The Bidding War (69th St. Bad Boys Book 2)
Page 8
“Do you come here often?” she says, and I realize I’ve got a massive erection!
I shift uncomfortably in the bench and adjust my position so as to hide it as best I can. Even still, I’m not sure I succeeded. She must have noticed that massive pole sticking up out of my lap.
I clear my throat.
“All the time. We love coming here.”
“It’s a really beautiful place, Mr. Eastwood.”
“Please, you have to promise to call me Wes.”
“Wes,” she says, and the sound of my name on her lips makes my cock throb all over again.
I watch her licking her ice cream and have to force myself not to stare.
“This might sound a little forward,” I say, “but if you’re not doing anything for dinner, would you like to eat with me and Brady?”
She looks into my eyes for a second and I know she’s wondering what my intentions are. I guess it’s a massive cliché for a man to hit on his nanny but she’s probably disappointed that I’m doing it already, before she’s even started her job officially.
I’m about to cancel the offer when she smiles and nods.
“I’d love that, Wes,” she says softly.
Chapter 15
After dinner, I get up to take Brady to bed but Cherri stands up first.
“Let me do it.”
“Are you sure,” I say, looking at her.
“Yeah, she might as well, Dad,” Brady says. “So that she knows the ropes on Monday.”
I smile.
“Okay, well let me know if you need any help, Cherri.”
“I’m sure we’ll get along fine,” she says and takes Brady by the hand.
I’m amazed at how quickly he’s adjusted to the new situation. He loves having her around almost as much as I do. There’s really no doubt in my mind that it was a void in his life. Before Cherri arrived, I would have said my son was fine and had everything he could possibly want in his life. But now that I see him with her, I know that there was always something missing. The way she is with him. The way she speaks to him. The way her eyes light up and laugh when he cracks a joke. Of course he needed that. I was a fool for thinking I could raise him without the magical touch of a woman for so long.
The table is cleared by housekeeping and I tell them that I won’t be needing anything else for the evening.
They say goodnight and leave.
I go and light a fire in the fireplace and open another bottle of wine.
It’s quite a romantic atmosphere, perhaps a little too much for my first night with Cherri, but I can’t stop myself. I turn on some nice music and light the candles that are all around the living room. There’s a sofa in front of the fire and I sit on it and wait eagerly for Cherri.
When she comes back, she looks even more beautiful.
Her eyes sparkle in the candlelight and her hair shines like gold.
“Would you like a glass of wine,” I say, pretty sure that she’ll turn me down and ask me to call her a cab.
She hesitates just a second, then nods.
“I’d love one, Wes.”
She sits down next to me and I pour her a glass. She’s comfortable in front of the fire and I can see that she’s as happy to be there as I am. Maybe she’s not in such a hurry to get away from me. I might be twenty years older than her, and I might be her new employer, but that doesn’t mean she can’t enjoy my company as much as I enjoy hers.
And then another thought crosses my mind. Maybe she’s as lonely as I am when the sun goes down. Everyone needs a little company, the pleasure of another person’s attention, in the evening. If she lives alone, then why would she be in a hurry to get back to her empty apartment? The city can be a very lonely place for any of us.
“So?” I say, “you think this will work out?”
“Oh definitely, Wes. And I have to say, the agency told me the pay you offered and it’s far to generous. No nanny makes that much.”
I wave away her concern with a movement of my hand.
“Nonsense. I can already tell you’re worth every penny. You’ve already put him to bed.”
“I like doing it.”
I look into her eyes and something comes over me. I don’t know what it is. We’re both staring into each other’s eyes, and it’s as if I lose control of myself and something else takes over. I forget that we’ve only just met. I forget that she’s my young, new employee.
I reach out and touch her cheek with the back of my hand.
She looks as taken by the moment as I am, and as my fingers graze her cheek, she shuts her eyes and lets out a sigh of pleasure.
And then we’re both knocked back to the reality of the moment.
“Oh,” I stammer. “Cherri, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” she says, her cheeks reddening.
“No, really. I don’t want you to think that I hired you for myself. I’m not like that. I swear.”
She looks as if she’s about to say something and then she shuts her mouth.
Then she speaks.
“I liked it,” she says, very quietly.
And that’s when it happens. I lean in to her and take her face in my hands. I guide her to me, and when our lips touch, it’s as if the world is standing still. There is nothing in the universe apart from her, her beautiful face, her intoxicating eyes, her delicious lips. My tongue slides into her mouth and dances with hers. I reach around to the back of her head and pull her close to me, so that I can keep her there.
In my pants, my cock is throbbing with desire. I want to pick her up and carry her into my room. I want to spend the night making love to her so ferociously that she screams my name. I want to spread her open and devour her. I want to make her mine in every possible way that a man can make a woman his.
