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Page 25

by Elise Faber

  Grinning at her proudly, I rescued her from somebody’s arms and held her protectively in mine. Her face looked flushed, there was sheen of sweat on her forehead, and I could feel her heartbeat thundering against my chest in exertion, but the look of pure happiness on her face was absolutely priceless.

  “That was incredible!” I beamed at her giving her a quick hug. She only managed a bubble of laughter before her student descended on us.

  “Ah-mazing! Girl! Top class!” he gushed out, making her giggle.

  “Thank you!” she replied, looking suddenly shy and almost melting into my arms. I gave her a squeeze in support.

  “No, no, no, thank you!” the man corrected. “Thank you!” Still beaming at her, his eyes roved over the two of us. “And who is this delicious man with you?”

  With a giggle Michele looked up to me saying, “He’s my… ne.” Laughter died in her eyes when our gaze met.

  With a joyful laugh, the man gave me a pat on my bottom saying, “He’s most definitely yours, girl.” Then he and his friends moved away in search of more adventure to add to their night.

  The crowd moved on, the musicians started a different song, and I found myself swaying Michele gently in tune to the music as we looked into each other’s eyes. A sweet smile played on her lips.

  “Did you do that?” she asked entwining her arms around my neck, settling her body deliciously close to mine.

  “Did what?” I almost groaned out.

  “The mob flash dance. I’ve always wanted to watch one in person.” She explained doing something sinful with her hips. “Being at the center of it was ah-mazing!” She smirked parroting the guy.

  “No, that magic was all you.” I informed her, placing one of my hands at the base of her spine and holding her even closer. That insanely addictive hitch on her breath sounded out once more, and the pupils in her eyes dilated. “Now, let me show you how I dance.”

  With a wave of my hand, the crowd around us disappeared. The noise tuned out and was replaced by seductive saxophone music.

  “Oh my gosh,” Michele breathed out, closing her eyes briefly.

  When she opened her eyes, the look in them almost undid me; then she turned into pure liquid in my arms as she slithered against my body. Turning, she stretched her arms over her head running her fingers into my hair before sliding down my front in tune to the music.

  Every thought I ever had disappeared completely from my head. I forgot I was supposed to be the one showing her my dance moves as I ended up a willing participant as she moved around me teasingly.

  Who would have thought that there was a vixen hidden inside of her? And as I watched and groaned at the way she rubbed up against me, I couldn’t wait to be inside her.

  Trying to prolong the moment, I endured the teasing way her hands caressed my chest, my back then bit the inside of my cheek when they moved over my legs. My body hardened up and started burning in anticipation the moment Michele started dancing to that upbeat music. Now, I felt like I was on fire.

  My eyes greedily ate her up as she spun away from me, an arm, and a shapely leg flying outward before spinning back toward me, and landing on my torso like a second skin with one of her legs curled around my thigh.

  Instinctively, I grasped her around the waist, shamelessly rubbed myself against her, letting her know my need and eliciting that hitch on her breath. With heavy-lidded eyes, she rose on tip-toes and moved her lips closer to mine. For a maddening second our lips touched, but I didn’t kiss her.

  I wanted this moment to be her choice. Not for me to seduce it from her. I would wait even if it killed me… and right now, I could feel myself slowly dying but thought this was a good way to die.

  I found out there were flecks of blue in her brown eyes when they stared into mine in confusion. Her cheeks were flushed with arousal, and her lips were begging for my kisses. Still, I waited.

  “Ambroise?” she breathed into my mouth.

  Hearing my name whispered in need sent shivers running up my spine. If I thought my body was ready before I was wrong… so, so wrong. “Tell me what you want.” Please.

  Her soft lips touched mine briefly for a kiss. I didn’t move… even when her tongue came out to lick her lips and swept over mine in the process. Groaning in agony, I clutched the back of her dress fighting for control.

  “Tell me.” I pleaded.

