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Letting Go (A Mitchell Family Series)

Page 26

by Unknown

  When I finished washing myself, I turned off the water. Colt approached me with a clean towel and wrapped it around my body. He stood behind me and kept his arms around the towel. The stubbles on his face slid across the back of my neck giving me chills all the way down my legs. “I am so sorry you had to do that today Darlin’. I wish I could have been there to help out.”

  I smiled. “It was actually amazing. Unbelievable, but really cool.”

  “How was Ty? Did he pass out?” He laughed.

  “No, he was a big help. I was shocked he wanted to go with Miranda.”

  “Yeah, that was nice of him.”

  “Are you feeling better?” I asked as I reached up and touched his cheek.

  He moved his cheek closer to my hand and closed his eyes. “I had a few drinks earlier. I even talked to my mother about some things.”

  “Do you want to tell me about it?”

  “Will you come into the bedroom with me real quick? I want to show you somethin’.” He asked.

  I looked at him. He smelled like alcohol, but this was the most relaxed I had seen him in days. He took my hand and led me into the bedroom. Spread all across the blanket were items and a decorated box.

  “What is all this?” I asked.

  He reached over and pat a spot next to him on the bed. Once I sat down he handed me a small card. “Read this.” He said.

  I opened that card and couldn’t believe what I was reading. My eyes filled with tears as I continued to read the kind words of Colt’s father. When I finished, I reached over and grabbed his hand without responding. When I got the courage to look into his eyes they were full of tears.

  “I must have read this a hundred times tonight.” He said as he touched the card. “I thought he didn’t know how much I appreciate him. I thought I would never have the chance to tell him he was my hero. He already knew though. He knew all along. All of the times I thought he didn’t care about me. I was so wrong.”

  I squeezed Colt’s hand. I was considering what I should say. The last time I tried to be positive Colt had gotten his feelings hurt. Before I could respond he stood up and kneeled between my legs.

  “Savanna, I never listened to my father much. In fact, I made it a point to always do the opposite from what he told me.” He reached up and stroked my cheek. “It’s time I started listening. You see, my father told me to find a woman and love her like she was the only woman on the planet. He said to treat her right and never take her for granted. Well Darlin’, I already found that girl and I will be damned if I am goin’ to let her go.”

  His words went straight to my broken heart. Through the rough whiskers and tired eyes was my Colt. I never got to meet his father, but I think I would be thanking him every day for writing that letter.

  “I love you Colt.”

  Colt grabbed the towel and slowly pulled it away from my body. “I need to be close to you Savanna. Let me make love to you?”

  I didn’t have to answer as I sat there naked on his bed. His hands ran up my legs before he stood up and cleared the memorabilia from his bedspread. I backed myself on it as Colt stood there and removed his shirt. His shirt dropped on the floor and he kicked them away from his feet. His boxers came down next and I bit down on my lip just thinking about his perfect body on top of me.

  He took his time climbing back on the bed and sliding beside me. I yearned for his sweet lips to touch mine. I felt like it had been forever since I felt them. I knew it had only been a day, but all of the emotions of the past few days were just too much stress.

  Colt took his finger and ran it over my lips while he licked his. I let the tip of my tongue touch his course finger. He took the wet saliva and slid it over my lips again. His head came down and kissed me under my chin. His rough whiskers tickled and sent chills down my body again.

  I watched as Colt took his tongue and circled it around my breasts before taking my nipple into his mouth. He used his other hand to massage the other one while he teased my nipple with his wandering tongue. I shuddered at the feeling it gave me to have his mouth touching such a sensitive spot on my body. His soft lips trailed down between my breasts until they reached my stomach. He drug his tongue over my belly button and continued kissing down until he reached the tender spot between my legs. I gasped as his tongue entered me and continued sliding inside of me. When it came up and flicked my swollen sex, my feet buckled, I grabbed his hair and cried out. “Oh yes!”

  Colt placed gentle kisses up my thigh before placing his lips over my mouth. I could taste myself as he kissed me. I drug my tongue over his bottom lips and groaned as the taste of myself set me on fire. I took my teeth and drug them over Colt’s chin. I bit down on his ear lobe and pulled it as I moved down to run my tongue over his neck. I could hear him moaning and it was turning me on more. He flipped my body over top of him. I straddled him and took in the sight of his perfect chest. He reached up to move my hair away from my face and I couldn’t help but traced the mustang tattoo on the inside of his arm.

  His strong hands pulled my face down to his. I teased him by draggin my tongue across his open lips. He tried to pull me closer but I teased him again. When our lips finally met, our kisses intensified quickly. My hands reached around his waist and squeezed his butt. I could feel his erection pressing against my sex and I wanted to feel him inside of me. I could feel his hand reaching down to position himself where he needed to be, but instead of entering me, he kept it there, teasing me as I panted for more of him.

  “Tell me Savanna. Tell me what you want.”

  I could barely breathe. “I want you.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “I want you forever. Please Colt.”

  “Say it again.”

  I tried to thrust myself against him, but he liked the game of it and pulled back. “I want you forever. Please make love to me.”

  Slowly, I felt him sliding inside of me. He groaned against my neck. He slowed his pace down as he continued to mingle our tongues together. I ran my hands up and down his chest and pinched his tiny nipples. He squinted his eyes. My hands traveled to his back and I held him tight, making him lean his body into mine.

  After some time, his thrusts became more powerful. He grabbed my waist and pushed for more friction between us. Little moans kept escaping me as I felt his hardness sliding in and out of me. When Colt finally started to come, he used his strong arms to hold me still. He buried his face into my neck and let out a gasp before collapsing on the bed next to me.

  He stroked my hair. “I’m sorry for how I acted. I shouldn’t have shut you out. It was all just too much for me to talk about. I promise I will tell you my feelin’ from now on Savanna. I won’t take you for granted again Darlin’.”

