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Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales

Page 11

by Clarissa Black

  Before he could finish his insult he was already hoisting his arm towards me. My instincts came as I charged the one-eyed man like a battering ram. We both fell on the ground with a large thud, with me on top of him. He immediately squirmed trying to get away, but he couldn’t handle my weight. I regained my balance and hoisted my torso up looking at him square in the eyes. Or in this case, his eye.

  “I told you.. you couldn’t handle a large woman.” I said looking down on his pained face.

  “Get out of the way. You don’t know what you’re doing! You stupid woman!” growled the patch-eyed man.

  “You’re the one who started this. Why are you trying to kill us?”

  “I’m not trying to kill anyone. That right there is a tranquilizer gun. It’s meant to sedate not kill. That hero is a threat, a menace. I wasn’t quick enough in shooting him while he left the hotel. He wasn’t supposed to. He had an arrangement. I’m here to ensure that he fulfills his end of the bargain.”

  “I don’t understand you..”

  “I needed two shots of the animal. One shot I had already given. When I saw him trying to get out in the kitchen back door through the dark alley. I nailed him eh. I nailed him real good eh. But, I suppose this tranquilizing liquid is not the right strength as he didn’t drop like a rock like before. He still had strength to dart out to the street quickly and into this park. Took me awhile to catch up with him. eh. Now get out of the way or else.. “

  “Or else what?”

  “Or else..”

  It happened in an instant. The pain was sharp, and I recoiled away from the one-eyed man. A small dart stuck to my side. He then stepped forward, pointing the barrel of his dart gun towards me almost mechanically.

  “Two shots to be sure. Night night. Missy.”

  A large shadow suddenly appeared behind the man. I could see the one-eyed man’s face tremble as his eye peeled to the sides of his face. The man tried to quickly point his dart gun, but Asch caught his arm quickly. Firmly twisting the man’s arm so that the dart gun fell to the ground. My hero then grabbed the neck of the one-eyed. Asch was now in control.

  I looked at the naked, muscular body of Asch raise the man with a single arm, above ground towards the full moon above. It was powerful, devilishly sexy sight of seeing my attacker in the crushing hands of my alpha. I stared at his wide chest and broad shoulders and muscular reaching arms. Looking down, his torso narrowed to his waist, which was covered in the corrugated leanness of his steely abs. Even further down, I impatiently wanted to see. His large cock hanging. I couldn’t believe that his cock was that huge even flaccid. I’ve never seen anything like it.

  “Please no..” the one-eyed man said suddenly looking scared. Asch tightened his grip causing the man to squirm violently trying to pull-apart the hand that was suffocating him. It was no match. Asch face contained a rage, I realized that he would end up likely killing the one eyed-man. I could see his muscles throbbing as he inched his grip closer to the man’s throat.

  “Stop!” I cried out, breaking Asch’s primal desire to end the life of the man.

  He looked at me with those two yellow-tinted eyes that seemed to reflect the moonlight. His face was that of rage. Hair from my arms stood. But seeing me, maybe recognizing me, his expression quickly changed to a gentle, caring expression.

  “Please don’t kill him.” I said.

  I think he understood what I meant. As he slowly lowered the man to the ground. When the one-eyed man’s feet touched the ground, Asch suddenly delivered a quick snapping blow to the man’s head – effectively knocking him out. I watched him lower the now unconscious man to the ground. Of course he had compassion, he saved us all. Saving is what he does best.

  “Are you ok?” Asch asked me rushing to me. But before I could answer him. I found my hands crashing down to the hard planks of his chest. Then my whole body felt heavy. He gripped me strongly, as everything around us turned black.


  How quickly it happened. I opened the black slits of my eyes. Getting up, I felt a tinge of headache which subsided immediately after hearing that calming voice of Asch.

  “Don’t get up” he said in earnest tone, “I hope you’re feeling better.”

  My eyes widened to see the gloriously handsome face of Asch. His black eyes, overlaid by a yellow reflective tint, looked at me with concern. The sharp angles of his face and his strong chin gave him handsome look.

