Dawn, Dakota - Catch and Release [Blessed 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Dawn, Dakota - Catch and Release [Blessed 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 1

by Dakota Dawn

  Blessed 2

  Catch and Release

  Trent thinks he’s going crazy when an unseen force starts haunting and taunting him, pushing him closer to Rain every day. He knows he should leave her alone. The past torments him almost daily. She deserves better, but he couldn’t resist the fierce urge to be near her.

  Rain wants to slap herself silly for lusting after an off-limits man. Correction—off-limits sex-god. Dating friend’s kin is a big no-no. Too bad Trent is her best friend’s brother-in-law. While Rain fights her feelings, a mysterious force keeps whispering to her heart, "he’s the one."

  As Rain Ramsey and Trent Cortino fight their destiny, the blessing on the Cortino family kicks into gear and makes sure the couple gets the message. From whispered words in their ears and hearts to Trent’s own personal rain cloud, the blessing won’t stop until its job is done.

  Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal

  Length: 39,920 words


  Blessed 2

  Dakota Dawn


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2011 by Dakota Dawn

  E-book ISBN: 1-61034-792-7

  First E-book Publication: September 2011

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

  All cover art and logo copyright © 2011 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  Dear Readers,

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher




  To my family, of course. Their humor keeps me going.

  I’d also like to thank all the people who bought this book. I hope it brings you great joy. A romantic rollercoaster is always the best ride, and thank goodness it can be ridden over and over again!

  To Lucas Braly for the tattoo info and for doing an awesome job on my tattoo!


  Blessed 2


  Copyright © 2011

  Chapter One


  Rain Elian Ramsey ran her hand lovingly across the massive hand-carved bedpost. Some major loving could go on in this bed. Sweeping her eyes around the room, she acknowledged the furniture in this store was some of the best she’d ever seen. Now all she had to do was woo the owner into giving her a good price. One of her family’s businesses sold furniture that was unique and limited. Their customers didn’t want to walk into anyone else’s home and find a copy of their furniture.

  A muffled squeal drew Rain’s attention to a couple four beds over. The young man picked the young woman up and tossed her onto the bed. She giggled when he slowly crawled up between her legs. Rain squirmed as she watched him randomly kiss her body as he worked his way up and over her.

  Rain was mesmerized by the couple.

  The man passionately kissed the woman. His hips rocked into the junction of her spread thighs. She moaned and wrapped her legs around his hips.

  Moisture dampened Rain’s panties. She’d love to find a caring, passionate man to do that to her. Hearing some new customers entering the store, Rain pulled her eyes away from the gyrating couple. Who knew watching a hot couple in person could be so titillating?

  Strolling over to the man behind the counter, she asked, “Is the owner in?”

  “No. He’ll be back tomorrow morning. Is there anything I can do for you?” the young man asked in a bored voice.

  Knowing she wouldn’t get anywhere with him, Rain asked, “What’s the owner’s name?”

  “Zito Marino. Why do you ask?” The young man looked at her suspiciously.

  “My family owns a furniture store, and I’m interested in a few of his pieces. I’ll come back tomorrow morning.” With that said, Rain turned and left the store.

  Spotting a café two businesses down, Rain headed toward it. Taking a seat at one of the outdoor tables, she took out her notepad and wrote down Zito Marino’s name and the address of his business. A waitress came by and took her drink order. Rain went back to the list of shops she’d already gone into and those she still needed to go to. A grin curled her lips. If she was lucky, she’d be treated to another show.

  She was in Italy for her friend’s wedding. She’d shown up two weeks early so she could do some business while she was here. So far everything was going smoothly. The waitress returned with her drink then moved on to another table. Rain took a drink of her lemonade and looked out at the waves that wrinkled the Bay of Naples.

  The wind blew in from the bay, picking up strands of her strawberry-blonde hair. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feel of the wind in her face.

  “Don’t you know a tourist should never close their eyes?”

  Rain’s eyes flew open then widened. A sex god was sitting at her table. He must have had ninja skills because she hadn’t even felt him sit down. Her blue eyes took in his fiery green eyes. A boyish smile crossed his lips and brought out the most amazing dimples.