  I touched his arm that was still in my hair. “I missed you.”

  “I don’t want you to leave.” He confessed.

  “I’m not.”

  “No, I don’t want you to ever leave.” He reiterated.

  I smiled and leaned in to kiss him. “I know what you meant Colt. I’m not leaving. I don’t know what I am doing about school, but I don’t want to be without you. If I went home I wouldn’t be able to focus on school or anything else. Maybe one day I can go back, but for now I feel like I am right where I need to be.”

  “What if you didn’t have to give up anything to be with me?” He asked.

  “I don’t understand. It isn’t really possible.”

  “Darlin, it is possible. Next week, when the funeral is over and all of the family has gone home, I say we jump in one of the ranch trucks and drive to North Carolina. We can pick up all of your things and stop by the farm to get Daisy. When we get back you can pick your courses for fall classes. You can decided if you want to take them online or to drive to Louisville every day.” Colt’s said confidently.

  “I can’t afford college. I don’t have a job.” I explained.

  “I am going to need a office assistant. You are going to need that business degree. All perks o
f your new job of course.” He joked.

  “I can’t let you do that. I will save up and finish.”

  He took his hands and put them on both sides of my face. “One day you will be my wife. Let me do this for you. You are moving here for me, so let me pay for you to finish school. I have all kinds of information printed on my desk. In fact, I spent the better part of the afternoon researchin’ it all.” He confessed.

  “Was that before or after you got drunk?” I joked.

  “Before. Smart ass. So are you going to give me an answer?” He asked.

  “What was the question? I forgot!”

  “Do you want to be the wife of a rancher? Can you handle this life I live? We have plenty of room for the eleven children you want to have.”

  “After seeing a birth today, I think I may draw the line at two children.” I laughed.

  “I promise to give you everything.” Colt added.

  “I might hold you to that.”

  “I hope you do Darlin.”



  It had been two weeks since we buried my father. My mother was doing better, but only time would heal the emptiness she felt without him. The night after the funeral she hugged me and told me that one day they would be together again. She meant those words and they even made me feel better.

  Losing my father was unexpected, but I guess everything in life is that way. When you find something special, you should never take it for granted, even when you have to fight for it. Every time I look at Savanna, I see his words.

  We had a long ride back to North Carolina. Ty insisted on drivin’ back with us. We took the big ranch truck with a back seat. He sprawled all out and talked for the entire trip. I couldn’t complain much, because ever since he helped deliver Miranda’s baby, he hadn’t been tryin’ so hard to get in between Savanna and I. In fact, since he chewed my ass out about me being an idiot, he had left us alone.

  Ty helped us load the truck up with everything from Savanna’s house. He wasn’t supposed to be lifting heavy things, but you couldn’t stop that kid from doin’ anything. I was surprised how supportive her parents were being about her move. Her mother made us a huge lunch to eat before we got back on the road. She gave me a big hug and thanked me for saving her daughter. I never felt like I saved her from anything. I think she saved me.

  If she hadn’t been there for me the past two weeks, I don’t know what would have happened. Before finding Savanna, I cared about myself and never worried about anyone else. She changed me. She made me want more.

  My father’s death was another eye opener. I had new responsibilities on top of the old ones. The ranch was my responsibility and I promised my mother that I would keep it going.

  When we got to Ty’s farm, my aunt and uncle came out to greet us. While shaking my uncle’s hand I slipped him an envelope. He didn’t know that inside of it was a quarter of my father’s life insurance policy. We didn’t need the money, but my mother insisted on splitting it up among the family, including starting a trust account for my unborn children. She told us about it one night at dinner. I wasn’t sure who was more shocked, me or Savanna.

  I guess she needed things to look forward to. Savanna was becoming her new favorite person. She had drug her all over town and spent most of her days showing her off. Before we left, she told me I needed to go ring shopping soon. She said Savanna was too pretty to walk around town without a ring on her finger. I would have gotten her a ring eventually. We were practically engaged anyway. I knew we would be married one day, and so did she, but it was important to appease my mom.

  Daisy wasn’t that happy to be leaving Thunder. Both of them were steady yellin’ and buckin’ all around. My aunt wanted us to stay for dinner, but Daisy was too wound up to attempt moving her later. We got her loaded in the horse trailer and said our goodbyes.

  Ty wasn’t too happy about this being the real goodbye. His head was down and avoided sayin’ much. Savanna walked over and put her arms around him. She kissed him on the cheek and he pulled her back into a hug.

  “Are you sure you want to move in with this douche bag? We can still get married.” He joked loud enough for me to hear.

  She gave him a playful smack on his chest. “Very funny.”

  “Seriously though. I love you Van. I always will.”

  I couldn’t be mad or jealous. He didn’t mean it in a way like he was going to wait for her. He meant it is a caring friend, or soon to be cousin.

  She touched his cheek and told him to be good before saying her goodbyes to his parents. They were lucky they got that after being so mean to her for all those months.

  When we pulled out of the farm, I saw my uncle opening the envelope. The check was enough for him to pay off all of his loans and be debt free. My father would have wanted that for his brother and his family.

  Savanna reached over and grabbed my hand. I squeezed it back. “You sure about this?”

  “Drive fast so we can get home tonight. I want pancakes tomorrow.” She teased.

  “Darlin you can have pancakes everyday for the rest of your life.”


  Thank you for reading Letting Go, Part One in the Mitchell Family Series…….

  If you enjoyed this book, please share a comment or review.

  Let me know what you think of this book by contacting me at the following:!/JenniferFoorAuthor

  Jennifer Foor lives on the Eastern Shore of Maryland with her husband and two children. She enjoys shooting pool, camping and catching up on cliché movies that were made in the eighties.

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