Behind the Mask
Page 36
Pomeroy, Elizabeth, ‘Within Living Memory: Vita Sackville-West’s Poems of Land and Garden’, Twentieth Century Literature, 28 (Fall 1982)
Pryce-Jones, Alan, Preface to Little Innocents: Childhood Reminiscences (Cobden-Sanderson Limited, London, 1932, repr. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1986)
Raitt, Suzanne, Vita and Virginia: The Work and Friendship of V. Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1993)
Regis, Amber, ‘Competing Life Narratives: Portraits of Vita Sackville-West’, Life Writing, 8:3, pp. 287–300
—‘Performance Anxiety and Costume Drama: Lesbian Sex on the BBC’, in Television, Sex and Society: Analysing Contemporary Representations, eds James Aston, Basil Glyn and Beth Johnson (Continuum, London, 2012)
Rose, Norman, Harold Nicolson (Jonathan Cape, London, 2005)
Sackville-West, Robert, Knole, Kent (National Trust, London, 1998)
—Inheritance: The Story of Knole and the Sackvilles (Bloomsbury, London, 2010)
—The Disinherited: A Story of Family, Love and Betrayal (Bloomsbury, London, 2014)
Sackville-West, Vita, and Raven, Sarah, Vita Sackville-West’s Sissinghurst: The Creation of a Garden (Virago, London, 2014)
Scott-James, Anne, Sissinghurst: The Making of a Garden (Michael Joseph, London, 1974, repr. 1981)
Sebba, Anne, Enid Bagnold (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1986)
Sharpe, Henrietta, A Solitary Woman: A Life of Violet Trefusis (Constable, London, 1981)
Sitwell, Osbert, Great Morning (Macmillan, London), 1947
Sitwell, Osbert, Laughter in the Next Room (Macmillan, London), 1949
Souhami, Diana, Mrs Keppel and her Daughter (HarperCollins, London, 1996, repr. Flamingo, London, 1997)
Sproles, Karyn Z., Desiring Women: The Partnership of Virginia Woolf and Vita Sackville-West (University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 2006)
Stevens, Michael, V. Sackville-West (Michael Joseph, London, 1973)
Trefusis, Violet, Don’t Look Round (Hutchinson, London, 1952)
Wellesley, Jane, Wellington: A Journey Through My Family (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 2008)
Woolf, Leonard, Downhill All the Way: An Autobiography of the Years 1919 to 1939 (The Hogarth Press, London, 1967)
Chatterton (privately printed: J. Salmon, High Street, Sevenoaks), 1909
Constantinople (privately printed: The Complete Press, London), 1915
Poems of West and East (John Lane, The Bodley Head, London), 1917
Heritage (William Collins, London), 1919
The Dragon in Shallow Waters (William Collins, London), 1921
Orchard and Vineyard (John Lane, The Bodley Head, London), 1921
The Heir: A Love Story (William Heinemann, London), 1922
Knole and the Sackvilles (William Heinemann, London), 1922
Grey Wethers (William Heinemann, London), 1923
The Diary of Lady Anne Clifford (William Heinemann, London), 1923
Seducers in Ecuador (The Hogarth Press, London), 1924
The Land (William Heinemann, London), 1926
Passenger to Teheran (The Hogarth Press, London), 1926
Aphra Behn (Gerald Howe, London), 1927
Twelve Days (The Hogarth Press, London), 1928
Andrew Marvell (Faber & Faber, London), 1929
King’s Daughter (The Hogarth Press, London), 1929
The Edwardians (The Hogarth Press, London), 1930
All Passion Spent (The Hogarth Press, London), 1931
Sissinghurst (The Hogarth Press, London), 1931
Invitation to Cast Out Care (Faber & Faber, London), 1931
The Augustan Books of Poetry: V. Sackville-West (Ernest Benn, London), 1931
Duineser Elegien: Elegies from the Castle of Duino (The Hogarth Press, London), 1931
