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Rapture (McKenzie Brothers)

Page 12

by Lexi Buchanan

  Right now though, I need to get my woman inside my car and to the hospital and she is going to get checked out first.

  Chapter 27


  I’m curled up in the passenger seat of Sebastian’s car while I watch him drive us to the hospital. In all my years, I’ve never seen a man practically come undone the way Sebastian had back at the house and as long as I live I don’t think the image will ever disappear. I now know what it feels like to have a man who really does love me and wants to cherish me. Wants to marry me. I thought I was hearing things when he admitted that to his mom and anyone else who was in hearing distance. My heart had stuttered in my chest, filling with hope and longing. The man I was in love with wanted to make me a part of his family in a permanent way.

  Every now and again he keeps glancing at me out of the corner of his eye. I reach out, placing my hand on his arm and slowly caress down to his hand, which is resting between us. After tracing each of his fingers with mine, I entwine them together and stroke his thumb.

  I just need to touch him. To know this isn’t a dream and I really am sitting beside him.

  No words are exchanged, but no words are needed, as we’re both comfortable with the silence. It also gives me time to watch him.

  He has a strong jaw, which already bears a hint of a five o’clock shadow. I slowly trail my eyes lower to his broad shoulders encased in a white shirt, always looking so professional in his business attire. I remember how he looks underneath that shirt, which starts an ache between my legs. I always ache between them when he’s close or even just hearing his voice. Sebastian has strong thighs with a light sprinkling of hair and his manhood, oh boy. When he’s aroused he has a wide girth and is so long I’m surprised he hasn’t hurt me. He has a hairless groin, which makes it so damn hot when I take his balls into my mouth, and leaves him shaking in pleasure.

  As I watch him, I feel heat licking at my body. He is divine and I know he’s feeling my gaze as the bulge in his pants is growing before my eyes. Unable to help myself, I lick my lips only to have my eyes shoot up to his when I hear him groan.

  “If you keep looking at me as though you want me in your mouth, I’m not going to be responsible for the consequences.”

  His hand tightens on the steering wheel, but I can’t seem to keep my eyes above his waist. What the hell is wrong with me?

  Moving into a more upright position, I lean towards him and kiss his jaw before licking down his neck, leaving a trail of small bites.

  “Carla,” he groans in warning, which of course I take no notice of.

  “Hmm, Sebastian. I’ve missed you.”

  My hand knows what it wants and it wants to touch him. Stroke him. Give him pure bliss. I’m not sure about while he’s driving, but I can tease him.

  Sliding my hand over his thigh and up, I reach the root of him and hear him inhale when I press lightly against his balls now that he’s spread his legs slightly. Smiling to myself. I watch my hand trace the steel length of him then back down. His legs quiver. I squeeze him, rubbing the tip with my fingers through his pants just as the car swerves followed by a string of curses.

  I remove my hand and sit back in my seat. “Sorry. I got a bit carried away.” I close my eyes so I’m not tempted to look at him.

  “Carla baby. It’s okay. I got carried away as well and I love the fact that you want me as much as I want you. I love having your hands on me.”

  I open my eyes to look at him.

  He grins. “I love the fact that you can’t keep your hands off me, and if we weren’t driving I’d have had you riding my dick while I have a mouth full of your breasts.”

  Groaning, I wiggle in my seat as Sebastian starts to laugh.

  “The hospital is coming up. As soon as we get in there you are going to get checked out, okay? Then we’ll go and sit with our family.”

  Sebastian starts to turn into the hospital parking lot when it dawns on me that he said ‘our family.’ He chuckles when he notices the look on my face.

  “Carla, they are ‘our’ family. Even if there was nothing happening between the two of us, they would still be ‘our’ family. Don’t you realize Mom has fallen for you? On the days when you’ve gotten out of going to their place for dinner with Ramon, she always fusses about you not being there.” He laughs. “Ramon has taken some nagging because of you.”

