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The Diary of a Side Chick (Side Chick Diaries Book 1)

Page 9

by Tamicka Higgins

  Reese looked at her girl and patted her leg, trying to comfort her. “Girl, he ain’t no good,” she said, keeping what she really wanted to say to herself. “I mean, really. At first, you ain’t even know it was his birthday and now you finding out that he is really the owner of that club over there and you didn’t even know that.”

  Just as Desirae was starting to process what her girl Reese was saying to her, she noticed someone that looked awfully familiar standing in the background while the news showed Tron. It was one of the two chicks that she had rung out at Clarks the other day – the girl she was sure was the chick that he lived with.

  “Look, look,” Desirae said, drawing Reese’s attention to the television screen. “See that chick in the white, standing on the left. That’s her. That’s her.”

  “Her who?” Reese asked, trying to be clear on what the hell Desirae was talking about. “Girl, who you talkin’ about?”

  “Bitch, listen to me,” Desirae said. “That’s Tron’s woman. Remember I told you I think she came into the store with some other chick?”

  Reese nodded. “Yeah,” she said. “That’s right. That her, huh?”

  Reese looked at the woman in the background on the television screen. With where she was standing and how the camera was angled, she could get a good look at her. She then looked over to Desirae and knew that there was little comparison.

  “Girl, is he serious?” Reese said.

  Desirae looked at Reese with a very confused face. “What’chu talkin’ bout?” she asked.

  “I mean,” Reese started to explain. “That chick ain’t got shit on you, let’s just be real. Let’s just keep it one hundred. I mean, she cute and all. I’d even say pretty. But that chick ain’t no ten like you are.”

  “Exactly,” Desirae said, so happy to finally get the vindication that she knew she deserved. “That is exactly what I was thinking when she came up in Clarks. She cute and all, but ain’t it obvious why Tron would rather get with me than that.”

  The two of them waited for the news story to finish before they went on talking about the situation, just in case the news showed anything that might be interesting to them about it all. Desirae slapped her hands together, deciding that if there was anybody in the world she could trust, it would be Reese. They were just that close, and Reese understood everything that she was going through and how hard it was to deal with and keep a nigga out here nowadays.

  “That was exactly what I was saying,” Desirae said, building on her previous point. “On top of all that, the nigga even told me that he ain’t happy with her. Shit, a bitch can tell. You ought to see how he act when I put it on him.”

  “Girl, how he act?” Reese said.

  Desirae rolled her eyes and started shaking her head. “Girl, like the nigga ain’t got no damn sense,” she said. “I mean, you should see him when he get this pussy – when he see this ass, and everything in between. It is so obvious that she is at home not satisfying his ass. I mean, that shit is as plain as day that a blind nigga could see it.”

  “But he still won’t leave her?” Reese said. “I mean, what’s his excuses and shit?”

  “Girl, that it is complicated and that he ain’t ready and all that,” Desirae explained, thinking back to the talks that she and Tron had. Part of her was embarrassed about this entire situation, but she didn’t want to be. She could really feel for Tron and knew that soon enough, he would see that being with her was where he really needed to be. “Girl, he be coming up with all kind of shit. Like, I can tell that he really into me and shit. I mean, that is obvious. Lately, he been coming over more and shit. He even surprised me when I got off work last night.”

  “When you got off work last night?” Reese asked.

  Desirae nodded. “Yeah,” she said. “He came up to the store and took me to get a little something to eat and everything…before he had to go and go to—”

  Desirae had cut her own sentence off. She started to connect some dots. If the news was covering what was going on and it happened at the club last night and she gave him some head before he went up to handle his “business,” that meant that he was on his way to see his wifey. Desirae’s nostrils flared, as she was deep in her feelings. She hated how Tron would tell her one thing and seem to really mean it, then next thing she knew he was changing his mind. Why couldn’t he just tell her that he was going to meet the wifey?

  “What, girl?” Reese asked, seeing how Desirae’s sentence had dropped off. “What’s wrong, girl?”

