Letting Go (A Mitchell Family Series)

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Letting Go (A Mitchell Family Series) Page 13

by Unknown

  I gasped when I felt myself losing control. The euphoric moment of ecstasy overwhelmed me. I closed my eyes and let it happen. The next thing I knew Colt’s lips found mine again. I grabbed both sides of his face and held him close. His hands found my waist and started pulling down my panties. I lifted up my butt so he didn’t fight with them. I wanted them off. My hands reached down and unbuttoned his pants. I used my feet to slide them down over his fine ass. When I reached down to feel his erection, I noticed it was already wet on the tip. Knowing he was already that turned on, made the fire between my legs get even hotter. The orgasm I had just moments ago was out of sight and a new one was building up. I turned my body around so that my butt was facing him. He started to position himself behind me, but slowly turned me back around.

  “I don’t want it that way Savanna. I want to see you. I need to look at you.” He confessed as he entered me. I entwined my legs into his as we began moving in sync. As he thrusted in and out of me, he continued kissing me all over my face and neck. I gripped my hands in his hair and pulled him into my aggressive kisses. When he started to climax, he put his head against mine and let out a moan. His lips rested over mine as he tried to calm his breathing.

  I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders. “Colt, I need to tell you something.”

  He kissed me on my shoulder. “You can tell me anything.”

  He slid out of me and lay beside me, stroking my hair. I reached up and touched his face. “I love you.”

  Before he could respond, or I could say anything else, loud knocking came from the front door, followed by a bunch of yelling.

  Colt sat up, just when he heard the door opening. Guess he forgot to lock it.

  “Colt.” His uncle called frantically.

  “Coming.” He yelled, but it wasn’t in time.

  “He is awake Colt. We need to get to the hospital right away. Did you hear me? Ty is …..” His uncle froze as he made his way to the bedroom door. His mouth dropped open when he saw me lying there naked in bed with his nephew.

  If that wasn’t bad enough, his aunt came into the doorway. She came after me, before she even said a word. “You little tramp. My son was bad enough, but now you want my nephew? Colt, how could you be with such a little whore? You know what she has done? How long has this been going on?” She screamed.

  Colt stood up, while still buttoning his shorts. He walked toward his aunt and pushed them both out of the room without speaking. I could hear them screaming as I searched through my bag for normal clothes to wear. Within seconds I made it to the living room.

  “She is not coming with us!” Ty’s mother yelled.

  “I will drive separately then.” Colt threatened.

  Ty’s dad just stood there shaking his head at me. Tears ran down my face, but I was speechless. I couldn’t deny being with Colt. For over a month I had lived in his world.

  Finally the older man spoke. “Get your things and follow us to the hospital. Whatever this was….it aint happenin’ anymore. He is never to know about this. Do you understand me Colton Mitchell? Savanna?”

  I nodded my head before burying my hands into my face. I couldn’t look at Colt. I didn’t want to see him agreeing to never be near me again. As excited as I was about seeing Ty, it killed me to hurt Colt.

  Ty’s parents walked out without saying a word and rushed to their car. To be a fly in that car would be worse than being in a warzone.

  Colt and I climbed in the old pickup. By that time I was balling. I couldn’t help it. So much had just happened. Tonight was supposed to be about me letting go of Ty and finally committing to Colt. I wanted him to know how I felt. Instead, I confessed my feelings only to find out that Ty woke up. Almost like my confession to Colt made him wake up.

  We had gotten about five miles before Colt said a word. I felt his warm hand reaching for mine. I didn’t hesitate taking it. I unhooked my seatbelt and climbed over to be next to him. He let me cry on his shoulder, but never mentioned what I said to him.

  “Savanna, I’m not going to stop being your friend. You have to know that.”

  I couldn’t look at him. I was so confused. Ty was awake. For the first time in a month I reached in my purse and pulled out my bottle of Xanax. Colt looked over at me and smiled as I popped one small pill into my mouth and swallowed it dry.

  “You gonna be alright Darlin’?”

  I nodded my head yes and leaned back on his shoulder.

  When we got into town, Colt leaned down to kiss the top of my head. He rubbed my shoulder and held me close, but still said nothing about my admission earlier. I was starting to feel calmer, but could feel my heart beating five hundred miles an hour the closer we came to the hospital.

  Ty’s parents were already running inside as we pulled into the parking lot. I knew they were thrilled to have their son awake. I wanted to see him too. I just didn’t know exactly how to act or what to say.

  Colt and I got out of the car. We kept our distance and said nothing until we got in the elevator. Before the door flew open, he pulled me back. He seemed stressed. “Savanna….I….I’m here for you.”

  We rushed out of the elevator and headed toward Ty’s room. I started walking slow, but began to almost run. I didn’t look back to see Colt, maybe I should have, but I just couldn’t. I got to the doorway and saw him. He was sitting up. His mother and father at both of his sides. When he saw me the world around us stopped.

  “There’s my girl.” He announced.

  I just stood there frozen in place. I couldn’t move.

  Chapter 20


  An hour ago, she was mine.

  There was no going back. I had the whole drive over to plead my case, to fight for what I wanted. Instead I let her slip through my fingers. I felt the dagger stab through my heart when I heard Ty calling her into that room.

