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Dawn, Dakota - Catch and Release [Blessed 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 8

by Dakota Dawn

  “It’s just that I like Tamrisk, but we all know I’m too ugly for her. But Rain keeps putting us together.” Marshall looked ill.

  “Matchmaking, women do it all the time,” Lunn stated knowingly.

  “Have you noticed Tamrisk recoiling in horror every time she’s around you?” Trent asked.

  “Well, no.” Marshall’s tone was full of confusion.

  “Then I guess she doesn’t think you are too ugly for her. Go for it, man,” Gaven encouraged.

  Cason came to the table. “Yeah, go for it.” Cason looked Marshall up and down. “If I were a girl, I’d go for you. You are strong, and you have a job. I’ve gotten some for those reasons alone. Never question it. Just take what’s offered.”

  Carlo came over and sat next to Cason. “Yeah, look at Gaven with his black eye and missing front tooth. When that pretty little thing in the pool said she’d come to this party with him and Lunn, he didn’t say no.”

  “She’s a sub from Lunn’s club. She probably agreed to come hoping to get her membership dues lowered. But did Gaven care? No. He happily showed up with her on his arm.” Cason turned to Gaven and continued, “What happened to you, and when are you going to get your tooth replaced? You look a little scary.”

  “I just had a little trouble on my last vacation. I plan on getting my tooth replaced in two weeks. And no, Cindy is not trying to get a discount by being seen with me in my current state. She’s a sweet little sub just out having a good time,” Gaven responded.

  “She’s in training, so don’t be surprised if she kneels at Lunn’s feet every so often,” Trent stated as he eyed Cason and Carlo.

  “Kneel at your feet. Maybe that’s one club I should join,” Cason said, wonder dominating his tone.

  “Down boy, it’s a private club. If you are lucky, Lunn may invite you one of these days,” Gaven threw in.

  “Your dates seem to be getting along rather well with Cindy,” Lunn stated as he watched the three women in the pool.

  “Thank goodness, happy women are easier to please and more likely to please you back,” Cason stated as he turned to watch the women.

  “Someday I’d like to see your club, Lunn. Gaven says it’s a nice place, secure as well,” Marshall said.

  “It is. You been to many BDSM clubs?” Lunn asked.

  Marshall looked into Lunn’s eyes. “A few.”

  Lunn studied Marshall for a moment, then stated, “I see. Why are you afraid of Tamrisk?”

  Marshall’s lips tightened for a brief second. “She’s different.”

  “I see. You’ll have to bring her to the club one night,” Lunn responded.

  “I’d like to check it out first, if you don’t mind,” Marshall said.

  “I totally agree. You can never be too careful with your sub,” Lunn answered.

  “I’m glad you feel that way.” Marshall nodded his head lightly and then took a drink of his beer.

  “What are Troy and Trey doing?” Cason asked.

  “They are getting the dartboard set up in the back living room,” Trent replied, even though his thoughts were on Rain and what he’d like to do to her hot body.

  “Oh yeah.” Cason rubbed his hands together. “Strip darts.”

  Branda stepped over to the table with a gleam in her eyes. “That sounds great, Cason. When are you guys going to start?”

  Cason frowned. “You girls are going to play, too, right?”

  Branda grinned. “Not on your life. This party was my idea. I say we girls kick back and watch the show.” With a raised brow, she added, “Let’s see how well you do.” Branda turned to Rain, who had just come outside. “Who do you think will be naked first?”

  Rain looked the men over then cut her eyes to Cason and grinned. “Depends on who can handle the darts the best. How is your game, Cason?”

  Cason scowled. “I’ve gotten better. Carlo hasn’t been practicing at all.” He cut his eyes over to Branda. “Come on, Branda. Let the girls play. They all want to.”

  Branda laughed. “Go inside, Cason. Get your game on.”

  Carlo got up and headed for the house. He bumped Cason’s shoulder. “I plan on losing so Annie can see my muscles.”

  “That’s a good idea,” Cason responded with enthusiasm.

  Branda turned to Rain. “They never stop.”