  Desirae shook her head. “Nothing,” she said. “Nothing, Reese. This is just some bullshit.” She was starting to get really mad and even to the point where she wanted to yell. “He took me to get some Chick-Fil-A and shit, which I was cool with, I can’t even lie. But then he gon be up at the club and shit with her. He can’t even be seen with me outside of the car or the four walls of this apartment, but he wanna be with me more. He enjoy his time and shit with me more, is what he said. This shit just don’t make no damn sense, I swear it don’t.”

  Reese rubbed her girl Desirae’s leg. “Girl, why don’t you just let it go,” Reese said. “Girl, with everything you got going for you, like I done said before, you can go out in these streets anytime you want and come back with ten niggas.”

  “I know, I know,” Desirae said, acknowledging the fact that she did indeed get the attention of plenty of men. The hard part for her, however, was that none of the niggas who showed any love her way had half as much going for themselves as Tron. Desirae knew, and had known for quite some time now, that if Tron would give what they had going a real chance, he would be a lot happier than he is now with whatever-her-name was. And Desirae was getting to the point where she felt like Tron was starting to see that, but for whatever reason that other chick had a hold of his heart.

  “What am I doing wrong, Reese?” Desirae asked, holding a tear back. “What is a bitch doing wrong? I do whatever that nigga need done. I’m available whenever he need me to be. That night he spent the night, I went out and got food and everything. Wine. Had the weed already rolled up and waiting. I even sucked—”

  “Huh, Desirae?” Reese asked.

  At this point, Desirae knew that there was no point in holding back anymore of the details. Reese knowing what went down last night in the parking lot really wouldn’t change anything. She decided to just go ahead and finish what she was saying.

  “Girl, I sucked that dick out in the parking lot last night,” Desirae said, almost wanting to smile. Tron’s dick – the very thought of it – made her smile even when she was fuming and really feeling her emotions.

  Reese started laughing then covered her mouth. “Girl!” she said, slapping Desirae’s leg. “Are you serious?”

  Smiling, Desirae nodded. It was kind of funny to her how Reese was reacting. “Girl, I slobbed that shit like I had ran out of food stamps and was hungry,” Desirae said. “And he loved every minute of that shit. Every minute.”

  Chapter 10

  That Saturday was probably the coldest Saturday for Tron and Shawna that they had had in a long while. To make the tension even worse, six inches of snow had been dumped on the city in the early morning hours while everyone slept. Tron wasn’t much in the mood to rip and run like he normally might on a Saturday. The snow was a deterrent enough, at first, causing him to just stay home all day and chill with Shawna.

  When the two woke up, which happened to be not too far apart in time, Shawna didn’t say much like she normally would on a Saturday morning. Some mornings she would have appointments, but she was clear for today because one of her clients had decided they would rather have their hair done on Sunday. This was cool with Shawna because it meant she got to make extra money on a day she probably wouldn’t be doing much anyway.

  Tron immediately picked up that Shawna wasn’t talking. Even as the day went on, and the two of them just did their own thing around the house, it was clearly obvious to Tron that Shawna was pretty shitty about last night. When he sat on the couc
h and played Madden for a little while, he really couldn’t get into the game like normal. He mind was just too busy thinking about last night at the club. It almost made him angry at Tyrese, but at the same time he knew that Diamond being caught on her knees sucking Tyrese’s dick is really what got all of it started – something that would surely start to make Shawna suspicious about what could be going on up there. The entire ordeal played over and over in Tron’s mind, all day at any time. That shit was just too embarrassing for him.

  Of course, the police came after Diamond fired off those gunshots back in the dressing room. A group of guys restrained her until the police got there, as everyone involved was sure that they would be on their way as quickly as possible. That club had been under the police’s focus for a while and they were eager to lock niggas up when stuff popped off at it.