  Her tongue came out once more… deliberately this time, I was sure. Sweat beaded my forehead. My entire body felt as hard as granite against her soft frame. Her lower half was still curled around mine, and there was no way in hell she would have doubted my desire when it was pressed right against the heat of her core. If I moved a millimeter right now, I would get her pregnant. Clothes and all.

  “You.” She moaned, looking into my eyes. “I want you.”

  “There is a God!” I cried out then claimed her lips, delving my tongue inside her mouth, and showing her what I intended to do to other parts of her body. Her response was to jump up in my arms curling both legs around my waist and moving her hips in that suggestive dance she did earlier.

  “Stop!” I moaned in agony against her lips. As she complied, I grasped her bottom only to cry out, “No, God… move! Do it again.” Her giggle went straight to my navel when she started undulating against my clothes.

  Clothes. We had so many clothes.

  There was a long line of zipper down her back, which I carefully pulled down over the slope of her skin while feasting on her lips. To my delight, I discovered she was naked underneath apart from a wisp of bra under the dress, the long black sleeves were part of it the dress itself. Good! One less thing to take off.

  The zip stopped at the base of her spine, and I teasingly dipped my hand inside, giving the soft cheeks of her bottom a caress through the leggings she was wearing. I was addicted to the moans she made.

  Then I realized I had to peel her off my body to take off her clothes. And that we were still at the middle of Bourbon Street, several blocks away from the hotel. The saxophone music was still playing in the background, reminding me that the musicians were still under my spell.

  Sighing in frustration, I left money to the musicians, lifted my spell and winked us from the street and back into our room. Waiting even longer to get her naked was simply out of the equation.

  “Whah – oh!” Michele blinked in a daze of aroused confusion when I laid her down on the bed.

  “It’s ok, just leave everything to me.” I assured her. “I want your first time to be special.” Gently, I pulled her dress down her arms, revealing a wispy bra and flushed skin, sliding it down her body as she lifted to help me, reaching her perfect legs, shapely because of her love of dancing. I pulled off her shoes on the way and kicked mine off hurriedly.

  Frowning, Michele lifted her torso off the bed with her arms inadvertently pushing her breasts even closer together and drawing my eyes to them. Was I drooling?

  “My first time – oh, Ambroise, I’m not a virgin.” Then she corrected herself by adding, “Well, I’ve had sex… once. With an old boyfriend before… just to see what it’s like – I mean…”

  “Shh…” I silenced her, feeling out of sorts with that piece of information. In some way I was glad I didn’t have the responsibility of being her first lover, yet I was a bit disappointed that I wasn’t. “That’s ok,” I told her reassuring both of us. “Then let me show you what it is to make love.”

  Keeping her gaze locked with mine, I started unbuttoning my shirt. Several of the stupid buttons snagging so I ended up ripping my shirt much to her amusement. I undid the snap of my denims meaning to just make some room but Michele had other ideas when she sat up and helped me undo the zip of my fly.

  My head nearly blew when I felt the moist tip of her tongue circle my belly-button before dipping in for a taste.

  “God, Michele, no.” I moaned. “I’m very nearly there. I don’t want this to be over before we’ve even started.”

  Her impish smile was enough to send a grow
n man running. “That’s ok. I’ll make sure you make it up to me afterwards.” She told me tugging my trousers down, giggling prettily when it snagged several times and she had to use force to get them off, rubbing her body against me in the process.

  Growling like an animal, I stepped out of my irritating clothes and fell onto the bed with her, hungrily kissing her sinful mouth. Finesse had flown quickly out the window as I pulled one the bra straps off her shoulder and I quickly followed its path with my mouth, sucking and nipping along the way.

  The lacy cups of her bra got wet from my impatient mouth even before I managed to free her from that contraption. Her sweet, pink nipples were pert and swollen with need. I latched on to them, giving each mound equal amount of attention.

  There was a dip along her stomach which was designed for my tongue. Her moans of pleasure were making me dizzy with desire as I desperately tried to pull off her leggings.

  The heady smell of woman, my woman, almost took me to the brink and I forced myself to stop, resting my cheek over her navel. With my eyes closed, I took several deep breaths and felt her hands pulling on my hair.

