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Resurrection of Artemis

Page 3

by Izzy Szyn

  “I don’t like this,” Dark Master turned to her leaning against the desk.

  “Don’t like what?” Amy asked. “You can see for yourself that I was telling the truth.”

  “Yes, but that means someone else knows your whereabouts,” commented Dark Master.

  “Have you been contacted by anyone asking you, or rather Artemis, to come out of retirement?” Calypso asked.

  “No,” Amy answered. “Artemis never had an email. Word just got around.”

  “You expecting someone?” Dark Master asked her, when they heard a loud knock on the door.

  “Marcos,” replied Amy without thinking.

  “Who’s Marcos? Your lover?” Calypso asked.

  “No,” Amy denied. “I ordered a pizza.”

  Dark Master opened the door, oh crap, now she’ll never be able to order pizza from them again. “Hello.”

  “Dark Master?” squeaked the guy on the other side of the door.

  Amy hid the smile on her face as she saw the delivery person go pale white. Good, it was the little turd that always smelled of pot. She didn’t care that he smoked it, they were his lungs, but he didn’t have to be such a jerk.

  “Yes,” Dark Master took the pizza from him. “I suggest before you go back to work, that you shower. You reek of smoke, and I’m not talking about the tobacco kind. It wouldn’t be a good idea if you’re employer found out that you were smoking while working.”

  “Yes, sir,” the pizza guy replied. “Please don’t report me to the boss.”

  “I won’t as long as you do as I say,” Dark Master assured him.

  “Y-y-yes sir,” the pizza guy stammered, before turning around and leaving.

  “You scared him,” Amy told Dark Master.

  “I bet he’ll think twice about smoking while working,” Calypso chuckled.

  Dark Master set the pizza box on the table, “We’re leaving. Just be aware of your surroundings.”

  Amy couldn’t stop staring at his butt when he bent down. For a CEO he sure had a fine ass, the crime-fighting must be what keeps him in shape. “I will. My mom, and maybe a few neighbors here, are the only ones that know about Artemis.”

  “That you’re aware of,” Calypso said to her.

  “Night Amy, don’t forget to lock the door,” Dark Master reminded her before leaving.

  . Somehow she knew they were right. Someone else knew who she was. The son of a bitch was trying to set her up. Who? More importantly, why?


  Hinderer smiled to himself while watching Dark Master and Calypso drive away from Amy Wilson’s apartment. Idiots fell for it just like he knew they would. Of course, they wouldn’t find anything. Simpletons. They, like the cops, liked to find the easiest source to pin it on.

  He jumped when he heard brakes squeal, signaling a car had come to a stop. Why did they come back? He started to walk towards his place when he heard them call out to him. “Yes?”

  “Excuse me, but can I have your name?” Dark Master asked him.

  “Why do you want to know?” He answered defensively.

  “You’re standing outside of this building, obviously looking up at one of the apartments here. Do you know anyone that lives here?” Calypso asked.

  “No, I don’t know anyone,” he lied. “My lease is close to ending and I’ve been entertaining ideas of moving. This looked like a nice apartment building. But now I’m wondering if it’s safe?”

  “Okay, just keep going, before someone mistakes your interest as loitering,” Dark Master ordered.

  “I’ll do that,” Hinderer nodded. What do they care why he was hanging around? Could it be the Dark Duo were interested in Amy as more than a suspect? Maybe he could use that to his advantage.

  “Good,” Calypso said before walking to the car. “Wait. You look familiar. Weren’t you in The Bean Dive earlier?”

  “Yeah, I was there when you two had stopped in. Something about the traffic lights going out? You asked us if we had seen anything,” answered Hinderer.

  “You were the one giving Amy a hard time,” Dark Master remembered. “Do you have a problem with her?

  “No,” he denied.

  “You never did give us your name,” Calypso said to him.

  “Carlos Turner.”

  “Well Carlos, you are aware that loitering is against the law. I suggest that you go home,” Dark Master told him.