  The club cleared out, with men running to their cars and quickly dispersing out of the parking lot. Dancers, who were half-naked, had basically been pushed in the shuffle out the doors. They huddled in a group together until Tron and the guy who was working the bar found some comforters in his car and covered them up, bringing them inside. Just as Tron thought, it didn’t take the police long to show up. When he was bringing the dancers back inside out of the cold, he could hear the police sirens. People who were riding with a friend or who had walked up to the club huddled around outside or stood next to someone’s car if they were parked further away from the building. Clearly, everyone was interested in what had happened .To make matters worse for Tron, the news showed up. And just as they did, Diamond, dressed very provocatively with a beaten up face, was being walked out to the ambulance. It wound up being another one of them nights – another night that Tron had to worry about bad press for the club. This time, everything was ten times as bad because of not only how it happened, but the fact that Shawna had been there and knew the entire story. Of course, Nalique had filled her in when she came outside and stood next to Shawna after putting her hands on Diamond.

  When Shawna was sitting at her table, she knew better than to run over and see what the fight was about. She sat right in her seat, knowing that she looked classy and was just going to let them niggas act like niggas. Everything was actually going cool for her until she heard the gunshots. Like everyone else, she jumped up and ran for the door. Watching cars zip out of the parking lots – dudes that she knew as being drug dealers in the area and really all about that life, Shawna’s head shook. Part of her knew that no good was going to come of Nalique coming up to the club. Even though she hadn’t been in the back when everything broke loose, she already knew that it was something that had popped off as a result of Nalique going there. That was a fact in Shawna’s mind long before Nalique was standing next to her, outside in the cold, clearly having just been in a fight and now explaining what all happened. It was all just some mess to Shawna until Nalique got to the part about actually seeing the Diamond chick in the back, down on her knees. While Shawna was now definitely suspicious that maybe Tron could have something going on with one of the hoes in the strip club, she was happy knowing that she wasn’t the kind of chick who would fight another chick over no man. That is what she saw as definitely setting her apart from Nalique. She knew that if that was her, she would have been a lady and had some class and simply left the situation; and left the man to have his hoe.

  Shawna felt embarrassed by even being there. Now, on top of all that, her man was on the news as being the club’s management.

  All day Saturday, Shawna was waiting on Tron to say something about what happened at the club. That night, they both got home at different times since Tron had to stay and deal with the police and the reports and everything. When he came in, around 1:30 or 2 o’clock Shawna guessed, the club had been shut down for the night due to the violence. Tron simply got into the bed and pulled the covers up, not even saying a word to Shawna. She thought that he would at least come home and ask her if she was all right. However, it was obvious to her that her well-being was not front and center in Tron’s mind at that time. She knew that he was probably thinking about the effect all of this would have on his money. That was just the kind of dude he was, and there was nothing wrong with that, but Shawna was starting to feel like they had some other things to talk about.

  Eventually, the two of them couldn’t take the coldness anymore on Saturday. It was time that somebody said something more than an excuse me or a have you seen this?

  “So when you gon talk to me about last night?” Shawna asked.

  Tron looked at Shawna, putting down the video game controller. “What you mean?” Tron said. “Shawna, I ain’t in a good mood bout that shit either.”

  “I ain’t ask what kinda mood you in,” Shawna let him know. “I was just asking when you was gon’ talk about what all happened last night? Or are you going to just keep moving like nothing happened?”

  “What about what happened?” Tron said, not really seeing a point to what Shawna was talking about. “What about what happened, Shawna? You already know what happened? You saw it…You was there and shit. Your little buddy came up in there and embarrassed the club.”

  “Hold up!” Shawna said. “My little buddy. I don’t even really know that chick like that.”

  “But you know her well enough to be coming up to the club with her?” Tron said, simply stating the obvious. “Somehow you just so happen to do her hair and the two of you decide to come up to the club and be a little gang.”

  Shawna snapped her neck to the side, really not liking how Tron was talking to her like she was the one who had done something wrong. She was already trying her hardest to read between the lines with Tron’s body language today. To her, it would only make sense that he would be trying to say something to calm her down. At least, he wasn’t and that was why she felt like she needed to go ahead and get it off of her chest.

