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ROMAN: Fury of Her King (Kings of the Blood Book 2)

Page 13

by Julia Mills

  “Your title, fýlakas ti kardiás mou which means keeper of my heart in your language, is not simply a way to set you apart from others. It speaks to your true mission, your purpose in the grand scheme of a chaotic world. For without you, the darkness Romanus has vowed to defeat would devour him. It is too plentiful. It feeds upon the human soul, making its destruction an almost daily battle. Should darkness take his soul, I would then be forced to dispatch his brothers, the fraternity of the Kings of the Blood, to hunt him down, destroy him, and dispatch whatever was left of his tarnished psyche to the lowest level of hell. That is not something I will see happen. It is well known that the heart governs the soul and as such, you hold his heart in your very hands. You keep his intentions pure. You make him whole.”

  “Heart to heart, soul to soul, you and your King shall live out your days the perfect pair. The Fates smile upon your union. Clotho has spun the thread of your life with Romanus’ since he emerged from the grave, reborn and renewed. It is so long and so strong it will last forever and never know the cut of Atropos’ shears. Your names were removed from the lots Lachesis draws and Athena herself has blessed your love. Know that Destiny is on your side. Now go, my child, and begin immortality with your King.”

  Once again, Cyn watched someone disappear before her eyes as Zeus vanished, but this time she was prepared. It was creepy but not scary. Something she guessed maybe she’d have to get used to if she really did wake up. Turning to look out over the farm, she suddenly felt warm arms wrap around her and the scent of the sea she always associated with Roman filled her senses. Closing her eyes, she could see his face, feel the pull of his whiskey-colored eyes, and was filled with the love he felt for her.

  The sensation of rolling over, coupled with the soft, tender touch of lips upon her neck, made Cyn reach for her vision of Roman. When her hands touched the actual, real, live, warm flesh of the man her heart belonged to, her eyes flew open and she was immediately captured by Roman’s hypnotic gaze.

  “Well, hello there.” Her attempt at wit was less than successful when her normally robust contralto squeaked out, sounding more like a teenage boy on the cusp of puberty than the woman who wanted to start her new life with the man of her dreams.

  Smiling slyly, uncaring of her weak vocal chords or being valiant enough not to laugh, Roman murmured, “Hello agápi mou,” as he returned to slowly and thoroughly tasting and teasing her incredibly sensitive skin.

  A hunger unlike any other shot like fire through her entire body. Although the mere thought of blood had always repulsed her, she now craved it more than she craved her next breath. She could hear the beat of Roman’s heart. The sound of his blood as it pulsed through his veins called to her like a siren’s song while her gums suddenly burned and her mouth felt too small to contain her teeth.

  Roman’s hand on the back of her head directed her lips to his neck where, at the touch of her flesh to his, the need to not only devour but be one with the man holding her so tenderly in his arm overwhelmed her. Resisting the need to bite into his neck, Cyn fought against the hold he had on her head, but her mate would not be deterred.

  His body vibrated against hers as her grumbled, “Do not resist. Your body knows what to do. Take of me what you need. I am yours, now and forever.”

  Cyn needed no further coercion. Opening her mouth, she felt her canines grow, and with a knowledge she knew came from Roman, she pushed the tips of her newly acquired fangs in the tender flesh covering his jugular.

  His blood filled her with an exquisite rush of adrenaline and need. Her hunger for Roman’s life essence quickly became entangled with her burning desire for his love as she continued to pull the life-affirming liquid from his vein.

  Her hands pulled at his clothing. His hands tore at hers. The rip of fabric joined their beating hearts as Roman rolled to his back and sat up in one fluid motion with Cyn ending up straddling his lap, the proof of his desire throbbing against her already wet and ready center.

  Growling as she pulled her fangs from his neck, she reached between their bodies and ripped the boxers from his body, throwing them over her shoulder, her need to be one with her King forcing her every action. Gasping as he entered her in one swift motion only stopping when the tip of his erection touched the mouth of her womb, the couple sighed as the contractions of her arousal massaged his throbbing erection.

