the man. His slim frame, perpetually hunched in the spine, Reading up close the caption, he said, “Hero Saves City.”

  Sam then backed off the photo not even thinking how he owed his life of playing video games in his suburban apartment with unwashed dishes that his mother had told him repeatedly to do. He was trying, but he didn’t have a direction in life, and he didn’t know what he wanted.

  “Can we go to your apartment now?” Sam, again looking for my approval. “My mother told me that she can’t sleep when we watch TV at my house.”

  I ignored him looking at the muscular man that adorned the photograph. Asch was a fierce, courageous beast for charging in when all other bomb experts had failed to thwart the detonation. When all hope was lost, Asch fired in to save the day. Asch was the type of man who was brave enough to act on things. I seriously wanted to see more of him or actually get to meet him – I don’t know – maybe thank him?

  I had a cute face in a voluptuous body, maybe he’ll like me. My full waist and my generous breasts gave me a curved, soft look. I was plump but I was tightly packaged, creating a nice hour glass figure. Long, thick threads of my dark brown hair softly fell from my back, reaching my waist. I was certainly not a fashion model but I was decent.

  Asch was the hero that I wanted. My discontentment in Sam had recently manifested to desiring strong, dominant males that knows how to take charge. I seriously doubted that Asch was the type of guy who hunched and asked where to go next, or didn’t have an opinion. Screw that. Asch charged, when all hope seemed lost. He was a bull, a fighter, a hero.

  “I just can’t believe we were ever in a bomb threat” whispered Sam. “I don’t know what to do if something like that happens again.”

  I wanted to like Sam. I really wanted to train myself to like him. Especially now that I have gotten even closer to the other side of the voluptuous scale. A girl like me can never attract someone like Asch.

  “Don’t worry Sam,” I said with a tight smile to suppress the irony, “I’ll save you.”


  I’d rather settle in another location, maybe have a drink or two to crown the night. But, my company tired me, so I relented in letting Sam to come to the apartment. I shouldn’t be mean to him. I think I could still like him.

  “Is it ok if I sit in this couch?” Sam disgustingly said.

  “Just sit, Sam.”

  “What do you want to do?”

  Maybe Sam needs a bit of motivation to unleash his inner beast. “I’d like us to play a little game.” “Have you played rough house Rosie?”

  He shook his head.

  “Well. We’re going to pretend that I’m a kidnapped girl.” Looking at Sam’s apprehensive look. “You, the other player, will try to prevent my escape by grabbing on to me.”

  Sam gave me a look of concern. “You know me, I like games, but I just don’t like the kidnapped part.”

  My hands reached over to Sam’s lean hands and placed them on my thick, soft forearms. His grip was mild but it stayed. “Now I’m going to try to escape. Your goal is to not let me break free from your hold. Ready?”

  I easily broke on his grip on the first try.

  “No, you have to grip harder. The point is to not let me escape,” I said. “You must claim me!”

  This time he gripped me harder, so I struggled to try to escape him. My weight could have crashed him easily, but I wanted to make him feel strong or at least give me my fantasy. We tussled for a few seconds then Sam suddenly relented by softening his grip.

  “I don’t want to play anymore. It’s scary. ” He said puppy eyed. “What’s with you anyways? Do you want me to get you your favorite cake from the store?”

  I felt a tinge of embarrassment for having crafted such a ridiculous game. My heart sank to see a frightened child who had no inkling to dominate me. He just sat there with a slight smile on his face. Then he laughed.

  “That was kinda dumb wasn’t it?” He said. “Oh and you roughened up your shirt.”

  My shirt was too small now from my expanding torso causing it to rip at the armpit area. A ripping sound followed as I extended the rip down, below my breast, exposing my nub to Sam’s overeager face.

  A wide smile of happiness formed on Sam’s face from seeing the exposed flesh of my mound. I gave him a wink to encourage him. Sam eagerly grabbed on to my breast, testing the weights of my mounds, squeezing them, then slowly he bought his lips to suckle my tips. The wet moist saliva of his slobbering tongue suckled my tips to sensitivity. I quickly shut thoughts of mama-boy image I had of him.

  Sam struggled to remove my shirt, then had even more problems unbuttoning my jeans. Good thing I wore a strapless, easy unhook clasp bra or Sam would have taken forever removing it like last time. Admittedly, I had grown a little bit by the waist-side causing my jeans to tighten up. But I was still surprised that Sam’s thumb didn’t even have the strength to unbutton it properly.

  I helped him with my jeans then turned to his, flipping the button in one easy pass. His skinny penis protruded facing me delicately. It wasn’t small, it wasn’t large either. I would have taken small, but the serious lack of width concerned me. Skinny, thin, just like Sam. His body was even half the size of mine. It gave a stab of insecurity knowing that skinny Sam could easily be looked at as a slim female.

