Lovelorn Spirits (The Paramours Book 3)

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Lovelorn Spirits (The Paramours Book 3) Page 4

by Christine Rains

  “They did. Katherine had loved him. Always.” What was going on? Her heart pitter-pattered too fast. She knew what she felt when possessed. That love was unmistakable.

  “It’s true. I felt it as well.” At least Miles was agreeing with her now.

  “Go on, go on. Tell them,” Claire urged Nina, dancing in her chair like a child about to chow down on a huge ice cream sundae.

  Nina leaned in farther, drawing out the suspense. “Remember how you told us that Adam went away and was presumed lost at sea? How horrible that was for Katherine? Well, Adam never went away. They were married for less than a year, and he never left his position as keeper of the lighthouse. But,” she said with a growing smile, “we discovered another name. This man grew up in Kennebunkport with Katherine and he was presumed lost at sea. His name was Eli Weaver.”

  Vivian sat back so hard it jarred her entire body. Eli.

  She covered her mouth as her eyes filled with tears. How could she have ever believed Katherine’s one true love to be Adam? It was Eli who had died with her. It had always been Eli.

  “That’s why I could never get his name right.” Miles’ voice sounded tight as her chest felt. “I kept thinking Adam, but he was trying to tell me something else.”

  “For over a year, Eli was presumed dead. It wasn’t until after Katherine married that he returned.”

  Vivian couldn’t speak under the weight of the story. How horrible it must have been for the young lovers to not be able to be together. A relief that Eli was alive, but heartbreaking that Katherine was married to another. And couples didn’t get divorces back then.

  So instead, they shared their love in secret. They had an affair.

  Oh God.

  Miles took hold of Vivian’s hand.

  “Everyone believed the fire killed Adam and Katherine, but it was Eli instead,” Nina finished and leaned back.

  “It was Adam who killed them,” Miles said softly. “He discovered their affair and murdered them.”

  A breath hitched in Vivian’s throat. She gripped Miles’ hand tighter. “That thing, that pure evil bastard. It’s Adam.”

  “So in answer to your question, Viv, yeah.” Nina gazed at her with dark, soulful eyes. “Eli and Katherine need to see Adam gone. They won’t leave until they’re certain he won’t hurt anyone else. Even if I could be there, it wouldn’t matter. Katherine and Eli are tied to you two now. Both of you have to be there.”

  Chapter Eight

  The lighthouse’s stairs rattled when Father Crispin started the exorcism. But other than a few odd noises, that was the extent of the protest.

  Something wasn’t right. Vivian held Miles’ hand, ready for a sudden attack, but no shadows or growls or even a whiff of smoke. It didn’t matter the sun was shining. If the exorcism was working, the entity would fight it. And the priest was doing everything as it should be done.

  All the doors had been taken off their hinges and every window was opened so any spirit could leave. Each person had been blessed before entering the building. Even their equipment was anointed. There would be no risk taking here. Everything would be done with caution and by the book.

  Vivian pursed her lips to one side and then the other. She teetered on the edge of something, but she couldn’t see what was below. Was Miles feeling anything? He hadn’t said a word since they entered the lighthouse.

  They began on the ground floor and worked their way to the top. Walked the circle around the gigantic light and then back again to the second floor where the murders had taken place.

  Miles let go of her hand and folded his arms. Was he bored?

  Or was he ticked that he wasn’t the one leading the way? Miles was the star of his show. He helped spirits carry on, consoled loved ones with news from the dead, and every camera focused on him.

  Vivian wanted to smack him on the back of the head. How could he not be taking this seriously?

  What did she ever see in him other than a cute ass and a devilish smile? Katherine’s emotions had really done a number on her. She was a fool to think that any of them originated from her own heart. All that stuff he spewed out in the bathroom yesterday, it was Eli’s feelings for his love. Miles would be turning up his nose at her again before they closed this case.

  Father Crispin continued praying and walked into the bedroom. He bent his head over his Bible. The breeze from the window ruffled his robes.

  Vivian breathed in the fresh sea air. Something else lingered under it. She took another long sniff. Smoke.

  She left Miles’ side and went into the tiny room. Yes, definitely smoke. Something glinted behind the priest. And then another blinking light flashed to her left.

  The orbs. Katherine and Eli. They zipped in and out, clearly agitated. Was the exorcism affecting them too? Vivian hoped they would move on and find some peace. All they had to do was fly out the window.

  But they wouldn’t. Not until Adam was gone. Nina might have guessed that they felt that way, but Vivian knew it for a fact.