  Needing to move, needing to feel Roman move inside her, Cyn rolled her hips as she slammed her lips to his. Immediately open to one another, their tongues tasted and taunted, pushing the couple’s desire higher and higher.

  Pulling his mouth from hers, Roman grabbed her hips, lifting her higher and higher off his lap then slamming back into her as he brought her back down. Lost to their passion, her mate roared, “Se agapó, Cynthia, i kardí mou, me óla aftá pou eímal.”

  “And I love you,” came her answering wail as higher and higher she flew, tighter and tighter she gripped Roman within in her body, and more and more she felt the sweet release of orgasm careening towards them.

  Grabbing his shoulders, her nails biting into his skin, Cyn met her King stroke for stroke. She felt his blood pool where she tore at his skin, felt how her loss of control at his hands excited him, and with an instinct she knew came from her conversion just as her sudden understanding of Greek had, Cyn let her head fall to the side and commanded, “Drink, my love, take all that you need.”

  Faster than she could track, Roman’s mouth was at her neck. His fangs buried in her vein mimicked the movement of his erection, pulling her life’s blood into his body, making them one as no other had ever been.

  Feeling her need growing, her release just out of touch, Roman leaned back and shifted his hips, his hands tightening on her waist. The change in position was indescribable. On every forward thrust the tip of his erection teased the sensitive bundle of nerves at her center at the same time his pelvis pushed hard against the tenderness of her swollen nub.

  Releasing the hold his lengthened canines had on her neck, Roman slammed his mouth to hers. The taste of her blood on his lips, the coppery tang of her life’s essence upon his tongue, drove Cyn over the edge. Gasping as she pushed at his chest, she screamed her release while he roared his. They moved in unison. Her body contracted and massaged as he continued to move in and out of her, wringing every last drop of her climax from her.

  Collapsing against his chest, she struggled to catch her breath. Her heart pounding in her chest matched the beat of Roman’s as he cradled her head to his chest. The depth of unconditional love and absolute adoration she felt pouring from the man who held her so lovingly in his arms brought tears to her eyes. Not wanting to appear too needy, she took a deep breath and started to speak, but Roman leaned back, looked down at her, and said with his damn sexy accent that always curled her toes, “I would die a thousand deaths at the hands of the most evil of enemies if it meant having you in my arms at the end of every day.”

  Unable to fight the onslaught of emotions, Cyn threw her arms around his neck, buried her head in his neck, and cried, “Damn you, Roman Marinos, I had already decided not to act all girlie and here you go making me cry.”

  Barking with laughter, he waved his arms. A cool breeze raised the hairs on her arms as the light of the moon shown down on her. Looking around, her tears dried up and she remembered something she’d seen in Roman’s mind just before Zeus had appeared in her dream world.

  “Well, damn. That wasn’t a figment of your imagination. We really are in a hole in the ground.”

  “Yes, agápi mou, and we have been for thirty days.”

  Kissing the tip of his nose, she crossed her arms over her naked breasts and cocked an eyebrow. “Okay that’s it. I need some clothes and a shower and then…” she poked him in the chest with her index finger, “I have questions…lots and lots of questions.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Squinting against the morning sun shining through the open window, Cyn pushed the hair out of her eyes and reached for her mate
. Although empty, his side of the bed was still warm and held the amazing scent of sea and sand that made her pulse race and her body warm. Rolling to her side, she hugged Roman’s pillow to her chest and simply inhaled, smiling at how much her world had changed in such a short time. Married, or mated, life was simply amazing so far. Of course, it had only been three days and they had yet to leave the bedroom except for food, but it was pretty damned great.

  Looking down, she caught sight of the tattoo she’d received while converting to what Roman kept calling an Immortal of his Queen. Running her thumb over the marking, Cyn remembered what he’d said when she’d asked. “It is a small representation of the Tree of Life in full bloom. See the vines intertwining around it’s trunk and up into its branches? That,” he pointed to some tiny Greek letters she could barely see, “is your name. And that,” he then ran his finger along the adjoining vine, “is mine. This,” he laid his hand over the tattoo, “represents our long life together that is blessed by the Father of the Gods.”

