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Wolf Desire: 5 Delicious Alpha Wolf Shifter Tales

Page 16

by Clarissa Black

“You met a wolf?”

  “Yes. A particular wolf. He only comes out when the plant is in full bloom.”

  “You mean only when the there is a blue moon?”

  “Precisely.” He leaned back with ease and control. “Apparently, the petal is tied to his life. I don’t exactly know the trickery involved here. All I know is that he used to belong to a wolf clan over the mountain. But, something happened with the wolves, and he decided to make the lagoon his territory.”

  “The lagoon where you took the photo,” I said.

  “There is only one entrance to that lagoon,” said the professor with a grin on his face. “He guards whoever comes in to the lagoon. He is very picky about who enters it. He is very protective of this plant. Do you understand? That is his life.”

  “You mean those other photographers who tried to copy your work?” I said thinking of all the lost photographers who tried to capture light in the wolf’s lagoon. Some returned dejected, but most did not return at all.

  “Yes, them. They didn’t know any better.”

  “Do you think he’ll let me pass?” I asked with my eyes wide and glowing.

  “I think he will. I know you want to take time away from your life here. Why don’t you go there and to take a picture for me? Here this is a special camera that would capture the blue moon’s light.”

  “I don’t know about this prof. Brian had been very upset with me lately, I don’t know if we can keep things together if I go.”

  “It’s up to you. But, trust me, you’ll be very thankful.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Just, believe me, the full blue moon has lots of tricks, and the wolf is a bit particular on the women he selects.”

  “Women he selects?”

  “Oh nothing. The plant is a marvelous thing. You should go see it. Here, I have this book for you. It has an anecdote of all the chapters that you need. I drew a map of the cleft that will take you straight to the lagoon.”

  Chapter 6

  Alone, I snuggled with my soft, blanket, lying on a mat looking at the ceiling with my thoughts drifting. The rain had stopped. I lay awake wondering whether it would be best to step outside and face that wolf the professor mentioned, or wait for the sun. My thoughts strayed to the plant whose failed blossoming could have possibly needed more time under the glow of the full blue moon. I was wasting precious minutes cooped in here.

  There is a thing out there. I don’t think I dreamt it up. The professor told about the wolf, a guardian to these lands; it let me in, so it must be friendly. This blanket’s soft embraced begged me to stay inside, but my desire to see the full blue moon grew strong, and maybe, just maybe, I wanted to leave already and fix things up with Brian.

  Getting up, my knees touched the cabin floor as a cold shiver coursed through my body. The tip-toed dance of my supple feet made its way to the window that faced the cliff. Peering outside, I saw the blue moon. Such intensity it had now. Its hue seemed to have darkened, giving it a full luster of a deep blue color. I need to get out and take a picture of that damn plant.

  From here, I could see that the plant seemed bigger, and oddly, it seemed to glow. Was it another illusion? A sudden dashing movement flashed my eyes, surprising me. I took a step back but quickly fell back to place. I know it’s out there, and I think it might be friendly. A werewolf person? My eyes peered out towards the cliff and I saw it.

  An outline of a man-wolf, whose height seemed to tower to this cabin’s ceiling, stood at the cliff looking outwards at the sea and blue moon. The soft shine of the hair that covered his body luminesced to give him a blue-mercurial color. The moon’s light cascaded on the ripples of his bulging muscles, bigger than any body-builder I’ve seen on TV. His legs were large, smooth, muscular, with his buttocks tight and deliciously round.

  It must have heard me as it suddenly turned towards the cabin. Instinctually, I ducked down with my eyes only reaching the bottom of the window. He faced me, proudly displaying his magnificent animal man body. The large planks of his rippling chest and his broad shoulders narrowed down to his waist, crowned by the hard slabs of his belly.

  Chapter 7

  I awoke from my sleep. The unchanged moon had already casted a heavy glow in my territory. Nights before it’s coming, I had been restless in increasing my anticipation. I could sense its energy pouring down on me. It is beautiful. It is glorious.