  “I’ll do that,” Hinderer agreed. Bastard thinks he controls this city. Just wait and see who is in control. Walking towards the car he had parked down the street, he bumped into a woman.

  “Watch where you’re walking you degenerate,” the woman complained.

  “It was an accident,” Hinderer told her.

  “Hey Patti, come on,” said someone from a car.

  “I was on my way until this idiot bumped into me,” the woman named Patti answered. “Probably tried to steal my wallet or phone or something.”

  “Ma’am there isn’t a thing you have that I want,” Hinderer sneered at her. Hmm, maybe he should bring her home to his babies? They needed to be fed.

  He continued walking, taking his cellphone out, he took a picture of the license plate of the car the Patti woman got into.


  “She knows who we are,” Vanessa stated once they arrived at their home, taking off the costume that she wore as Calypso. Taking the red wig off, her thick, almost jet black hair fell to her waist.

  “She thinks she knows who we are,” replied Noah.

  “I saw it in her eyes,” Vanessa walked into their bedroom and sat on the huge bed. “There’s no reason now why she can’t be in our bed.”

  “She’ll be there eventually,” Noah sat next to her. “I know how much you want her.”

  “How much we both want her,” pointed out Vanessa. “We’ve been having verbal foreplay for months. She wants us, too.”

  “I’m worried about her,” confessed Noah. “She isn’t behind what’s been happening here in Quail City. Someone is setting her up, which means our little hacker isn’t safe.”

  “I agree,” Vanessa replied. “I also don’t think Carlos or whoever he is wasn’t there checking out the neighborhood. The area is not the greatest, and there are too many diverse cultures there. He’s more than likely someone that stays within his own culture. I doubt he’s eaten a Ramen noodle in his life.”

  “I think that Dark Master and Calypso need to keep a better eye on that neighborhood. We’re definitely not the only ones with designs on Amy’s body.”

  “Noah? The commissioner is on the phone,” Al came in the room. “He wants to know what happened with Artemis.”

  Sighing Noah stood up and went to the phone. The only landline in the house, it had a direct link to the office of Commissioner Gordon James. “Hello Commissioner.”

  “Dark Master? What’s the status on Artemis? Williams is demanding you bring her in,” the commissioner told him.

  “She didn’t do it,” Noah replied. “Calypso and I checked her computer equipment. It’s just as I’ve thought all along. Someone is trying to frame her. They think we and the police department are stupid and would fall for it.”

  “Williams is not going to be happy when I tell him,” James warned. “He’s going to accuse her of seducing you into believing her.”

  There will definitely be some seducing, Noah thought. “She doesn’t have to seduce me or Calypso into believing her. In fact, we both hope to convince her to join us. I believe she’d be a valuable asset,” Noah told the commissioner.

  “Do you think she could be convinced to join you?” Commissioner James sounded surprised. “I admit, having her on our side of the law would make her a valuable ally. People liked her. That’s part of the reason I didn’t push for a stronger sentence on her. People regarded her as a hero for what she did.”

  “May I suggest an increased patrol in her neighborhood and by The Bean Dive?” Noah asked. “I believe that Amy is in danger. I’ve got a strong feeling t
hat whoever is behind everything is framing Artemis for a reason.”

  “I will put in the request,” Commissioner James replied. “Now I’ve got to call Williams, I swear he’s a pain in the ass.”

  “I’d like to know why he’s so set on Amy, rather Artemis, going to jail,” Noah said.

  “It’s a long story, and we’ve all had a gag order in place not to say why,” James said. “But I’m sure Artemis can shed light on it. I’ll let you go, thanks again.”

  “Okay,” Noah hung up and thought about what James said. What kind of secret was so big that the top law enforcement officer couldn’t tell him?

  “How’d it go with the Commissioner?” asked Vanessa when he came back in the room.

  “Okay, he said Williams keeps demanding her arrest,” Noah sat next to her.

  “Why?” Vanessa questioned him.