  “It’s ok… it’s ok.” I gasped out, not entirely sure if I was telling her or myself. Lifting my head I dived in searching for the sweetest nectar known to man. Michele’s scream of pleasure as she peaked was my trigger. Quickly, I pulled myself up, swore when I realized I still had my pants on, pushed them down and plunged myself in… in one long sweep inside her sweetness.

  “I’m sorry – I can’t –” one stroke, two strokes and I joined her second cry as we reached our climax at the same time.

  Sometime during the night, an elbow nudged my side, and I responded by sliding myself back in, and moving sleepily inside the warm, sweet center of my woman.

  My woman.

  Those two words sent a warm feeling in my chest. Finding her lips, I touched them briefly with mine, mindful at how swollen her mouth looked after the numerous times I had ravaged it throughout the night.

  I definitely made sure I made it up to her after the first time. Repeatedly. I’ve lost count. Michele didn’t seem to mind based on the noises she made. Speech was over-rated.

  I felt her lips trailing sleepy kisses along my shoulder while her hand trailed over my buttocks in tune to the rhythm of my movement. Our release this time was less explosive… instead it was beautiful and fulfilling, like finally coming home after a long journey away.

  Rolling over, I gathered her on top of me, keeping us joined together, and fell asleep. Later on, I realized I had not slept as peaceful as that… in all my life.


  “So, my lover is actually an older woman.”

  Water splashed on my face, making me sputter and Michele giggle. “I’m only twenty-four. You’re a hundred and twenty! Older, my boot!”

  “But I’m forever young!” Laughing, I grabbed the foot she used to splash water on me with and started tickling it. Her panicked laugh was enough payback.

  It’s been three days since that night Michele danced for me on Bourbon Street. We’ve hardly left her room in those three days. I’ve managed to wear out Michele with our activities each time, and she didn’t feel up to going out for a walk. I didn’t really mind since the sweetest moments we’ve had together were when she was resting. However, I made sure she was well-fed and rested so she had tons of energy for me afterwards.

  I’ve never enjoyed being with a woman as much I have enjoyed having Michele in my life. When I was human, women flocked around me because I came from a wealthy family. Then when I became a Jinn, women loved me because I could do anything for them.

  Michele wouldn’t even let me feed her. She insisted on buying her own food the first day we stayed in until I won that argument. I wanted to shower her with presents, but she refused, saying she didn’t want to abuse my powers. She seemed happier during moments like this when we were just chatting in the bathtub, turning into prunes. I think she would be happy just having me around… I supported that whole-heartedly.

  The sound of her sneeze brought me back to the present. Releasing the foot I had been massaging, I stood up from the bubbly water. “Come on, you’re getting cold.”

  Smiling that naughty-girl smile I’ve come to love, she slid her foot on the side of my thigh, keeping her eyes on certain parts of my anatomy and licking her lips for effect. “I know one sure-fire way to keep me warm… and you do it sooo well.”

  Grinning at her, I caught her wandering foot. “Aww, I do love your compliments, ma’am.”

  Much, much later we were toweling one another in front of the bathroom mirror. She had her arms around me, and I was rubbing her scalp dry making her moan sleepily.

  “I love it when you do that,” she whispered against my shoulder.

  Tossing the towel in the hamper, I reached for one of her loose t-shirts and eased it over her head. I pulled on a pair of loose cut-offs for myself then resumed massaging her scalp. It was nearly bedtime for her… for us, I realized in surprise. I had actually been sleeping these past few nights.

  “I thought you shaved your head every day.” I commented casually.

  Michele stiffened ever so slightly against me. I wouldn’t have even noticed it if we weren’t so in tune with one another’s body. I lifted her chin up so she was forced to look at me. “What’s wrong?”

  Smiling, she replied, “Nothing. My hair doesn’t grow anymore. I have alopecia.”

  Frowning worriedly, I asked, “What is that?”

  “It’s a medical term for hair loss. I’ve had it almost all my life. I can’t remember the time when I used to have hair.” She explained, smiling at me as if trying to say it wasn’t a big deal.

