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Resurrection of Artemis

Page 9

by Izzy Szyn


  Amy stood at the door with her mouth wide open. Her mother and Al? Scheming? What exactly did Al tell Vanessa and Noah? Opening the door a crack, she saw the two little schemers walking away down the hall.

  Leaving her room, she walked down the hall to Noah and Vanessa’s room and knocked. Her stomach began fluttering in anticipation. When Noah opened the door, he pulled her into the room and pressed her against the now closed door and kissed her. Her arms went around his neck, kissing him back, making her forget the reason she came to their room.

  His hands slid inside the waistband of her panties and slid them down her legs, his teeth nibbling down her neck before lifting her to the bed. Her legs wrapped around his waist, her back soon meeting the bed. Laying her head against the pillows, Noah dropped kisses down her throat and to her breast, before sucking it in his mouth.

  She felt a soft hand circling her wrist, pulling her arm back, something cold circled her wrist and she heard a click. Confused, Amy saw she was being handcuffed to the bed. “What the hell?”

  “Did you really think that we’d ever let you leave?” Vanessa said before kissing her. Her tongue curling around Amy’s, her hand squeezing Amy’s other breast.

  “Leave?” Amy moaned as Noah’s lips moved down, his tongue licking a wet path down her stomach to the top of her cunt.

  Noah stared up at her from between her thighs, “We thought we were being nice and giving you time to yourself. But we’re not nice.” He said before pushing his tongue deep inside her pussy.

  “You belong here,” Vanessa straddled her waist, bending her head sucking Amy’s breasts.

  Amy could no longer think, she could only feel. They worked in tandem, bringing her close to coming, then stopping just short. Amy dug her toes into the bed, crying out as a finger pressed against her rear and pushed inside. She struggled against the handcuffs, wanting to touch them, groaning in protest. “Uncuff me.”

  “No, we like having you at our mercy,” Vanessa slid lower, when Noah moved away.

  “Oh fuck,” cried out Amy when Vanessa started to grind her clit against Amy’s.

  “We’re going to fuck you morning, noon and night,” promised Noah. “You’re never going to know when we want you. Tomorrow is going to be your last day at The Bean Dive.”

  She heard foil ripping and Vanessa was lifted off of her, then he was raising Amy’s hips. Noah pushed his cock inside of her, Amy’s pussy walls stretching around his hard shaft, he started to move. Vanessa’s fingers began rubbing Amy’s clit, with Noah pounding inside her, had Amy twisting on the bed.

  Her cries were swallowed by Vanessa’s lips as she kissed her. Amy curled her tongue around Vanessa’s, sucking it into her mouth. Why on earth would she go anywhere when she could be right here with them? That was her last thought, before her pussy juices flooded Noah’s cock.

  Amy sucked in deep breaths, “Oh, shit.” Her heart was still pounding. Noah slid out if her, but he kept his leg draped over her. “Noah?”


  “Can you release the handcuffs? My hands are going to sleep. “

  “Sorry.” Vanessa straddled her waist and reached over her to unlock them. Her breast dangling over Amy’s mouth. Unable to resist, Amy licked the nipple, her sigh of relief as her arms were lowered vibrating against Vanessa’s breast.

  Vanessa slid down Amy’s stomach, her slick lower lips leaving a wet path. Noah lowered his head, licking the juices up before they could be absorbed into Amy’s skin. “I thought you two would be exhausted,” commented Amy.

  “Never too tired for this,” Vanessa slid between Amy’s thighs and sucked her lower lips, her thumb brushing Amy’s clit.

  “Do you have any clue how long Vanessa has wanted you here?” Noah’s finger joined Vanessa’s in rubbing her clit. “How long we’ve both wanted you here?”

  “About as long as I’ve wanted to be here?” Her body was sinking deeper into the mattress. “Fuck that feels so good.” Vanessa’s tongue moving deeper, tasting every drop that seemed to pour out of her.

  “When this case is over, we’re going to fuck you for a week straight,” vowed Noah.