  “He never said anything.” Why wouldn’t he have told me? I only avoided going because it was one of the days I was feeling down about my brother and I didn’t think I could handle seeing Sebastian.

  “Don’t worry. It was fun watching him squirm and trying to explain without really giving anything away.” He jumps out of the SUV and runs round to my door. Opening it he reaches in and takes hold of my hand. “Ramon is brilliant at getting around Mom and when we were kids, he was the one who we always nominated to ask permission for things. Because he always had an answer for everything.” He chuckles. “Now on that note, let’s get you checked out before we go and find out what’s happening to Lily.”

  Chapter 28


  I can’t take my eyes off Carla, who has been in deep conversation with my mom ever since we arrived on the maternity floor.

  I’d had to bully her a bit when she’d seen the doctor because she refused the scan they had wanted to do for checking there was no internal bleeding. Pulling some strings, I managed to get the scan done within fifteen minutes of her finally agreeing to it. In the past I’ve never used my wealth to get what I wanted, but on this occasion for my woman I pulled out all the stops and connections I had to get everything moving.

  At least we know there is no internal damage when she was restrained by the seatbelt and the air bag exploded in her face.

  She has bruising, mainly under her clothes apart from a black eye, which has been forming since the accident. Seeing her all bruised when the doctor examined her made me want to go out and hunt the fucking bastard down and show him what happens when he messes with my girl.

  “What the hell are you thinking about with that look on your face?” Ruben nudges me as he stands beside me in the waiting room having only just arrived.

  “The fucker who hurt Carla.” I glance to him before looking back to her. “He’s going to pay for what he’s done to her in the past and before he can harm her again.”

  “You love her.”

  It isn’t a question – it’s a statement so I say nothing.

  “Let me know if you need any help. Any help at all. You got me?” Serious Ruben doesn’t appear all that often, but he’s out in force as he speaks to me. “I know what it’s like to want to protect someone from threats that you have no idea which direction the next one’s going to come from.”

  I frown listening to him, having no idea what the hell he’s talking about. When has he ever been in this kind of situation? I know he has problems asking for help, but surely he wouldn’t handle something like this on his own, at least I hope he wouldn’t.

  Before I can ask him about it, Ramon comes running into the waiting area, looks around and spotting Carla getting to her feet, walks over and pulls her into his arms.

  I can hear her sniffling into Ramon’s shoulder as he holds her tight. Standing against the wall, near the window, I can’t help the surge of jealousy that runs through me. Fighting it back, I try and stay put, but my feet have a mind of their own and I find myself standing next to them with my hand rubbing up and down Carla’s back to try and calm her down.

  Ramon meets my eyes above Carla’s head as she pulls away. I don’t waste any time by pulling her straight into my side and placing a kiss to her head.

  “Don’t worry brother. I know whose woman she is, but just remember she’s like a sister to me and I’ll beat the crap out of anyone who hurts her. And that includes you.”

  Carla gasps beside me, but I know where Ramon is coming from. He knows my past history with women and my preference for one-night stands. A part of me wishes he could see my thoughts s
o he’d know just how much I’m in love with her, and part of me is relieved he can’t considering the thoughts that I have buried, about what I want and intend to do to her when she’s recovered.

  I also need to get the image of Carla’s hands rubbing up and down my groin out of my damn head. If she hadn’t been injured and it had been dark, I might have pulled off the road because I’d wanted her mouth wrapped around me so damn badly.

  “She’s going to marry me. When I’ve asked her,” I say stunning Ramon who now looks like a fish out of water, opening and shutting his mouth without a sound bursting forth.

  Looking down, Carla is beaming up at me and it takes everything I have not to throw her over my shoulder and carry her out of the hospital, back to my place so I can have my wicked way with her.

  Ugh, now is not the time or place to have arousing thoughts, but how the hell can I not when she’s here with me. Touching me. Trying to get her hand into the back of my pants, which I remove when I hear Ruben snickering behind us. I ignore him and instead watch Michael walking towards us, looking ready to pass out.