  My cock grows erect as I watch this cabin where this female stays. My father had been very kind in sending in these females out here for me. Every cycle a new one comes, just when the full blue moon shines to cast its lovely energy on me. My tip drips of life. The full blue moon is when the sexual prime of my kind is at its peak. We become uncontrollable if not for the smell of this plant that somehow keeps us at bay. Without it, we are driven to beyond the mountains, to the towns, to lay siege on the crevices of unwilling daughters.

  How much I miss the female flesh! I longed for them. Especially now on this special night. My father is very kind, yes he is. I will stab my cock on the female that he has sent. I have to. I need to. This energy is too much, it burns inside me with magical life. It needs to be plunged into the warm sweet walls of her pleasurable hole.

  Something stirs. She is awake. The cabin that houses her stirs with life. She knows I’m here, and I know what she wants. Whatever my father has told her, she must want it. Several of the girls have come here. They all worked for my father in his hopeless quest to reproduce the blue light. He wants it, the heightened prime of the mating desire. The uncontrollable lust to breed, to inject our seed into the warmness. Too bad there can only be one wolf here, for if there was another, then another carcass will lay on the ground.

  She’s leaving the house, this foolish child. Undoubtedly to come here to this cliff, pointing that box thing towards the sky or the sea or the plant. She is a strong girl this one, unafraid. She once caught me and charged at me. Foolish child, does she not know what I can rip her in one fell swoop? However, she is no use to me dead. The cold hole does nothing for me.


  The blue light is at its peak. I feel my insides throbbing, desiring for her flesh. I must have her. I will plunge all my shaft into her. I will lick her all over until she begs me to stop. But I won’t stop. I will rip it apart, grab on to her shoulder.. ahh. I want her flesh now, her warm soft juice squeezing my hard pounding cock as it invades her. She’s leaving the cabin. Foolish girl.

  Chapter 8

  The creaking sound of the door gave way to the lush forest floor. I stepped out. I don’t know what’s out there, but I want to take the damn photo already. In reality, I just wanted to go home to Brian. I realized that all this is just a foolish escape to get my head clear. Well, it’s clear and I’m ready to go home.

  My hand grasped the camera; this small, special box device made specifically by the professor. If this thing is out there, then maybe he’ll like this Taser that I brought with me. Yup, it’s all charged and ready. This is Fresno justice. But in reality I was scared. I don’t know if I’ll make it. I figured it’s just one snap of this plant and it’s all done for.

  Look, the blue moon has changed. It’s gotten a littler darker, a little more hue in its blue belly. And it shines luminously, directly, as if it had a ray that only shines here in the lagoon, in this cliff, and on me.

  Only thirty-five steps to the edge of the cliff. I counted this. Here I go, make it or leave it.

  The air was still damp when I stepped out, giving my pearly skin a chill. I took ten steps before I had to stop. There was something behind me. I felt it in my back. A large heavy object standing, towering over me as I walked. It was following me.

  Ten more steps to the cliff. I was certain of feeling its hot breathing on my navel. My hand slowly gripped on the Taser. All I needed was one full sword stroke to whatever it was; one quick turn behind to lunge lightning on its body. Five more steps. Oh, look at the sigma plant. It really is blossoming. How beautiful. Concentrate girl, concentrate!
br />   I closed my eyes as my twisting torso hurtled the length of arm, whose tips sparked of blue fire electricity. Half expecting a thud, followed by the uncontrollable quivering of my would-be assailant, I found nothing. My extended arm poked at the air of nothingness. A breathe left my lips, but before it could leave, I already felt something grabbing my waist.

  In one instant, I quickly lunged my arm back again to the attacker. But instead of finding nothing, a quick snap of hand grabbed my forearm. Its strong grip quickly shot pain through my nerve, softening my grip as the Taser fell on the ground. My only weapon, my only chance of survival, my blue light died slowly.

  Chapter 8

  His two arms caged me. My heartbeat started thumping hard, and beads of sweat started forming on my brows. I felt rooted to the spot, unable to move. Heavy breathes escaped my trembling lips.

  “What’s your name?” his deep voice said in an almost deafening roar.

  “Cynthia,” I responded in a shrill voice.

  “How is my father?” he snarled with the vibration ripping through me, the ground, and through the forest.