  Smiling, she chuckled to herself, “I can’t believe I had to die and be reborn to get a tattoo.”

  “And a mate who brings you breakfast in bed,” Roman teased, entering the room carrying a tray of food that smelled so good her mouth watered and her stomach growled.

  Sitting up in bed and wrapping the sheet around her naked body, Cyn couldn’t decide if she was hungrier for the food or for him. Watching the play of the well-toned muscles of his back as he prepared the special tea he insisted she drink every morning, her body tingled. She knew firsthand the raw power locked within that amazing physique, along with its boundless ability for pleasure...and violence.

  He’d shared the memories of the way he’d dealt with Valentina and although Cyn had wanted to at least smack the bitch across the face, she had to admit it was incredible to see what her King would do in the name of keeping her safe and sound. As far as for Laurent and their grandma, well, all Cyn could do was repeat another of her grandpa’s sayings – Everybody’s family tree’s got some crooked branches. Laurent was food for the fishes and Granny had been ushered off to an elderly care facility in Russia. Chilly, but reassuring, since she only spoke Greek and they only spoke Russian.

  Lowering her voice, she waggled her eyebrows as he grinned over his shoulder. “And looks good doing it.”

  “Well, I try.”

  “Oh, baby, you succeed…I mean you really succeed.” She laughed out loud as he gave her a little wiggle of his silk covered bum. Her fingers tingled with the memory of what it felt like to hold on to those taunt muscles as he moved so perfectly within her.

  Shaking her head and blowing out a breath, she quickly changed the subject, afraid if she didn’t she might jump out of bed and ravage him where he stood. At first, she’d thought the whole ‘Queen of the Blood’ thing was going to be all about the…well, blood, but now she knew it was so much more and all of that centered around getting as much of her hunky mate as she could.

  Once again attempting to rein in her wayward thoughts, Cyn said, “While we’re talking about tattoos, what about the masterpiece on your back? Every time I think about asking you I’m…” She smiled slyly. “Otherwise engaged.”

  Turning around with a plate of food and her cup of tea in his hand, Roman’s knowing smile made her contemplate telling him to leave the food and lose the pants, but she really wanted to know about the marking on his back and her rumbling stomach said she better eat before her hunger became too much to handle.

  Walking toward her, he explained, “Like yours, mine is not a tattoo as you think of one. It was not inked by an artist with a machine. It is gods given. Each King received a mark like mine when he emerged from his grave as an immortal servant of Zeus. The sword that runs the length of my spine beginning just under my neck signifies my willingness to fight against evil of all kind, no matter the odds. The eagle wings flowing from either side of the blade under the hilt that span the width of my shoulders are in honor of Zeus and stand for the sky he holds dominion over. Lastly, the letters running down the blade are my name in ancient Greek so that I never forget where I came from or who I truly am.”

  Carefully climbing onto the bed, once again blowing Cyn’s mind with his grace and coordination, Roman handed her the cup of tea and settled the plate on his lap. Dipping a beautifully, plump, perfect strawberry into the dollop of whipped cream on the plate, her mate lifted the tantalizing fruit to her lips and groaned as she made a sensual production out of taking a bite.

  Cyn had never in her life felt sexy or alluring. She’s always thought of herself as cute at best. But since awakening in the arms of the man she loved so much it sometimes hurt, she found it was easy to let her once bottled up sensuality loose. It helped that she could hear Roman’s thoughts and feel how excited she could make him with a simple glance or the smallest of touches.

  Staring into his eyes, watching his pupils dilate more with every bite she took, Cyn licked the tip of his finger as she took an especially juicy berry into her mouth. Roman hissed a warning, “Cynthia…you must behave. My brothers and Katarina are waiting downstairs to give their blessing to our union.” He took a deep breath and then slowly let it out, maintaining eye contact. “There is nothing more that I desire than to lay in this room with you for the rest of eternity, but the Blessing is the way of our kind and it has been three days since your conversion…” his bark of laughter interrupted whatever he was going to say as she rolled out her bottom lip and made a show of pouting. Collecting himself, he went on, “And Viktor is about to…” he paused and furrowed his brow then added, “What is it you always say?... Have a cow?” He winked, having tried to play the poor Greek immigrant card with her and receiving a raised eyebrow for his troubles. Chuckling, he finished his point. “Because he fears we will anger Zeus by not following protocol.”

