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ROMAN: Fury of Her King (Kings of the Blood Book 2)

Page 8

by Julia Mills

  Holding her breath as Adele threw the door open, Cyn was shocked to see the hallway empty. Following her best friend out the door and into the diner, she was further surprised to see the place empty and a note with her name taped to the front door.

  Looking at Adele and then back to the note, she shrugged, “You go get it?”

  Shaking her head like it was on a swivel making her red curls fly around like corkscrews from another of her crazy up-dos, her best friend adamantly objected, “Oh, heck no. That’s all you.”

  Taking another deep breath, Cyn walked to the door, pulled the note down, and read, I will give you your space…for now. Always, Roman.

  Throwing her hands in the air, she spun on her toes and shouted to the ceiling, “And what the hell is that supposed to mean?”

  “Give me that,” Adele ordered, grabbing the paper from her hands, quickly reading the note, and then shaking her shoulders as she taunted, “Ooooooooo ‘for now’ huh? Sexy man’s not giving up.” Swatting Cyn on the shoulder, she laughed out loud, “Told ya. You’ve got that man all tied up in his underwear.”

  “Yeah, well,” she pulled the door open and walked outside, “I don’t want him, tied up or otherwise. That man is bad news with a capital B.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it all…” Adele suddenly changed the subject, “Hey, Cyn, do you think we need to lock up?”

  Shrugging as she slid into the front seat of her best friend’s little blue car, she said, “Don’t know. Don’t care,” as her head fell back against the headrest and she immediately fell asleep.


  “Get up, girl. I’m not carrying you up those stairs and I don’t trust you not to get kidnapped again.”

  Cyn groaned as she forced her eyes open to the sound of Adele’s shrill tone.

  “We’re home already?”

  “Already hell. It was an hour and a half drive and that was after we had to sit for thirty minutes while one of those farmers had the road blocked looking for his cow.” She swatted Cyn on the shoulder. “Now, get your lazy bones up. I brought some extra clothes. I’ll stay with you till Monday but right now, I need food. I was thinking about Chinese. How’s that sound?”

  Rubbing her eyes and fumbling for the door handle, Cyn grumbled, “Not hungry. Just want a shower and my bed.”

  “Okay, more for me,” her best friend chirped as she jumped out of the car, grabbed Cyn’s red duffle and her own overnight bag, and headed for the elevator, adding over her shoulder, “Oh, and I have your keys so if you don’t hurry up, you’re gonna be locked out.”

  “I’m coming, dammit.” She all but crawled out of the car, slammed the door shut, and had to hold onto the roof of Adele’s car until the world stopped spinning.

  I’m more tired than I thought…

  Making it to the elevator at the same time the doors opened, Cyn stood with her back against the wall and her eyes closed until the bell dinged that they were on her floor. Barely picking her feet up off the floor, she shuffled her flip-flops along the carpeted hall and thanked God that Adele had the door open by the time she got there. The more time that passed, the more exhausted she became, as the adrenalin from all she’d been through left her body.

  After her shower, she slipped into her favorite fuzzy nightshirt, fell into bed, and was asleep within seconds. She was as tired as she’d ever been but as luck would have it, her thoughts were chaotic and her sleep fitful.

  Waking with the sun, Cyn groaned as she rolled over and threw her comforter over her head. “Why? Why am I awake?” she grumbled.

  “Maybe because you talked in your sleep all night long,” Adele answered, scaring Cyn so badly she sat straight up and screamed.

  Taking a deep breath to calm her racing heart, she breathed, “Damn, forgot you were here.”

  “Yeah, well, I am and you kept me up all night. Hope those dreams were worth it.” Turning, the short, curvy, redhead asked, “Want some coffee? I need a gallon.”

  “Yeah, thanks,” Cyn answered, flopping back on her pillows and thinking about her dreams.

  In her sleep, the last two years had played like a highlight reel of her life, all centered around the man who excited, infuriated, and now scared the living crap out of her. It didn’t help matters one iota that he was absolutely the most gorgeous man who’d ever walked the planet. She had wondered what it would be like to walk alongside him because his long legs had always eaten up the distance between them in record time and he stood above most with an ease that said he was comfortable in his own skin and that others’ opinions mattered little.