  Trent wished his heart would stop wildly beating at his ribcage every time he saw Rain. They had decided not to have sex anymore, but his body hadn’t gotten the message yet. Damn, he was hard for her. They had made a decision, and he planned to stick with it. He was strong enough to stay away from her. No more sex, no more sex.

  * * * *

  The girls decided to just watch the show. Rain was having a blast, except when she looked at Trent. Dang, he was hot. Every time he threw a dart and smiled at his brothers, she wanted to jump him. Down girl, she told herself, he is off-limits. No jumping and riding Branda’s brother-in-law. No matter how hot he was.

  After the first round, Carlo, the purposeful loser, walked over to his date and slowly removed his shirt to the beat of the music playing in the background.

  Enthusiastically, Annie played along. She moaned as she ran her hands up the sides of his hard belly, then leaned forward and kissed his bellybutton.

  Carlo groaned. “Oh yeah, baby.” Leaning down, he took her mouth in a long, deep kiss.

  “Carlo, quit trying to make us all jealous, and get your butt back over here. This time try harder,” Cason reprimanded. Then he quickly lost the next round so he could take his shirt off for Lucy, his date. She played along and kissed his belly then nipped at one of his nipples.

  Two hours later Rain figured she’d never laughed and panted that much in her life. A flash of Cason tweaking Gaven’s nipple had her grinning. That was something she’d never forget. Gaven had handled it with his natural laid-back attitude. He’d groaned and complimented Cason’s nipple-hardening abilities.

  She surveyed the room. Carlo was down to his boxer briefs. Cason was wearing jeans and one sock. Those two had steadily put on a show. Who knew they could move like male strippers. Marshall was down to jeans and one sock as well. His arm muscles were amazing, and Rain couldn’t help but notice how Tamrisk’s eyes never left them. Troy and Trey were stripped down to jeans. Their muscles flexed with every move they made, and of course Branda couldn’t keep her hands off them. She could relate to Branda’s need to touch a Cortino male.

  Looking back at the group, her eyes landed Gaven. Holding his sides, he was laughing hard at something Cason said. He was showing off plenty of muscles himself. He was a big flirt, grinning every time he had to remove some clothing. Even with his tooth missing, he was cute. If she wasn’t so attracted to Trent, she’d be swayed by Gaven’s playfulness and good looks. Lunn was another piece of muscular artwork. His six-pack was unbelievable, but once again, it was Trent that held her attention. He ended the game almost fully dressed. He was now barefoot, but that was all. The least he could have done was lose a few rounds so she could ogle him.

  Her mind pulled up a picture of him naked and looming over her. She smiled to herself right before she was pulled out of her fantasy by the booing women. Focusing on the women and men, she realized that the men were putting their clothes back on. Disappointed, she booed with the other women. Poor Sienna had missed one hell of a party. Their friend was going to be green with envy and blue with sorrow when she heard about it.

  Now that the show was over, the group headed back outside and all took up seats near the table and minibar. Carlo and Cason took turns making mixed drinks for the girls. The guys just drank beer.

  The dart game was the main subject for quite a while, but as things cooled down, Cason and Carlo took their dates over to the lounges by the pool and most of the others drifted in and out. The music kept the party pulsing with life.

  Branda tugged on Rain’s arm then leaned in close to her ear. “Come to the kitchen with me.”

  Rain nodded and rose from her chair. As she follow
ed Branda to the kitchen, she wondered what her friend was up to.

  As soon as they were in the kitchen Rain asked, “What’s up?”

  Branda pursed her lips. “I don’t know. I just had a strange urge to tell you the Cortino family guide to finding their true love.”

  “Wow! That’s heavy. Maybe Carlo and Cason are making the drinks too strong. Isn’t that something they only tell family members?” A strange feeling of peace washed over Rain. She wasn’t sure where it came from. It seemed to happen to her a lot when she was around Trent.

  A frown marred Branda’s brow. “Yeah, but for some reason I feel compelled to tell you.” Branda took a deep calming breath. “So, here goes:

  To your true love’s inner wrist

  you must place a licking kiss.

  If she’s yours, you will not miss

  the shudders of her bliss.

  Her nipples will come to a hard peak.

  You can have her within a week.

  Her emotions you can feel

  which shows you that your love is real.”