  Taking a sip of her tea and battling her eyes over the rim, she used her best prim and proper tone and teased, “And if Zeus should ask, I would have to admit that you’ve been a total beast, keeping me chained to the bed and forcing me to make love to you over and over.” Laying the back of her hand to her forehead, she gave her best Scarlett O’Hara imitation, complete with an over the top southern accent, “And even after I told you I was not that kind of a girl.”

  Moving so fast she could barely track him, Roman pulled her onto his lap and tickled her until she was completely breathless but smiling from ear-to-ear. Struggling to catch her breath while he continued to run his hands over her ribs, she gasped, “Okay, okay, I give…you win.”

  Kissing her soundly before rolling out from under her, grabbing the discarded plate, and jumping to the floor, he strutted to the end of the bed, turned and raised his arms to flex his biceps and gloated, “As it should be, agápi mou, as it should be.”

  Deciding her mate needed to be put in his place, Cyn whistled to get his attention while he was finally making his own tea and waited patiently until he turned around to look at her. Capturing his eyes with hers, she raised her arms and stretched, letting the sheet fall away and reveal her breasts, nipples already pebbled from just one look from her lover. Taking a step forward, the tea in his hand forgotten, Roman groaned miserably as she slowly let her legs slide off the side of the bed then stood, simply letting the sheet float to the floor, revealing her very naked body.

  Striding toward him, sure to add a little extra sway to her walk, Cyn felt like a goddess. The hungry look in Roman’s eyes accompanied by the evidence of his excitement tenting the dark blue silk of his pajama pants, made her feel as if she could fly. She was in love with the most amazing man in the world and the best part was…he loved her back just as much.

  Changing course just as he set down his cup, Roman held his hands out to her and smiled. Shaking her head, she reminded him with a whisper, “But, darling, the others are waiting downstairs.”

  She could feel the heat of his eyes traveling across her heated flesh as she walked into the bathroom, opened the sliding door, and bent over to turn on
the water. No sooner had she shifted her hips to make sure Roman had a perfect view of her bum than his hands slid up her spine, around her body and palmed her sensitive breasts.

  His lips were immediately on the back of her neck as Roman rubbed his silk covered erection against her already excited center. Cyn moaned low in her throat and arched her back while turning her head, forcing his lips to hers, opening completely for her King, denying him nothing. Placing her hands over his, she forced him to grip her heated flesh until pain mixed with pleasure and the proof of her excitement wet the inside of her thigh.

  Pushing her hips back to him, she stood on her toes and rode his erection. The feel of his hardened tip teasing her swollen nub forced a wail from her lips, “O yes, yes, yes…Oh my God, Roman, yes.”

  Pulling his hand from her breast, she slid their combined hands down her stomach, through the wet curls between her legs, and directly into the waiting warmth of her body. Knowing what she needed even before she did, Roman extended his two middle fingers along with hers and slid them inside her while taking her excited nub between his thumb and forefinger.

  Creating a rhythm that made Cyn see stars, their combined fingers drove in and out, filling her, loving her, bringing her immeasurable pleasure. Working her clit with the same perfection that he worked her body, Roman continued to grind against her bum. The wet silk sliding against her heated skin was proof that he was as close to release as she.

  Bracing her free hand on the side of the tub as her knees threatened to buckle, her orgasm careening towards her so fierce she was barely able to breathe, Cyn gasped, “Need…need to… feel you…inside me.”

  The words were barely out of her mouth before he pulled their fingers from her center, she heard the rip of fabric, and Roman slid into her with such force she felt him in the depth of her core. All motion stopped. Their hearts beat as one. Her body contracted and massaged his erection. Her King was buried so deeply within her, Cyn had no idea where she ended and he began. They were one…body, heart, and soul. Together, they sighed a blissful sigh just as Roman took their still intertwined hands, this time with his on top, and directed her back to her throbbing clit.


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