  His father? I didn’t know what to respond with. A voice formed in my throat but it lacked the thought from my brain. What is he talking about?

  “Father?” I managed to say.

  “He sent you here,” he said in simple, stating the fact manner.

  “He sent me here?” I asked as I grabbed his hands from the abdomen. I don’t know what it is, but I felt the need to touch him. I grabbed his hand and leaned back on the hard planks of his chest. It would have been a picture perfect sight to see me and this enormous creature behind me on a cliff with a full moon shining behind us from the sea. It was romantic being away from everything, in a sort of sick way.

  “Yes, my father sent you here. That’s why I let you pass.”

  “You mean the professor? He’s your father?”

  He grabbed my waist with his strong hand, and with his muscular arms lifted me in the air. I held back a scream from being hoisted in the air like a play doll.

  “He sends girls he wants me to breed with,” he said as I felt him looking at me from behind, inspecting me and my curves.

  “Oh,” that’s all I could say. I wanted to say more, but my mouth couldn’t form the necessary sounds. The creature didn’t know I couldn’t breed. Well I could, but I cannot give him a child.

  “The full blue moon shines. It is magical. I will put a wolf inside of you. I will make you carry my child. Your cervix will accept me. It will know me. And from my seed, I will give you life.”

  Now I’m sure this thing is a werewolf the professor has said. I get it now. There really is not much to this. I was lead here. I would’ve preferred to analyze my situation but from the insides of my legs, I felt his unbelievably large shaft extending towards the center of my womanhood.

  “This is bad.”

  Chapter 9

  I didn’t want him in me. I had a life and a home. I thrashed trying to get away, but he didn’t relent. He kept me at bay, holding firmly me on my waist with his paw-hands. I felt a hairy hand grab my navel as he rotated me, like a child firmly held in place, suspended in the air and clutched firmly. His eyes were the first thing I saw. Fiery blue tinted with a small snake like slit that flickered.

  Hypnotizing, the slits looked at me with a soft rage as if it communicated that it wanted to devour me. His face, a half-human half-wolf and hair-filled, was only inches to me face. He wasn’t exactly ugly, but he had monstrosity of an animal that was rather unappealing.

  The heavy breathes escaping from parted lips, matched the warming of my body. Small droplets of sweat, trailed my neck to my chest. I could feel my body getting warmer, hotter, and surprisingly, more excited.

  “Please let me go,” I said as looked straight into the slits of his eyes.

  The only answer that I got were delicious licks from his long, powerful tongue. His wet tongue trailed the sides of my sweaty neck, dabbing them, then stroking them in slow passionate strokes.

  “You taste good,” he grunted.

  He hoisted me up even more with his hands now grabbing me from armpits, bringing my chest directly in front of his animal face. His long tongue soaked my shirt as another hand grabbed my seams and ripped it, freeing my large, twin mounds of flesh. Immediately a tongue dragged across my tender, creamy, plump peak.

  “Please,” I said as my wet, warm chest succumbed to him, “let me go.”

  My hands found the mane on the back of his head, and I grabbed it passionately pulling him closer to my chest. I wanted the pleasure, I wanted to feel his lips suckle my pink tips. My legs kicked in the air, thrusting my chest forward to meet him. But I couldn’t do anything, for I was hanging in the air held firmly by strong hands as his long, sloppy tongue lay sieged on my wet breasts.

  Finally, the tips of his tongue found the little pebbles that crowned my peak. His suckling was painful at first, but the pain collapsed to the immense pleasure of his hungry rasping. His large animal tongue was surprisingly nimble, folding and enclosing on my petite peaking tips. I felt like he was going to pull them off, then pleasure would come in circular gentle whet strokes.

  “Please.” I said as a single breathe escaped my lips in pleasurable agony, “don’t stop.”

  Chapter 10

  My breasts ached in agony until he enclosed them again in his hot, wet mouth. Surprised, I looked down seeing my plump mound encased in this animal’s mouth, its entirety throbbing in out sucked to submission. He suckled on my breasts with his tongue flickering on the rosy tips crowing my fleshiest mounds. It wasn’t painful, it actually felt glorious.