Thirty Clocks Strike the Hour (Doubleday, Doran & Company, New York), 1932
The Death of Noble Godavary and Gottfried Künstler (Ernest Benn, London), 1932
Family History (The Hogarth Press, London), 1932
Collected Poems: Volume One (The Hogarth Press, London), 1933
The Dark Island (The Hogarth Press, London), 1934
Saint Joan of Arc (Cobden-Sanderson, London), 1936
Pepita (The Hogarth Press, London), 1937
Some Flowers (The Hogarth Press, London), 1937
Solitude (The Hogarth Press, London), 1937
Country Notes (Michael Joseph, London), 1939
Country Notes in Wartime (Michael Joseph, London), 1940
Selected Poems (The Hogarth Press, London), 1941
English Country Houses (William Collins, London), 1941
Grand Canyon (Michael Joseph, London), 1942
The Eagle and the Dove (Michael Joseph, London), 1943
The Women’s Land Army (Michael Joseph, London), 1944
The Garden (Michael Joseph, London), 1946
Nursery Rhymes (The Dropmore Press, London), 1947
Devil at Westease (Doubleday & Company, New York), 1947
Knole, Kent (Country Life for The National Trust, London), 1948
In Your Garden (Michael Joseph, London), 1951
Hidcote Manor Garden (Country Life for The National Trust, London), 1952
The Easter Party (Michael Joseph, London), 1953
In Your Garden Again (Michael Joseph, London), 1953
More for Your Garden (Michael Joseph, London), 1955
Berkeley Castle (English Life Publications, Derby), 1956
Even More for Your Garden (Michael Joseph, London), 1958
Daughter of France (Michael Joseph, London), 1959
No Signposts in the Sea (Michael Joseph, London), 1961
Faces (The Hogarth Press, London), 1961
Challenge (William Collins, London), 1974
The page numbers in this index relate to the printed version of this book; they do not match the pages of your ebook. You can use your ebook reader’s search tool to find a specific word or passage.
Action 215, 218, 237
Alexandra, Queen (formerly Princess of Wales) 28, 283
Anglo-Persian Oil 182
A. P. Watt and Son 168
Argyll, Duke of 158
Arnim, Elizabeth von, The Enchanted April 244
Ashcombe, Henry Cubitt, 2nd Lord 142
Attlee, Clement 282
Atwood, Clare 56
Bagnold, Enid 167
Baker, Sir John 204
Baker, Sir Richard 204
Barber, Elizabeth 277
Battiscombe family 30–1, 33, 120
Battiscombe, Ralph 31, 71
BBC 116, 190, 191–2, 193, 196, 218, 266, 275
Beale, Donald 197
Beaton, Cecil 279
Beaverbrook, William Maxwell Aitken, Lord 194, 236
Behn, Aphra 36, 118, 143, 145, 181, 219, 291
Oroonoko 38
Bell, Clive 165, 184, 216
Bell, Gertrude 176
Bell, Quentin 193
Bell, Vanessa 193, 216
Belloc Lowndes, Marie 137, 138, 147
Bennett, Arnold 278
Bennett, Frank M. 99
Bennett, Miss ‘Bentie’ (governess) 70, 71
Benson, E. F. 41
Berlin 181, 184, 186, 193, 219
Berners, Gerald 130
Bloomsbury Group 162, 163, 185
Booth, Wilfred ‘Wuffy’ (Harold’s valet) 94, 95
Boswell, James 157
Bridges, Robert 191, 278
Brighton (Sussex) 131, 160, 173, 174
British Council 274, 282, 286, 291
Brook Farm (Kent) 105
Brown, Mrs (Vita’s nurse) 20
Buller, Sir Redvers 31, 57, 71, 112
Bunyard, Edward Ashton, Old Garden Roses 250
Burlington Magazine 275
The Bystander 100
Cadman, Sir John 182
Cairo 21
Camden, Lady (Joan) 4, 103
pbell, Joan 158
Campbell, Kenneth Hallyburton
attempts to rape Vita 72–3
as godfather to Ben Nicolson 111
Campbell, Mary
paints a picture of Long Barn 180, 185
struggles financially and emotionally 180–1
has affair with Vita 182–6, 188–9
borrows cottage from Vita and Harold 183, 188, 206
breakdown of her marriage 183–4
Vita writes a sonnet to 198