  Maybe they could be of help, though. Vivian glanced at Miles, but he stood by the railing with his gaze fixed downward. She could channel Katherine. She’d done it twice before.

  Vivian closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She repeated Katherine’s name in her mind, sending out an invitation. She wasn’t a medium, but this was the way she’d read psychics did it. Of course, they had power to add to their calls, but she had an already established connection with Katherine.

  “Vivian?” Miles called to her and she opened her eyes. He stepped into the bedroom with a frown.

  The orbs swooped down. One into Miles and the other into Vivian. Her back arched and her eyes fluttered. Should she be worried there was much less of a transition period this time?

  “Eli!” Vivian ran into his arms and clung to him. She could feel Katherine’s spirit straining against Father Crispin’s words. It wasn’t painful, and she didn’t fear where she might go after here, but she was terrified of what would be left behind.

  Miles stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. “Hold on. Fear not the words of God for he is our Lord and Savior. It’s Adam who needs to fear.”

  At the mention of his name, darkness roared up from below. It poured into the room and smashed against Miles and Vivian. They screamed as they were pinned to the wall, unable to reach one another. The crew shouted, but couldn’t get close to them either. And though his voice was shaking, Father Crispin read on and demanded that the evil leave this place.

  Vivian could barely catch a breath. Something pressed hard against her chest, growling near her ear. Her stomach roiled as it threatened to empty itself.

  Black dots danced before her eyes. She was going to die. But what was even more horrifying was that Miles stopped moving. His eyes were wide and unmoving. She couldn’t even tell if he was breathing.

  “Eli!” She screamed and Katherine slammed her into a vivid memory.

  Adam had gone out of town for two nights to buy supplies. This made her happy for several reasons. The first and foremost one being that she could spend time with Eli, but the second one was to be free of her cruel husband for a short time. She never knew she could fear someone as she did Adam.

  Katherine had told Eli that Adam didn’t treat her well, but she never told him just how awful it truly was. Sometimes he beat her or pushed her down the stairs. And those few times he was really angry, he locked her in the cellar. Eli would try to do something that would get him killed if she did tell him. She had to protect him.

  That night, she and Eli had made love and cuddled in the bed. She had no doubt that this was how life was meant to be. And now that they had a baby on the way, she was going to agree to run away with him when he asked her as he did every night they spent together.

  It was the first time she’d been truly happy in a long while. She didn’t care where they went as long as they were together. All that mattered was Eli and their baby.

  Katherine never got a chance to tell Eli the news. Adam
came home and his rage was unmatched by even the devil’s. He and Eli fought, but Eli was not a fighter. Adam cracked Eli’s head on the stone wall and dropped him on the bed.

  She pleaded for his life, said she would give anything, but Adam would not listen. He threw an oil lamp at the bed. Katherine refused to leave Eli’s side. She held him to her as they burned, screaming not because of the fire but for love lost.

  Adam stood in the door, a dark shadow, as he watched them burn.

  And now Adam was still here, still tormenting them. Katherine had no delusions. She was dead, but Adam was still a threat. His rage had never died.

  Yet Adam must have.

  Vivian still had enough sense to realize that only two bodies were found burned at the lighthouse. Everyone thought Adam was one of them. What had happened to him?

  He didn’t run off to avoid punishment for his crime. This choking darkness was proof he was still there. Maybe he’d killed himself or perhaps he hid, but Adam had never left.

  Where was he?

  Her range of vision narrowed. Everything was a blur. She was a few seconds away from losing consciousness.

  The cellar!

  Katherine fled Vivian’s body. Her bright spirit zoomed circles around the room, blinking, calling to Adam. Vivian knew this without even hearing it. And she also knew Katherine was distracting him so Vivian could tell the others where to find him.

  Vivian tumbled to the floor, gulping in a huge lungful of air. “The cellar!”

  Did they even hear her? Did she make words with her raspy voice?

  It hurt to swallow. She shouted again. “Under the desk! He’s in the cellar!”

  Something hit Vivian on the side of the head and she knew no more.

  Chapter Nine

  Consciousness oozed back slowly. Vivian groaned and flinched. It even hurt to breathe.

  Her eyebrow twitched as something trickled over it. She touched a finger to her head and opened her eyes just a crack. Blood. Not a lot, but whatever hit her, hit her hard.

  Thank you.

  Vivian tensed. Where did that voice come from?

  She strained to listen over the heavy beating of her heart. Downstairs, Father Crispin recited the final prayer in the exorcism. Claire let out a cheer and others joined her.

  Adam was gone. The lightness in the air was as if the world had been born anew. It wasn’t any easier for her to breathe at the moment, but there were no more goosebumps or ominous chills. The nightmare was finally over. A relieved sob escaped her.