  “Michael, is everything alright?” Mom asks him, putting her arms around his waist. Probably thinking she can keep him up right.

  “Yeah,” he whispers before settling his gaze on Lucien, who hasn’t said anything since we arrived up here.

  “Lily keeps asking for you,” he tells Lucien, his voice gaining strength from whatever emotion he seems to be dealing with, “and I could do with you being in there as well. She’s more concerned right now about me than she is for herself.”

  God, I have to turn away seeing Michael close to tears.

  Watching Lucien stand and walk toward Michael, I notice Sabrina for the first time and she doesn’t look too happy with Lucien’s departure. Is she attracted to my brother? This isn’t the first time I’ve noticed something going on between the two of them.

  “Hang on,” Ruben interrupts, “if he’s going in with you and Lily then I am.” He stands with his feet apart and his arms folded in front of him.

  “Wait a sec,” Ramon now moves to stand beside Ruben, “if these two are going in with you then I am,” he says as his lips twitch.

  Carla starts to chuckle and moves away from me, knowing what I’m about to do. I kiss her on the lips, wink then walk to stand beside Ramon. “If these three idiots are going in with you then I am.”

  I catch Carla rolling her eyes from the corner of mine as I finish speaking, but I keep my eyes focused on Michael knowing if I look at her I won’t be able to hold my laughter in anymore.

  Yeah, we’re acting like adolescents, but right now some lightheartedness is needed after the shit day we’ve had and we need to try and loosen Michael up before he ends up in a hospital bed beside his wife.

  “Follow me,” Michael turns and starts walking back the way he came, “but no ones looking at Lily’s pus–“ he pauses as we snicker, “bits.”

  “So that’s what it’s called now,” Ruben asks, with Michael turning to look back at him over his shoulder, giving him a death glare. It shuts him up anyway.

  I just pray I’m not going to regret trying to get to Michael by wanting in the delivery room.

  Chapter 29


  Watching the guys go off into the delivery room, trying to outdo the other, I sit next to Pippa while Elias seems to be asleep beside her with his head back on the sofa.

  “Don’t worry Carla. They’ll be back soon. There is no way they’re willingly going to stay in that room with everything going on. They just wanted to distract Michael with his worry over Lily and his children.”

  Pippa now seems to be looking at me as though I’m an insect under the microscope. “So, you’re in love with my son. A different one than I originally thought.”

  Not sure how to answer, I nod my head in agreement and can’t help chewing on my bottom lip. A nervous habit I’ve tried years to kick, but failed miserably.

  Pippa takes my hand, which draws my attention back to her. “Carla, I’ve known from the start that you and Ramon weren’t all that into each other.” I frown. “A mother knows these things. Oh you were both relaxed around each other, but you acted more like friends than anything else. I also noticed how Sebastian reacted to you.”

  She smiles. “It hurt me at first knowing how tormented Sebastian was because he was falling for you, but thought you belonged to his brother.” She lets go of my hands and looks around the room before moving her eyes back to mine. “I think it did him good. You not being available. He’s not whored around since he’s met you.”

  “Pippa!” Elias growls beside her, straightening up he looks at her with eyes wide as saucers.

  “Oh you, hush up.” She pats his arm before continuing, “Sebastian takes after his father by dipping it in lots of holes before finding one that’s a perfect fit.”

  She cannot mean what I think she means? Can she? Elias flushes as red as a strawberry, which tells me she really is talking about getting his cock wet.

  I hear chuckling from behind so I turn my head and meet the watering eyes of Sabrina who seems to be having trouble trying not to laugh, which causes my laughter to burst forth.

  I’m not sure if I’m happy thinking about Sebastian dipping it in plenty of holes, but hearing it come out of his mother’s mouth is so funny. I’m guessing she wanted to bring some much-needed laughter into the room.