  The hottie wanted to play. She was in the mood to humor him. “If a tourist can’t shut their eyes, how are they supposed to sleep?”

  He smiled a
s he answered her question. “With a protector, of course.”

  Her lips twitched, and with great effort she held back the laughter bubbling up inside her. “And where would I find one of those?”

  His eyes gleamed mischievously. “I just happen to be one.”

  Rain took a drink of her lemonade then pinned him with her serious, business, give me your best deal stare. “How do I know you’re not a thief who is trying to find out where I’m staying so you can steal from me the second I fall asleep?”

  He stared into her eyes. His tone was wickedly naughty. “You could use me as a mattress.”

  Laughter burst from Rain’s lips. “You are a smooth one—But, if I sleep on top of you, how could you protect me from thieves? I’m no lightweight. I may crush you. At the very least my weight would put your arms to sleep. Therefore making it impossible for you to protect me from villains.”

  His eyes slashed down her body. “To me you are a lightweight, a very curvy, delicious-looking lightweight. It would be an honor to protect you while you slept in my arms.”

  Once again laughter poured from her mouth. “I like you. You’re smooth and witty.”

  His green eyes strayed to her lips. “Where are you staying?” The scrumptious male leaned back in his chair and studied her with shocking intensity.

  Rain ignored the sudden moistening of her panties. “Nowhere. I sleep on this terrace under this table every night. So you see, I have no need of a protector because I have nothing of value to steal.”

  Hot eyes scorched over her fuller lower lip. “You have much value. It would be a crime for such a beauty as yourself to sleep under this table. Would you like me to find you a hotel room?”

  Rain looked at her watch. “That’s sweet, but not necessary. I have a room with a protector up front.” After drinking the last of her drink, she looked at her list then back at the handsome man sitting across from her. “It was nice to meet you, but I have to get back to work.”

  The tall, godlike male looked pained. “Where do you work?”

  “All over the world.” With a wink, Rain stood and walked away. She frowned at the heavy feeling that pressed down on her heart. What was wrong with her? Why did she feel like she was leaving a part of herself behind? Forcing one foot in front of the other, she went to the next shop on her list.

  * * * *

  Trent watched her walk away with a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. A strange need to follow her urged him to his feet. Just as he stood, his phone rang. Looking down, he saw it was the hotel. He had to answer it. The family business was weighing heavily on his libido at this moment. “Cortino.”

  “Trent, we need you back at the hotel. A large group of women just showed up for the women’s convention, and their president would like to speak to you.”

  A groan rumbled from Trent’s throat as he watched the blue-eyed goddess walk down the sidewalk and into a business. The swing of her hips had his dick standing at attention. He looked at his phone and cursed silently. The manager sounded like he really needed Trent to come back to the hotel. “I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

  Looking in the direction of the hotel, Trent tried to force himself to head that way, but his feet followed the path that led to the woman.

  Moving quickly, he entered the store she had gone into.

  He froze when he saw her running her hand reverently over a hand-carved bedpost. A picture of her naked and moaning beneath him flashed in his mind. Whoa, that was different. What was she doing to him? He never chased women. He just caught the ones he liked that threw themselves at him, and a day or two later he released them back to their world. A world without him.

  He tried to turn and leave the store, but his legs refused to go. What the hell? Was she a witch? At that moment she looked over and saw him. A smile curled her lips. No, not a witch, an angel. A fiery, golden-haired angel. His legs started moving in her direction and refused to stop until he was standing in front of her.

  “I know this sounds strange, but I feel compelled to ask you out to dinner. Are you free tonight?” he asked.

  She ran her tongue along her lower lip. He watched as she debated what to say. In his mind he begged her to say yes. Staring at her delicate form, he couldn’t help but think she was special. Her lovely eyes never once cut over to the scar on his left cheek. It was like she didn’t even see it. Every other man, woman, and child he’d encountered since the accident had looked at his scar. Their faces reflected what they thought. He had seen plenty of pity, sorrow, curiosity, and even revulsion at times. As the years passed, it was looking better, but it was still noticeable. But not to her. Her beautiful face reflected nothing but interest and arousal. This goddess kept her eyes glued to his eyes, lips, or dimples at all times. Once again his mind begged her to say yes.

