Book Read Free

The Hangover

Page 20

by Emma Nichols

  The beaming smile on her face was met with an acknowledgement from her father that spoke volumes. He returned the smile. ‘Take care of yourself and that girl of yours,’ he said.

  ‘Thanks, dad.’ David’s eyes shone at his daughter’s use of the term, and he turned towards his compatriots to avoid the tears from falling.

  Ed was rubbing his eyes and George cleared his throat before speaking. ‘Nice meeting you Eva,’ he said.

  ‘Thanks for the… stuff,’ Ed said, through a broken voice, petting his dog tenderly. Marco yawned, got to his feet and shook himself down. Ed stood too. ‘Time to move on,’ he said.

  ‘Take care,’ Eva said, squeezing her father’s hand briefly, before letting them all go. She watched for a short time as they ambled down the street, before turning and heading back to the hotel. She had a few loose ends she needed to tie up before returning to Paris.


  The sound of the clicking camera blended into the hustling sounds on the street as Eva exited the dance studio. She was oblivious to the lens pointing in her direction. She had arranged to visit Charlie at the first opportunity, following her return from London and she had come straight from the airport, even though it was early in the day. The session had been a good one and she felt enlivened by her plans to support the men she had met in London… and her father. She hadn’t been able to get them out of her mind, not without doing something to help them. The clicking continued as she pulled the dancer into a warm hug and placed a kiss on her cheek, before releasing her and skipping her way up the street to her flat. She needed to change her clothes and drop her bag.

  Entering the cold flat, she shivered. The simple pewter urn still stood on the low table in the living room, reminding her of the arrangements she needed to make for her mum’s ashes. ‘Hi mum,’ she said, dumping her bag and heading into her bedroom to shower and change. Rowena had specified the disposal details in her will, but Eva had needed to wait until the time was right. That time was fast approaching. She would make arrangements to take the ashes back to Wales and have them spread on top of her grandmother’s grave. But firstly, she needed to sort out a simple plaque that could be added to the gravestone. Another thing on the list, she noted to herself as she towel dried her hair and pulled on her jeans and hoody.

  She threw on her coat, grabbed her rucksack, stepped out of the flat, and headed towards the office. She stopped for a box of donuts en route, smiling wryly to herself as her mum’s image came to mind, pleased to note the absence of sadness in that moment, instead, feeling reassured by her sense of Rowena’s spiritual presence. It was another thing that had shifted as a result of her work with Charlie, and for that she would feel eternally grateful to have the amazing woman in her life.

  Eva unlocked the office door and entered the empty room. She had expected Carine to be at her desk, but the air was cool, a clear indication that she hadn’t turned up at work yet. She placed the box of donuts on the table and walked to the coffee machine. Eva opened her bag and pulled out her laptop, firing it up while the coffee hissed and popped. Having stirred the sugar, she sipped at the coffee and sat on the couch in front of the screen. She searched for memorial plaque sites and spent a few moments pondering the options, grabbing a donut as she researched. She would need to consider the inscription. She sighed, and clicked onto her emails. She wanted to update Mitch. The sound of one side of an argument, taking place in the corridor drew her attention to the office door.

  Carine’s smile was tightly formed on her face, as she entered the room with an unnecessary sense of urgency. She had clearly not realised Eva was at work until getting close to the office door, when the shouting had suddenly ceased. She crossed the room with only a fleeting glance in Eva’s direction. ‘Hi, how was London?’ she asked, heading straight for the coffee machine.

  ‘London was very good.’ Eva responded, unsure how to read Carine’s behaviour. She seemed pre-occupied. ‘Everything okay?’ she asked.

  ‘Fine.’ Carine spooned the sugar into her coffee, staring at Eva, assessing her in some way. The force behind the glare caused a wave of discomfort to strike Eva in the gut. Carine walked across the room, reached into the desk draw and pulled out a bottle of Macallan. ‘Celebrate your return?’ she asked. The sudden softness in tone seemed in conflict with the tension she had brought into the room.

  ‘No thanks.’ Eva said, grabbing another donut and biting into it, licking at the jam that had escaped down the side of her mouth. ‘You want one?’ she asked, whilst chewing and staring at her laptop screen.

