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Riding The Storm (The Gods Made Me Do It Book 4)

Page 16

by Lisa Oliver

  “That was back in nineteen thirty nine,” Orin said, leaning over and plumping the pillows for Orinthian to rest on. “It’s now two thousand and eighteen. I’m sorry, dad. I didn’t know about you. Mom never said anything, and I only found out you were still alive two days ago.”

  “It’s all right. It’s all good.” Orinthian took Orin’s hand. “Just a bit of a shock, that’s all. Elspeth…is she…?”

  Orin’s eyes filled with tears. “She’s been gone just over fifty years. The seers… the seers said if you came back you might find her again.”

  “Oh, my gods, you poor boy. To think you’ve spent all this time walking the world alone. That was never the life Elspeth and I dreamed of for you.” To Orin’s shock he was pulled into surprisingly strong arms. Hot tears dripped down his neck and Orin let his fall, unchecked. He hadn’t cried when his mom died, too numbed by the shock. He’d rarely cried since. But here, in his father’s arms, with his beloved mate guarding his back, it seemed only fitting to grieve for his mom with the one man who loved her as much as he did.


  “Are you okay, leaving your dad like that?” Thor asked as he ushered Orin out of the sanitorium door. “We can stay for a while longer if you like.”

  “You heard him, we’ll see him again soon. But Valouf was right. So many things have changed, not only in the elven realm, but on earth as well. It’s going to take dad a bit of time to acclimatize, find his legs again.” Orin shrugged. “Plus, he has to come to terms with the way the elven laws kept him from Mom and me all these years. We don’t need to be here for that. I just want to go home.”

  Thor was looking forward to it as well. Slinging his arms around Orin’s shoulders he was just about to materialize them both, when Valouf came running over. “Thor, Lord Thor, I wonder if I could have a word?”

  “You just had one, you called my name.”

  Valouf laughed. “Cathair suggested you might be able to show my guards a few tricks in one on one combat. Many of them rely on magic to keep themselves safe, but that isn’t always a prudent idea, especially on earth. We have a fighting ring that nullifies magic, meaning the young sods have no choice but to fight with their hands or weapons.” He held up his sword. “Did you think….”

  Oh yeah. But… Thor looked at Orin’s upturned face. His mate was smiling which made a lovely change from tears.

  “You’d better not make me look bad in front of the elves,” Orin warned shaking his finger at Thor’s nose. “You make sure you win every fight, because I know there’ll be more than one. I want to be able to come back here and visit my dad. I do not want you embarrassing me.”

  Best mate ever. With a whoop, Thor spun Orin around, before giving him a quick kiss. “Lead the way, Commander Valouf, it’s party time.”

  “Er, Cathair mentioned you have a love of books, Orin,” Valouf said as he led them towards what looked like a huge sports arena. “I haven’t been mated long, but my mate Ferdin works in the library here on our realm. He’s waiting in the stands if you’d like to sit with him while your mate fights. I can introduce you if you like.”

  “That’s very friendly of you. Thank you, I’d like that. Although,” Thor noticed the twinkle in Orin’s eyes, “when my mate takes his shirt off, it’s hard to notice anything else. But it’d be lovely to talk to a fellow book lover. The elven library is probably the only one in existence I haven’t seen. I’d love to hear about it.”

  “Ferdin can probably arrange a tour for you, if you’re interested, some other day.” They’d reached the arena and Valouf was waving at a slight man with a mop of black hair. “Ferdin won’t admit it, but he likes watching me fight too.” He whispered before saying in a normal tone, “Ferdin, my angel, come and meet Orin and Thor. Thor’s agreed to show my guards a few tricks and Orin was just telling me he’s been to every library in existence except ours.”

  “Have you been to the Manhattan one?” Ferdin asked, stopping to brush a kiss on Valouf’s hand as he went past.

  “I used to work there,” Orin said in a cheery tone. “Did you know…?” The two men scurried off towards the stands, their heads together as they chatted excitedly.

  “Don’t you just love a bookworm?” Thor said with a grin as he watched them go.