  He didn’t even warm me up. But I blame it on his not knowing how.

  Positioning himself after over my center of pleasure, we came eye to eye. I couldn’t bare staring at Sam, so I looked away. He quickly thrust his penis fully in me. Stealing a glance of his face, I saw his width of lips twisting with immeasurable pleasure. I on the other just felt a light shaking, as opposed to the earth moving pounding that I had desired – I lay flat on my curvy back waiting.

  Sam inched his manhood in soft thrusting movements. I couldn’t bare it anymore so I turned over to my side then pinned him down to his back. Climbing up his pale, petite frame, I lumbered my opening to ease his shaft in. The soft self-satisfied lips of Sam hinted at his eagerness to be ridden. He couldn’t thrust upwards to meet my center. I had his fragile body pinned like a mountain to a tree.

  Maneuvering my hips on top of him so that his rod hits me in right spots, Sam thought I was writhing in pleasure. “You like me in you don’t you?” he muttered.

  I heaved large gasps of air to ride him properly. Thankfully Sam grabbed a hold of my breasts, and as soon as he squeezed, his body convulsed of pleasure. I saw his face contort as waves of pleasure enveloped his body upon his sweet release. I envied his climax.

  Dismounting him, I went straight to the shower. I hated this all. Even the sex was bad. When I came back I found Sam already sleeping like baby in my bed. I curled up beneath the covers and told myself it was time to end this little charade. Although, listening to the light gasp of his baby snores, I’d have to do it gently, as I don’t want see a sniveling man crying before me.


  Sam went home so I could finally relax at home. Flipping on the TV then putting it on mute, a habit I had so I don’t feel lonely. There was a magazine article that I wanted to read. It had the answers that I was looking for. Crashing on the couch with my favorite ice-cream flavor, I looked with envious eyes on the cover of the girly magazines. Slim, petite females adorned the cover. With narrow waist, and slim arms, they reminded of everything I’m not. The particular piece I wanted to read was “How To Break Up With Your Boyfriend.

  I ogled at the piece, figuring out how exactly to break-up with Sam without breaking his tender, heart. Arrows on the checklist of “Signs It’s Time to Break Up” let out an ice-cream cold sigh of release from my mouth. The article alluded almost everything I was feeling about Sam at the moment. I knew what the problem was. I wanted dominant men, not passive men. I meant, Sam really is a nice guy and he treats me well, but there is a missing piece that I craved for. A masculine missing piece.

  I needed somebody strong and dominant that can handle me and my weight. They’re just not that many of them left anymore. My insecurity got a hold of me when I decided to date Sam. I had a feeling it wouldn’t work, but I thought he was good enough, or even that I can somehow release the beast in him. Unfortunately, there was no beast, there was only a man who wanted to please me. He couldn’t give me the dominance that I craved. I craved for a real man, a man who can lead me, who can inspire me. My hero, my man.

  The magazine was spot on about our relationship, and it was definitely time for me to make actionable steps towards it. The article alluded to the benefits of breaking up in a public space. It made sense, at least to me. It reduces the stress level for both parties and keeps a level of formality. The tips further alluded to keeping things direct, and honest. Let him speak, but affirm that a decision had been made.

  I mentally skimmed how the break-up will unfold. I hope he doesn’t cry in that restaurant. The restaurant I had in mind was at the downtown hotel in the middle of the city, half-way between where me and Sam lived. It was perfect place to tell him that. We both can go our separate ways after. Also, the restaurant also received glowing reviews for serving up the best steak in the city. I salivated on having a gourmet steak for dinner for a minute and then was brought back by the reality of single sentence, “.. once decided you ne
ed to do this ASAP.”

  As soon as possible. Be firm. Be direct. Public place. I needed to do this. Not tomorrow, but now. My phone message to Sam was met by an immediate response.

  “I want to have dinner with you tonight. I’m paying.”

  “Wow. Really? That’s awesome.” Of course, I had paid for most of our dates, including the exhibit at the museum.

  “In the hotel restaurant I pointed at the last time.” I sent back. No need for flowery one liners. I needed to be direct.

  “Oh the hotel in front of the central park?”

  “Yes.” As soon as possible.

  Finally it was set-up. All that was left now was to wait until evening, and head out. In the meantime, I still had time to relax and enjoy this Saturday. Turning on the glossy pages of the magazine, I saw again a small picture of Asch. It was rather small picture wedged in other pictures of celebrities. The title read, “Famous Personalities with Phobias.” A little interesting fact about Asch, was that he developed a mild version of claustrophobia after the bomb incident. Nobody can blame him. What he went through was definitely a traumatic experience. Psychiatrist had assured the clamoring public that it was a normal response from being in such a tight situation with little wiggle room for error. He was fine, just that he opted for open spaces more now than he used to.


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