  ‘Thanks.’ Carine took the couple of paces to the couch and sat, too close to Eva, deliberately brushing an arm languidly across her chest as she reached for the snack.

  Eva backed off and stood up sharply, threw the remaining donut into her mouth and brushed the sugar off her fingers. She chewed briefly and swallowed hard, feeling more than a little confused at Carine’s behaviour. ‘You sure you’re okay?’ she asked.

  ‘I’ve missed you,’ Carine said, putting on her most seductive grin.

  Eva felt the donut heave in her stomach. A tight grimace formed on her face and a rush of anxiety filtered through her body. She reflected on the fact that Rosa was unaware of her previous liaison with this woman and felt sick. She pushed down the self-disgust, and tried to put the situation between them back onto a professional footing. ‘So, what’s been happening?’ she asked, ignoring Carine’s advances. She had no desire to engage with Carine in a way that would imply anything between them - past or future.

  Carine cleared her throat, stood elegantly and returned to her desk. Turning her eyes to the screen in front of her, she clicked at the keys and started to update Eva.


  Rosa could feel the heat flushing her cheeks with the intensity of Dee’s stare, across the canteen tables. The last few weeks had been strained. Rosa had made the point perfectly clear that Dee had overstepped the mark and that until she apologised to her girlfriend, they had nothing to say to each other. Working together they had remained professional with their communication, but aside from that they had hardly shared a word. Rosa missed her friend though and with Eva now, firmly back in her life, wanted more than ever for them to reconcile their differences.

  But for a table of nurses just coming off shift and two patient visitors waiting for their coffee, the canteen was deserted, and relatively quiet. Dee stood, causing the metal chair to squeak, the loud noise drawing attention to her. She squirmed. The smile on Rosa’s face carried across the room and Dee’s mouth twitched in response. Nothing could intrude on Rosa’s happiness and her eyes conveyed that message.

  Dee crossed the room tentatively. ‘Hi,’ she said, hoping that whatever it was that made Rosa look so happy would also facilitate the forgiveness she desired, even though she hadn’t been able to forgive herself yet. When she had explained what had happened to Angie, even she had ostracised her. She had been sleeping in the spare room ever since. The problem was, she hadn’t been able to speak to Eva to apologise, and she really wanted to right the wrong she had done.

  ‘Hi,’ Rosa responded. She looked radiant.

  ‘You look good,’ Dee said, fidgeting her hands in her scrubs pocket. ‘How’s Eva?’ The question stuck in her throat. It was an assumption, but one founded on the fact that the only person who had ever had that effect on Rosa was Eva.

  ‘She’s amazing, and wonderful, and I really am in love with her.’

  Dee’s eyes widened, and her jaw dropped a fraction. The openness with which Rosa spoke floored her momentarily. ‘Wow,’ she said, trying her best to sound supportive. ‘I’m really pleased for you,’ she continued, admiring the gleam in Rosa’s eyes.

  ‘She’s coming home today. She’s been in London,’ Rosa started to rattle out all that Dee had missed. Dee made a move to sit and Rosa encouraged her.

  ‘Rosa, I really am sorry about…’

  ‘I know.’ Rosa reached out and pressed a hand on Dee’s arm. ‘It’s okay. I get it.�
� She squeezed Dee’s arm reassuringly. ‘Though an apology wouldn’t go amiss,’ she said. Dee nodded.

  ‘You know her mum died just before Christmas?’ Rosa asked.

  Dee held her gaze. ‘No, I didn’t know,’ she said, feeling even more shit than she already did about her actions. Her eyes lowered to the table and she rubbed at the side of her temples. Something about Eva still grated, but there was no way she could express her concerns to Rosa. The surgeon was smitten and any attempts to get her to see another side of the woman she was in love with would meet disdain. There was, apparently, nothing Eva could do wrong.

  ‘Look, I’m sure she’ll forgive you. She’s like that,’ Rosa said.

  ‘Umm, maybe,’ Dee responded, but she wasn’t sure she wanted Eva’s forgiveness. She would wait out for a couple of days and see.

  ‘Thanks for coming over,’ Rosa said, standing from the table. ‘I need to get finished up,’ she said, picking up her tray and putting it on the stand.