  “I always thought I’d be with a warrior,” Valouf admitted as he led them to a group of elves who were standing in a clump. “I was so freaking glad Consort Marius suggested I try the library to find my mate. I’d despaired of ever finding him. But there he was, hiding behind the shelves, just as Marius predicted. It took a bit of coaxing to get him out, but we’ve been very happy together ever since.”

  “I know exactly how you feel,” Thor agreed. Tugging at the buttons on his shirt, he said, “Now, how many of these slugs do you want me to take at one time. I’ve got to make a good impression on my mate.”

  “As many as you like.” Valouf spread his arms. “Guards, this is Thor, god of storms. He wants to make mincemeat out of you, so he can make a good impression on his mate. Don’t be intimidated. Show him what you can do.”

  Ripping his shirt over his head, Thor loosened his shoulder muscles. It was so funny watching pale elves turn that pasty green color.

  Chapter Twenty Three

  “Have you lived here all your life?” Orin asked. He and Ferdin were up the in the stands. The guard elves were in the ring, and from the hushed conversations going on, were probably drawing straws for who was going to be fighting Thor first. Thor, already shirtless, looked magnificent in the blazing sun, standing casually chatting to Valouf.

  “I’ve visited other places,” Ferdin was watching the ring as well, but every now and then he would glance around furtively. “I’m not very high up in library circles, so I didn’t get to leave here very often, but to be honest, earth in particular was too noisy and smelly for me.”

  “You get used to it and it really does depend where you go. Not everywhere is like that.” Orin smiled at his new friend. Ferdin’s anxiety was contagious and Orin felt compelled to ask, “is everything okay? You don’t have to sit with me if you don’t want to. I’m not ashamed being a half-cat shifter, but I understand among elves half-breeds are frowned on.”

  “Oh no.” Ferdin placed a hand on his arm. “Please, I’m thrilled to have met someone who loves books as much as I do. I’ve never cared about the half-breed laws and I even signed a petition once calling for there to be more mixing of elves with other paranormals. Just ignore my nerves. As I say, I don’t get out much and I’m not good in crowds.”

  Orin frowned. There was at least twenty feet between them and the other few spectators in the stands. “What about Valouf?” He leaned closer although they had no chance of being overheard. “Is he good to you?”

  “Val’s the best.” Now, that smile was genuine. “I was so terrified when I knew he was my mate. I kept hiding behind the book shelves, sure someone as big and fine and important wouldn’t want anything to do with me. But his magic tingled, my magic tingled, and he kept following me around the book shelves until he caught me. It was the most magical moment of my life.”

  Ferdin clapped his hands together, his beaming smile lighting up half the arena. Orin could understand how he felt. Thor had given him a multitude of moments like that. Looking down into the ring, he could see Thor had a huge broadsword in each hand, and was fighting off four men who were also wielding two swords each. Confident his mate was handling himself, he turned back to Ferdin.

  “You’re going to think I’m a right pain, and you can tell me it’s none of my business, but you’ve got the look of someone who’s being bullied,” he said gently. And Ferdin did. The hunched shoulders, the way he tried to make himself seem smaller and the anxious glances over his shoulder were a dead giveaway. “Surely, with Valouf as the acting ruler here, you’re protected?”

  “There’s no need for any protective details when we’re on our own realm and no one here makes a big fuss about who rules now the Elders are disbanded.”
That sounded like a party line Orin didn’t believe. “I told you. I’m just not used to being out here. When Valouf’s busy, I spend all my time in the library. You must know what that’s like.”

  Orin did, and while he wasn’t satisfied, he couldn’t force Ferdin to talk about something if he didn’t want to. He allowed Ferdin to change the subject. Down in the ring, Thor had left most of the guards with cuts and bruises, all looking sorry for themselves, and was now sparring with Valouf. Everyone was cheering for their Commander of course, but Orin noticed more than one lustful glance sent his mate’s way. One of the joys of being mated to a god who looks like mine, he thought with a grin.

  He was just describing the wonders of Poseidon’s library to Ferdin when the other man froze and Orin’s cat hissed. They were no longer alone. Orin looked up to see four tall, arrogantly beautiful men blocking their view of the ring, all wearing the elven guard uniform.

