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Letting Go (A Mitchell Family Series)

Page 11

by Unknown

  I walked into the kitchen and took my time getting something to drink. When I had emptied the glass, I refilled it for Savanna. Before making my way to the bedroom, I managed to lock the front door, something I needed to get into the habit of doing from now on. Although, as of right now, I wasn’t sure Savanna would ever want to take the chance and be with me like this again. For all I knew, she was getting dressed and preparing to go home instead of staying the night.

  I thought about letting the blanket drop and just delivering her a drink in only my birthday suit, but after seeing her shocked face, I didn’t think she was in a mood for jokes. With one hand holding the blanket tight and the other holding the fresh glass of sweet tea, I walked back into the bedroom.

  Savanna was sitting up in the bed. Fresh tears covered her eyes and she was holding the sheet up to her chin, covering every inch of her skin from my view. I set the tea on the table bedside the bed and knelt there next to where she sat. “Darlin’ are you alright?”

  She nodded her head, but at the same time I watched her scrunch her face up and start crying. I climbed up on the bed next to her and pulled her into my arms, tryin’ real hard to keep the blanket from falling off my waist as I did it.

  Savanna buried her wet face into my chest and cried her hardest. I stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. There was nothin’ that I could really say to her. We were in this situation, that neither of us planned, but both of us had to live with the guilt of it. I kept callin’ Savanna my friend, and she was very much that, but with every moment I spent with her, I couldn’t help but wonder if she could ever be more than that.

  When it was obvious that she was gonna cry until she had no tears left, I repositioned myself to lay back on a pillow, while she was sprawled out still clinging tight to my chest. I stroked her hair until I heard the last sniffle sound coming from her nose and then I let myself finally fall asleep.

  The next morning Savanna was still asleep on my chest. I half expected her to have gotten up and slept on the couch, as upset as she was. Part of me felt like I had gotten her into this awful situation and felt like she could never forgive me for it. Once she finally started to stir she looked up at me.

  “Hi.” She whispered.

  “How you doin’ Darlin’?” I asked.

  I felt her arms move as she shrugged, but noticed that she never unwrapped them from around my body. Her face came close to my chest and I felt her soft lips pucker up against me. “I am so sorry I got upset last night. It wasn’t your fault.” She brought her hands up and propped up her head with them. Even with her elbows kind of grinding into me, I said nothing. “I chose to sleep with you, I mean, I wanted to sleep with you Colt. Maybe the alcohol helped make that decision at first, but obviously I enjoyed it. Just like I enjoyed it last night.”

  She turned over on her back and covered her face with her hands. “I don’t think I will ever be able to let go of Ty completely, but I can’t just linger around waiting for something that may never happen. He may never wake up and I know that. I’m so sick of crying and feeling like my life is over. The past week has been so eye opening for me. Spending time with you makes me happy. It’s just when your aunt walked in last night, it was like I actually was doing what she accused me of doing months ago. It hit me right in the gut. Technically, I am not cheating on her son, but you have to understand that sometimes it sure feels like I am. I mean, I haven’t been with anyone else besides you and Ty.”

  She started to talk again, but began to well up. If I were a stranger she wouldn’t be feeling this way. I knew it was hard, but we were adults. We enjoyed being together, and at the moment, there wasn’t much else to do.

  “You don’t have to explain Savanna. I kinda figured that you hadn’t been with anyone else. I don’t know if it means anything comin’ from me, but you are not cheatin’ on him. I have said this before. If you want to stop hangin’ out, or just keep things plutonic, I am totally fine with that.” I replied.

  “That’s just it. I don’t want to stop seeing you. You are all I have thought about since you came back to town.” Her head fell down on my chest and her hand ran up and down it. “I don’t want to hurt anymore and I don’t hurt when I am with you, in fact I feel the opposite.” She confessed.

  “You don’t have to hide how you’re feelin’ from me. I’m a big boy. If you ask my opinion, I would say you are just tryin’ to get through the hardest part of your life. If being with me makes you feel better, than I am not complainin’. If you need to cry, then let it out. Hell, I wouldn’t expect anything less.” I kissed the top of her head again. “Just so you know, I thought about you a bunch this week as well. Now how about we drop all this serious talk and get our suits on. It is supposed to get hot as heck today and I plan on spending my time in the swimmin’ hole with a pretty lady at my side, if she will accompany me of course.”

  “I’m sorry I keep doing this.” She confessed.

  “You have been with the same person for the last five years. You do not have to apologize for being confused. I completely understand.” I added before kissing her head and sliding myself off the bed. “Now how about that date?”

  She sat up and looked at me. Her eyes gazing below my waist. I cocked a smile when I noticed and finally caught her attention. “How about we have breakfast?” She inquired.

  Just to mess with her head, I put my hands on my hips. “What are you hungry for?” I teased.

  She bit her lip, but did not stop staring at my naked body. The sheet had fallen down over her breasts and I couldn’t help looking myself. Savanna got up and sat on the bed in front of me. Her hands grabbed around my ass and pulled me close so that her face was even with my stomach. She kissed it gently. “I can’t get enough of you. I don’t know what you did to me, but I feel like I am under a spell.”