  “What happened?” I asked getting up anyways to get a full view of him.

  “The tranquilizer dart. You were shot.” He said in low-tone manly voice.

  I inspected the area where I felt the sharp pain and saw it carefully bandaged.

  “My training taught me to dress your wound. You should be ok. The tranquilizer was only set to half its concentration.” He said in a relaxed tone. I saw him checking the fleshy part around the bandage.

  Thoughts of the one-eyed man, and the wolf flooded my brain. “What happened Asch? And where are we?”

  He stepped away. Sat down on a chair facing the bed in which I lay. Looking around, we were in some type of large barn. But it was meticulously rebuilt to that of a bachelor’s pad. A modern alpha male’s pad. Nice mahogany wood lined the ceiling beams and the counter were of dark granite, giving it a masculine aura. But it was a simple set-up with a bed, a kitchen, and writing area which seemed well-used. Some pictures of him in various ceremonies and some with his adorning fans. The rest of expanse was filled up with empty space, and the other side were gym equipment.

  “We’re in the outskirts of town. Thank you for what you did. I was able to finally able to come back to my hidden place.” He said. I remember how he had mild claustrophobia. But I think he just felt the need for space. I felt there was more to the story so I asked, “What happened Asch?”

  He sat down, relaxed on the chair that he was sitting on. “I think you deserve an explanation. Realize that this information has not been released to be public. But it will soon be with a book I’m releasing with the commissioner. We’ve been working together to bring some light into the issue.” He said with a curious glance over my curves.

  “You see the bomb that I detonated was part of a scheme to test the pulsar’s power.” He said.

  “Nobody knew that except the shadowy government that planted it; but nevertheless, I charged in to try to diffuse the bomb. They weren’t expecting me to diffuse the cap. They thought it would go out in an explosion thus destroying any evidence.”

  I tried to get up, but Asch quickly caught me with his strong hands. “I told you not to get-up.” So I rested my head in firmly in his chest. Comforted by the embrace of his strong, steely arms.

  “The pulsar was an untested technology. When my partner, the German-wolf, mix came to save me from the initial blast, something happened that infused his animal instinct to me. That to me is clear now. I became very wolf like. I didn’t tell anyone about it – it didn’t even register in the countless medical examination they performed on me. All they noted was my dislike of closed spaces. ”

  I nodded, growing aggressive as I put my hands on his chest. “The commissioner knew about it. I morphed to a wolf one time in his presence and it scared him. Ever since then he had a stand-by special-ops guard to tranquilize me if indeed I grew feral.”

  I listened intently but focused more on the low masculine smoothness of his voice, the hard planks of his chest.

  “You see I can’t control it anymore. I can quickly shift from talking to you now and then the wolf in me would claim me. That’s why I had to leave the hotel as quickly as possible. Good thing there were not many people and an empty park.” He said in a concerned tone.

  “What about the woman?” I asked him, hinting him of a pressing issue I had.

  “Oh. That woman. She’s nothing. She only wanted to get some lime light for herself.” He said.

  “Well” I ventured, “Do you have a woman?” I said as I carefully reached out to the top of his chest towards his neck.
br />   “What are you doing?” he said as he stood up to get away from me. “You can be in danger. If I morph then you’ll be done for. I can’t let anything to happen to you. You already saved me, a wolf. That’s something I respect. You are truly my hero.”

  I stood up to trail him. I was normally not this aggressive, but there might have been something in the tranquilizer that muffled my normal ways of thinking. Or maybe every bit of me tinged with wanting him. To have alone now in the outskirts of the city. I drew in close and touched the planks of his chest.

  “I told you. You might be in trouble if I shift.” He said.

  “But you have energy that you need to release.” I told him. “That’ll calm you. I could help you release that. You’re my alpha hero Asch. I’ll do anything for you.”