  “I don’t know why,” Noah answered. “Apparently all the top law enforcement people have some sort of order not to divulge. He said that Artemis may be able to shed some light on the subject. But it’s late now and there’s no reason to go to her place. As much as we’d like to.”

  “I’d be interested in finding out why,” Vanessa told him. “Did you tell him that we suspect that she may be in danger?”

  “Yeah, he’s agreed to increase police presence in her neighborhood and by the coffee shop. He also likes the idea of Artemis joining us,” Noah answered. Lifting Vanessa’s foot, he started to massage it.

  Vanessa sighed in pleasure, her mother always told her to find a man that would massage her feet. “I don’t think the Commissioner is aware of the many ways that Artemis will be joining us.” She started to think of the first time they’d seen Amy Wilson.

  Ever since donning the mask and costumes as Quail City’s crime fighting duo, Noah and Vanessa created a file of all criminals, past and present. They were alerted each time they moved, got a job, or committed a crime. When they received the alert about Amy working at The Bean Dive, which was right next to Noah’s headquarters, they made a point to go into the shop they’d always passed by, but never went into.

  It was supposed to be a one-time only stop. But they hadn’t counted on the immediate attraction they felt for the hot little hacker. The picture they had of her in their files didn’t do her justice. It didn’t show the smile that lit her eyes when talking to people. She might not like the job, but that didn’t stop her from talking to people.

  Noah and Vanessa never failed to notice when she’d sneak something to a person that obviously didn’t have the money. It made them go and re-read the files. Artemis may have been retired professionally, but it still lurked in her eyes. That’s when they started to think, what if?

  “Do you think this just may be the chance we’ve been waiting for? To have her join our crime-fighting team?” Vanessa asked Noah.

  “It just might be,” Noah acknowledged, his hand skimming up her towards the spot that hadn’t been dry since she met Noah Adams.


  Amy arrived at work, just barely able to punch in on time. The stupid bus was late, thanks to two idiots that decided to have an argument on it. One accused the other of taking his wallet, and that’s when the fists flew.

  Amy’s brain was still fuzzy after her long sleepless night. Images of Noah and Vanessa fucking her in every position. At times wearing their costumes, other times nothing at all. Now that she knew that they were same people, the dreams were even more erotic than they’d ever been before.

  “Hi Amy, we got a new boss,” commented her friend John. John was a sweet kid, who seemed to have attached himself to Amy for some reason.

  “Oh great, what happened to Kerry?”

  “She apparently got word last night that she was being transferred to another location,” answered John. “The new boss seems like a dick. And I don’t mean it in a fun way.”

  “Oh great,” Amy sighed. “This day just gets better every minute.”

  “We’ve been busy,” reported John. “Mostly everyone is talking about what happened at the banks. Do you think Artemis is back? I never understood why the cops were so upset. She helped people.”

  “Well, the people she took money from might not see it that way,” commented a voice behind them.

  Turning around, Amy almost gagged at what was in her sight. There was something seriously creepy about this man. “Hi, I’m Amy.”

  “I can read your nametag,” the guy said to her. “I’m Mr. Rudolph. Get your drawer and start waiting on customers.”

  “Yes, sir,” Amy answered, mentally flipping him off.

  Carrying her drawer to the register, she put in her passcode, then tied the apron with the cute picture of a coffee bean on it around her waist. She was so tired this morning she was half tempted to drink some coffee, but she’d just have to get the caffeine from inhaling it. She hated coffee anyway. “Morning, Camille.”

  “You look awful, no sleep either?” Camille sympathized. “I tried to call my bank’s eight hundred number about what happened yesterday. I was on hold for at least an hour before I gave up. I’m going to go down there during my lunch. I want to make sure my money is safe.”

  “Even if it was taken, it’s insured so that it can be replaced,” Amy told her.

  “How do you know about that?” Camille asked.

  “I always see those stickers at the bank when I take the deposit,” Amy answered. “I asked what it was for and one of the tellers explained.”