  Her lips drug over my belly button, while her hands slid down my hips. I could feel my erection beginning with just her being where she was. “Sorry Darlin’, these hands don’t perform magic.”

  “I beg to differ. Your smell is tantalizing. I lust for your strong hands to touch me.” She grabbed my hand and kissed the palm of it. “You are the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes on.” She kissed the edge of my hip bone. “When we touch, it is electrifying, but when you are inside of me, I forget about all of the pain in my life. I love how you can make me forget.”

  I pulled her up to a standing position. “You don’t have to forget Savanna, but I am glad I can make you feel better. I do aim to please, you know.”

  I reached down and kissed her softly on the lips. She didn’t know how sexy she was with that gorgeous bed head and since I already had a semi erection from her touching me, I pulled away. “Let’s get you some food so we can enjoy our day” I suggested.

  I had enough of the serious talk for the day, but I knew it wouldn’t be the last. I got that she needed it and I wouldn’t deny her answers, but the fact was that I was the last person to give her advice about relationships. I couldn’t deny my attraction to her or the fact that I cared about the girl, but I couldn’t let myself become attached to her. I knew I was only here temporary, so taking our relationship to a new level just wasn’t feasible. There was no denying that if things were different, I could see myself wanting more.

  After grabbing some swimming trunks, I headed into the kitchen and started making us egg sandwiches. Savanna came out in a pair of shorts and a bikini top. The top was yellow and blue, and I could only assume that the bottoms matched. She had her hair up in a ponytail and a pair of flip flops on her feet.

  When she saw me looking at her body she smiled and leaned against the counter. “See anything you like?”

  “Darlin’ there isn’t anything about you that I don’t like.” Well there was one thing, but having her without baggage was impossible and it wasn’t something I was willing to discuss.

  “Keep talking and breakfast might have to wait.” She joked.

  I leaned over the opposite side of the counter
and was about six inches from her face. “Don’t threaten me with that body of yours. There are just some things that no man can resist.”

  In her sexiest voice. “Are you saying that you can’t resist me?”

  I waited a moment, tracing her face with my eyes. She was glaring at me, waiting for me to respond. I licked my lips when she bit down on her own. “I reckon’ I am.”

  Savanna pulled herself up onto the counter so that she broke the distance between us. I pulled her towards me so that her legs hung down beside either side of my legs. Her arms wrapped around my neck as she brought her head in to lean against mine. “What happens when I can’t resist you either?” She said as her lips were so close they were brushing against mine with every word.

  “I think we already know the answer to that.” I said before taking her bottom lip into my mouth and biting it gently.

  When I let go of her bottom lip, she ran her tongue over mine. “Before dating your cousin, I used to imagine what it would be like to kiss you. I always pictured it would be amazing.” She confessed.

  I was shocked by her admission, so I pulled back and looked at her. “Seriously? Why me? I mean there were a dozen other guys here in town you could have pictured.”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess it was because you were the guy who only showed up in the summertime. You were mysterious and gorgeous and every girl had you in their sights.”

  She was burying herself more and more, but I loved it. I backed up and leaned against the fridge, putting my hands on my hips. “So you had me in your sites?”

  She tossed a grape at me. “Are you making fun of me Colt Mitchell?”

  I held my hands up, as if I were surrendering to the police. “Not at all Darlin’. I was actually flattered that you had eyes for me back then.”

  She put her head down and shook her head. “It isn’t really a big deal. I mean, not only were you way too old, but I looked like a little boy.”

  I walked over to her and lifted her chin up with my hand. When our eyes met, I could tell she was embarrassed. Her cheeks were bright red. “None of that matters Savanna. There is nothing boyish about you. I may have done and said mean things to you when we were kids, but I am real sorry about that. Look, I don’t have many friends. I mean, I have friends from college, but most of them moved away and started lives. I keep myself held up in that cabin when I’m not workin’. I guess I am telling you this so you know that you really are a good friend and I hope we can stay this way. I feel like I can tell you anything. You just never judge me and I appreciate that.”

  The color in her face returned to normal. “Thank you for saying that. Through everything I have had Brina, but she pushes me to do things every time we talk. I’m just not ready to go out. Being here with you, I feel safe, but mostly I don’t feel like you are judging me. Even if we weren’t having sex, I would still want to be here with you, hanging out and doing normal things. I missed my life and just being me. Every second with you lets me have that again.”

  I pulled her into a hug. “I hate that people have pinned all of this on you like my cousin was some angel. They all know how much he had to drink that night and how awful he treated you sometimes. They all just need to get their heads out of their asses and they would see that. As long as I am here, you have a place to stay. Besides, I kinda like how you look when you wake up in the morning. You know, your hair is all everywhere, and you have this look on your face like you have no idea where you are. It’s real cute.”

  We both laughed.

  “When we get back I am going to get those stitches out. I don’t want the skin growin’ over them.” Her black eye had disappeared a couple days ago, and the small white stitches were not even noticeable unless you looked close enough.

  “You changed the subject.” She whined.

  I grabbed her hand and pulled her forward. “Will you just come on? Let’s get movin’ so we can enjoy the whole day.” I suggested while getting the food together.