  My clothes fell to the floor. Only the bustier remained. Revealing my full-bodied curves opening spaciously at the rim. He might be one of those guys I told myself. Wolves are after supple healthy meaty females, and I had all the right meat. True to his word, he said he changed in an instant. The yellow-sheen of his eyes grew even more pronounced. He shifted his weight and inspected me. A wide-grin formed in his face as his primal eyes focused on my body. Smiling he said, “take that off…”


  He approached me with possessive eyes. Grabbing on to my forearms like he owned me. Out of pleasure I tried to see if could wiggle away from his hold, but I remained firmly in place. He was too strong for me. He thrust my arms sideways, expanding my chest, as if I was in a cross. Then he lowered my arms, to the insides of my lower back. Hostaged. He kept my hands firm, stretching me, holding me down to his will. I liked it. I liked his power. And I liked being subjugated to his will. No need for small talk. Direct. Honest.

  My breast bounced excitedly from his hold as I saw a sweat droplet forming on the insides of his neck. Excitedly, I lunged at his neck, like a primal animal would to his mate. Salivating on him, licking him up and down as far as I could go. Kissing the hard panels of his chest, then up his muscle toned shoulders, the again to the sides of his neck. Each time, and each pass, I tasted his steely flesh with my lips.

  He was drenched in an aroma, a permeating flavor that threw me in the frantic throes of lust. It was sweet, pine, male and overwhelmingly masculine. Tasting his taste and smelling his smell, brought me to a new level of frenzy. My moist sweeping ended in Asch’s manly chin. There I could feel his hot moist breathes close to me. The kiss, I thought. I wanted to kiss him violently. This alpha man, this fine specimen of masculinity sealed with a kiss with my luscious lips.

  My lips finally locked with his. I ached for him. His acceptance. I kissed slowly at first, testing his reaction. Then I slid in a tongue to part his lips. Then when the tip of his tongue touched mine, I had all the encouragement I needed. It wasn’t a lover peck that I gave him, but instead I captured his mouth with a hungry urgency. Grabbing to the back of his neck, I plunged our hungry mouths together in a tight passionate embrace. Twisting and tangling. Our tongues danced against each other, hungrily extracting what they could from their slippery embrace. Engulfed. I searched more for his intoxicating taste deep in his mouth. That taste that was so natural, so fleshly, so fresh and inexplicably male. With retreating hot breathes I wanted to suck him deep further in me, to swallow him, or be swallowed by him.

  My body felt hot as I let my left hand slide out of his hand, resting to the hardness that was his broad chest. Then down I trailed the lean ripples of his corrugated abs. I gripped his large cock. Surprised. It was so large that my hand could barely wrap around it. He released a quick breath. Short little rasps every time I tugged on his manhood. His skin encased rock diamond pointed erect. At me.

  I earned the right to pleasure my king, I thought. His pleasure was my pleasure. His girth, at my hands, expanded even more. And I began to yearn to be stretched by his full masculinity. I was about to taste him, to kneel before my king, but he started playing with my aching breasts.

  His inspecting eyes was followed by a coy smile. My breasts, beautifully formed shapes were immediately cupped. Deliciously, he kneaded them in a slow rhythmic motion, teasing me to the edge of hotness. Round and round he caressed my bare breast. In delicate scooping then vigorous kneading. I felt my chest throbbing, my pink tits expanding. I wanted, no, I needed his mouth to engulf my tips in his moist, mouth. I bit his lower tongue out of passion and released him.

  Scooping one of my full blossoming breast, his mouth reached my throbbing tips. But he didn’t start with my tips. Instead his tongue trailed the outline of my breasts. Starting from the top, then to the sides, to the sensitive part of the bottom. His tongue lathered my breasts voraciously, lapping them firmly with each successive pass. My warm breasts gave all the validation they needed. I felt wanted.

  Finally his mouth encapsulated my now expanding, sensitive tips. I almost jerked when I felt him. My burning pink tips protruded to meet his suckling. His tongue touched the tip and circled them in a vicious gentleness. I yelped from the burning sensation, but before the sound could be released, it was replaced with deep, delicious pleasure.