  “Makes sense,” Camille responded. “After last night and this morning with our new boss, Mr. Personality, I’m ready for a vacation.”

  “Vacation sounds like a great idea. It’s been way too long since I had one,” replied Amy.

  “If you don’t start taking orders you just might find yourself having a permanent vacation.” Rudolph warned.

  “Yes, sir,” Amy rolled her eyes. Six months couldn’t come quick enough. “I can help the next person.”

  “Hello, Amy. How’s your day going so far?” Noah’s gorgeous face stepped in front of the counter. Well, granted all of him was gorgeous. Looking behind him, she saw Vanessa. She looked good enough to eat, her hair was pinned up, making her wish it was down. She really had it bad for the two of them.

  “Mr. Adams. The day just got better.” Amy was proud of herself for not calling him by his alter-ego. “What can I get you?”

  “Call me Noah,” he told her.

  “Okay, Noah it is,” agreed Amy.

  “Vanessa? What do you want to order?” Noah asked his assistant.

  “Her handcuffed to the bed,” Vanessa replied.

  “What?” Amy blinked.

  She met Vanessa’s eyes, which drifted up and down Amy’s body. “I’ll have the Ayling special. Large. And you heard me.”

  “One mocha with two scoops of vanilla beans steamed in and a shot of espresso,” Amy repeated. “Did you want an extra shot of espresso?” She was tired of the foreplay. She wanted them, they seemed to want her. She knew their secret, and she was willing to bet they knew that she knew. “Fuzzy or regular handcuffs?”

  “Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, it was a long night,” Vanessa answered. “Maybe silk ties.”

  “A long hard night?” Amy couldn’t resist thinking three could play this game.

  “You know it. Long, slow, and hard. But no matter how long you wish things could last, there is a climax that just can’t be stopped,” replied Vanessa.

  “What about you Noah?” Amy shifted her gaze to Noah. Trying to blink away images of the two of them in bed. She bet the climax was satisfying for both parties.

  “The only thing missing last night was you,” he whispered in her ear. “Are you thinking about it? You tied to our bed? At our complete mercy to touch you, taste you, and fuck you all night long?”

  Did he say what she thought he said? Looking into his eyes, she knew she did hear it, and he did mean it. It took everything in her to not climb over the counter and climb him. Or her. Or
both. “Is it a promise or just false advertising?” She asked. Forgetting that there were others in the restaurant.

  “I’d like a three-way,” Noah said. “Guaranteed.”

  “I just bet you would,” muttered Amy. “I’ll be right back with your order.” She grabbed their cups to make their order.

  “Are you okay?” Camille asked her. “Your face is all red. I swear that I half expect them to drag you over the counter and fuck you over the next table.”

  “I’m fine. They just like to flirt, tease,” denied Amy. After getting their order she handed the cups to them. Waiting for Noah to pay for the order. How was she supposed to work all day with images of them fucking her while she was tied to their bed?

  “We weren’t teasing,” Noah said in her ear. “Sooner or later the three of us are going to be together.”

  “Promises, promises,” Amy stared at them. If she was going to suffer from sexual frustration, than so can the two of them.

  “You’re playing with fire,” Vanessa said in her ear, her tongue licked Amy’s ear, sending shivers down her spine. “Oh, and Noah’s wrong. It’s going to be sooner than you think.”

  “Amy are you okay?” her coworker asked after they left. Leaving her another fifty-dollar tip.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” Or will be after another cold shower.


  As soon as the door shut to his office, Noah pressed Vanessa against the wall and kissed her. His hands everywhere. Lifting her skirt, he unzipped his pants before plunging into her wet pussy. “Grab onto the hook,” ordered Noah as he fucked her in fast, hard strokes.

  “Oh shit, yes, harder,” pleaded Vanessa.

  The verbal sparring with Amy always lead to this reaction. Today was even worse, because they were all aware of each other’s identities. It was all that Vanessa could do not to kiss her in front of everyone. She smiled to herself remembering the shiver she felt when she licked Amy’s ear.


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