  Thank you for helping Eli and me.

  Now Vivian recognized the voice. She turned her head to look up at a twinkling golden orb. “Katherine.”

  You do not need to speak. Rest your voice and heal. The orb darted closer. Warmth radiated from it. I’m sorry you had to go through this, through my memories. But I knew the answer had to be there and you found it. Adam has been sent to the void.

  Vivian smiled. This had been the worst haunting she’d ever dealt with and they’d won.

  The orb bobbed in place. You’re a smart woman. Smarter than any I’ve ever met, but you doubt your heart. Miles is a good man. Eli has seen Miles’ true self and he does care for you. Give him and your heart a chance.

  At the mention of Miles, Vivian’s heart pounded harder. Where was he? Was he all right?

  Yes. Miles is fine. Eli is speaking with him and assuring him that his feelings for you are real.

  Relief washed through her, and the muscles she hadn’t realized were tensing, relaxed. A ghost was playing matchmaker with her. If Vivian could laugh without it hurting, she’d do so.

  We must leave now, but I wanted to give you my eternal gratitude. Eli and I can now truly be together. Katherine floated upward. A second orb joined her and they swirled around one another before rocketing out the window.

  Tears pooled in the corner of Vivian’s eyes. Katherine and Eli finally had their happily ever after. One long past due.

  “Vivian.” Miles. Her name was followed by a series of rough coughs.

  Vivian carefully rolled to face the other way. She tried to lift her head, but it weighed twenty tons. Wiping her eyes, she watched Miles push himself into sitting position and crawl toward her. He was a mess. His hair stuck up, his shirt was torn and blood from a scratch dotted his neck. A gorgeous mess.

  Miles rested his back against the rock wall and lifted her head to settle it gently onto his lap. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. You?” Vivian croaked. He was wonderfully warm. She wanted to snuggle further against him, but the less she moved the better.

  “I’ll live.” He smiled and tenderly brushed her hair from her face. “Have I told you how brave and beautiful you are?”

  “Never.” If only she could lift her head, she’d kiss him. Instead, she reached and caressed his cheek. Her fingertips tingled with the contact.

  Miles took her hand and kissed it. He pressed it to his chest. “I thought he was going to kill you. I couldn’t break free. I never felt so helpless and terrified in my entire life.” He drew in a shaky breath. “But you, my God, you only thought of helping. How did you know he was in the cellar?”


  He nodded and kissed her hand again. “Eli told me that you have the hots for me.”

  Vivian raised her brows. The hots? Clearly Eli needed to work on his modern terminology. But the truth was the truth no matter how it was described.

  “Okay, maybe not those words exactly.” He flashed her a grin. “What he did say was that I best be worthy of your feelings for me and not bury my own feelings under simple lust.”

  She smiled. Now that sounded more like something Eli would say. There needed to be more men like him in the world. And her heart really hoped that Miles would be one of them.

  She drew in a quivering breath. It was her turn to confess. She was a little surprised at how smoothly it came out.

  “Katherine told me to be more trusting of my heart.” It was a little easier to talk if she whispered.

  Footsteps pounded on the stairs. The troops were coming back for them.

  “If you work on being more trusting, I’ll work on being worthy.” Miles bent his head and kissed her forehead. “Is this the part where we take off our pants?”

  Vivian snorted with a little laugh. She cringed at how it hurt and yet it felt so good to be laughing after what happened. Even better to be in Miles’ arms. Maybe she’d get her happily ever after too.


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  The Alpha (The 13th Floor #2)

  The Dragonslayer (The 13th Floor #3)

  The Harbinger (The 13th Floor #4)

  The Oracle and the Vampire (The 13th Floor #5)

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  Paranormal Erotica

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  Poltergeist’s Pleasure (The Paramours #2)

  Lovelorn Spirits (The Paramours #3)

  Big Yearning (Sasquatch Susies #1)

  Big Longing (Sasquatch Susies #2)

  Big Burning (Sasquatch Susies #3)


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  Layers of Lace (Dice & Debauchery #2)

  A Mask
ed Kiss (Dice & Debauchery #3)

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  Christine Rains is a writer, blogger, and big time geek. She has four degrees which help nothing with motherhood but make her a great Jeopardy player. When she’s not reading or writing, she’s playing games with friends or watching cheesy movies on Syfy Channel. The Paramours trilogy is her first erotic paranormal series. It was born out of her addiction to TV shows about paranormal investigations and wondering why investigators always tried to make the spirits angry instead of using something much more positive and powerful to get their attention.




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