  “What I want to know is why everyone thinks that is so funny? I mean how do you know you want to spend the rest of your life with someone unless it’s a perfect fit.”

  Of course, this comment has us all hooting with laughter.

  I’m still wiping my eyes a few minutes later when Sebastian, Ruben and Ramon walk out from the delivery suite looking pale as ghosts. Ruben and Ramon both plop down into the armchairs in the room, but Sebastian stops and leans against the wall without taking his eyes from me.

  Standing, I walk over to him and as soon as I’m in arm’s reach, he grabs hold of me and crushes me against his chest. He buries his head in my neck…and just breathes.

  I hold him as tight as I can, giving him the comfort he obviously needs and caress up and down his muscular back, feeling him quiver under my hands.

  He finally lifts his head and looks at me. “The only kids we’re having are those delivered by a stork!”

  He’s serious. This morning I woke up without having ever discussed marriage and babies with anyone. Not only has he admitted wanting to marry me, but he’s talking about children. If I weren’t so in love with him, he’d frighten the life out of me.

  I lift up and kiss him ever so slowly. A long, languid kiss that I don’t want to break from, but know we have an audience.

  “Hold that thought baby,” Sebastian whispers as he nuzzles my neck dragging a groan out from between my lips. “God, you’re driving me crazy.” He discreetly presses against me, letting me know just how aroused he is. “This is what you do to me.” He nibbles my ear. “Even before we were together you had me hard as steel.”

  My hands fall to his hips as I caress over his tight butt at the same time as he holds my face in his hands and kisses me. My toes curl. The pulse between my legs throbs. I’m helpless the moment he touches me.

  “You two have remembered where you are, right?” Ruben mumbles, clearly embarrassed standing next to us.

  My first reaction is to quickly pull back, but Sebastian has other ideas and won’t let me. He slowly removes his lips from mine, grins before taking a deep breath and pulling me over to the sofa in the room.

  Sebastian is like a drug. I crave my next fix of him. As he settles me on the sofa, I lay down with my head in his lap facing inwards, towards his stomach. He cups my head keeping me against his aroused body. Yeah, I can feel him against my cheek. Hard and solid.

  As I start to drift off to sleep I hear Pippa ask why Lucien hasn’t come out of the room with them.

  Chapter 30


  With Carla lying asleep in my lap I
’m having a hell of a problem getting my erection to shrink. If she’d have faced outwards it wouldn’t be such a problem, but with her face resting against it, all I can think about is having her mouth wrapped around me.

  I stop stroking her hair and tangle my fingers in the flowing locks. She’s beautiful. I was serious when I said she was going to become my wife. A bit presumptuous on my part, but I figured if she heard it out loud she’d have fair warning of my intentions.

  The fact that some bastard was trying to harm her because of her brother is tearing me in two. She doesn’t deserve this, but then again, does anyone deserve to have a mad man after them?

  Dragging my other hand through my hair, I look around the waiting room, which is full of my family and Lily’s friend Sabrina. In fact, Sabrina hadn’t looked happy when Ramon had told Mom that Lily refused to let Lucien out of the room.

  The relationship Lily has with Lucien will seem strange to anyone looking in and I guess we’ve just gotten used to seeing them interact. It’s a relief that Michael has finally gotten over his jealousy where Lily is concerned.

  Ramon walks over from where he was sitting talking to Sabrina and sits opposite us, without taking his eyes from the woman in my lap.

  “I’ve had a text from security at my building.” He pauses. “There’s been someone hanging around. It’s Gary. They managed to pull a picture from the surveillance cameras and it’s him.” Ramon sits back against the chair, resting his ankle across his knee.

  “I don’t know why he’s so obsessed with causing harm to Carla. I know he’s pissed at Noah, but there’s no reason to go after Carla the way he is.”

  I check to make sure Carla’s still asleep before asking, “What did Noah do to make him do this?”


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