  Dee stood and followed her. They sauntered down the corridor together, breaking the relative silence between them as their paths took different directions. Rosa headed to her office, Dee to the surgical ward.


  Even though Rosa was expecting her, Eva approached the gated building with her heart pounding, her clammy hands juggling the bunch of red roses she had had specially delivered to the office earlier that afternoon.

  The gate buzzed open before she reached the keypad entry system, causing her to jump, her eyes scanning Rosa’s windows for evidence of her watching, as she reactively hid the bunch of flowers behind her back. She walked towards the front door, to face a beaming smile, dressed in black jeans and a white Calvin Klein sweatshirt, highlighting the tanned skin and deep brown eyes that sparkled in her direction.

  ‘Sorry, I got back from work late,’ Rosa explained, rubbing at her still wet hair with a hand-towel.

  ‘You look stunning,’ Eva responded, entranced by the wavy wet hair and the scent of bergamot and thyme drifting across her senses. Eva’s broad grin lit up her face and her eyes shone in the dark evening. She presented the roses from behind her back. ‘These are for you,’ she said.

  ‘I guessed,’ Rosa remarked, with a teasing grin. She took the flowers in one hand and Eva’s hand in the other. ‘Where are your things?’ she asked, noting the absence of any bags as she placed the flowers on the table by the door.

  ‘Um, I left my stuff at the flat. I didn’t want to p…’

  Rosa closed the space and quieted Eva’s shaky voice with an impassioned kiss. Eva’s shoulders dropped as she eased into the probing tongue that danced seductively with her own. Rosa moved away gently, resting her head against Eva’s. ‘I want you to live here with me, now,’ she said, croakily. Her flesh was alight and as she pulled back, and her eyes had darkened.

  The look drove Eva to claim the swollen lips instantly, her hands exploring inside Rosa’s sweatshirt, causing her to gasp. Eva’s fingers traced quickly to the front of Rosa’s jeans, flicking the button, and ripping down the zip to gain access. Within a moment, Eva’s fingers had found the silky wet area, begging for her touch. The contact elicited a guttural groan, and Rosa grabbed Eva forcefully, pressing their bodies together, and deepening the kiss.

  Eva moved Rosa, allowing her to gain better access to the heat that was driving her own sex into delicate spasms. She pushed Rosa firmly against the wall, spread her legs with her thigh, and explored her fully, watching intently as her fingers penetrated, twisted, and teased. She reached behind Rosa and wriggled them both to help lower the jeans that were restricting her access. Lowering to her knees she pulled Rosa’s hips forward, presenting the swollen bud, and in one swift move her mouth had taken control. Rosa’s scent was driving her insane with desire, driving her fingers faster, and deeper. She needed this. Now. She needed to take Rosa, and never let her go. Even as Rosa rode the waves of the orgasm that had her buckling at the knees, Eva didn’t stop. With the lightest of touch, she continued, building the pressure exquisitely, guiding Rosa into oblivion, pinning her to the wall with certainty and determination. Rosa was hers.

  Rosa shuddered as she bathed in the sensations that had rendered her speechless. She bit down on her lip as another wave of trembling caused her to lose all strength in her legs. She started to giggle as the intensity merged with amusement at her current predicament. Eva beamed at her with a smile that had such depth it prised her heart in two. ‘I love you,’ Rosa said after a few moments of studying Eva intently. She had changed. She felt more confident than before, but there was something else. Something Rosa couldn’t name. It just felt good, very good.

  ‘I love you too,’ Eva said, kissing Rosa tenderly.

  ‘Well that was one hell of a homecoming,’ Rosa added, with a wry smile.

  Eva laughed. ‘I’m glad you approve.’ She winked, and her gaze gave Rosa the distinct impression that she hadn’t even got started.

  ‘Come to bed with me.’ It wasn’t a question and Eva didn’t need to answer it. Rosa picked up the scattered items of clothing and led the way.


  Eva slid out of bed being careful not to disturb Rosa. She tiptoed down the stairs sporting the biggest grin, and started to make breakfast for her girlfriend. Just thinking about Rosa lying in the bed above her while she worked caused parts of her body to ache with longing.

