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Rapture (McKenzie Brothers)

Page 16

by Lexi Buchanan

  Crap! Hearing my door open again, I watch her saunter across my office before sitting herself into the visitor’s chair across from me.

  “Why do you keep ignoring my texts?” Jacky flicks the hair on her chest behind her giving me a look at her cleavage, which is practically hanging out of her dress.

  Running my fingers through my hair, I realize I’m going to have to be more direct than before regardless of whether or not I hurt her feelings and if she doesn’t like it, I’ll have to transfer her to a different department, or fire her, which is really going to be a last resort.

  “I haven’t replied to your text messages because there is nothing to say. I took you out once, thanks to my brother.” Sitting back in my seat, I watch her, wondering what she’s thinking – probably that I’m a dick. Damn Ruben. “I’m in love with someone else so please stop texting me Jacky because there will never be anything more than work between us.”

  She still doesn’t say anything. “I’m sorry if I led you on, that wasn’t my intention, but we need to get back on track, so no more flirting with me, just work. Okay?”

  Standing, she very slowly stalks towards me, rests her hands on my desk before leaning forwards. “You’re an ass.” She straightens up and turns to leave. “But I can still work for you. I’m a professional if nothing else.”

  My eyes widen with her words, expecting more of a tongue lashing than her words, which were spoken too calmly. I’m just praying it isn’t the calm before the storm.

  She slams the door behind her as I sag in relief. I take a couple of minutes to calm down before picking my cell up and speed dial Carla who answers straightaway.

  “Hey, babe. Did you go for your latte with Ramon?” She loves the Starbucks latte and if she hadn’t persuaded me back to bed this morning I’d have had the time before my meeting to pop in and get her one, but as it was she’d had to wait for Ramon.

  “I did. How was your meeting?” She sounds…odd.

  “My meeting was fine. Is everything okay? You don’t sound yourself.” I spin around in my chair to look over the Lexington skyline, which I often caught my brother, Michael, doing when I’d call in unannounced.

  “I think I’m coming down with a cold, but I’m not too bad really, just a bit sniffy.”

  She actually sounds upset. “Babe, are you sure everything is okay? I was going to head to my apartment to get some more clothes to stay with you, but I can come straight there.”

  “Sebastian, I promise I really am okay. I’d rather you go and retrieve some more clothes to be able to stay here with me.”

  “Okay, I’ll do that. Is Ramon there for a quick word?” Standing with the phone between my shoulder and neck, I start to pack my bag up so I can leave while I’m talking. The sooner I get to my apartment, the sooner I can be with my woman.

  We’re planning on announcing our engagement to the family tonight, which fills me with nerves. What I haven’t admitted to my brothers is that I can’t wait to see whom Mom chooses as her next victim to the wedding bug. Two of my brothers for sure have their shorts in a wad over women, so it’s going to be fun to sit back and see who falls next.

  “Carla, you still there babe?”

  “Yeah, sorry. Ramon’s just on his cell at the minute. Do you want me to get him to call you back?” She sounds distracted now. Well at least it’s better than upset.

  “No. It’s okay. I’ll catch up to him later. I’m just about to get in the elevator so I’ll see you soon, and remember I love you.”

  She chuckles. “I love you too. Now hurry home so I can show you how much.”


  As soon as I step foot in my apartment, I drop my bag to the floor by the hall table, toss my keys into the tray I keep on there for that purpose then yank my tie from around my neck. I hate the damn things, which is why I’ve spent years working from the site offices of one or more of our developments we have going on, but thanks to Michael, I have to put up with this shit a while longer. In honesty, I don’t begrudge him the time he’s taking with Lily and the babies, I mean, god knows he deserves it after the shit he’s put up with before meeting his wife.

  Walking to my bedroom, I pull out a bag and start to shove clean underwear in followed by a couple pairs of jeans and shirts. I grab my Chucks from the floor of the closet, tossing them on the bed beside the bag and take out another suit, shirt and tie in case I need to go into the office before next week.

  With Jacky’s help, I’ve managed to re-arrange most of the meetings I had lined up, all apart from three, which Michael has offered to do as long as someone is at the house to look after Lily and the babies.

  Trying to think if I’ve missed anything, I realize I need my razor and a few other things from the bathroom, but once I get in there I decide to take a quick shower. Might as well go back to my woman refreshed.

  Going back into the bedroom, I strip, leaving my clothes on my bed and turn to head back into the bathroom when my doorbell rings.

  Fuck. Who the hell’s gotten past security?

  Quickly grabbing a towel, I wrap it around my waist. Holding it in place, I look through the security peephole, and see Jacky standing on the other side. What the hell?

  Without thinking, I pull the door open before I remember all I’m wearing is a towel.

  “You’re gorgeous.” She steps closer and places a bright red finger nail on my chest, moving it south before I come back to my senses.

  “Jacky, what the fuck are you doing here?” Unable to hold my temper in check I practically growl at her, knocking her hand away.

  “Well really. What did you expect me to do when you answer the door naked apart from a towel?”

  “That doesn’t answer the question as to why you are here instead of the office.”

  “You wanted these letters going out today, but you left before signing them.” She stands in front of me with a smile that says I’m an asshole.