  Branda wiped her hand across her brow. “Whew, I feel better now.”

  Rain reached out and put her hand on Branda’s forehead for a few seconds. “You don’t feel feverish. Maybe it’s the seafood dip. I’d lay off that for the rest of the night.”

  Branda held her hand up, palm facing out. “Stop, crazy girl. It’s not the food or drinks. It was something inside me. I had to tell you the family love guide. Oh, and you won’t be able to lie to them, either. No matter how embarrassed you are, the truth will just slip out, especially after the licking kiss has been done. Their mom told me she thinks that part of the blessing is to allow the men a way of knowing what their woman needs.” Branda whistled out a long breath. “Now I feel relieved. Very relieved.”

  “Okay—I’m glad I could be of service.” Rain winked at Branda. “You can always count on me to listen to you when you’re having a moment.”

  “Listen, this could be serious. What if you are Trent’s woman?” Branda’s tone was hushed and quick.

  Rain’s heart thudded, but uncertainty clouded her mind. “I don’t think so. We’ve decided to just be friends. Nothing more.”

  Branda looked doubtful. “Just think about it. You’ve been drawn to him from the beginning.”

  Rain acknowledged that she’d been captivated by him all along. And when she’d seen Trey during her video chat with Branda, she’d had a sense of déjà vu. Like her soul had recognized a close family member. This couldn’t be right. Trent didn’t want a solid relationship with her. They were just having fun, weren’t they? Hiding her conflicting thoughts, she said, “He doesn’t want me that way. We are probably just lusting after each other. Lust almost always fades. I’m sure it will fade between us, as well.”

  Footsteps had them both looking at the doorway.

  Troy waltzed in a moment later. His eyes lit up when they landed on Branda. Oh, to have a man love her openly like that.

  Troy went to Branda and wrapped his arms around her. “You two having a secret girly conversation?”

  Branda melted into him. “Not really. We were just talking about finding love and the sparks that fly between her and Trent.”

  Troy’s eyes raked over Rain. “They do have strong chemistry.”

  “Yes, they do.” Branda pinched his ass. “Now that you’re here you can help me bring more drinks to the outside fridge.”

  “Damn, I should have sent Trey to find you.” Branda laughed, and Troy kissed the top of her head then moved to the fridge and sacked up some canned drinks.

  Branda winked at Rain. “Let’s go outside. Too bad we didn’t make the guys stay half-dressed for the rest of the night.”

  Troy growled and Branda swatted his tight ass.

  “I’ll be out in a minute. I need to take a potty break.” Rain quickly went to the restroom, but when she sat on the commode, she couldn’t go. Her brow wrinkled when she remembered she’d gone not too long ago.

  Thinking harder on it, she realized she hadn’t felt a need to go potty. It had been more a feeling that she should go to the restroom itself. Now that was weird! Blowing out a puff of air she stood and refastened her pants. Going to the sink, she washed her hands. When she looked into the mirror, it was fogged up and Trent’s name was written in the moisture.

  She jumped back and yelled, “Holy shit!” With her heart pounding in her chest, she looked around to see if anything else strange was going on in the restroom. Nothing supernatural. Looking back at the mirror, she noted that it was fog-free and looked normal. Was she being haunted? No, that couldn’t be. All the strange stuff that had been happening to her all revolved around Trent. And he was alive and well. As far as she knew, live people couldn’t haunt people.

  He was her best friend’s brother-in-law, for heaven’s sake. Her hearing voices, feeling peace wash over her when in his presence, and now his name in the mirror all had to have logical explanations. She laughed at herself. The voice was probably just the wind, and the feeling of peace was most likely because she liked him. The mirror thing was explainable, too. Her guess was that he had written his name in it after a shower, and when she had washed her hands, the steam touched the mirror and revealed his name. There, that was it. All was explained. She took a shaky breath and left the restroom.

  Rain took a seat at the patio table and wished she had just one man who loved her the way the twins loved Branda. Seeing her friend so happy was possibly making her subconsciously want a man of her own. Maybe one day.

  She watched closely as Gaven asked Cindy to get him and Lunn another beer. The two were in a deep discussion about any and all things male.