  I grabbed on the back of his neck and urged him towards my chest. But my surprise was met with his swallowing almost the entirety of my breast in his mouth. It was glorious to see him suckle and take as much of me in his mouth. My breast certainly were beautifully enticing in his mouth. He sucked them, inching all my flesh closer and closer to the back of his throat. I’ve never seen anything like this before, but it felt great. I felt he wanted me, he desired me. My tips melted in the sweet caress of the hot alpha’s mouth. A slow droplet of moist hotness formed in the center of my womanhood. I shook in pleasure thinking it was him who I wanted, the alpha of dreams. His pleasure, was my pleasure and I wanted to pleasure him with my mouth.

  I knelt in front of him still stroking his wide blood-engorged manhood. Licking his cock’s wet tips, I tasted the sweetest hot cum on earth. His taste was deliciously male. Like a flesh of a slippery steak cooked in juicy, masculine perfection. I heard him take full, deep shuddering breathes as I swallowed his wet, shimmering cock in one mouthful. His fullness expanded on my mouth as I tried in futility to slide him deep into me. My alpha, whose member was nice and long, also had a thickness that stretched my mouth. But I was a trooper. I compensated with the flickering of my tongue to the sensitive patch of skin on his underside, the meaty, tasty side. I heard him growl in pleasure. I bobbed my head back and forth of his shaft, with each successive stroke inching deeper and tasting more of him. I wanted him so bad and for him to shoot a load in my mouth.

  He grabbed my head, nudging me down even further. I almost gagged. But I was happy I didn’t. He was in control now. Using my mouth as a love orifice to bring him to the edge of ecstasy. He must have felt that he was nearing as he grabbed a chockfull of my hair and began slamming his fullness down the back of my throat. I felt him spasm a little. Then he started breathing urgent gasps.

  He’s going to come on my mouth, I thought. He’s not even going to ask me about it. The idea came to reality as his breathing turned to punctuated gasps as he tried to maintain his control. I grabbed the back of his large, fleshy butt in preparation of receiving him fully. A hot trickle from him turned to a spray of hot passionate lava, sending him to writhe him in pleasure as he slammed my head deep in him, contorting his hips, adjusting forward using my face as a receptacle of his love seed.

  I must have swallowed twice or thrice. Licking my lips making sure that every last bit of his delectable seed was not wasted. The taste was everything about him. It was a delicious flavor of an alpha male. My favorite flavor. I looked up to him and saw him smiling. I’ve done my job, I had given pleasure to the alpha. But somehow I know it wasn’t over. His cock did not even go limp. It greeted my face still with a strong erection.

  He wasted no time nudging me down to the ground. Him on top. His eyes of yellow-sheathed black pupils pierced a devilish owning look to my soul. My legs opened on their own acco
rd, waiting, and wanting for the moment when he would thrust in. I wasn’t even sure if he’ll fit. He grabbed my forearms again and pinned me down to the ground. Again, I tried to test his hold but was met by the strong firm pinning to the ground.

  His hips he positioned to the insides of my thighs. Pressing on them with the musculature of his hard hips. I helped him get into position. I wanted him to get into position. The parting of my lips felt his throbbing cock, whose taste still lingered in my mouth. The lower lips of my guarded flower opened slowly, as its sweet nectar lubricated Asch’s cock. ‘Impaling’ those were the thoughts of a large woman who looked straight into the eyes of her alpha king. I was to be impaled by him, penetrated by the rod of his manhood that rested powerfully in my opening.

  My flower’s lips gave way to more parting as he slid in. I felt myself getting fuller and fuller in his contained and controlled descent. It was a slow process as my insides stretched to give way to his massiveness. I felt every inch, every millimeter of my walls expanding to their limit, and touching the angry veins of his blood engorged cock. He seem to enjoy the pleasure of slowly penetrating me as a slight smile formed in his lips. A short but deep gasp escaped my lips as I met the threshold of my expansiveness stretched to the limit. The band of my center collapsed to pleasure, breaking out another layer of my soft insides to drape and caress the rod within. There was no pain, only pleasure from knowing that I was again stretched, that he had released me from my limit.


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