  “At least,” Vanessa's lips were shiny with Amy’s juices. “I love eating pussy. “

  “I, oh god, can tell.” Amy arched her back when Vanessa pushed a finger inside of her, curling it upward she brushed the sensitive spot near her entrance.

  “We both do,” Noah told her. He slid a finger inside her pussy, joining the one Vanessa pushed inside as they took her to the only place they seemed to know.

  Amy woke up, her body still humming from the intense lovemaking the night before. That they wanted her so much blew her away. Stretching, her leg brushed against Vanessa’s. As much as she wanted to stay in bed, they had to get up and put an end to Hinderer.

  “You’re awake?” Vanessa yawned.

  “Yeah,” Amy sat up in bed. “I started thinking about Hinderer. We need to get the son of a bitch. I can’t say why for sure, but if we don’t get him soon, something bad is going to happen.” She took a glance at the clock and realized that it was almost time for her to go to work. “I have to go to my place and get my uniform.”

  “No you don’t,” Al said walking into their bedroom. “I took the liberty of going to your apartment and getting some of your things.” He placed her uniform on the bed as well as some other clothes of hers.

  “You washed it?” Amy glanced at him.

  “Yes, it reeked of coffee,” Al wrinkled his nose.

  “Thanks,” Amy picked up the fresh smelling shirt.

  “You’re welcome,” Al grinned. “Now go to work so that you three can bring Hinderer down. There’ve been reports on the news that he’s now tampered with cell phone signals.”

  “Oh, that’s going to piss people off,” Amy replied.

  “People’s entire lives are wrapped up in those devices,” commented Noah.

  “Which is sad,” Al commented. “I’ll get out of here while you get ready. I’ve got breakfast for you on the table, than I’ll drive you to work.”

  “I can take the bus,” she protested. Although she wasn’t sure the buses ran out here. Wherever here was.

  “Don’t be silly,” Noah kissed her. “We’ll ride with you and work while you do. I also want you to wear something.”

  Amy slid out of bed and started to put on her clothes, “What?”

  Noah took out a small device the size of a penny. “This is a listening and recording device. I want you to wear it. There’s a good chance that Hinderer is a customer of yours. I want to run a voice match program with what you recorded on your cell phone. See if we get a match.”

  “That’s one of the things that had me thinking about him,” admitted Amy. “I keep thinking I know him.”

  “Why do you say that?” asked Vanessa.

  “One thing is that he disguised his voice,” replied Amy. “I want to listen to the recording again. I keep thinking that if I hear it again, that it might make something click.”

  “Before we do that we need to take care of this first,” Noah held up the device.

  “Ok.” She took the device not sure where to put it. People would comment if they saw her wearing something different and jewelry wasn’t allowed. “Where can I put it?”

  “Do you trust me?” Noah asked.

  “Why?” asked Amy.

  “We both have something inside our bodies, so if something were to happen we’re able to track each other. It is undetectable if anyone were to look for it,’ Vanessa replied.

  “Where are you going to put it?”

  “I’ll be right back,” Noah said before leaving the room.

  “Vanessa? Tell me?” Amy asked.

  “You know we’d never do anything to hurt you, right?” Vanessa asked.

  “You’re scaring me, just say it.”

  Noah came back with something that looked like a needle. “I promise this won’t hurt that much. Just know we also have the

  “Noah? I hate needles,” Amy confessed. “That’s one of the reasons I don’t have tattoos.”

  “You won’t feel a thing,” Vanessa promised.

  “Sir, I’ve got the ice cubes as requested. Ms. Wilson will not be going to work today.” Al said.

  “Why not?” Amy asked.

  “There was an unfortunate incident with the sprinkler system,” replied Al. “Apparently all the equipment has been fried, and the health department received word that there were several health code violations. They said on the news that it will be at least a couple days before people can go back to work.”

  “You did it,” Amy stared at Vanessa and Noah.

  “Not us,” Noah denied. “We were fucking you all night.”

  “No, but you know what happened.”