I want to taste her pussy. I want to slide inside her. I want to pour myself into her, over and over, until we’re both too exhausted to move.
All this goes through my mind and we must be kissing for minutes. Time is standing still and I’ve lost my ability to gauge the passage of time.
“Oh my God,” she moans when I stop.
“Cherri,” I stammer. “I don’t know what came over me.”
“It’s okay,” she says, breathless.
I look into her eyes and I can’t read her face. Did she enjoy it? Does she regret it? Is she terrified of me?
“I better leave,” she says.
I nod. “Yes, of course. It’s getting late.”
“I hate a really lovely day,” she says.
“Let me call you a car.”
“That’s okay. I can walk.”
I grab my phone and call down to the lobby.
“This is Wes. Bring my car around, will you? I have a guest coming down now.”
“Sure thing, Mr. Eastwood.”
I say goodbye to her and before I know it, she’s putting on her coat and slipping out the door. As soon as it shuts behind her I feel the loss of her presence. I miss her instantly. All I want is for her to come back and knock on the door. I’d open it and she’d come back in and we’d spend the night together.
But she doesn’t come back.
I’m still standing by the door like an idiot, a couple of minutes later, when my phone rings.
I assume it’s the lobby calling to tell me she got in the car safely but it’s Lucy, my assistant.
“Yes?” I say, glad of the distraction from my thoughts.
“Wes, we’ve got an issue with the background check on your new nanny.”
“It seems she’s not as innocent as she appears.”
“You’re kidding me.”
“She’s listed on some sort of prostitution website online.”
“What? Are you sure?”
“We triple checked, Wes.”
“I can’t believe it.”
“She’s probably scamming you, sir. I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but she’s probably just another gold digger
trying to nab herself a billionaire.”
“Fuck,” I whisper. “I can’t believe it. She seemed so … genuine.”
“She’s a pro, sir. Sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, Lucy. You’re doing your job, and after the trouble I had with Child Protective Services, I can’t afford to be too careful.”
“Exactly, sir. And there’s something else.”
What else could there possibly be, I wonder.
“What is it?”
“That whole Child Protection hearing you were subjected to. It seems there’s an irregularity with that too.”
“An irregularity? What kind of irregularity?”
“It wasn’t a mistake, sir. It was sabotage.”
“The name of the city official who signed off on the complaint. She’s received a lot of money from one of Clint Anderson’s shell companies. She also specifically requested the timing of the hearing, which had to be expedited.”
“The timing?”
“Don’t you remember? It happened right when the bidding for Dairy Technics was taking place. It was sabotage, sir. Nothing more.”
“That fucker,” I say, louder than I meant to. “He jeopardized my custody of my son, just so he could win that bidding war?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Thank you, Lucy,” I say, hanging up the phone.
I go back over to the couch and can hardly believe what I’ve just heard. I pour myself another glass of wine, then without even taking a second to try and stop myself, pull my cock out of my pants and start stroking it.
I down the wine and then spit on my hand. I slide the saliva over the erect head of my cock, lubricating it. As I stroke myself, I picture myself cumming all over Cherri’s beautiful face.
Chapter 16
My head is spinning as I sit in the back of Wes’s limousine on the ride home.
We’d kissed!
We’d actually kissed!
It was heaven. It was the most delightful moment of my life. I feel like standing up, putting my head out of the sunroof, and screaming at the top of my lungs.
I tell myself not to get too excited. Rich, handsome men like Wes Eastwood probably take advantage of pretty young women all the time. He probably has an army of secretaries and he probably sleeps with every one of them. Why shouldn’t he? He’s rich. He’s powerful. And he’s so incredibly, mind-numbingly, heart-stoppingly sexy.
I feel my pussy getting wet as I think of him.
His tongue was in my mouth. His hands were in my hair. The way he took control of me, pulled me toward him, gentle but at the same time powerful. In fact, the entire day was like that. Everything we did together, from walking in the park to eating at his apartment was a strange and intoxicating mix of power and gentleness.
I was putty in his hands and he must have known it. He must have known I’d do anything for him, anything he wanted. If he’d asked me to go into his bedroom with him, I would have. I’d have given him my body and soul. I’d have stripped naked for him and let him by the first man to see my fully naked.
I’d have given him my virginity.
And that’s when I remembered.
The virginity auction. The stupid website. I still didn’t even know it was real, but I already had a terrible sense of guilty about it. How could I be out, kissing a man like Wes, while I was listed on a crazy website like that where every pervert in the city could see me!
I had to call Kelsey and tell her to delete my profile. She’d set it up. Only she knew how to get it down.
And then my phone rings.
I look at the screen to see if it’s Wes, my heart leaping in my chest at the thought.
It’s an unknown number.
I hesitate for a second before picking it up. I usually hate to answer unrecognized numbers. It’s always bill collectors or credit card companies or telemarketers. But then I think of my grandfather and worry that it might be the doctors calling.