  He had a devil-may-care vibe that told her Roman Marinos knew how to have fun. But it was his hypnotic hazel eyes that stopped her heart every time. To say they were a work of art was a gross understatement. The smooth golden shimmer that swirled around his pupils spread to an almost green before turning brown at the edge. Mesmerizing was the only way to describe them. Every time Cyn looked into them, she felt as if she were flying. All he had to do was speak with his low rumbling accent and all bets were off. To say Roman Marinos was good-looking was like calling the Grand Canyon a hole in the ground. But just like every other man she’d ever met, he had secrets. Things he’d neglected to tell her. Things she didn’t understand. The only difference was, the mysteries surrounding this manscared the hell out of her and could make her dead in a hurry.

  Her walk down Memory Lane started back at the coffee shop where she’d first ‘bumped into’ Roman. Cyn had always thought of it as destiny; kind of like their ‘meet cute’, a story they could tell their grandkids when they were grey-haired and in their rocking chairs. But now she wondered how much of it had been destiny and how much had all been part of his plan. And what pissed her off the most was that she wasn’t sure if it really mattered in the scheme of things. There was no denying their chemistry or what she felt at the mere mention of his name. Just to hear his voice made her heart race, her body warm, and her day better. None of it made sense and she truly wanted to think about anything else in the world, but apparently her subconscious was hell bent on making her relive every second of her time with him.

  Next had come the month long debate over the coat he’d sent to replace the one ruined at the coffee shop and the dark brown leather gloves he’d somehow known she’d been eyeing for weeks. Each time she’d sent them back to him, he’d returned them with flowers, or candies, or her favorite cookies from the little family owned bakery on the far side of town. It had seemed sweet, thoughtful even. Now, she questioned his motives and how he knew all her favorite things

  There had been hundreds of phone calls and ‘chance meetings’. Times he’d just appeared at a conference or happened to be in the same building where she was making a business call. Every single time he’d been charming and polite, every bit the gentleman she’d come to know him to be, and Cyn always walked away feeling like the luckiest woman in the world to have the attention of such a great guy. Could that all have been an act? A way to what, to get her blood?

  Laughing out loud at her crazy thoughts, she snorted, “Yeah, cause B positive from a farm girl has an elegant bouquet that all the refined vampires are drinking this year.” Then shaking her head, “Did I really just say vampire?”

  Staring at the ceiling, all her memories culminated with the vivid recollection of their kiss. It had been the best of her life. Not that she’d kissed a lot of men. In all honesty, she’d never kissed anyone like Roman. It had been life changing. She’d felt it in every cell of her body. Cyn felt claimed by the man she knew without a shadow of a doubt she wanted to spend the rest of her life with. She had been floating on air with the anticipation of spending more time with him. Never in her wildest dreams could she have imagined how getting drugged and kidnapped, a two-minute cell phone video, and an old photo album could turn her world upside down and change the way she felt.

  But that’s the problem…I don’t know what I feel anymore…

  Reaching under her pillow, she took ou
t the pictures she’d taken from that damned book. The tip of her fingers automatically touched Roman’s likeness. A sadness filled her heart as a single tear rolled down her cheek. Could she have really been so wrong? Was he really some monster from a fairy tale? Nothing made sense and to make matters worse, her head was pounding and her stomach felt like something was trying to eat its way out of her.

  She threw her feet over the side of the bed at the same time that Adele hollered, “Coffee’s ready. Cinnamon rolls in the oven. You want eggs?”

  Cyn sighed then answered, “No. Coffee and rolls is good. Thanks.”

  She could hear her best friend humming as she walked to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror as she brushed her teeth, Cyn noted her pale complexion and the dark circles under her eyes. After rinsing out her mouth, she leaned closer to her reflection and shook her head. “Dadgummit, I need a vacation.” Sighing, she left the bathroom and added in a mumble to herself, “And a lobotomy to remove all traces of Roman Marinos from my brain.”