  The aroma of coffee and pancakes started to waft up the stairs, gently arousing Rosa from a light, early morning sleep. She turned into the empty space in the bed, opening her eyes suddenly with the dawning realisation that Eva wasn’t there. When she tuned in to the noises coming from the kitchen, and placed the smells that had woken her, she smiled broadly. She stretched out, encroaching on the empty space next to her, before throwing back the covers and jumping out of the bed. Putting on her robe she descended the stairs and walked into the kitchen. Her grin widened when she spotted Eva scraping something off the bottom of the frying pan. ‘Thought I could smell something,’ she said, teasingly.

  ‘I only took my eye off it for a second,’ Eva remarked, but she too was laughing. ‘Are you hungry?’ she asked.

  Rosa’s eyebrows rose, and she bit down on her bottom lip. ‘That depends.’ She moved to occupy the space next to Eva, pulled her away from the sink and into her arms, placing a tender kiss on the lips that were doing strange things to her mind and body.

  Eva dropped the pan and willingly succumbed to Rosa’s demands. The softness and gentleness of the unhurried kiss touched her profoundly. The absence of urgency and the calmness didn’t detract from the depth of emotion she was feeling. On the contrary, it added to it. The intensity was almost overpowering, and it took everything Eva possessed within her, and more, to stay open to the sensations coursing through her body. Something at the back of her mind still urged her to run, but she wouldn’t. She couldn’t do that to Rosa. A whimper fell from her lips with the flurry of electricity rushing down her spine.

  Rosa eased out of the kiss. ‘Morning,’ she said, belatedly, teasing with a cheeky smile, enjoying the effect the connection they shared was having on her body.

  ‘Pancakes are on the table,’ Eva said, her voice husky from their brief interaction.

  Rosa glanced in the direction of the pancakes, fruit, yogurt and coffee, sitting on the table. ‘Yum.’

  Eva smiled coyly. ‘You need to get going or you’re going to be late,’ Eva stated. Rosa started to laugh. Eva had changed, and she liked it.

  Rosa pressed a kiss firmly on Eva’s mouth before sitting down and diving into the pancakes, leaving Eva quaking with the after-effects of her touch.

  Eva watched Rosa enjoying the early breakfast for a moment, before she joined her. Within a few minutes Rosa had leapt up from the table and shot upstairs to shower and dress. By the time Eva had cleared the table, Rosa was back down again and heading towards the front door.

  ‘I’ll see you later,’ Rosa said, putting on her coat. She looked blissfully happy.

  Eva s
tudied Rosa in awe. The fact that she played a big part her girlfriend’s ecstatic appearance worried her more than it excited her. She had never been responsible for anyone before, and that pressure weighed heavily. She would speak to Charlie about it at their session later. She stepped into Rosa’s space and kissed her forcefully, biting down on Rosa’s lip as if to claim her as her own. ‘Later,’ she said.

  Rosa was still blushing as she exited the gated complex and headed for the Metro.


  ‘I don’t know that it’s appropriate,’ Carine said, holding her mobile phone slightly away from her ear to avoid the wrath that might hit her from the other end of the line.

  ‘What do you mean, appropriate?’

  ‘I mean, now is not a good time.’

  ‘When is a good time Carine? When is a good time for me to visit my home?’ The anger in the voice on the end of the line was beginning to irritate Carine. Even though the question was a valid one, she lacked answers.

  ‘I’ll let you know. I’m really busy right now, so we wouldn’t see much of each other. You might as well take a holiday out there.’ It was a poor rebuff and she knew it.

  ‘You are still my girlfriend, aren’t you?’ Tori said, incredulously. She hadn’t expected Carine to respond negatively to the news that she was coming home for a three-week break.

  ‘Yes, of course.’ Carine responded, though in her heart she knew things between them had changed, even though she had yet to discuss those changes with Tori.

  ‘Well you could sound a bit more enthusiastic about it, for fuck’s sake.’

  ‘Sorry. I am really under pressure here,’ she lied.

  ‘Right. And I’ve been under fucking pressure here for the last year. I’d like to see my partner. I was hoping we might even be able to go away for a few days.’


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