  I didn’t feel a fang on my breast, but it didn’t bother me since the laps of his hot tongue went round and round caressing, making my mounds feel like melting butter. Oh, how I missed butter. I melted in this animal’s hold. Raised in the air held like a ragdoll, I quivered in delight as his thick, long shaft started rubbing on the soft skin inside of my thighs.

  His hand dragged on my back, between my shoulders all the way to my ass. Grabbing my cheeks, he foisted me much higher. I thought he’d slam me with his blood engorged thickness, but he kept me rising until what I saw was the sea and moon. Why did he lift me this high? The answer fell in the licks between my delicate softness.

  My thighs rested on his muscular, hairy shoulders while my legs draped down on his back. This position opened my creamy hips, revealing my center to his warm werewolf mouth. I grabbed on to the back of his head, holding to some of his dark blue hair and nudged him between me. A soft warm sensation filled me as a curious tongue entered the door of my femininity.

  I let a soft gasp escape, but the sound was muffled by shot of a deep, delicious pleasure. His tongue flicked in and out my wall and up to my most sensitive nub. Moist cream mixed with his saliva as he drove and contorted his tongue in me. He inched and filled the crevices until my deeper heat boiled in agony. A crescendo was building in me as I grabbed on to the back of his head. I quivered and looked upward to the shimmering glory of the round blue light across the sea.


  I was seized with a rush sensation that rode in a wave of frenzy. I cried out against my throat as the shuddered completion of energy subdued at my core. I fell limp, wanting to touch the ground, but instead, this beast of ultimate joy lowered my waist to the tip of his cock.

  “You are ready.” He rumbled on as I felt his grip shift to my buttocks.

  I didn’t even have a second to recuperate when he buried his blood engorged shaft deeply within me.

  “Oh..” I tried to fight it. At least act like it. “Please.. let me go.”

  My hands rested on the steely contour of his massive chest. He released a low, tenor growl and I felt the rumble tear from his hard, hairy chest. I looked up to him slowly. Looking at his eyes through his fangs, which bristled back at me. This wolf animal could easily bite my neck, releasing the life from my veins.

  But it was his eyes that I fixated on. My eyes
met the slit of his blue eyes, whose slit grew even narrower. The creases of the tough skin on his face trailed to the edge of his eye, showing the pleasurable rage as it pounded my center.

  He just stood there actually. Grabbing my buttocks, he swung me in and out of him. It felt like he was spearing me deeply with his hand grabbing my buttocks more with each foist. I grabbed on to his steely biceps as it bulged with each contraction and felt the power they contained within. Compared to his powerful muscular frame, I felt like a rag-doll to be used like a hole to pleasure him. In and out he came inside of me. But, I didn’t want to feel so helpless.

  I wanted to help him.

  I wrapped my long legs around him, down his massive lower back to use for leverage. My legs anchored firmly allowing me to arch my back to receive him fully. He delved deeper with each succeeding thrust. The walls of my most loved center expanded; for a minute I thought they would rip. Brian entered my mind but the thought of him was slammed out by the vigorous pounding I received.

  The werewolf’s heavy waist slammed against mine, sending a shock wave through my body causing my plump chest to bounce excitedly. With each plunge, he impaled me. My feet writhed in agony as my insides burned to receive him fully.

  All that wanting turned to reality. I felt another surge coming from deep inside my core. The pleasure overcame any pain in building waves of pure ecstasy. He must have sensed it as he increased his pace to fast and frenetic. My body started an uncontrollable frenzied writhing. Small emerging gasps cleared my throat then small, harsh gasps shuddered air into my lungs.

  My throat released these gasps, but it suddenly turned to hot screaming as a shimmering spasm enveloped me. I gave a sweet final cry then clenched my teeth. The final moment came when a tidal wave of enormous power released bursts into wave after wave of rapture.


  I wish I could have said more but my body started to melt like butter. Maybe this beast had a sixth sense as he lifted my hips upwards to his thrusting shaft. He increased his tempo which he gyrated in small, insistent circles. The rage in his face seemed to build, until it softened with the sudden sweet release brought by blissful agony.


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