  Chapter Seven

  Walking away from that diner…from his Cynthia, had been the hardest thing he’d had to do in his very long life. He wanted to rip the door from the hinges, charge into that miserable bathroom, throw her over his shoulder, and bring her to his home where she belonged. Every one of his instincts screamed that she was his and he needed to claim her, but the rules were clear…she had to come to him. It had been nearly five days and there was still no word. When would this madness end?

  Grabbing the receiver of his desk phone as it beeped for the hundredth time, he snarled, “Marinos.”

  “Mr. M-M-Marinos, s-s-sir, I was t-t-told to c-c-call with your hourly update,” the stammering voice of the young man on the other end of the phone sounded as if he might shake apart.

  “Yes, and…” he growled through gritted teeth.

  “W-W-Well, sir, it’s just th-th-that, well…”

  Counting to ten as the man from Marinos Security spit and sputtered, Roman was just about to scream when the young man finally was able to stammer, “W-W-We’ve still been unable to locate either of the suspects.”

  Seething, the King bellowed, “What do you mean you cannot locate them? You are the most highly trained, highly paid, most technologically advanced security force in the world and you cannot perform the simple task of finding two people?” The windows behind him rattled as he continued, “They have trackers for gods’ sake. How fucking hard can it be?”

  “W-W-Well, Mr. M-M- M…”

  “I have no time for your petty excuses.” Cutting off the man on the phone as he pounded his clenched fist on the desk, ignoring the sound of cracking wood, he roared, “You have twenty-four hours. Find them or you’re fired.”

  Slamming the receiver on the cradle, he actually reveled in the sound of shattering plastic and the debris that flew through the air as his desk phone was reduced to rubble. It resembled his heart as it continued to crack and crumble with every passing minute he was separated from his fýlakas tis kardiás mou.

  Spinning on his heels at the sound of the door opening behind him, Roman shouted, “I said no visitors.”

  “And I said I am your Commander,” Viktor smiled as an obvious courtesy since the humor did not reach his eyes. Looking at Roman’s desk, he observed sarcastically, “I see you have been taking your anger out on inanimate objects….again.” Shaking his head as he made himself a drink, he continued, “You know they cannot call you if the phone is broken, yes?”

  “Did you come here to chastise me or do you have a purpose?” Roman turned to the window, trying to think of any place Valentina and Laurent might be hiding.

  “I will let your disrespect slide only because I know how hard it is to be separated from the keeper of your heart.” He could hear Viktor walking towards him and wasn’t surprised when his Commander grabbed his shoulder. “But my patience is wearing thin and none of this is doing either one of you any good. Finding Valentina and Laurent won’t change what has happened. You need…”

  Turning so fast he surprised even Viktor, Roman stepped up to his Commander and spat, “Would you have just let Bjorn go after what he did to Katarina? Could you have let him draw breath after daring to lay hands on your mate?” He shoved Viktor. “Tell me, oh great Supreme Commander, what did you do when the keeper of your heart was threatened?”

  Viktor speared Roman with a steely gaze and in a low rumble replied, “Calm yourself, General, and let us speak like men of honor.”

  Pushing past the Commander, he scoffed, “Men of honor? Is that what we are now?” Stopping at the bar, he gripped the railing and hung his head, growling, “Is that what you were when you separated Bjorn’s head from his shoulders?”

  Viktor’s response was cut off by the opening of the door. Looking up, Roman sighed as Katarina, the Commander’s mate, entered the room. “Sounds like you boys need a referee,” she chuckled, stopping next to Roman and patting his arm. “How you holding up? Anything I can do?”

  “Take your mate out of here. I tire of his useless advice,” he grumbled, reaching for the single malt, pouring two fingers and downing it before adding, “He does not approve of my way of handling these matters.”

  Looking to Viktor then back to Roman, Kat nodded. “It’s not that he doesn’t approve. I think he just doesn’t want you to make the same mistakes he has.” She held up her hand to silence his retort. “I’m not saying he’s right, just telling you what I see.” Patting his forearm again, she asked, “Why don’t you explain to me how you know it’s Valentina and Laurent who did all of this?”