  “Gods, Ferdin I thought you were low before, but consorting with a cat? Really?” The man’s tone was enough to set Orin’s hackles up.

  “I’m here on Cathair and Valouf’s request,” Orin said proudly. “Ferdin was gracious enough to sit with me while my mate is otherwise engaged.”

  “Our Commander and Ruler wouldn’t have anything to do with you, or this timid worm.” The man spat on the ground beside him. “Where the hell have you been hiding Frog? My laundry hasn’t been done for a month and my house stinks.”

  “I’m not hi….”

  “Did I give you permission to speak?” The ringleader reached over and grabbed Ferdin’s arm. “I warned you what would happen if you left that hole you hide in. You’ve got no fucking right wandering around tainting my reputation. Take him, guys.”

  “What the fuck?” Orin leaped to his feet, pushing at the man holding his friend. Ferdin had shrunk even further into himself, if that was possible and Orin could smell his fear. “Take your hands off him right now.”

  “You have even less rights than he does. Mangy half-breed.” Pain blossomed across Orin’s cheek and he cried out as he crumpled to the ground. His cat fought to get out, but Orin resisted, knowing his poor shifted form would be hated more than he was. Above him the skies suddenly went dark and a rumble of thunder crashed around the arena. Orin smiled despite the pain.


  Thor didn’t know what made him look up at the stands. Valouf was an accomplished swordsman and kept Thor dancing around the arena. When he saw some guards apparently talking to his mate, he wasn’t alarmed. His little sweetness could make friends with anyone and he thought it would be nice if Orin could make a few friends in the realm if they were going to be visiting more often. That was until he heard his mate cry out.

  His anger hit like a hurricane. Throwing down his swords he was running for the stands before Valouf knew what was happening, but it didn’t take long for the elf to work out where he was going. Thunder and lightening flashed overhead, causing many in the stands to cry out in fear. But Thor’s only focus was his precious mate.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Valouf got there first, pulling a terrified Ferdin into his arms. “Who dared strike the mate of Thor, God of Storms?”

  “I will kill them. I will destroy them all.” Thor couldn’t unclench his fists to save his life as he scowled at four arrogant assholes who seemed shocked to see Ferdin protected by their commander. Orin’s beautiful sweet face was already bruising, and he wobbled as he pushed himself off the ground. “Sweetness, oh, sweetness. This should never have happened.” A rumble of thunder drowned out his words.

  “Calm down, babe. Calm down, please. No one can hear themselves think.” Staggering slightly, Orin fell into Thor’s arms. The thunder ebbed slightly, but Thor wasn’t ready to play nice with anyone.

  “I demand an explanation.” Thor’s words were clipped. “Give me one good fucking reason why I don’t destroy this entire realm.”

  “It was my fault,” Ferdin said hesitantly, looking up at his mate. “They….”

  “It was not your fault. These guys are bullies.” Orin turned in Thor’s arms, but didn’t let him go. He stabbed his finger at Valouf. “Ferdin is terrified to leave the freaking library and now I know why. Why the hell don’t any of these guys know Ferdin is your mate? Why doesn’t he have guards, some kind of protection, and why the hell isn’t he given the respect demanded for his position?”

  “Your brothers have been bullying you?” Valouf asked Ferdin. “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “Don’t put this on him,” Orin yelled above the thunder. “Can’t you see he’s terrified. He couldn’t even sit in the stands without twitching like a cat. These assholes wear a uniform of the elven guard. Why didn’t they know Ferdin is your Fated Mate?”

  “I…Er…” Valouf looked bewildered.

  “Fated mate? Now come on.” The one who’d punched Orin held out his hands. “There’s been one hell of a mistake. The Commander’s married, to a woman. There’s no way Frog features here, is anything more than a handy fuck.”

  “Don’t you dare,” Valouf snarled. “I’ll deal with you and your cronies in a minute.”

  “Deal with them? Valouf, look at your mate. Truly look at him and see past that sweet sexy exterior. Look at what your refusal to admit who he is to you has done.” Orin sounded incredulous. “You’re a complete ass. You’re given the most precious gift in existence and your poor mate can’t even leave the library without being bullied.”