  Savanna and I got our butts into gear and got ready for a day at the swimming hole in no time flat. We packed us up a nice lunch and prepared for a relaxing day. Plus, I personally could not wait to spend the day next to her in that little bikini.

  Chapter 17


  Being that it was a Friday, we had to sneak out of the carriage house and avoid taking the horses, in fear that Ty’s parents would see us. It wasn’t like we were really doing anything wrong going to a place that many kids went during the summer, but with Ty being in the hospital, there weren’t many people coming to swim. Colt got this brilliant idea that he was going to go talk to his aunt and uncle while I ran as fast as I could to the path and waited for him. Once he went inside the main house, I started running. I never turned back to even look if anyone was behind me. The idea of having to explain how I had got here without a car was bad enough.

  With the picnic basket in my hand, I waited for Colt. He seemed to be taking forever, but Sam was there sitting at my side keeping me company. Finally after a good fifteen minutes I spotted him through the paths opening in the woods. He had a big ole smile on his face.

  “Sorry I took so long.”

  “I was thinking you weren’t coming.”

  He took off his hat and scratched his head. “Well my aunt was drilling me something fierce about who stayed over last night. She wouldn’t let it go.”

  “Do you think she suspects it’s me?” I asked worried.

  “I told her I picked up a girl in town and she got a ride home late last night. She gave me a lecture on easy women.” He started laughing.

  “Am I easy?”

  Colt walked over and grabbed the cooler and bag with our blanket and towels out of my hand. He leaned over and kissed my head. “Darlin’ there aint nothin’ easy about you.”

  What was that supposed to mean?

  “I don’t like the sound of that.” I admitted.

  He started walking ahead of me and never looked back. “Will you just stop worrying about everything for one day. Live a little Savanna.”

  I sighed and followed behind him. He was right. I kept over-thinking everything.

  It was summer and I was determined to let myself have a good time.

  Colt didn’t waste any time setting up our stuff before kicking off his shoes and jumping off the small pier. I watched him pop out of the water and throw his wet hair back away from dripping in his face. “You coming in or what?” He yelled.

  The sun was hot enough, but the walk through the woods made us sweat more. I didn’t even care if the water was freezing. Without answering, I let my shorts drop and threw them on top of our bag with my foot. I ran over toward the pier and looked around noticing Colt was missing. He was such a prankster and I remembered the last time we came here, we ended up covered in mud. I looked all around the water, but didn’t see him. I figured that he had to be hiding under the floating dock in the center.

  Without hesitation I dove into the dark water. Even with your eyes open, swimming under water was hard to see, plus I never really wanted to know what was in the water with us. In the past we had caught some real keepers in this pond. The snapping turtles had to be huge, not to mention the damn snakes. I came up above the water and started swimming toward the dock. When I came up underneath I didn’t see him at first, but after looking through the sides I saw he was trying to hide on the outside. When he caught me catching him he started laughing and went under the water again.

  I wanted to swim away, but by the time I got the inclination to do so, he was already grabbing me and coming up right in front of me. “It’s about time you caught up.” He joked.

  Colt and I were completely hidden from anyone and everything being under the dock. It was about twenty foot long in each direction, so it was a great hiding spot.

  “This was my favorite spot when I was a kid.” Colt confessed.

  His one arm was holding part of the dock, while his other was wrapped around my waist. “I bet you brought a bunch
of girls here.” I asked because Ty had told me all about it.

  “Where do you hear these stories?” He asked.

  I pushed him away. “You say you tell me everything, but you are going to deny that you had a slew of girls here every summer.”

  “Savanna, I never hooked up with anyone out here. Seriously, who told you that?” He asked again.

  “Ty did. You going to deny it now?”

  “Yes, actually I am. I swear to you Darlin’ I never hooked up with any girls out here. He must have been talkin’ about some other guy cause it sure as hell wasn’t me. As much as I would have loved to have a summer fling when I was younger, I had a girlfriend. In fact I had the same girlfriend from the age of fifteen to seventeen. I never cheated on her. Not even during the summers here.”

  It didn’t make any sense. Ty idolized his cousin for being a womanizer, but Colt seemed to genuinely be offended that I thought those things about him. “I don’t get why he would lie.”

  Colt smirked and shook his head but he said nothing.

  “What?” I asked.

  “Nothin’. Can we just enjoy our day?” He said trying to get me to shut up.

  I grabbed the front of his trunks and pulled him to float over until he was touching me. “I believe you, but it is a shame.” I said right before kissing him.

  He was still holding on to the dock so I let go and wrapped my legs around his waist. I ran my hand through his wet hair and made it stick up in all directions. He could be a total mess and still be perfect looking. I ran my nose over his cheek and felt the stubble against my skin. It reminded me that Colt was a man now, a strong hard working man with a kind heart. Any woman would be so lucky to have him.

  “What’s a shame?” He asked while breaking my fantasizing about him.

  I bit his ear and pulled away as my tongue slid against it. “That you never got to experience what it feels like to have sex out on this dock, where anyone could walk up and see.” I whispered.


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