  “We need to get you prepared for Hinderer,” Noah said. “You’re being drafted into helping us. We want to make sure nothing happens to you.”

  “What do you have in mind?” she asked.

  “First thing we’re going to do is put an implant in your ear,” Vanessa said. “I’ve got one in mine and so does Noah. We’re not like some of the super heroes that have special powers like lifting heavy objects or flying.”

  “So who’s going to put the implant in my ear?” Amy was afraid that she already knew the answer to that question.

  “You already know the answer,” Noah replied. “I’ll do it.”

  “I’ll distract you while he’s doing it,” Vanessa told her. “This will be more fun than when I had mine put in.”

  “How do you plan on distracting me?” Amy asked.

  “Like this,” Vanessa answered before kissing her.

  Amy’s hand went to Vanessa’s shoulder and she sank into the kiss. She already knew that once she started working with them as Artemis, that it wouldn’t be a one-time thing. That she’d be in it for the long haul. Her mouth opened and let Vanessa’s tongue explore. Her hand straying to Vanessa’s breast and squeezing.

  She gasped against Vanessa’s mouth when she felt a pinch, but soon forgot about it when Vanessa sucked her tongue. She wanted to climb on top of Vanessa and fuck her, but didn’t want to lose an ear in the process. Vanessa pulled away from her, “I could kiss you all day and not get tired.”

  “I feel the same way,” Amy confessed.

  “You’re all done,” Noah said.

  “What?’ Amy’s hand automatically went to her ear.

  “It’s near the top of your ear,” Noah touched the spot. “It will take a day to heal but should start working right away. We’re going to test it out though. Go somewhere in the house, anywhere, and we’ll track you.”

  “Sounds like hide and seek.” Amy stood up and started to put on some clothes.

  “Umm, what are you doing?” Vanessa stood next to her and took the shirt out of her hand.

  “Getting dressed,” answered Amy.

  Vanessa handed her the robe. “We already told you that when you’re here this is all you’ll wear.”

  “But my mom is here,” protested Amy.

  “I’m sure she won’t mind,” answered Noah. “She has to know that we weren’t just sleeping in here.”

  “Oh, she knows,” Amy replied. “Which reminds me.”

  “About what?” Noah slipped the robe on her, before putting one on himself, then Vanessa.

  “She and Al were plotting,” Amy answered. “She came in the room you sent me to, she asked me why I was in there instead of with you.”

  “You know Al asked us why we had the other room set up,” commented Vanessa. “We were on our way to get you when you walked in.”

  “Well, after my mom left, I heard her and Al outside of my room,” Amy told them. “I think she likes Al.”

  “I thought there was some kind of connection between them,” Noah said. “Would it upset you?”

  “Not at all,” Amy replied. “She’s been alone for way too long. She didn’t have many dates when I was growing up since she was working so much. She’d stopped working two or three jobs when I started hacking.”

  “It’s sort of cute,” Vanessa grinned. “Now go and hide somewhere so we can find you.”

  “Okay.” Walking downstairs, she opened doors until she found a huge library. Her mouth dropped open and she felt like Belle in Beauty in the Beast when she first saw his library. She walked over to the walls of books and looked. There was everything from encyclopedias to the latest suspense books, to a wall dedicated to erotica.

  “Are you hiding?”

  Amy jumped when she heard Noah’s voice in her ear. “Yes.”

  “Stay put until we find you.” Vanessa said. “You know this could be fun. We could tell you what we want to do with you.”

  “Not if you expect me to work,” Amy sat on a deep cushioned chair with a book from the erotic section. She always did love ménages.

  “Hmm, that does sound like a challenge,” Noah commented.

  “Noah is always up for a challenge. His cock is already getting hard,” Vanessa said.

  “Men are so easy,” Amy replied. “It's got to be hard for them to walk.”

  “Watch it,” he growled at them.

  “Do you think he's thinking about the two of us going down on him? Licking his cock? One sucking his balls, while another one of us takes him deep into her throat?” Amy asked.

