Dawn, Dakota - Catch and Release [Blessed 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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Dawn, Dakota - Catch and Release [Blessed 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 2

by Dakota Dawn

  “Yeah, I like their spaghetti, too.”

  The two relished their food for a few minutes in peaceful silence. A silence that made her feel like they were a comfortable couple that had been together for years, instead of a couple of strangers who’d just recently met.

  Several pieces of pizza later, he broke the silence by asking, “What’s your full name?”

  Rain took a swig of her drink and fought the blinding need to tell him. He was a stranger and a killer, for all she knew. “Elian is all you need to know. I never give out personal details like my name and address to strangers. Tell me something about Sorrento.”

  Disappointment slashed across his face before he replaced it with determination. “Let’s see, Sorrento is known for its lemons. We have some of the largest in the world. We also produce olives, almonds, and walnuts. Plus, we have some of the best woodworking craftsmen in the world, but that is something you already know. Now I’ll ask you something. What’s your favorite color?”

  Looking into his gleaming green eyes, she answered, “Green. What’s yours?”

  Staring into the deep blue pools of her eyes, he said in a low, husky tone, “Blue. How do you sunbathe, in a swimming suit or nude?”

  She felt her eyes widen in shock. Oh yeah, he was a bad boy. “Nude. How about you?”

  “Nude if you were around.”

  Damn, his voice was igniting a fire in her veins. Her nipples were tight, and her clit was begging for his touch. Unable to stop herself she asked, “Do you have any STDs?”

  The only people who asked those kinds of questions were people seriously considering sex. Damn, why had she asked that? If she didn’t get control of her wayward body, it just may jump him.

  “No. How about you?”

  “No. I’m sorry I asked, though. It was a personal question, and I shouldn’t have asked it.” Rain still couldn’t believe she’d asked him that. When he’d said no, her vaginal canal had clenched in joy. She really needed to slow down. She just wasn’t sure how to make her body quit responding so wildly to his.

  “No need to be sorry. It was a good question. A question prospective lovers need to have answered.” Picking up his glass, he took a drink then asked, “Have you seen any of the sights in town?”

  Relief washed over her as he directed the conversation away from sex. “No, not yet. I plan to in a few days. Maybe you could tell me the best places to go.”

  “Maybe I could show you.”

  “I guess you could, if we bump into each other before I go home.” She really hoped they ran into each other again.

  His bold green eyes watched her lips intently. He looked like he wanted to eat her up. Taking her shoulders in his hands, he turned her and lowered his lips to hers.

  A powerful jolt of hungry sensation shot through both of them. She knew he had felt it, too, because his body had jerked just as hard as hers had.

  He pulled back and looked at her in surprise.

  Heat seared her vaginal canal and a gasp escaped her lips.

  She had never experienced such a jolt of animalistic need before, and from the look on his face, neither had he.

  Taking advantage of her parted lips, Trent scooped down and darted his tongue into her mouth. Their tongues collided then started to stroke and taste each other.

  Rain moaned in bliss. She had never been given such a potent kiss as this. He tasted all male. Her hands moved to his chest, and she marveled at how firm he was. Her pussy quivered and demanded she let him in.

  Mind reeling, Rain trembled as his hands moved slowly from her shoulders to her breasts. His large hands cupped her soft mounds of flesh tenderly then gently kneaded them.

  A low groan rumbled up from his chest. His lips lessened the intensity of the kiss then eased an inch away from hers. His eyes captured hers in a sexually intense snare.

  Desperately needing another taste of him, she slid her hands to the back of his head and pulled him down. Their mouths melded together in a heated rush of passion. Uncontrolled heat pulsed through her womb as their tongues explored and tasted each other.

  Tingling sensations danced in her breasts as he stroked his thumbs across her nipples. Nipples that were hard and begging for more. She arched her back, pressing her aching peaks against his hands.

  A moan escaped his mouth as his lips traveled from hers to her ear. He nibbled at the lobe as his hands pinched her begging nipples.

  The stroking of his hands combined with his teeth nipping at her ear turned her into a quivering boneless mass of soft, yielding flesh. She’d never felt like this before. No other man made her body want to lie down and give in to his every need. Fire licked at her core and demanded he quench it.