  I couldn’t even walk in there at first. I stood outside with my head down, tryin’ not to listen to them talkin’. I could still hear them, like my ears where only tuned into them instead of everything else going on around the hospital.

  At first Savanna seemed reluctant to go to him, for a second I had hope. Once he called her over, my hope went away. Through the glass I watched Savanna run to his bedside. My aunt and uncle did not seemed thrilled. They gave me a dirty look, like I wasn’t even part of the family anymore. I couldn’t imagine what they thought of Savanna now.

  Ty did his best to hug her. I wasn’t sure what it was like for him. I mean, the last thing he remembered was being in an accident I reckon’. He didn’t have to go through the long days and nights wonderin’. He didn’t have to suffer the way Savanna had.

  Even after their first embrace, and me turning away so I couldn’t watch, I still listened to him talking to Savanna as if nothing had changed. When I finally couldn’t take it anymore, I decided to go in and say goodbye, before I headed out. I couldn’t stay there, not knowing that I could never have her.

  The room got quiet as I approached my cousins bed. Savanna never looked at me, which sent pain straight to my heart. My cousin held out his hand and actually pounded me like we did something cool. I gave him the best smile I could fabricate.

  “I have my four favorite people in the whole world here with me.” Tyler announced.

  I tried to smile, I really did. One glance at my aunt and uncle and I could tell that the tension in the room could actually kill someone. I tried to ignore the hurtful looks from them, and the fact that Savanna refused to look at me at all. “It’s really good to see that you’re doin’ better cuz. We have all been waiting for you to make your return.”

  “Yeah, the nurses said this lady here was with me almost every day.” He said as he held Savanna’s hand and kissed it, while she gave him her beautiful smile.

  Even as a grown man, I felt stingin’ in my eyes. I shook my head and tried to smile again.

  “Looks like you are goin’ to be home in no time at all.”

  Ty looked over at Savanna. “The doc is g
oing to let me know how much rehab I need and where I need to go. I hope I can come home, but I won’t know until we talk to him.”

  For the first time I heard Savanna speak and it crushed me completely. “We just can’t wait to get you home babe.” Her smile was real and her tears proved it all.

  “I just wanted to stop by and wish you well cuz. I need to get back to the farm.”

  Ty let go of Savanna’s hand and shook mine. For the first time in my life I couldn’t stand my cousin. He may not have known it, but he had what I wanted. He had her.


  Everything was happening so fast. From the romantic evening, to getting caught, then finally being here. It was like a dream. The whole ride over I wanted to say something to Colt, but I couldn’t. I wanted him to tell me that he loved me too, and that no matter what we would find a way to be together.

  I had waited so long for Ty to wake up, but now that he had, I didn’t know where my heart was. Colt had come into my life when I was at my lowest. In a way he had repaired what was broken and made me want to love again. We never fought, which was something Ty and I had done even on our happiest of days.

  Now, I didn’t know what to do. Ty was awake and his parents had threatened Colt and I to never see each other again. I couldn’t live with myself for hurting Ty, or for him finding out that Colt and I slept together. As soon as I entered that room, I knew I never wanted him to find out, but I also knew that deciding that ended my chances of ever being with Colt again. I tried to hide my feelings, but as I stood there holding on to Ty’s hand all I could think about was hurting Colt.

  Being in the room with his parents was overwhelming and even after taking the pill earlier, I felt like I couldn’t breathe. When Colt decided to leave, I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t run after him, knowing that Ty would wonder what had gotten into me and his parents might just spill the beans about my affair with his cousin. I needed to figure things out. I wouldn’t be able to let Colt go without at least talking to him. When I told him that I loved him I meant it. He had to think I was being such a bitch right now. I just let him walk out of there anyway.

  For the next hour Ty went on and on about what he had missed. How the team had done. How school went for me. How I got by. With his mother still there, I was unable to express the pure Hell I had endured for the past seven and a half months. He had no idea what my life had been like. The worst part was that I had waited so long for him to wake up, to have him back in my life and to tell him that I was sorry, but Ty didn’t even seem to care. He was in a fine mood, even acting like I had never caught him having sex with someone else. To make that even worse was the fact that I didn’t even care about Ty and that girl. I realized standing there that I didn’t care at all anymore. I had fallen completely in love with Colt and he made me see exactly what I wanted.

  However, wanting something I couldn’t have was just the story of my life. As I stood here with Ty and his parents, I realized that my happy little ending was not going to come. Ty’s parents didn’t let me get a word in edgewise and I couldn’t interrupt. My fear of Ty finding out about Colt and I kept me from doing anything to piss them off.

  When the doctor finally came in, his parents stepped outside with me so he could be examined. At first, we stood in the hallway not speaking, but finally his mother pressed her angry lips together and came walking toward me.

  “We need to talk.” She said as she pulled me further away from Ty’s room.

  She got me standing in the opposite hallway and began pacing in front of me. I half expected her to slap me. “I don’t know what kind of games you are playing with my family, but it will stop now! You will not see or speak to Colton anymore young lady. My son has been through Hell and if you have a decent bone in your body, you will be there for him. I hope he finally opens his eyes and sees you for the little tramp you really are, but until that day, you will do whatever he wants. Do you understand me?”

