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Freshmen Fifteen (Love 101)

Page 9

by J. Nichole

  “No bitterness here, sweetheart.” Nicole plants a sarcastic smile on her face. “Nice to meet you.”

  Chapter 12

  “Gold all up in my grill...” the crowd is swaying to Rihanna’s song as we finally make our way through the door. The party is set up in the main room of the convention center, which is large, but we have a difficult time navigating through the masses.

  “Okay guys, have fun.” I wink and wave to Mark and Jody as we part ways. I don’t like cramping anyone’s style.

  Nicole’s mouth hangs open. “Dudes in here are on a hundred. I’m quite sure I just saw a few walk past, shirtless, and by the happy trails I see I think they left their draws at the house!”

  Jennifer ignores Nicole’s comment and keeps strutting, looking back she says, “Let’s see if we can make our way onto the dance floor. The DJ sounds like he is gettin’ this party jumpin’.”

  Nicole pauses and continues to stare at the half-naked men walking by. One guy stops and tries to talk to her but I tug at her hand. She looks at me with pleading eyes, pointing to the guy. I look between her and the guy and laugh, still pulling her along. Begrudgingly Nicole leaves the guy behind. She whispers, “Damn, these dudes in here got me moist.” She looks back. Laughing at her, I pull her arm in our direction to close the gap.

  Of the three of us, Jennifer is definitely the dancer. After witnessing the moves she pulled at the last party, I’m pretty sure that she will be recruited into one of the dance troupes before the semester is over.

  We hit the dance floor and join in with the crowd to do the wobble dance. As we are dancing, a few guys approach and start dancing with us. We dance through a few songs with them before we leave the dance floor for a break.

  Near the bar, we see guys walking around, basically passing out drinks. Yeah right, I won’t take a drink straight from these dudes. I don’t take drinks unless I’ve seen the bartender pour it. We all give each other a skeptical look and decide to skip the drinks they are handing out and go to the bar. A water will be just fine. Besides, we were tagged as underage when we walked in the door and wouldn’t be able to get a drink from the bartender anyway.

  While we are standing, waiting for water from the bartender, we hear Jody say, “You ladies look thirsty.” Turning around I see him and Mark standing behind us. I smile. “Dancing does tend to make you a bit thirsty.”

  Nicole jokes with them. “We’ll take a drink, but don’t think you’ll be taking us back to your apartment.” The guys shrug and laugh.

  “Don’t worry.” Jody is able to go toe-to-toe with Nicole. “We don’t have a problem dropping you ladies off at the raggedy dorms.” Nicole’s face glows like every word Jody says is the most profound thing ever said.

  We finish our drinks, leave the guys at the bar, and head back to the dance floor. Dancing for what seems like forever. Thank God, these wedges are comfortable.

  My dance moves have slowed from the fast beat to a slow two-step. Just when I am about to leave the dance floor for a break I hear the DJ start playing the Greek songs. Party is almost over, I can hang for a few more minutes.

  As soon as the beat drops for Atomic Dog, the Ques start hopping. We move to the side of the dance floor to watch them do their thang. Nicole is practically drooling at the mouth while watching the men pass her.

  I’m laughing so hard at Nicole I almost miss the action unfolding in front of me. I feel a hand wrap around my calf. As I look down, I see a man making his way up my leg. I jump back, then focus on the face. Oh shit, it’s Mr. Sexy! Jennifer grabs my arm to hold me steady. She leans over and whispers in my ear, “Get him girl!”

  He stands up and slowly wraps his arm around my waist as he starts dancing, and I feel his muscles tense as he moves. I’m going to ignore how inappropriate this is, he gets a pass this time. I cock my head up and say, “Well, hello there.”

  “It’s about time I get a chance to get close to you.” He stops dancing and stares me in the eyes with a playful smile. Staring back, I take note of each of his features. His eyes are slightly darker than hazel and his goatee is perfectly trimmed. “I hope you are having fun tonight. I have to go, but let me give you my number so you can call me.”

  “Your number? I don’t even know your name, nor do you know mine.”