  “Shit. Give me ten minutes to shower and dress. Go wait through there.”

  Hell. There is no way I’m signing all ten letters while I’m clad only in a towel.

  Dashing back into the bedroom, I think twice and flick the lock on the door because Jacky is one person I don’t trust.

  Stepping under the hot stream of water, which feels damn good pounding down on my tense shoulders and neck, I reach for the soap to make it a quick shower.

  Chapter 39


  “Carla, I don’t like the idea of you walking into Sebastian’s building on your own.” Ramon drags his hands through his hair. “You know the security there is total crap. The guard is more interested in his porn books than making sure the building’s safe.”

  I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his waist, leaning in for a hug, which Ramon finally accepts by hugging me back.

  “I’m only thinking about you. You know that right?” He kisses me on the top of my head.

  “I know, but there will be more people around outside than there is here so I should be okay. Please Ramon. I really want to surprise him.”

  He’s so cute right now. I just want to carry on hugging him. “Please–”

  He throws his head back. “Shit. Sebastian is going to kill me.”

  “No he won’t. I won’t let him.”

  “Fuck. Get whatever you need and let’s go.”

  “Yes.” I jump up, kissing him before running to my room for my bag and jacket.

  Yeah, I’m acting like a child, but I can’t help myself. I only saw Sebastian this morning, but I can’t wait to see him again, and at his place.

  In my room, I quickly strip from my yoga pants and shirt before running to my closet for my red wraparound dress with matching heels, which I throw onto the bed while I step into the bathroom.

  Sebastian has a fondness for my cherry body lotion, which I bought from Body Shop. So with that in mind, I slather it all over before rinsing my hands in the sink.

  Back in the bedroom, I quickly pull my clothes on before slipp
ing my feet into the shoes. Standing back, I look into the full-length mirror on my closet door and decide I look hot. Sebastian will drool.

  “Carla, what are you doing in there?” Ramon shouts right outside my door.

  “Changing.” Opening the door, Ramon’s mouth drops open when he sees me.

  He starts to laugh. “In that outfit, I don’t think you’ll make it to his bedroom.”

  “Ha ha. Very funny.” I walk towards the apartment door and turn back to him. “I just want to make one stop on our way.”

  Listening to Ramon groan with me wanting to make a stop, I can’t hold back the grin because when he sees the shop I want to call into, he’s going to be left speechless.


  Walking through the lobby of Sebastian’s apartment building has me feeling apprehensive. What if he doesn’t want me here? I know he’s given me a key card and security code for the elevator and his apartment, but he’s always said the security is a laugh and I need to stay away. Is that the only reason? Since we’ve been together, I’ve never had reason to doubt him, so why am I now?

  He’ll probably flip out when he finds me at his apartment, alone.

  With butterflies in my belly, I enter the elevator, pressing the button for the ninth floor without the security guard once looking up from his paperback that he’s reading.

  Chuckling, I peek inside my bag with my purchase and wonder how Sebastian will feel about it. I’d made Ramon pull over outside one of my favorite shops to purchase a deep purple feather boa. Seeing the feathers sticking to him at Kenza the night he was accosted on the dance floor by Cat Woman and Poison Ivy gave me a wicked idea. Ramon had blushed and told me he didn’t want to know what I’d bought. I, of course, had teased him with the feathers, but kept the black rabbit hidden.

  Stepping from the elevator, I quickly shove the bag with the loot, into my messenger bag and knock on Sebastian’s apartment door. I know I have the key, but it feels kind of awkward using it when I haven’t in the past.

  When no one answers, I knock again just as I hear someone unlock the snick on the door before the door opens, which leaves me speechless.

  All words desert me with my blood rushing through my head. My heart sinks as I watch Jacky, wrapped in a towel stare back at me.

  “Hurry up and say something. He’s waiting in the shower.” She stands with her hand on one hip, the other still holding the door open.

  “Tell…tell Sebastian I hope he’ll be very happy.” My voice breaks as I whirl around and run back inside the elevator, thanking God the doors are still open.

  Chapter 40


  The water has started to cool so I turn the shower off and step out, grabbing a large towel to dry off with, hoping Jacky will have gotten bored and left. I’ve tried to stay in the shower as long as I can, but something tells me she’s still going to be out there in my apartment.

  Looking at my jaw, I decide to have a quick shave. Not only will it prolong the inevitable, but I’ll be nice and smooth for when I get between my woman’s legs.

  My woman. I like the sound of that and it’s the first time I’ve ever called anyone ‘my woman’. With just one look from her my heart pounds making me hard as fuck. She has a way of looking at me, which says I’m all she sees, and there isn’t anything as powerful as having that look on her face, it brings me to my knees every time.

  I’ve seen the look on my brothers’ faces when she gives me that come hither look. They know I’m pussy whipped big time, and I don’t give a damn. I’d be pussy whipped every fucking day if it means she’s my woman.

  Leaving the bathroom, I shove my legs in my shorts before grabbing a pair of jeans, which I quickly pull on then I slip my feet into my converse.