  “Look, she asked me to do her fuckin’ hair and asked me if I wanted to go,” Shawna said. “How was I supposed to know that she was gon go up there and start a fuckin’ fight and shit with some pistol-packin’ stripper? You act like I got a fuckin crystal ball or some shit.”

  Tron stood up. “So you gon stand here and act like she ain’t say to you what her main reason for wanting to go up to the club for was?” he said. “Nalique ain’t say shit to you about why the both of y’all was going to be coming up there unannounced. This ain’t the nineteen eighties. We all got cell phones. You coulda let me know that y’all was coming.”

  Shawna rolled her eyes. “Why?” she asked. “Huh, Tron? Why? So you can tell one of them stripper, ‘Baby, gon and get up off your knees sucking this dick cause my chick on the way?’ Nigga, please. I knew you had a fuckin’ problem with us coming up there, so now I’m kinda glad that we did just come up in there…so we can really see the shit that be happening there when we obviously ain’t looking.” Shawna nodded. “Hmm, hmm.”

  “Baby, I told you I ain’t fuckin’ round with none of them hoes up there,” Tron said, knowing that he would come across as being honest. The fact of the matter was that he wasn’t messing around with any of the chicks up at the club. The one that he did get a little head from back when had long packed her bags and moved up north or somewhere.

  “How the fuck I’m supposed to know that?” Shawna asked. “You know, something has really been seeming off with you. Like I really been getting this vibe that your mind ain’t all here…and all with me and what we got and shit. That’s that shit I don’t like. I can tell when a nigga got another female on his mind, and I definitely think something is going on, Tron. Now, I just think maybe it could be with one of them hoes up at that club.”

  “Shawna, there you go tripping and shit,” Tron said. “Imagining shit, like you always do. You went through my phone that night and got caught and your ass was looking embarrassed cause you know you didn’t find shit cause wasn’t shit to find. And you wanted there to be something sooo bad, so you just had to get with your little partner and come up there starting no shit.”<
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  “Nigga, don’t go lumping me in with Nalique,” Shawna let him know, in a very stern way. “I told you and you know that I ain’t have shit to do with that.”

  “Man, whatever, Shawna,” Tron said. “Whatever. I ain’t one of these stupid-ass niggas out here, Shawna. You been talking with Nalique and shit, cause this all came at the same time you just suddenly decided to go through my phone, and come up with nothing. So y’all get together…me and Tyrese’s girl…and decide to just come on up there, knowing that Nalique was already bout try’na jump on some bitch.”

  “Tron, look I ain’t gon keep telling you that I ain’t having nothing to do with that,” Shawna said. “Nalique asked me if I wanted to go, I wasn’t doin shit no way, so I decided that I would go. Simple as that.”

  Tron was really tired of hearing that line, and deep down really partially blamed Shawna for some of what had happened last night. He was convinced that she knew Nalique’s intentions and just went right along with it, knowing that some more shit could go down at the club at a time when the club simply doesn’t need any more chit-chat about it. Tron waved off the entire situation. “Fuck this, I ain’t even try’na hear what this bitch got to say,” Tron mumbled to himself.

  Shawna heard it and just wasn’t having it. “Nigga, who the fuck you callin’ a bitch!” she yelled. “Huh, nigga? I ain’t no bitch. So, just tell me, which one of them hoes up there been sucking your dick, Tron? Huh? Which one? Was it that Diamond bitch? I wouldn’t be surprised if you was up there getting your shit sucked real good before you came out and saw me and Nalique over at the bar. For all I know, you coulda get your nut first then it was Tyrese’s turn.”

  “Are you fucking serious?” Tron wanted to know. “Why the fuck you think I’m fuckin’ round on you?”

  “Look, I know something is up,” Shawna said. “That was part of the reason I decided to go ahead and go on up to the club, okay? I knew that something was going on and I wanted to know what it was. If I did something wrong, or broke the law, then damn would a nigga let a bitch know then. Please, let me know.”


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