  “Yes,” came her soft response.

  Relief washed over him with the strength of a tidal wave. “Where are you staying? I’ll pick you up.”

  Looking quite cautious, she questioned, “How about I meet you at Mamma Mia’s at seven?”

  A strange caveman urge to throw her over his shoulder and take her home hit him square in the chest. He shook the feeling off and forced himself not to scare her. “Seven it is. What is your name?”

  She hesitated for a second, bit at her lower lip, then said, “Elian. What’s yours?”

  He had the wildest urge to say husband but forced his first name past his lips. “Trent.”

  She smiled, and tingles raced down his spine.

  Taking her hand, he raised it to his lips and kissed her sweet, warm, womanly-scented flesh. “I’ll meet you at Mamma Mia’s at seven, my fiery little angel.”

  As he strolled away, he could feel the heat of her gaze on his back. That kind of heat would scorch the sheets and leave him with permanent burn marks. A smiled curved his lips upward. He’d proudly wear her mark, at least for a little while.

  * * * *

  Feeling someone watching her, Rain looked up and then she felt that silly grin transforming her face. Every time she saw him, her face automatically took on a life of its own and smiled a greeting to the massive godlike man. Her business side wanted to kick this strange new flirty side. Her friends Branda and Sienna would love to watch her practically drooling all over herself for this man. Karma was a mean bitch. She now wished she hadn’t teased her friends so badly when they drooled over their men.

  As she neared him, Trent took her arm in his and walked her into the restaurant. “You look beautiful, Elian.”

  Her middle name sounded odd rolling off his tongue, but she never gave her first name to strange men. Especially big, strong ones that stood over six feet tall. Looking up at him, she lost herself in the emerald shade of his eyes. Moisture slid down her secret passage and dampened her panties. What was it with this man? Her eyes seemed glued to him, and her body wanted him badly. She’d never been attracted to anyone the way she was attracted to him. Maybe he was a warlock and he’d placed a spell on her. Time would probably break the spell, but for now she couldn’t take her gaze off him.

  Upon arrival at a booth in a dim corner of the restaurant, Rain was forced to take her eyes off him long enough to take a seat. She was shocked and thrilled when he motioned her deeper into the booth then sat down next to her.

  “Do you like pizza?”

  Her nipples hardened at the sound of his voice.

  She so needed to get a grip. “Yes.”

  “This place has the best pizza. I like Canadian bacon. How about you?”

  “That sounds great.” She felt like a fool. Why couldn’t she form complete sentences around him? Snap out of it, girl, he’s just a man. No different than any other. Well, maybe a little more handsome than the rest, but he was still just a man.

  “What would you like to drink?”

  “Lemonade with a shot of coconut rum.”

  Trent placed the order then turned to her when the waiter left. “How long are you in town for?”

  “Thirteen mo
re days. I came to town four days ago. Sorrento is a very nice town.” Rain was surprised she’d given him that much information. He was a stranger, yet her mind and body were treating him like a boyfriend.

  “You’re here on business?” Trent asked, his voice full of curiosity.

  “Yes. I’m looking for unique furniture. Sorrento has some excellent craftsmen.” Her eyes dropped to his lips and stared at them longingly.

  With a nod of his head, he stated, “Italy has some of the best craftsmen in the world. I hope you find what you are looking for.”

  Her eyes swept his wide shoulders. “I already have.”

  Excitement flavored his words. “If you are finished with your business, I would love to show you around Sorrento.”

  An aching tremor shot through her womanly canal. “I’m not finished, but I have found a few pieces already. Those pieces have made the trip worth it, but I still need to check out a few more shops on my list. It would be unprofessional of me not to check them out. Thanks for the offer, though.”

  Their food arrived before Trent could reply.

  Two waiters appeared. One placed their drinks in front of them then moved on to another table while the other waiter placed the pizza on the table and served them both a slice of the delicious-smelling food.

  One bite in and Rain mmmmmed in delight.

  Licking his lips, he commented, “It’s good, right? I love the food here.”

  “Damn good. This drink is not bad, either. I had the spaghetti here the other day and it was awesome.”


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