  “What do you want me to do to them, sweetness?” Thor was proud of his mate for standing up for Ferdin, but he wasn’t going to ignore Orin’s bruised face.

  “They’re elves, they can’t die. But I want them to know fear.” Orin’s voice was fierce. “I don’t know the full story, but this one,” he pointed at the ringleader who was shaking now he was the object of Thor’s focus, “has been bullying Ferdin for most of his life, I reckon. Talking about dirty rooms and undone laundry like it’s Ferdin’s problem. These guys stood around, acting tough and I notice they haven’t got a scratch on them, so none of them dared fight you. I want you to fight them. I want you to decapitate them. I want to see their bodies in a million pieces all over the arena. I want them to piss themselves because they’re so scared, do you hear me?”

  “Orin, we have a process for dealing with these things. I’ll handle it,” Valouf said, but his voice wasn’t steady, and he kept looking at Ferdin as if he was seeing him for the first time.

  “Your system doesn’t work. What does it say about a realm when the smallest members can’t walk about without being harassed by people in uniform? What does it say about a realm when the Commander in Chief can’t even be bothered to introduce his mate to his guards? You won’t have time to deal with this, Commander. If you’ve got any sense, you’ll be spending the next ten years groveling to your mate and that still won’t make up for what you’ve done.”

  “That’s good enough for me.” Calling on the heavens, Thor pulled down the lightening, the power flickering and dancing in his hands. A quick twist and a rope was formed. Thor threw it, encircling the four men around their necks before pulling it tight. “You will feel fear,” his voice rumbled with the thunder as he pulled them closer. “You will feel my power and if you think I’m badass, you’re just lucky my mate didn’t call on his other god friends. Hades would have a fucking field day with you lot. I’ll teach you to never underestimate the little guy.” Slinging the rope over his shoulder, Thor checked with his mate. “Will you be all right here for five minutes sweetness?”

  “I’m going to read Valouf the riot act, check to make sure Ferdin is okay and then I’m heading home. I’ll get the bath running for you.” Orin reached up, caressing Thor’s neck. “I love you, big guy. Take your time.”

  Thor fully intended to.

  Chapter Twenty Four

  “This is nice, isn’t it?” Orin traced swirly patterns on Thor’s chest. The fire was the only light in the room and Thor’s chest glowed. It was early morning, the sun ju
st a hint of a promise in the night sky, and Thor and Orin still hadn’t made it to bed.

  “You feel good in my arms after a long day,” Thor agreed, his tone low and sexy. “Those were some pretty fierce words you were spouting back at the realm. Did what happen to Ferdin bring up any past memories for you?”

  “Not like that, no.” Orin twisted in Thor’s arms, so he was lying on his back, his head resting on Thor’s massive chest. “I’ve met bullies in my life. Looking like I do, that’s no surprise. I think it was the whole realm pissed me off. They’re all like a whitewashed rock – all pretty on the topside, but then when you look underneath that’s where you see the worms and dirt.”

  “They’ve got some fucked up rules and processes all right. Did you ever find out why Valouf didn’t acknowledge Ferdin as his true mate in public?”

  Orin chuckled. “Turns out, the comment about Valouf being married was true. It seems most elves, especially in the guards, marry someone, have children and then they agree to divorce when the kids are grown, or if a true mate comes along. Valouf and his wife were already divorced, but she wasn’t too pleased that he’d found his true mate before she did. So, he just never said anything about it except to a few close friends.”

  “That’s not really something to laugh about. Ferdin seems like a nice enough guy.”

  “He is,” Orin hastened to explain. “That wasn’t why I was laughing. Valouf’s wife happened to be passing by, while you were decimating the bullies, and heard me arguing with Valouf. When she found out Valouf hadn’t told his troops about his mating and Ferdin had been bullied because of it, she went off at Valouf too. She was horrified Valouf used her as an excuse for not telling his men and declared Ferdin was her new best friend, right then and there. She also told Valouf that if he didn’t get off his ass and hold a public celebration of this mating, acknowledging Ferdin as his true mate and the respect that position holds, then she’d arrange the whole thing herself. Valouf didn’t know where to look or what to do. He just kept kissing Ferdin’s hair and saying he was sorry.”


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