  “Oh, I know your name, Laila. But I apologize. My name is Chris, Chris Clark. Now like I said, let me give you my number.”

  How does he know my name? I pull my phone out and begin entering each number as he says it. As I press Done, he takes my phone and presses the call button.

  When he hands my phone back, I look at him sideways and say, “You didn’t have to take my number, I would have given it to you.” Sexy, but cocky. I’m not sure about this one.

  “You’re right, but like I said, I need to run. Promise me you will call me when you make it back to the dorm.”

  I don’t make any promises, but I give him a gentle smile. He kisses my cheek, then walks away, leaving his scent of sweat and cologne behind.

  I turn to Jennifer and Nicole, who are standing with big goofy grins on their faces. I shake my head a couple of times. Never would I have imagined I would have met Mr. Sexy like this.

  “Hold up, heffa. What the hell just happened?” Nicole grabs my arm. “That dude was sexy.”

  “That dude is Mr. Sexy.” I grin and feel the heat burning in my cheeks. “The guy I have been telling you both about all semester.”

  Jennifer and Nicole both gasp. “From what I just saw, seems like he has had his eye on you too.” Jennifer smiles, then her eyes narrow. “Did I hear him say your name?”

  “I have no idea how he knows my name! Apparently he has been checking for me.” As we walk away from the dance floor, the Alphas stroll through the crowd. Nicole drags her feet as she stares at the Alphas passing by. Jennifer and I each grab one of her arms to pull her along.

  As if I haven’t been dancing for the last few hours, I feel like I’m walking on a cloud. I can’t believe I finally met Mr. Sexy...Chris. We see Mark’s blue Honda Civic, and he and Jody are waiting beside the car.

  The streetlights above allow me to finally catch a clear look at Mark. He isn’t a showstopper, but definitely cute. He looks much younger than us in the face, but his body is definitely that of a grown man. By the look of his bulging biceps, his shirt is probably one size too small.

  As we get closer, Jody says something under his breath to Mark then climbs in the back seat. We all look at him crazy, and I say, “What are you doing, Jody?”

  “On the way here, Nicole seemed to be bitter about me being in the front seat so I decided I’ll ride in back with her. Jennifer, do you want to ride in the front?”

  Everyone but Nicole finds Jody’s comment funny. Nicole sighs and before climbing in, she looks at me and says, “You got the middle seat.” I climb in beside Jody while Mark and Jennifer get in the front seats.

  On our ride to the dorms, I replay the night in my head. Any other guy who would have climbed my leg in the club would have been cursed out. There’s something about Chris that made me tingle inside when he spoke. “Thanks for the ride, Mark.” Jody lets me out of the car and I begin walking up the stairs. A few steps up, I realize I’m walking alone. I turn around and see Nicole and Jennifer are still in the car. Jennifer looks up, smiles, and holds up her hand, signaling me to wait on her.

  I take a seat and contemplate calling, or at least texting, Chris. Not tonight, it’s late. I’ll hit him up tomorrow. The girls make their way up the steps. Nicole is chanting a tune. “Tonight is a good night, tonight is a good night, a good night!”

  Jennifer is bopping around and smiling from ear to ear. “A good night indeed.”

  I quickly chime in, “Indeed, Indeed! So what happened back there?”

  Jennifer blushes. “We gave them our numbers.”

  “I could tell that Nicole was into Jody, but Jennifer, I couldn’t tell that you were digging Mark like that. He didn’t throw you that apartment line did

  “Actually, I didn’t think I was digging him either.” She pauses, then tilts her head to the side. “I think his nonchalant personality makes me want to dig deeper to see what he is all about. I won’t lie… he is cute. Not the guy I’d usually go for, but obviously I need to go for a different guy.”

  I nod at Jennifer in agreement. “Nicole, I saw it all over your face. You were really feeling Jody.” Nicole nods. “This was definitely the best party of the semester.”

  When we get to the second floor, I give the girls a hug before separating to head back to my room. A hot shower is definitely on deck.