  The tinkling of a bell and the burst of laughter that followed dragged Rain from her passion-induced fever. Looking around Trent, she saw a couple walking toward a table. They sat close to one another then continued their conversation in hushed tones.

  Sucking in a large breath of air, Rain pulled away from Trent. “I—I need to go. I had a very nice time.”

  Trent closed his eyes for a second as if trying to clear the lust that had to be still pulsing through his veins. Opening his eyes, he looked down at her and smiled. Both dimples made an appearance. Before she left town, she should take a picture of those deep dimples bracketing such sensual lips. Masturbating to a picture like that would skyrocket her to a climax in a hurry.

  Signaling for the waiter, he paid for their meal and led her outside.

  Taking her hand in his, he questioned her in a low tone, “Can I see you again?”

  “Let’s leave it to fate. If we run into each other again, we’ll go from there. I like you a lot, but I’ll confess you do something to me. Something I can’t explain. It’s kind of scary.” Her voice trembled as she confessed her true feelings. Keeping secrets from him was proving to be difficult. Pulling her hand from his, she turned to leave.

  His hand captured her wrist and turned her around. “How far is your place from here?”

  “Just a few blocks.”

  “I can’t let you walk that far in the dark.”

  To her surprise, he hailed a cab, opened the door, and helped her inside. As she watched, he put a few bills in the cab driver’s hand. “Take her wherever she needs to go.”

  As the cab pulled away from the curb, he watched her with hungry eyes.

  A shiver skated down her spine, and she turned to watch him watch her leave. She had the strangest compulsion to cry the moment he disappeared from sight.

  Chapter Two

  Slapping herself silly was looking better by the minute. Rain was standing in her second furniture shop today, and all she could think about was black-haired, green-eyed Trent. If she kept this up, she was going to need a good therapist. She had tossed and turned all night long. Dreams of him touching her kept her body sensitive and alive all through the night. As soon as she’d thought she was free to rest, he’d pop back into her mind. The taste of his kiss, the feel of his hands stroking the peaks of her breasts.

  Looking around, her eyes landed on a magnificent bed. Her spread out and covered by Trent’s large, hard body jumped to the forefront of her wicked mind.

  A happy squeal drew her attention to a little boy and girl that had come in with their parents. Their ages seemed to be about five and seven. They looked like tourists. Bucket loads of excited energy poured off the children. A tornado had nothing on these kids. While the parents were busy inspecting the coffee and end tables, the little boy went over to a kitchen table, climbed on top, then looked around to make sure his parents were not looking. When all was clear, he took a running leap and landed on a couch a couple of feet away. He laughed and got up and did it again. A harsh look and stern sound from his mom had him looking down and walking away from the couch. The little girl had moved over to one of the beds and was sitting on it, picking her nose, and wiping her boogers on the bedspread that decorated it.

  Needing to defend her purchase from the cute but wild bea
sts, Rain sat down on the bed she wanted. Watching the kids in horror, Rain noted that the girl had quit using the cover as a tissue and instead was waving the boy over. As soon as he climbed onto the bed, they both started jumping. With hands covering their mouths to hide the sound of their giggles, they jumped and jumped.

  Taking in the scene, Rain noted how the bed was holding up. She’d not had any doubts about the strength of the beds in this store, but the kids high-jumping proved these beds to be of high quality. The frame didn’t move at all.

  The boy started counting softly as they jumped: one—jump—two—jump—three—jump. And jump they did, right onto the bed next to the one Rain sat on. Jump, jump, jump. These kids had enough energy to power a city.

  Once again the construction proved to be stronger than the children. No movement of the bed, not even one creaking sound could be heard. They giggled and cupped their hands tighter over their mouths. The boy started counting and looked over at the bed Rain sat on. She frowned and wiggled her index finger back and forth, signaling them not to do it. Sadness transformed their little faces. Rain felt bad, but not that bad. Especially when she watched them turn around and jump to the edge of the bed. After three more counts they leaped to the bed they’d first come from. Their mother stormed over and grabbed each by the hand and quickly walked them over to her husband, who was paying the owner for something. Rain figured they must have found the table they were looking for.

