Lovelorn Spirits (The Paramours Book 3)

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Lovelorn Spirits (The Paramours Book 3) Page 3

by Christine Rains

  “Why do you have to be what everyone else wants you to be? Why can’t you just be what you want? Unless the two happen to be the same thing.” She couldn’t believe he was trying to pawn off responsibility of who he was to everyone else. Nothing disgusted her more than frauds. And why was it hurting so much to believe he was?

  She knew coming into this investigation what he was like. She was not Katherine and he was not the love of her life.

  “Will you listen to me for a minute, Vivian.” Miles threw up his hands and paused. “Great. Now we have our team coming up the stairs to make sure we aren’t going to kill one another.”

  Vivian turned toward the closed door and cocked her head. The footsteps were getting louder. But just one pair? Maybe it was Claire coming to rescue her. She looked to the floor. “I need my clothes.”

  Miles picked up her panties and jeans and handed them to her. He sighed and hung his head slightly. “I just need you to listen. I admit I was wrong about what the Paramours do. Very wrong.”

  Something big and hard smacked into the door.

  Vivian covered her mouth to stifle her scream.

  “Shit!” Miles backed into the dresser and bonked his elbow, cursing again. “It’s back.”

  With the second bang, the door swung open. There was darkness. Inky and black. Not even the lights from the bedroom penetrated it.

  Miles pushed his way in front of Vivian to stand between her and the door. “My God. I’ve never felt anything like it.”

  Vivian had dealt with door bangers, creepy feelings and shadow men. But nothing on this level before. The thing’s presence was suffocating, and it wasn’t even in the room with them. Its message was clear. It didn’t need a voice or eyes to glare. It wanted to kill them.

  Grabbing his head, Miles cried out. He fell to his knees, his body jerking as if he were having a seizure. “No!”

  Holy shit! Was it somehow attacking him? How could she stop it?

  “It can’t get in, Miles. It’s okay. The salt at the door. It’s keeping it out.” Vivian crouched down beside him and pulled him to her. Blood trickled out of his nose.

  A growl rattled her bones.

  Cupboards in the kitchen open and shut. Pipes squealed as the water turned on. Something glass shattered.

  Nina had called that thing pure evil. And it wanted in.

  It pushed at the salt line and threw a cupboard door at it. But she had put enough there that it held. Her hands shook as she held Miles to her.

  How long it went on, she wasn’t certain. Thirty minutes? Two hours? At some point, Miles passed out. She quietly spoke to him, assuring him they were safe, and uncertain near the end whether he was alive or not.

  As quickly as it started, it ended.

  Vivian didn’t trust the silence. She didn’t dare leave the room.

  Minutes ticked by. Miles groaned and snuggled up against her.

  There was a final howl and crash.

  The door downstairs opened and their team raced up to them.

  Vivian leaned forward, resting her cheek against Miles’ head. He was going to be okay. He had to be okay. She couldn’t bear the thought that something might happen to him.

  And whether that be Katherine’s feelings for her man or Vivian’s true feelings, she didn’t care. If they continued with this case, he might die. She couldn’t let that happen.

  It was time to send Miles away and call in an exorcist.

  Chapter Six

  Vivian pressed end on her cell. It was done. Father Crispin Holmes would arrive the next morning and would be ready to do the exorcism immediately. Though she had never used his services before, she had trusted friends who had and vouched for his professionalism. Not that she worried about it with this case. All she wanted was to make sure her exorcist didn’t flee when faced with the entity at the lighthouse.

  Setting her phone on the arm of her chair, she sank into the cushions. Never had she felt more a mess than she did now. Every now and then a tremor went through her. Fear, stress, she didn’t know. She just needed this case to end.

  Zendal and Don had carried Miles out of the lighthouse last night. They called 9-1-1 and wrapped them in blankets. The paramedics whisked Miles away to the hospital. He hadn’t regained consciousness as of the last time she’d texted Don at seven that morning.