  Roman saw her nod to Viktor and knew she was doing her best to mediate. Katarina had been a wonderful addition to their group. It was good to see his Commander find the one created for him by the almighty Zeus and settling down to an eternity with the one he loved. The gods knew the old man needed a woman’s touch and the changes in Viktor had been nothing less than miraculous. Gone was the brooding businessman who barked orders and demanded perfection.

  Kat was a good woman and a perfect match for the Unum of the Kings of the Blood. She brought laughter and joy to not only Viktor, but all the Kings. Even though he was at his wits end at the moment, Roman appreciated her efforts and respected her enough to give a brief explanation while he tried to figure out how to ‘kidnap’ Cynthia himself and hold her hostage, just so she would at least listen to him. All he wanted was to explain, to make her see reason, but that was difficult to do when she refused to call.

  Taking a deep breath and working hard to control his temper, Roman explained, “I found this album.” He laid his hand on the worn leather bound volume laying on the bar. “Where Cynthia was being held. There are exactly ten people who know of the existence of this book.” Pouring more whiskey, he looked over the rim of his glass as he took a sip. “Myself, my brothers,” he nodded to Viktor then looked back to Katarina, “Vasiliás sas, Gregorio, Valentina, and Laurent.” He looked at the remaining amber liquid in the bottom of the glass. “I know beyond all doubt that neither Viktor nor any of the other Kings would dare to kidnap my mate or reveal my secrets. They have just as much to lose as I do.”

  He looked over her shoulder and out at the sun setting on another day without his mate. Sighing, he took another sip and went on, “I do not know if you are aware and I will ask for your utmost discretion but Gregorio cannot leave the house. Not only is he kept alive by the same magic that flows through all of Zeus’ warriors, but he also suffers from agoraphobia.”

  Turning and pacing towards the fireplace, he ran his hand through his hair. ‘So, you see, that only leaves Valentina and Laurent.”

  “But why would they work together? She is, after all, your feeder and about to be set for the rest of her life when you mate Cynthia. She will have a house, a career, money, I mean come on, why jeopardize that?” Katarina paused then immediately continued, “And from what I understand, Laurent and his family have been in your service since you saved one of their distant relatives hundreds of years ago. Th
ey have nothing to gain.”

  Shaking his head while smashing a piece of cinder that had escaped the fireplace grate under the toe of his shoe, Roman admitted, “I have no idea. Never in all our years has a tréfon betrayed her King.” His words trailed off as he felt for the bond he shared with Cynthia. It was the only reassurance he had that she still existed while he gave her the time she needed to come to terms with what little she knew of his life.

  “Nor have any of those loyal to us,” Viktor added. “They are all aware that treason is punishable by death and not just of the traitor, but also their entire family.”

  Katarina gasped, “Isn’t that overkill, guys?”

  “No,” they immediately answered in unison, with Viktor going on to explain. “We cannot take the chance another of their line will also betray us, so any and all that know of our existence must pay the price for one person’s sin.” He cleared his throat. “It is unfortunately the reality of who and what we are.”

  “So, am I to understand that both Valentina and Laurent’s families, should those two be found guilty of kidnapping Cynthia, will be executed?” Roman turned around just as Katarina finished her question to see that her shocked expression matched the surprise in her voice.

  “Thankfully, they are both the last of their families,” was all the General could say as he finished his drink and set the glass on a nearby end table. “Now, if you two will excuse me, I need to think of a way to make my mate forgive me. I have no idea what she knows, what she must think of me…hell, I do not even know if she is all right after what those two buffoons put her through.” His anger returned with a vengeance. “I swear if I ever get my hands on Valentina and Laurent, I will rip them limb from limb.”

  Sweeping his hands across his desk as he roared with rage, papers floated to the ground, a crystal paperweight crashed against the wall, and his lamp shattered on the floor. Still seething, he spun to punch the wall as the sound of a slow clap stopped him dead in his tracks and had him glaring at Katarina.


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