  Thankfully, I’m the only one in the bathroom. I let the water run while I brush my teeth. Just as my toes touch the water, I yelp, “Shit!” The water is icy cold. Just my luck. These dorms are for the birds! I take a three-minute shower and hop out.

  It’s late, but hopefully, Tanya is awake. I have to tell her all about the party. The phone rings a few times then I hang up just in case she is sleeping. I finish putting on my pajamas then crawl under all my covers, quickly falling asleep.

  My phone vibrates, waking me, but I’m too tired to give Tanya all the juicy details. I’ll call her back in the morning. Just as I’m dozing off my phone vibrates again. This time I decide to check my phone. It’s not Tanya — it’s Chris.

  Did you make it to the dorm okay?

  Or do I need to come pick you up from the convention center?

  I should respond before he sends another message.

  Thanks for checking on me. I’m back in my room safe and sound.

  I’m sure he is looking for more of an explanation but I’ll leave it at that.

  You’re slick. You didn’t verbally promise to call me when you made it in.

  You’re very observant.

  And you’re very nonchalant. Can I see you?

  It’s pretty late.

  You’re obviously awake.

  But in the bed.

  I’m sure the bed in your room isn’t that comfortable. If you let me see you I won’t keep you awake for too long.

  We go back and forth for about fifteen minutes. Chris is persistent and although everything in me is saying I should just take my ass to sleep, I agree to let him pick me up. I hop up, change clothes, and throw my hair into a ponytail. I send Jennifer a text to let her know I’m leaving the dorm to make sure someone knows where I am in case I go missing. Never can be too careful.

  As I’m locking my door, my phone rings.

  “What happened?” Tanya says as soon as I answer the phone.

  “Tonight was amazing. I hope I didn’t wake you up. I just had to tell you about the party and meeting Mr. Sexy.”

  “You didn’t wake me up, but when I got up to use the bathroom I saw you called. I figured something crazy had to happen if you were calling me this late. I want all the details.”

  “I can’t give you all the details right now, but I will say I’m on my way to Mr. Sexy’s house right now. I’ll call you tomorrow to give you the run down.”

  “What the hell. You can’t just leave me hanging like that,” Tanya grumbles.

  “Sorry dear! He should be here in a minute. But I promise to call you as soon as I’m back on campus. Make sure you answer. Love you!” I hang up before she can try to persuade me into giving her more details.

  My phone vibrates... a text from Tanya.

  You heffa. I can’t believe you hung up on me! Have fun and be safe

  I text her back, and unlike my non-promise to Chris, I make a promise to Tanya I plan on keeping.

  I promise I’ll be safe.

  With the exception of a few girls still rolling in from the party, the campus is quiet and empty. Sitting and waiting on Chris, I feel horrible. I’ve sat out here many nights and watched girls waiting to leave. It’s always such an awkward moment. Now that I’m the girl waiting it feels even more awkward.

  Luckily, Chris doesn’t take too long to arrive. He calls to let me know he is pulling up. As I watch him pull up, I quickly walk over to the black Toyota Camry.

  When I get in, he compliments me. “I like you in sweats. The ponytail is a nice touch too.”

  I take a look at his outfit. “I liked your camo pants. But you look more comfortable in your sweats.” The farther away we drive from the campus, the more my leg begins to bounce and my hand starts to shake. Calm down, just breathe.

  The radio is tuned to slow jams, so I try to let the beat slow my breathing. Chris asks me about my first few months of school, and while he is talking, I remember he already knew my name.

  I interrupt him and say, “Tell me. How did you know my name?”

  He smiles. “I’ll give you details when we get to the apartment.” A few minutes later, we arrive in the parking lot of his complex.

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m hungry.” He pats his stomach and grins. “I have some food waiting on us.”

  “I guess I could eat.” Hell yes, I’m starving. I danced off what little food I ate from the vendors earlier today. “What’d you get?”

  “I didn’t get anything but I had someone pick us up some Chubby’s. Have you had the chance to fall in love with their food yet?”

  I had to pause for a minute. Did he just say he had someone pick us up some food? One, he assumed I, or someone, would be coming over tonight. Two, he has people running around town bringing him food at this time of night?