  Part of her ached to be by Miles’ bedside, to hold his hand and plead for him to wake up. But she wasn’t his wife or girlfriend. They weren’t even friends. It was all those things that Katherine felt for Adam that made Vivian feel them for Miles. It wasn’t her, and though she honestly worried about him, her place was here, doing research and completing the investigation.

  Nina and Claire were at the local library doing research on the lighthouse. There had to be something to help them in the upcoming battle against the evil entity.

  Vivian had promised to rest, but it was nearly ten and she couldn’t sleep. It wasn’t nightmares that she worried about, it was Miles. What if he never woke up again? Her chin quivered at the thought. She stood, pacing the hotel room again.

  Sleep. She really needed to sleep. Being so full of Katherine’s emotions, she couldn’t think straight.

  Miles was not Adam. She was not Katherine. Remember that.

  A hot bath. That’s what she needed to help her relax. A soak in the tub.

  She fetched the bath oils from her bag and ran the water hot. Steam covered the mirror and window of the bathroom and danced in the air. She stripped and stepped into the big soaker tub. It was a must every time they traveled for a case. The heat bit her flesh at first, but she fast adjusted as she laid back with her head resting upon a small towel.

  Yes, this is what she needed. She closed her eyes and told her body to relax. The lavender and vanilla scents took her away from the sea, away from this case.

  Now if only she could escape from the whirling emotions in her heart.

  Five minutes later, a knock at her hotel room door didn’t stir her. Nope, she wasn’t moving. If it was Claire or Nina, they could come back later.

  The hotel door opened and someone called her name. A man.

  Vivian sat up, water sloshing, and yelped when the door to the bathroom flew open.

  “Vivian!” Miles fell to his knees beside the tub. Dark circles surrounded his eyes and his skin was paler than usual. He looked like a man forlorn.

  He was awake! Elation soared through her. Anger coated it, though. He should still be in the hospital. There was no way he was well enough to be running around.

  Zendal stood in the door with a small frown.

  Vivian covered her chest with an arm. Her heart pounded hard in her chest. “Why aren’t you at the hospital? And why are you here? Get out. I’m naked.”

  “I need to talk to you.” Miles reached for her, and she scooted back.

  “I’m naked,” she repeated and looked to Zendal. “How did he get in here?”

  “We have both seen you naked. It should not matter.” Zendal was, as ever, unconcerned with nudity or any sort of privacy. The place he was from had no notion of it. “He must have gotten a key card from the front desk. I saw him knocking on your door and then enter, so I followed just in case you did not want him here, which you have not said yet.”

  “Please, Vivian. This is important.” Miles didn’t look the other man’s way and he didn’t beg. His gaze remained focused on her.

  “Oh, all right.” She gave Zendal a little wave. “It’s okay. Let us be.”

  Zendal didn’t argue. He nodded once and closed the bathroom door behind him as he left.

  Vivian debated telling Miles to leave the bathroom so she could get out and dressed, but Zendal did have a point. He’d already seen her naked. Plus the wall of the tub was something solid between the two of them.

  “Thank you.” Miles sagged and leaned forward, placing his forehead on the porcelain edge.

  “Are you feeling all right?” Her hand twitched, wanting to touch and comfort him. Clearly he was not doing
well, but what was so important that he had to come see her? If he had had any revelations about the case, he could have called or sent the information through Don or Harold.

  “No. That thing last night, it was horrible…” Miles drew in a deep breath and straightened. “I don’t want to talk about that, though. I need to talk about us.”

  Her stomach flipped and tightened. She wrapped her other arm around her chest. “Us?”

  “Yes, and how we’re so good together.”

  No smile or laughter accompanied the words. He wasn’t joking. To blush, to yell, to kiss him or kick him out on his ass…The tug-of-war within her was ridiculous. He was still lost to Adam’s feelings for Katherine. Maybe even more than she was experiencing Katherine’s since he was a medium.

  “There is no us,” she said slowly. “You’re just feeling the residue of the spirit’s emotions.”