  “His cock pulses, when he feels two fingers pressing against his rear,” Vanessa continued.

  “The two of you are asking for it,” Noah threatened.

  “I'm so not scared,” Amy replied.

  “When we find you,” warned Noah.

  “What are you going to do?” Amy pretended to sound scared.

  “Noah? Vanessa? Where's Amy?” Ruby’s voice came in her ear.

  “Right here,” Noah answered before the library door opened.

  “Hi,” Amy stood up. “Hi, mom.”

  “Hey, your boss just called. Said that the coffee shop is closed. Said he tried calling you but some weird guy with a weird accent answered.”

  “That’s strange,” Amy said. “Not even sure where my phone is.”

  “Al brought it when he brought some of your clothes,” Noah sat on the arm of the chair. “Did you sleep well Ruby?”

  “Once I put on the noise cancelling head phones, than yes. There were some people that were awfully loud.” Ruby teased him.

  “Sorry,” Vanessa sat on the other arm.

  “Don’t be,” Ruby told her. “I'm just glad that you three are together.”

  “You know not many parents would be so understanding,” Noah told her.

  “The way I see it, if people were too busy having sex with each other there would be less hating,” Ruby shrugged.

  “I like you,” Vanessa said.

  “I hope so,” Ruby said. “Now the three of you need to put that ass wipe in jail. As lovely as this place is, I want to go home.”

  “Yes, Mom,” They all said together.

  A few hours later Amy sat at the console in the room that they told her they dubbed the Dark Dungeon. This time she shared a chair with Vanessa. Her soft thigh kept brushing against Amy’s, almost making her forget why they were there.

  “We're going to have to get you a chair,” Vanessa said. “Although I am perfectly willing to share.”

  “If the two of you keep sharing, there wouldn’t be any work done,” commented Noah.

  “Umm, I seem to remember being over someone’s lap,” reminded Amy. “I don’t think I’m any safer from you than her.”

  “She's right,” admitted Vanessa.

  “Okay Amy, enter your information here,” instructed Noah.

  Amy did as she was asked. Each keystroke made it seem more real. Hitting enter, she saw a Welcome ARTEMIS on the monitor.

  “I need a list of all the incidents that have happened,” Amy told him. “I’m sure there were things he did that the public was unaware of.”

  “Okay,” Vanessa typed into the keyboard then poin
ted to the monitor. “I’ve also sent you a file of everything that we have. The locations of where all the incidents occurred. I also keep a log of the conversations I have with the people we interviewed, and the Commissioner.”

  “Vanessa has one of those brains that remembers everything,” Noah explained to Amy.

  “Do you have a map of Quail City?” Amy asked. There was something that started to click.

  “Of course,” Noah answered.

  She entered in the events and time line. Each event got closer and closer to where she lived or worked. The son of a bitch had been after her the whole time. “Bastard.”

  She then looked at the emails, especially the ones to the Commissioner demanding she be arrested. What the hell? It couldn’t be who she was thinking. Her father was a prick of the first order, but he didn’t look smart enough to own a smartphone. “I wonder why we didn’t notice the pattern before.” Vanessa asked.

  “We were too busy dealing with the other villains, just thought of them as annoyances. Half the time there was usually a dead squirrel nearby,” Noah replied.

  “Why would you think that it would be caused deliberately?” asked Amy. “One of the leading causes of temporary blackouts are squirrels. They like to burrow into the poles, sometimes they accidentally chew on something and poof, the power goes out for a few hours.”

  “I never realized that until what everyone is calling system glitches started happening,” Vanessa spoke up. “It came as a surprise when we talked with people who worked for the electric company that squirrels were the primary cause in about two-thirds of the blackouts that happen.”

  “It wasn’t too long after the glitches started that the two of you came into The Bean Dive,” said Amy.

  “We’d been keeping tabs on all the past criminals, those in and out. We weren’t aware that you’d been working there until we started getting emails about this, demanding your arrest. The stuff that was happening was close to what you were doing near the end.”


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