  I swallowed the vomit forming in my throat. “Yes Ma’am.”

  Tears streamed down my eyes. I refused to argue with her. She had her mind made up. There was nothing I could say or do.

  Before heading back toward the room, she turned around. “If I find out that you even spoke to Colton, I will tell Tyler everything.” She reiterated.

  I nodded my head and collapsed on the cold concrete floor. My hands were buried in my face and I kept them there until I had no more tears left to shed. My head was spinning and the nausea was overwhelming. I contemplated walking all the way back to town. It was late at night and pitch black outside. With no street lights for most of the way, I was sure to be killed and left to the animals living in a country ditch somewhere. Maybe that is what I deserved.

  Realizing that my purse was still in Ty’s room, I knew I had to go back in there. Thankfully when I went in, his parents weren’t there. Ty pulled me as close to him as he possibly could. When he pulled me in to hug him, his lips found mine. For all of the months that I missed his kisses, and all of the fantasies that I had played out in my head, it was nothing compared to how Colt kissed me. I closed my eyes and let Ty kiss me as the tears, I didn’t know I still had, began to fall. I couldn’t believe that I had spent all of my time just waiting for this moment and now that it was happening, I didn’t even think I wanted it.

  Ty let me pull away and he wiped off my tears. “Don’t cry babe. Everything is going to be fine now. I promise.”

  I wanted to believe that it would be, but things were so far from fine. “I am so glad you finally woke up. Do you remember anything?”

  “I remember fighting with you. You catching me with that blonde. I remember taking the car.. I even remember the car rolling. I didn’t believe the nurses when they told me it had been months. When my mom and dad came in and I saw the look in their eyes, I knew it was the truth. While I waited for everyone to arrive, the nurses told me about my girlfriend spending almost all of her time here. I never knew how much I loved you until I heard them saying that Van. Thank you for standing by me and taking care of me. I want you to give me another chance. Let me prove to you that I can be that guy you need.”

  When I saw Ty’s parents rounding the corner, I squeezed his hand and had no choice but to agree. I was digging the hole deeper for myself every second.

  His parents came in and acted nicer to me. They pretended to be on good terms with me and even asked if I wanted to get something to eat on the way home. Ty wanted me to stay, but realized it would be uncomfortable. Knowing they were my ride home, I smiled and said all the right things. I hugged Ty goodbye and told him that I loved him, because it was true. I never stopped loving him as a person, but my heart beat for his cousin and I couldn’t believe it took me seeing Ty awake to realize it.

  Before walking out of the room, I turned and waved one more time. He would see me tomorrow, I didn’t plan on not being there for him. He was very important to me and I wanted him to be better before I told him we couldn’t be together.

  The ride home was horrible. We stopped and got something to eat at a little fast food place on the way home. Nothing else was really open. Ty’s father talked about sending Colt home right in front of me. I knew he was saying it to get a rise out of me. At one point I put my fingers through the door handle and considered just jumping out of the car. Remembering having to get stitches made me rethink injuring myself.

  When we pulled up at the house, I climbed out and said nothing. The window in the passenger seat rolled down and Ty’s mother stuck out her head. “If you know what’s good for you, you will not cross me young lady.”

  They abruptly pulled away and I sat down on the curb in front of my house. When the sun started to come up, my mother came rushing outside in her bathrobe. “Van? What are you doing out here honey? What is wrong?”

  I fell into her arms. “Everything is a mess Mom. Ty woke up tonight, but before that his parents caught me with Colt and they threatened to tell him about us if we didn’t stop seeing each other. I don’t know
what to do. I love him Mom.”

  “You were with Colt? Ty’s cousin?” My mother finally asked when we were in the kitchen and she was making coffee. “Is that who you have been hanging out with? Cause I gotta tell ya honey, I saw Brina the other day and she claimed she hasn’t seen you in weeks. I just figured you would tell me if something was wrong.”

  “It started out as friends. I got beat up at a party.” I held my hands up. “Mom wait! It was still during school. I am fine now. Anyway, Colt saved me and took me back to the farm to rest. I didn’t want you seeing my face so I stayed there for a few days. Things started happening between us. I slept with him.”

  My mother was shocked at my confession, but to be fair I was an adult and she knew for a fact that I was not promiscuous.

  “Then what? Because, obviously you didn’t stop seeing him.”

  I shook my head. “We decided to be friends, but we couldn’t keep our hands off one another. Mom being with him is like nothing I have ever experienced. I found myself thinking about him all of the time, even when I was at the hospital visiting Ty. We treated it like a summer fling, but something changed for me this week and I wanted Colt to know how I really felt about him. Just as I was confessing to him, Ty’s parents burst in the door, catching us without clothes, and telling us that Ty woke up. Mom, they said they would tell Ty if I had any contact with Colt ever again. Ty can’t know Mom. He can’t ever find out what I did. He would never forgive Colt.”

  My mother pulled me into another one of her hugs when she didn’t know what to say. I was used to them after all these years.


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