  Unable to avoid Jacky anymore, knowing I’m also going to have to transfer her to a different department, I unlock my bedroom door, walk out, but stop dead when I see Jacky standing near my front door with my gym towel wrapped around her.

  What the fuck!


  She spins round with a guilty look on her face, but keeps looking towards the door.

  “Why are you wrapped in my gym towel?” I glance towards the open bag underneath the hall table. “Where are your clothes?” I rake my fingers through my hair, starting to get a really bad feeling about all this.

  “I. Um.” She starts to unwrap the towel and her clothes are still on, thank god, but what is she playing at?

  I watch her pull the straps to her dress back up her arms and slide her skirt slightly down her legs.

  “There was someone here. I, um, wanted them to think that we were together and about to shower,” she says turning on the water works. “Sebastian, I’m really sorry. I knew it was wrong as soon as she ran.”

  I freeze. She. “Who Jacky?” I growl. “Who?”

  She starts to back up at my anger. “Ramon’s girl. I’m so sorry.”

  Walking towards her, I grab her purse from the hall table, shoving it at her then I open the door and shove her outside. “I’m arranging a transfer for you as of tomorrow. Personnel will be in touch with your new responsibilities.”

  “Sebastian, I’m sorry. Let me talk to her. Let me make this right,” she whines.

  All my patience has flown the coup so I slam the door in her face.

  Racing to my bedroom, I grab a shirt, which I have the habit of going without around my apartment. Once that’s on, I reach for my cell to phone Ramon to find out where he is and why Carla was here alone. I’m presuming she was alone because my brother wouldn’t let her run. He would have demanded an explanation from me.

  “Where’s Carla?” I don’t even let him say anything before I’m shouting down the phone.

  “What do you mean, where’s Carla? Dropped her at your place about ten minutes ago. Are you telling me she never made it up to you?”

  “She made it.” I lean against the counter in the kitchen to try and catch my breath. “I was in the shower and Jacky answered the door, making it look like she was about to join me in it. I have no idea what was said, but I guess she took one look at Jacky in my gym towel and fled.”

  “What the fuck was Jacky doing in your apartment?”

  “Fuck. I left the office before signing some letters. She brought them here for me to sign so she could get them into the mail. I wasn’t signing them in a towel, so I locked my room and quickly showered.” I close my eyes and squeeze the bridge of my nose with my thumb and finger. “I came out and found Jacky standing in my gym towel having just answered the door. She told me what she’d done so I kicked her out and I need to get personnel to move her elsewhere. Shit. Look I need to leave and go after Carla. She’s going to be thinking all sorts of things. I’ll call you when I find her.”

  Shoving my cell into my back pocket, I collect my keys from the dish by the door, open the front door and come face to face with a gun, being held by Gary.

  “Back up nice and slow.” He waves the gun in front of me while following me back into my apartment.

  Chapter 41


  Running from Sebastian’s apartment to the elevators, I constantly press the button for the ground floor with the doors finally locking me inside. I slump to the floor letting the tears flow.

  They continue all the way down to the ground floor where I pull myself up off the floor and rooting around in my bag for some tissue I try and stem the flow, but they keep coming.

  Dashing out of the building has the security guard pulling his nose out from his paperback, but I ignore him and push through the doors onto the street.

  Not knowing which way to turn, I head right to the busy part of downtown knowing I’ll be safer there although what I really want is to be alone to wallow in my misery.

  I know Jacky has a thing for anyone named McKenzie, but I always thought Sebastian wasn’t interested in her. Oh, I know he’d taken her out once, but he’d convinced me it was his brother’s doing and that he wasn’t actively involved in
the groping session outside his building that I’d witnessed. Had he been telling me the truth? Ramon thought so.

  “Hey, get back,” someone shouts, nearly yanking my arm from its socket.

  I turn around to tell the person to go to hell, but he points forward, just as an eighteen-wheeler flies past.

  He saved me from getting killed. I’m so upset I haven’t been watching where I’m going and stepped out into the road.

  “Thank you,” whispers out between my lips, as I turn and try and push through the people waiting to cross, I realize I’m outside ‘La Brioche’ a French bakery I have a liking for. Or rather I have a liking for the almond croissants, which they make.

  Mopping my tears up again, I try to pull myself together, at least long enough to order a latte and croissant because I think it would be safer if I sat for a while before I really do walk in front of a moving vehicle.

  With the treats ordered, but with my stomach not wanting to know about them, I take a seat over in the corner so I can hide my face.

  Sipping my latte, I ignore the croissant for now because I’m sure my stomach will revolt if I eat anything. My tears keep flowing as I try to work out what to do. I know Gary’s still out there, so the last thing I need is to go out on my own because he will find me, of that I’m sure.

  As I sniffle into my coffee I can’t quite get over the niggling feeling that something isn’t right. Sebastian has done nothing but show me how much he loves me, so would he really hurt me like this? I also heard the shower behind a closed door and come to think about it, I noticed a stack of papers on his hall table along with Jacky’s purse. Had she gone to Sebastian’s apartment to get his signature and found him in the shower?

  Why the fuck did I run? I’m an idiot. I don’t normally run from confrontations, unless they have something to do with Gary. So why did I run from this one? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.


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