  After the family left, Rain approached the salesman and started negotiating for the bed. She didn’t go too hard on him, although she could have. He still looked a little shaky to her. The poor man must have been scared to death those kids were going to do major damage to his store. He had gotten lucky in that the little tornadoes never made it to the vase and mirror section of his store. Taking pity, she went easy on him.

  After making arrangements to have the bed delivered to their store, Rain headed to the café she’d met Trent at. With her stomach in knots, she hoped he’d show up.

  People came and went. No sign of Trent. The waiter brought her spaghetti and bread. As she ate, she thought of the movie Lady and the Tramp. When she sucked up a long piece of spaghetti, she bemoaned the fact that her Tramp was gone. Trying to get a grip, she savored her lunch as she watched the ebb and flow of people moving along the street.

  A tall man with dark hair and broad shoulders stepped out of one of the shops. Her heart picked up its pace. Come on, look this way. Let me see your handsome face. He pulled out his phone and made a call. Look this way, Rain chanted in her mind. When he finally looked up, her shoulders slumped in disappointment. It wasn’t him.

  Needing an emotional pickup, she headed to her hotel. Once there she pulled out her computer. Calling one of her best friends, Branda, she sat at the room’s desk and prepared for a video chat.

  The second she saw Branda’s smiling face, she tried to hide her disappointment. It didn’t work.

  “What’s happened?” Branda asked.

  “Nothing. I just miss you and Sienna. How are the wedding preps going?” Rain dodged Branda’s danged intuition. That’s what happened, though, when you got too close to people, she thought to herself. They could read you like a large-print, open book.

  “The wedding stuff is going great, and the twins are close to finishing the business meetings that have been keeping us from going to Italy. We leave next week. I can’t wait to see you. You and I have to go shopping. It will be so much fun.” Branda’s excited face turned serious in the blink of an eye. “Now, tell me what’s wrong. You look depressed. Why?”

  Knowing Branda wouldn’t be swayed, Rain spilled. “I met the hottest guy ever at a café. He followed me to a store I had to check out and invited me to dinner. I said yes and met him at Mamma Mia’s. We had a great time. He even kissed me. Damn, he’s the best kisser. His lips are unbelievable.” Waving her hand in the air, Rain continued, “Anyway, he wanted to see me again, and I told him we should let fate decide if we saw each other again.”

  “I take it fate didn’t step in today.”

  “No, I even went to the café where we met, hoping to see him. I feel so stupid. There was something about him. I don’t know. I feel like I’ve lost my best friend. But that’s crazy because I don’t even know him. I think I’m losing my mind.”

  “Not to worry, Sienna knows a good doctor.”

  Rain glared at her teasing friend. “Not funny. Tell me everything is going to be all right.”

  “Wow, you are serious about this guy. What happened to the old Rain who didn’t care if she ever saw a man again?”

  Rain couldn’t stop the whine that entered her voice. “I don’t know, but I want her back. What is the name of that doctor Sienna knows?”

  “Aw, honey, if it’s meant to be, you will bump into him again. You still have more than a week’s time to run into him again. Just don’t jump in too fast. I think it was smart of you to hang back and let fate take its course.”

  Rain felt a little better. “I guess you are right. I need to quit moping and enjoy the time I have left here.”

  “That’s the Rain I know and love. Just a word of caution, if you do run into him again, be careful. He could be a killer. Most of them are nice to their prey until they get them alone and kill them. Besides, if he lives in Italy and you live here, it would be almost impossible to make a relationship work. Now go out and do something you love to do. Have you looked into getting a new tattoo? I know you like getting them in other countries when you can.”

  She was glad she’d called Branda. “That’s just what I’m going to do. I’ll ask around and find out who is the best in this area. Delicate body art always makes me feel better. I can’t believe I was mooning over a man who lives here. What was I thinking? Thanks for the help. I love you, girl.”

  One of Branda’s twin lovers appeared behind her and kissed her on the neck. Smiling at the computer, he said, “I love her, too. Hi, Rain. Are you having a good time in Italy?”