  Cindy came back with the beers and handed them to the men. She was just about to kneel at Lunn’s feet when he scooted back from the table and patted his lap. “Sit.”

  His legs had been together, and as soon as Cindy got comfortable in his lap, he hooked her ankles with his feet and spread his legs wide. Cindy blushed as her legs spread with his. He tightened his grip on her waist. “Relax, nobody can see your pretty pussy. Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good, now just sit here and let me play with you.” Lunn’s voice was soft and gentle.

  To Rain’s amazement, Cindy melted into Lunn’s body. He kept talking to Gaven, who was sitting right next to him. As he talked, his hand slowly inched up Cindy’s leg, and the hand he had wrapped around her waist moved up to fondle her breast.

  Trent plopped down in a chair next to Rain. Leaning toward her, he whispered, “He’s teaching her to do as commanded no matter where she may be. The Dom who claims her will be one lucky bastard. Lunn is an excellent teacher.”

  Rain’s clit started to throb, just like it did every time Trent was near. Plus, it didn’t help that Lunn was putting on such an erotic show as he trained Cindy.

  After asking Gaven how the pub was doing, he dipped his hand under Cindy’s skirt and stroked her pussy in slow, even strokes. She whimpered, closed her eyes, and spread her legs a little wider.

  Gaven grinned and placed his hand on her knee. “Business is good. One of the TVs went out last week, but it’s fixed now. Seen any good real estate recently?”

  Rain noted that most of the people at the party were trying to talk about other things, but most of their eyes kept coming back to Lunn, Cindy, and Gaven.

  Lunn kept on petting her between her spread legs while Gaven was inching his hand up her leg. The hand on her breast moved down her body until it was able to slide up and under her thin top. She started to pant lightly when Lunn’s hand cupped her breast.

  Trent shifted in his chair, and Rain could sympathize with him. Watching these two hot men work Cindy into a frenzy was making her want to jump Trent. She looked around and saw that Cason and Carlo where making out with their dates on the lounges close to the pool. Branda, Troy, and Trey were bumping and grinding to the beat that filled the night air.

  “I found a house I’m thinking ab
out buying and restoring.” Lunn’s hands never stopped stroking Cindy as he answered Gaven.

  Rain shifted and pressed her thighs together tightly.

  Gaven slowly smoothed his hand up her body and under her shirt. His hand didn’t stop until it cupped her breast. She whimpered and hunched her hips hard into Lunn’s hand.

  “Stop.” Lunn waited for Cindy to stop hunching his hand. “Do only what you are told to do. You were told to relax into me and let me play with you. Do you remember that?” Lunn pulled his hand out from under her skirt. His fingers were damp with her juices.

  “Yes, Sir.” Cindy’s voice trembled with need.

  “If you do as you are told, your pleasure will be ten times greater. Relax and let us play with you.” Lunn inched his hand higher up on her inner thigh.

  “Yes, Sir.” Cindy took a deep breath and relaxed into him.

  “That’s a good sub.” Lunn patted her thigh then slowly slid his hand under her skirt.

  Marshall and Tamrisk came to the table and plopped down. Tamrisk was blushing, but she couldn’t take her eyes off Cindy, Lunn, and Gaven.

  Rain noticed that Marshall was staring at Tamrisk instead of the three lovers at the table. Interesting.

  Gaven’s hand moved under Cindy’s shirt, and it was obvious that he was pinching and rolling her nipple. She writhed in Lunn’s arms but didn’t hunch his hand.

  “I called the pub a minute ago, and Doug said that everything was running smoothly,” Marshall said to Gaven, although his eyes never left Tamrisk, and hers never left the three lovers.

  “Good to know. Thanks for calling. I’m a little busy.” Gaven leaned forward and nibbled on Cindy’s ear.

  Rain shifted in her chair again and noticed that Tamrisk shuddered, Marshall smiled like a predator who had just found his prey, and Trent was staring a hole through her. She glanced down and saw the way his swollen cock was pressing against his jeans. Yep, he was just as horny as she was. He’s off-limits, off-limits, Rain chanted in her mind.

  Cindy whimpered as Lunn moved his hand faster under her skirt. Both men plucked at her breasts and nibbled at her ears.


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