  “Wait.” I shake my head. “Did you just say you had someone else pick us up food? And assuming they picked up food for two, you just knew you would have company tonight?”

  He laughs. “You are quick. If you give me the chance to get to know you better I’ll fill you in on that someone.” He grabs my chin, sending shivers down my spine. “For tonight, let’s not worry about that detail.” Detail forgotten. “As far as knowing I would have company, I was hoping you would call. I didn’t think I would have to work this hard to get you to come over.” He winks at me and releases my chin.

  “I see. The only reason you have me here now is because I was starting to think it would be a long night otherwise. You are very persistent.”

  We both get out of the car and I follow him to his apartment. When he opens the door, I slowly enter, taking a look around. The apartment is far from what I expected. Not a bachelor pad. Actually, it is well put together. A brown couch and love seat, matching coffee and end tables, art on the walls. The dining room table is modern and fits the space just right. The apartment even has a pleasant smell to it, much better than the conspicuous smell of the dorms.

  We sit across from each other at the dining room table and begin eating. “Before we get carried away. Tell me how you knew my name.”

  A mischievous grin spreads across his face and he defensively raises his hands in front of him. “I owe you an explanation. I’m sure it seemed a bit stalker-ish. Tonight isn’t the first night I’ve seen you. I’ve seen you on several different occasions, including this week at the mall. On about the second time I saw you on campus, I started asking around about you. A young cat was finally able to tell me your name, but nothing about you.”


  “Woman of few words. Maybe that is why I wasn’t able to get much information on you.”

  We both laugh. I feel like I need to set his expectations. I don’t want him to think that he can get it. Not tonight anyway. Before I can speak, almost as if he reads my mind, he gives me a little assurance that he may be a decent guy.

  “You look a little worried.” He looks deep into my eyes. “Trust me, I’m not trying to sex you tonight. This is not the time, although it might be the place.”

  A slow smile crosses his face and I can’t hold back, I blush. “I've had my share of one night stands, but I can tell you aren't one of those girls. You could have easily been out there with your ass out tonight but you look like you have more respect for yourself.” He pauses for a response.

  “Thank you.”

  “These chicks don't get i
t; the only way we men will respect them is if they respect themselves first. Don't get me wrong. I want to fuck the shit out of you, but right now I just want to get to know you.”

  Very direct. “You’ve said a mouthful. I appreciate your honesty and the compliment. I’m glad you realize I’m not the one for a one-night stand. I didn’t have any expectations or assumptions about this visit. The only thing I knew for sure was that you wouldn’t be getting any.” I probably sound like a prude. I didn’t even return any compliments. Before he responds, I make sure he knows I am equally attracted to him. I reach out and grab his hand. “You are very attractive. I would like to get to know you better, but it’s late and I’m tired. This food has given me the ‘itis.”

  His smile is warm and inviting. He gets up and throws our trash away. He then returns to grab my hand and lead me into a bedroom, his bedroom I assume.

  “Like I said, I won’t keep you awake too long. Are you comfortable in your sweats or do you want a shirt?”

  “My sweats are fine. Is this your room? I like the decor in this apartment. It has a lady’s touch.” I wink.

  He laughs, taking a seat on his bed, and I sit beside him. “Yes, this is my room. I have two roommates, but don’t worry. They stay in their rooms. You are almost correct. It doesn’t have just one woman’s touch it has three. Our mothers decorated when we first moved in three years ago.”

  “Nice.” I yawn as he explains the relationship between his roommates. They are all from the same town in Tennessee. Childhood friends.

  “You can lay down. Make yourself comfortable.”

  Chapter 13

  I wake up and look around. I’m slightly disoriented. I see Chris’ gold boots beside the bed and remember where I am. I flip over and realize I’m in the bed alone. Thank God, I’m sure I snored last night. That was the best sleep I’ve had since being on the Hill. Unlike my bed in the dorm, this mattress isn’t as hard as concrete. I’m almost tempted to pull the sheets back to admire the mattress. I could get used to this. I see why Nicole finds it difficult to come back to the dorms.


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