Campbell, Rosalinda Oppenheim 72–3
Campbell, Roy
description of 180
financial and emotional struggles 180–1
view of marriage 180
relationship with Vita 182, 185
borrows cottage from Vita and Harold 183, 206
breakdown of his marriage 183–4
violence of 184
drops plan to divorce Mary 185
recovers from appendicitis 188
trial separation from Mary 188–9
The Georgiad 185, 230
The Flaming Terrapin 180
‘We are Like Worlds’ 180
Carnock, Lady see Nicolson, Mary Katherine Hamilton
Charles II 39
Charrière, Madame de 152
Château Malet (near Monte Carlo) 78–9
Chatterton, Thomas 56–7, 58, 79, 112
Churchill, Winston 110, 262–3
Clandeboye (Bangor, County Down) 68
Clark-Kerr, Muriel 102
Clifford, Lady Anne 34, 74–5, 139, 171, 210
Cobden-Sanderson (publisher) 246
Coker Court (Yeovil, Somerset) 93, 272
Colefax, Sybil 154
Collins, Wilkie, The Woman in White 48
Colston Leigh Bureau 224
Committee for the Preservation of Rural Kent 291
Connolly, Cyril, The Unquiet Grave 45
Conservative Party 259, 275
Constantine I of Greece, Duke of Sparta 28
Constantinople 61, 82, 87, 94–7, 105
Coombe, Lady Jane 49
Copper, Jack (handyman-chauffeur at Sissinghurst) 274
Country Life 141, 266
Coward, Noël 184
Cranbrook Poetry Society 291
Cubitt, Roland 142
Cunard, Victor 130
Curtiss, Mina 227
Curzon, George, 1st Marquess 172
Cyrus the Great 176
Daily Express 194
Daily Mail 230
Daily Sketch 88
Daily Telegraph 221
Dane, Clemence 147
Regiment of Women 147
Dansey, Pat 232
as chaperone and friend of Violet 137, 158–9
in love with Vita 157, 158–62, 175
description of 158
threatens suicide 162
Davenport, Basil 240
De Gaulle, Charles 263
de la Mare, Walter 277, 278
Derby, Lord 15
Desborough, Ethel Grenfell, Lady 62–3
Dhji-han-Ghir 96, 105
Dieulafoy, Jane 178
Doran, George H. 225
Doubleday & Co. 281
Doubleday, Doran & Co. 223, 225, 250
Dover Castle 39
Doyle, A. Conan, The Speckled Band 60
Drinkwater, John 178–9
Drogheda, Countess of 91
Drogheda, Earl of 91
Drummond, Bunny 268, 292
Drummond, Katherine 267–8
Dryden, John 39, 149
Dufferin and Ava, Frederick Hamilton-Templeton-Blackwood, 1st Marquess 67–8
Dufferin and Ava, Hariot Georgina Rowan-Hamilton, Marchioness 67
Dumas, Alexandre 37
The Count of Monte Cristo 48
Duntreath Castle (Scotland) 100–1, 121
Durán, Josefa ‘Pepita’ (‘Countess West’) 3, 4, 9, 40, 73, 107
Duveen, Sir Joseph 47
Edmonstone family 100
Edward VII (formerly Prince of Wales) 28, 46, 116, 129
Eliot, T. S. 165, 278
Elizabeth I 204
Elizabeth II (formerly Princess Elizabeth) 267, 277, 283–4
Elizabeth, Queen, the Queen Mother 267, 277, 283, 284
Ellis, Havelock, Studies in the Psychology of Sex 212
Emily (Vita’s maid) 57, 94, 95, 101
The English Review 87
Eugenie, Empress 78
Evans, Sir Samuel 7
Evening Standard 168, 194, 196, 213, 236, 254
Faber & Faber 193
Ferrier, Dr 50
Firbank, Ronald, The Flower Beneath the Fool 150–1
First World War 63, 98, 107–8
Fitzhardinge, Charles Berkeley, 3rd Baron 158
Free French 263, 267
Galsworthy, John 147, 278
Garman, Mary 180
Garnett, David 182
Garvin, J. L. 2
Genoa 20
Genoux, Louise 207
George V 199, 289
George VI 118
Georgian Poetry (1922) 171
Germain, Lady Betty 16
Gilbert (W. S.) & Sullivan (Arthur), The Mikado 42
Gorboduc (play, 1561) 204
Granby, John Manners, Lord 63, 64, 68, 81
Grant, Duncan 193, 196
Graphic 218
Grenfell, Julian 62–3, 64
Grosvenor, Rosamund 48
relationship with Vita 44–5, 60, 63, 75, 79–80
takes part in Masque 59
at château Malet 78
accompanies Vita to Italy 82–3, 87
becomes engaged to a naval officer 88
congratulates Vita on her wedding 89