  Refusing to let the topic go, I asked another question, “Why do you have it?”

  Michele rolled her eyes at me. “Come on, let’s check it out on your little toy and I’ll explain it to you as we go along.”

  Bundled up on the bed with Michele snuggled against me and my laptop resting on my thighs, we looked up ‘alopecia’ on the internet. But the more I read about it, the more worried I became.

  “So, now I know what happens with it, but I want to know why you have it.” I inquired, nudging her with my leg.

  Sighing, Michele turned over and looked up to the ceiling. “I don’t know… stress maybe? I’m an orphan, so I can’t tell you if it’s hereditary in my case.”

  “Oh, baby. I’m sorry.” Closing the machine, I laid it down on the floor and pulled her in my arms.

  “It’s ok.” Michele assured me. “I had an interesting childhood. I met a lot of great families along the way. I was fostered several times, so I knew how it was to have a family.”

  I buried my face in the crook of her neck trying to imagine a younger Michele. God, her life was even worse than I thought when I first met her. All I could see was a bald little girl who was treated like an outcast by the rest of the kids around her because she didn’t have hair.

  “What color was your hair?” I wanted to know.

  “I think it was brown,” she replied wistfully, drawing circles on my back. “I can’t really remember. It was so long ago.”

  Leaning up, I gazed into her chocolate-brown eyes then reached her scalp and started massaging. Predictably, Michele’s eyes drooped close as she got sleepy with every touch.

  Then they snapped open when she felt rather than saw locks of hair falling over her shoulder with every stroke of my hand. “OH.MY.GOD!”

  Enjoying her reaction, I lovingly combed her hair away from her forehead. “Straight or curly?”

  “What? Uh… straight?” she stammered, looking unsure of what to do. “No, Ambroise, I can’t let you do this.”

  I arched an eyebrow at her questioningly, “Do you want me to get rid of it? It doesn’t matter to me if you have hair or not. I just want you to see what it’s like… long or short?”

  “What? Ummm… short? I’m not sure if I could deal with long hair.” A look of excitement crossed her face makin
g me smile.

  Giving her hair one last brush with my hand, I nodded to the mirror on the wall. “Go and have a look. If you don’t like it, I’ll take it back.”

  I saw a brief flash of her bottom as she jumped out of bed and ran over to the mirror. Giving her a few minutes to herself, I followed more slowly, stood behind her, and watched her swing the short brown bob that was now covering her head.

  She still looked the same to me, but the hair highlighted her eyes even more, and emphasized the shape of her face. She grinned impishly at me in the mirror, peering at me under her fringe.

  “Your hair is far more stylish and longer than mine.” She joked nodding to my shoulder-length blond hair.

  I shrugged pulling my own hair up behind my head, “Want me to cut it?”

  “NO!” she cried out. “Don’t you dare touch it!” she warned, making me laugh. Turning this way and that, she admired herself in the mirror a few more times.

  “So, wanna keep it?” I asked trying not to smile.

  Making a face she squinted up to me. “Do you think it’s bad of me if I say yes?”

  Giving in, I laughed at her and gave her a hug, kissing one side of her neck. Hmm… now I had to contend with hair blocking my quick access. “Michele, I would never think that of you. Besides, I love you no matter what you look like.”

  Surprised by my words, I met her shocked eyes in the mirror. We both looked like rabbits caught in headlights: afraid but not sure which way to go. I swallowed a lump in my throat, feeling self-conscious for the first time in my entire existence. However, looking into the face of the woman in my arms, whom I have shared more than just my body these past few days, I knew I couldn’t take back those words.

  Nor did I want to. So I said it again.

  “I love you.” I told her solemnly and watched in alarm when tears gathered in her eyes. But before panic could set in, she turned around and threw her arms around me.

  “I love you, too.” She confessed through a voice thick with tears, hiding her face away from me.

  “Oh baby, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” I asked wondering if I said it too soon. Maybe I should have waited another day. Or maybe she didn’t want me? Was loving me back such a bad thing?


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