  “No. Yes, perhaps a little. It certainly triggered what I feel for you, but I am able to separate the two.” Miles shifted and leaned closer, dipping his fingers into the water. “No matter my previous attitude about what the Paramours did, I always admired you, respected the systematic way you conducted your investigations. I could see you honestly want to help the spirits and the people haunted by them. And, of course, you’re incredibly beautiful.”

  There was a hint of smile there as he said the last bit. Vivian’s mouth fell open slightly, and she quickly shut it.

  He was sincere. Oh God. No drama or grand gestures. Just honest words. Was this the true Miles?

  “Last night, I think you were the only thing that kept me alive. You held me, talked to me—as long as I kept thinking about you, I was safe.” He swished his fingers in the water. “And by you, I don’t mean Katherine. I mean Vivian. Strong, smart, confident. You’re amazing.”

  She was a puddle of goo on so many levels. This was the last thing she’d expected from Miles when he burst into her room. She opened and closed her mouth again, wanting to say something, but not knowing what to say.

  This was a side to him she never imagined existed. Humble and earnest, and damn sexy.

  “Don’t say anything yet. I know you think I’m an arrogant ass, but with you, I want to be something else. Something better.”

  Okay. She wouldn’t say anything.

  Vivian unwound her arms and snatched the front of his shirt. She pulled him to her as she leaned in and kissed him. Languorously long and deep.

  Miles cupped her face and twined his tongue with hers. He moaned softly and attempted to coax her toward him. “Come out of there.”

  The water didn’t seem so hot next to her skin anymore, but she wasn’t ready to get out just yet. “You come in.”

  Their mouths curved up in smiles. She didn’t have to ask twice. Miles fast removed his clothes and climbed into the tub with her. Kissing with more urgency, she directed him to sit while she straddled him.

  No longer in a dark, dusty bedroom, she could see him in all his naked glory. He was pale and lean with only a hint of hair on his chest. His arms hinted at muscles, but his legs were much more defined. Perhaps he was a cyclist like she was. How delicious he would look in riding shorts. Almost as toothsome as he did now.

  She drew handfuls of water up over his shoulders, pouring them over his chest and back. The faint odor of sterility from the hospital vanished from him under the rich perfume of the oils. She nabbed a handful of his thick hair and pulled his head back so she could watch his face as she wiggled, taking his hard cock into her.

  Miles gasped and locked his arms around her middle. “Vivian…oh, yes.”

  The thumping of her heart pulsed in her ears. She whimpered as she started to move. She was in full control, sloshing water as she rode him. Had any of her fantasies of him ever been this magnificent? Had any of her fantasies at all been this wonderful?

  Pressing herself firmly to him, she ground herself on him with each thrust. The perfect angle to hit her clit. Her eyes squeezed shut as she murmured his name.

  She needed it faster. And faster yet.

  He bit her earlobe and pulled it with his teeth. Red-hot and randy.

  Her knees squeaked on the bottom of the tub and water splashed onto the floor. He filled her to the brim. She squeezed him within her tighter. Oh God, so close.

  Just a few more… Fuck, yes.

  Vivian smashed her mouth to his as she came. Her scream lost itself to their scorching kisses. And with a grunt, he swiftly joined her in orgasmic bliss.

  She didn’t stop humping until his penis softened and popped out of her. They panted and stared into each other’s eyes.

  Say something. Anything. “I think I need to lie down.”

  “Me too.” Miles kissed her and slipped out from under her. He rose on his knees and helped her out of the tub. She trembled and managed not to slip.

  Vivian gave him an assisting hand and took his hand again after they dried one another off. They curled up in bed together, legs tangled under the thick duvet. Sleep came hard and fast. And was wonderfully peaceful.

  Chapter Seven

  “I’m coming with you,” Miles stated again as he zipped his pants. That man looked simply luscious in jeans.

  “No, you’re not,” Vivian snapped as she yanked on her black cashmere sweater. After some much-needed rest, they’d woken up and lustfully devoured each other’s bodies for an hour before Nina texted her to say the crew was meeting at the hotel restaurant for dinner. His mouth had been on every inch of her body. Some places, more than once.