as bridesmaid to Vita 91
correspondence with Vita 94, 95
left jewellery in Vita’s will 101–2
takes part in a Persian play at Knole 102
death of 267
Gwyn, Nell 39
Hall, Radclyffe 188
Harris, Robert 191
Hart-Davis, Deirdre 193
Hatch, Lady Constance ‘Connie’ 4, 7, 101
Hatfield House (Hertfordshire) 81–2
Hathaway, Anne 29
Hay, Ivan 75, 231
Hedgecoe, John 279
Heinemann 178, 179
Heneage, Dorothy 93, 101, 271, 272
Henrietta Anne, Duchess of Orléans 39
Hertford, 4th Marquess of 4
Hesiod, Works and Days 142
Hogarth Press 165, 167, 168, 175, 217, 240, 245, 250, 261–2, 264
Hoppé, E. O. 150
Hoppner, Edward 200
Horace 149
Horder, Sir Thomas 186
Horne, George ‘Moody’ (butler at Sissinghurst) 236
Horner, Edward 62, 63, 64
Houdon, Jean Antoine 5
Hunt, Leigh 255
Hutchinson, Mary 184
Huxley, Aldous 278
Indonesia 294, 295
Irons, Evelyn 183
rejects Vita’s love 229, 234–5
descriptions of 230–2
relationship with Vita 230–5
stays at Sissinghurst 231
visits Provence with Vita 232–3
falls in love with Joy McSweeney 234, 239
Isham, Colonel Ralph 157
James Boswell Papers 157
James Tait Black Memorial Prize 152
Jekyll, Gertrude 105
Joan of Arc 31, 36, 209
John Lane (publishers) 108
Johnson, Lionel 110
Jones, Sir Roderick 167
Keats, John 210
‘Ode to a Nightingale’ 191
Kenilworth Castle 29
Keppel, Mrs Alice 200
as mistress of Edward VII 46, 116
gives Vita a wedding present from Violet 89
stays at Knole 89
family home at Duntreath Castle 100
lavish lifestyle 103
with Violet 125
reaction to Violet’s affair with Vita 128, 142
gives Violet an allowance 129
arranges for Denys to fly to Amiens 135–6
approves of Pat Dansey as Violet’s chaperone 137, 158
villa near Florence 273
Keppel, Sonia 142
Keppel, Violet see Trefusis, Violet
Kermanshah 176
Khalil Gibran, The Prophet 146, 207
Kipling, Rudyard 278
comment on Victoria 2
Kitchener, Herbert, 1st Earl 2, 94
Knebworth (Hertfordshire) 113
Kneller, Godfrey 230, 291
Knole (Kent) 3
cost of running 5–6
as subject of inheritance dispute 9–10
description of 12, 15, 34
Green Court 12, 13, 268
Colonnade Room 20, 89, 90
improvements to 20
effect on Vita 26–7, 29, 32, 43–4, 81, 87, 92–3, 284–6
Chapel 32, 89, 91, 200, 268, 283
female ownership of 33
King’s Room 33
Mirror Pond 36
Poet’s Parlour 37–8, 39, 278
Great Hall 39
The Masque of Shakespeare staged at 55, 59–60, 65, 70, 76–7
redecorations at 83–4, 85
Vita’s wedding at 91–3
furniture and artefacts sent to Constantinople 96
Persian play performed at 102, 209
during the First World War 107
Geoffrey Scott’s visit to 153–4
uncomfortable lunch party at 153
Victoria leaves for the last time 173–4
contents sold 200–1
damaged by a bomb 268
Kreutzberger, Sibylle (gardener at Sissinghurst) 294
La Grande Mademoiselle 206, 209, 294
Labour Party 275
Lacretelle, Pierre de 86
Lady with a Red Hat (Strang’s portrait of Vita) 123–4
The Lady’s Pictorial 90–1
Lamont, Edith 292
Lamont, Thomas 200
Lascelles, Sir Alan ‘Tommy’ 284, 289
Lascelles, Henry, 6th Earl of Harewood 63, 64, 68, 81, 89, 231
László, Philip de 77–8, 123
Lawley, Irene 52, 59, 102
Le Figaro 275
Lees-Milne, Alvilde 291–3
Lees-Milne, James 276, 286, 292
Leverhulme, William Lever, Lord 120
Lewis, Cecil Day 278
Life and Letters 218
Lincoln 134
The Listener 142, 192, 218
Adelphi Theatre 60
Alhambra Theatre 7
Berkeley Hotel 153
Buckingham Palace 261
Grosvenor Gallery 124
Hertford House (Wallace Collection, Manchester Square) 4
London Library (St James’s Square) 199, 275
Lyric Theatre 108
PEN Club 147, 154
Ritz Hotel 20, 110, 273