  Rain had a strange feeling of déjà vu as she looked into his smiling face. “Much better now that I’ve talked to Branda.”

  “Glad to hear it. You should go see the ruins of Pompeii. They are very interesting. See you later. Have fun.” He kissed Branda on the top of her head then disappeared from sight.

  “I get them so confused. Which one was that one?” Rain asked. Branda’s twin lovers were so hot Rain was unwillingly envious of her.

  Branda laughed. “That one was Trey.”

  “I don’t know how you tell them apart. I’d have to have their names tattooed on their hips or somewhere,” Rain stated.

  “To tell you the truth, I think is has something to do with the blessing on their family. Deep down I just know which one is which. What are you going to do tonight?” Branda asked in a sanguine tone.

  “Go over my notes then go out to eat. I’ll probably ask about the tattoo artists in the area. But the one thing I’m not going to do is mope about. From here on out I’m going to have fun. I guess I should let you go. See you in a few days.” Rain saw one of the twins pass by in the background, and her heart skipped a beat. That was weird. She didn’t like her body’s response to her friend’s men at all. It wasn’t quite the same feelings she had for Trent, though. Her feelings for them were not sexual, but she felt connected to them in a way she couldn’t explain. Forcing a smile, she waved at Branda and hoped her friend never found out about her strange feelings for her men.

  Branda waved back. “See you soon. Call me if you need to.”

  Rain watched the screen blank out. Therapy was looking better by the second. Maybe she could find a shrink who had black hair and green eyes. Or not! Lemonade with a shot of coconut rum was looking better by the second.

  Chapter Three

  Sitting at the café three days later, Rain breathed in the fresh air. Eyes closed, she absorbed the sun and sounds around her.

  “Once again I find my beautiful flower sitting alone with her eyes closed. I could have stolen a kiss.

  Eyes flying open, Rain looked across her table to see Trent sitting there watching her. How did he sit down so quietly? “Are you a ninja?”

  Rich, warm laugher rumbled from his chest. “No. But I’m glad you think I am. I’ve been looking for you.”

  Rain snorted. “You haven’t been looking very hard.”

  Trent clutched his hands to his heart. “You wound me. I’ve been here for the last three mornings eating breakfast hoping to see you.”

  Tilting her head and smiling, Rain retorted, “There’s your problem. I’m not a morning person. You wouldn’t catch me dead at a café before eleven. Even my corpse would be too smart to move around before then.”

  A twinkle entered his eyes. “Do corpses move around?”

  She grinned and rolled her eyes dramatically. “On the SyFy channel they do. Where do you think mummies and zombies come from? Do I have to teach you everything?” Rain was shocked by the playful tone of her own voice. Damn, she had it bad for this guy. Too bad he lived so far from her.

  A hungry look transformed his face. “There are some things I can teach you. Things I’d love to teach you.”

  An unwanted shiver chased across her body. “If it’s how to show up here for breakfast, forget it.” Not wanting to fall under his spell again, she steered the conversation away from sex.

  “Why do I get the feeling you think I was talking about sex?” At her raised eyebrow, he added innocently, “I was talking about showing you around. But, if you’d like, I could force myself to slowly pleasure your delicious body. I want nothing more than your visit here to be memorable.”

  Laughter bubbled up and took control of her for a good two minutes. Once she was able to speak, she said, “You’d force yourself to pleasure me, huh? So, you’re not attracted to me at all, is that what you’re saying?” Her smile grew larger as he squirmed in his seat. She decided she liked making him squirm.

  “It’s not like that, bella. I find you very attractive. But, I would never impose my attentions on a woman. If you wanted me to pleasure you, I’d force myself to be gentle with you. You have unleashed a wild beast in me. That beast wants to do many wicked and sinfully delicious things to you. He wants to lick you all over, very badly, but for you I would control him.” Trent paused and stared deeply into her eyes, so deeply she felt it in every cell of her body. His hand reached out and clasped hers. “If you like a rougher ride, I’d let him out for you, my fiery little angel. I’d make you come all night long.”


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