The limousine is outside my building and I thank the driver as I answer the phone. I step out of the car and say hello, my heart beating as I think about all the things that could be wrong with my grandfather.
“Is this Cherri Beverly Madison?”
“Yes?” curious as to who it could be.
“This is Prestige Virgin Auctions. Congratulations, you’ve been selected.”
“What?” I stammer, unable to believe what I’m hearing.
“Yes, we went through all the applications and yours is the one we’ve chosen for the next auction. Your pictures are extremely impressive.”
“Pictures? What pictures?”
“The ones on your profile. You can see them for yourself on the bidding site. And you’ll see that your price is set to start at five thousand dollars. Extremely high. Very nicely done.”
“What? Take it down. You’ve got to take it all down.”
“I’m afraid that’s not possible. The auction’s already begun.”
“But I don’t want it. I got a job.”
“You can’t back out now sweetheart. That’s not how it works. You entered a contract when you submitted the form. It’s a done deal.”
“How can it be a done deal when you only just put me up? Take me down this second.”
I’m beginning to panic. Just yesterday I’d have been all over this, even if it scared the crap out of me, but after the night I’d just spent with Wes, the last thing in the world I want is to be listed on a sex website.
“You entered a contract,” the man says again.
“That’s a pile of bullshit,” I spit. “You can’t enforce this. It’s prostitution. You try to force me to go through with this and I’ll go to the police.”
That got his attention.
“Ms. Madison, please calm down. There’s no need to get carried away. I’m sure we can sort this all out if you really have changed your mind.”
I’m about to tell him to delete my profile immediately when I receive another call. Exasperated, I glance at the screen and this time, I very nearly drop the phone. It’s my grandfather’s hospital in Iowa.
“Can you hold for a second,” I say to the virginity auction guy. “I’ve got another call. It’s an emergency.”
“I can call you back if you prefer.”
“You stay right on the line, mister. We’re not done yet.”
I press the button to accept the other call and already know that the dread in my stomach is justified. This is it. This is the call I’ve been dreading.
“Cherri Madison, this is Doctor Hildegard.”
“Yes?” I say, tears already beginning to form in my eyes. “Is he alright? Is my grandfather all right?”
“He’s all right. He’s stable.”
“He had an incident. He had to be brought in by ambulance.”
“Can I speak to him,” I gasp, my voice breaking.
“I’m afraid he’s not conscious.”
“Is he going to be all right?”
“He has a good chance, but only if we can operate immediately.”
“Then do it. Yes. You have our consent. I’m his next of kin, right? Please operate.”
“It’s not that simple, Ms. Madison.”
“What do you mean? I have the power to consent, right? We went over all this before I left.”
“That paperwork is all in order. Yes. It’s just the billing details that I’ll need.”
“Right. Of course. Here. Let me read you my credit card.”
“Eh, we’ve done a credit check already.”
“I don’t care. Here’s my credit card number.” I’m already crying. I know this is hopeless. I know they don’t take medical payments over the phone like you’re ordering a fucking a pizza, but somehow I can’t stop myself. The tears are streaming down my face.
“It’s five, zero, zero, five.”
“Ms. Madison, please stop. We need to operate within the next seventy two hours, and in order to go
ahead with it, we need the certified funds to be paid through our billing department. This is all paperwork that you received weeks ago.”
“But, but, it’s twenty thousand dollars,” I stammer.
“I’m sorry,” the doctor says, embarrassed that it’s come to this.
“What can I do?” I say quietly.
“I’m very sorry, Ms. Madison. I’m just calling to say if there’s anything you can do in the next three days, please do it. Call in favors. Get help from family. Because unless the billing department gives me the all clear, I can’t operate.”
I’m numb. I’m not even breathing. I’m just standing there like a statue.
“I understand,” I say. “I’ll sort this out.”
I switch the call back to the virginity auction guy, praying he’s still on the line.
“You still there?” I say.
“Ms. Madison. I was about the hang up.”
“Don’t hang up. I’ll go through with it. What do I have to do?”
“You’ll have to submit to a virginity exam. One of the potential bidders has requested it.”
“Can he do that?”
“Yes, he can. And we need you to show up for it as soon as possible.”
“Have you heard of the Avalon? It’s on Fifth Avenue.”
“I’ve heard of it,” I say, wondering for one brief, magical second, if the bidder could possibly be Wes.
I prayed it would be.
Chapter 17
I sit down at my office desk and let out a long sigh.
I hardly slept at all last night.
I’m not going to lie. Hearing that Cherri was listed on some virginity auction really hurt. I’d only known her for a short while but in my heart, I was starting to get invested. I wanted things to go somewhere with her. I wanted to fuck her brains out, if I’m being honest.