  She held up her hand. “Don’t argue with me. The entity hit you because you’re most susceptible. It’ll do it again when it wants to lash out during the exorcism. You are not going back there.”

  “If you’re going, I’m going.” Miles sat on the chair nearest to the bed and pulled on his shoes. The dark circles still rimmed his eyes, but his skin glowed with the sexual aftermath.

  “Dammit, Miles.” She stomped a foot and swallowed the lump that rose in her throat. Did he have a death wish? “You can’t go back there.”

  “How about we let the team decide?” He smirked at his suggestion and stood to walk over to the door, opening it. “After you, my dear.”

  She wanted to scream every curse word she knew and then lock him in the bathroom until after the exorcism. He was being an overprotective jerk of a man. She was no more in danger than anyone else would be in the lighthouse. It wasn’t as if she was going to be alone.

  Vivian growled under her breath and slipped on her shoes. Screw his ploy. Everyone would agree with her.

  Snagging her purse, she marched out of the room and didn’t look back as she went to the elevator, pressing the call button. She didn’t even peek at him when he joined her, but she could sense the smirk.

  They said nothing on their way down. A thousand arguments bellowed in her mind, but beneath them all was her desire to keep him safe. It wasn’t quiet, but it didn’t need to shout its strength.

  Everyone was already in the restaurant when they arrived, and Claire wasn’t the only one grinning at them. Of course they all knew. Secrets were unheard of when spending so much time with people like this.

  Miles pulled out her chair for her, playing at being the perfect gentleman. Okay, he was a gentleman, but that was beside the point! His blue-gray eyes twinkled.

  Her lips thinned as she sat, and she couldn’t not say thank you. Damn her good manners.

  “You look like you want to rip off his head, Viv.” Claire nudged Vivian with her foot under the table. “Must have been really good sex then.”

  “Spectacular.” Miles settled into the chair next to Vivian.

  Most of them chuckled. Nina bounced in her seat. “We’ve got something to tell—”

  “Wait. Just let me get everyone’s opinion first,” Vivian interrupted.

  “About the sex?” Claire grinned.

  “No,” Vivian said stiffly. “The exorcism. Miles should not be there, don’t you agree? He’ll be a target and make it more difficult f
or Father Crispin to do his job.”

  “Oh yeah, I totally agree.” Claire bobbed her head. “The entity has it in for Miles.”

  Don looked at Miles. “Sorry, but I have to agree with Vivian too. I’ve never seen you knocked out by anything before. It’s way too dangerous.”

  Vivian willed herself not to smirk. She was seriously concerned for Miles and so were his friends. What they were doing was the best thing for him.

  “Now, now. Let me say something.” Miles raised his hands and then placed them on the table. “Everyone has been in the lighthouse, but no one other than Vivian and I have experienced any activity with the entity. It may very well target her too. I say both of us should be there or neither of us. Though I do believe our presence will bring it out and make it easier for the priest.”

  Vivian gritted her teeth. The bastard! She had to be there. She needed to see this through.

  “You’ve got a good point there.” Harold tipped his head to his boss.

  “I must agree with Miles. Your energy together will be stronger and the entity won’t be able to resist.” Zendal ignored the glare he got from Claire. “That same energy can also be used to protect each other.”

  One vote left. All heads turned to Nina. She gnawed her lower lip.

  “Well, before I say what I think, let me tell you what we found today.” Nina leaned forward and rested her elbows on the table. “We went beyond just researching the history of the lighthouse. Katherine’s maiden was McGowan. And she grew up in Kennebunkport, a little town not too far away. There was maybe a hundred people who lived there. Real small town. But Adam Green didn’t grow up there. He grew up in Saco.”

  “So?” Miles raised his brows.

  “But Katherine grew up with Adam.” Vivian shook her head. Maybe the towns were close together and they went to school together—but no, that didn’t feel right.

  “No, she didn’t,” Nina continued on. “I found their marriage announcement. It was an arranged marriage. They hadn’t even known each other before they were wed.”


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