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What to Do With a Bad Boy

Page 14

by Marie Harte

  She snorted. “Little late for that, huh? I mean, you had breakfast, lunch, and dinner just seconds ago at Café Between My Legs.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, I did.” He licked his lips, pleased when she followed the movement, her eyes narrowing into diamond-bright slits. “And we’re gonna go again, because I missed dessert.”

  “Maybe.” At his look, she huffed. “Yeah, yeah. I know, you earned it. Especially after dealing with your mom.”

  He grimaced. “Having sex here, Delilah. Don’t mention that woman right now, okay?”

  She snickered. “Big bad Mike. Embarrassed about fucking and…” She made a face. “Okay, I’m with you. ’Cause now I’m seeing your mom in my head and it’s squicking me out too.”


  They stared at each other, then Mike leaned down to kiss her again. He had to.

  She responded as if made for him, and the notion unnerved him. He broke the kiss, more than aware of her rounded breasts and pointed nipples grazing his chest, like little beacons of arousal.

  He needed more time to recover, but kissing and rubbing against her were doing the trick, because his dick was no longer soft. Semi-hard and growing longer.

  “So about this safe sex,” she mumbled between kisses. “I haven’t been with anyone but you in a long time.”

  “How long?” He kissed his way across her cheek to her throat. She had the sexiest neck. Long and creamy, so smooth.

  “A year, okay?”

  He leaned up, blinking in surprise, noted her blush, and felt something inside him give. An odd flutter in his belly that he quickly attributed to unquenchable lust. “If you’ve been celibate, it’s because you wanted to be.” He believed that wholeheartedly.

  Her blush grew brighter, and he stared, enchanted.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Your cheeks are pink. I just spanked and fucked you, and now you’re blushing. You are too cute.” He laughed when she smacked his chest.

  “Fuck you.”

  “Oh, baby, I’m going to. Just let me get my second wind again.” He rubbed against her, skin-to-skin, and grew harder. “I haven’t had sex without a condom in over six years. And yes, I know this because Colin’s my measuring stick.”

  This time she grimaced. “Okay, no mom or kid talk while screwing.”

  “Making love,” he corrected, just to annoy her.

  She rolled her eyes. “Whatever, Casanova. You were saying…?”

  “I’m saying I always use protection. And it’s been like six months since I last got laid. I’d like to say four, but that one instance of heavy petting didn’t really count, because I ended up jacking myself off when my partner got hers.”

  “Great to know.” She frowned at him.

  “What? You asked. I’m being honest. She’s a woman I know, a friend who only wants sex. She’s careful, I’m careful. It works.”

  “Then why are you here with me, McCauley?” That mean tone had him rising up on his hands, to remind her of his growing erection against her.

  “Because I can’t get your wolf eyes out of my head.”

  “Wolf eyes?” Said eyes widened. “Really?”

  He groaned and rubbed against her, more than hard again. “Figures you’d take that as a compliment.”

  “Wolves are cool.”

  “I know.” He continued thrusting against her mound, then her belly. “They’re resilient, powerful, and have big teeth. I’m hoping you’ll take into consideration that my monster cock is not a chew toy.” He chuckled at the glare she shot him. “Now come on, baby. I sucked you off. You can do me, can’t you?”

  “Maybe. What’s it worth to you?”

  “To see your mouth around my cock?” Just saying that excited him. “What do you want?”

  “Hmm. Bargaining. Now this I like,” she said with a sly undertone.

  “Fuck. When you get all mean like that, you get me so hard.”

  She watched him, looking for what, he didn’t know. “Mike?”

  He stopped the teasing, because her tone had grown serious. “Yeah?”

  “I can trust you on this, right? Like, if I go down on you, and you come, I’m not going to get anything.”

  She looked so vulnerable, and his heart did another one of those somersaults he had a hard time understanding. He lowered his face to hers and kissed her tenderly, feeling… No. Not feeling. Just being protective of a friend.

  “Honey, my safety is the one thing I don’t play around with. I have Colin relying on me to be clean as a whistle. Not to kill the mood, but at some point I have to go home and kiss my son with this mouth. Trust me when I say safety is a priority with me.”

  She relaxed. “Me too.”

  “I know. I trust you, Del.”

  She watched him with a darkening gaze. “You’re a good dad.”

  “Yeah. And a better lover.”

  “So you say.” Then she yanked him down by the hair and nipped his lower lip. “Prove it.”

  Chapter 11

  Del couldn’t believe she was going to do this, but she wanted to taste Mike in the worst way. She was no angel, and she’d had her fair share of sex after her rebellious teen years, but only with men she found worthy of her, which limited the number considerably. To her, a blow job was more intimate than regular sex. Trust was a huge deal to Del. Mike might annoy her on occasion and royally piss her off, but she believed he’d never try to hurt her in any physical way. Emotionally…she had no doubt she’d end up taking a fist to the heart. But not today, and not now.

  “Prove it?” he growled and kissed her hard, a punishing mashing of his mouth that turned her on like crazy. And the bastard knew it. She liked spankings, a bit of rough play. With Mike’s size, he gave rough all new meaning. But that faith in him remained. She understood, instinctively, Mike was a protector.

  “Yeah. Prove it,” she repeated, then hissed when his lips found her nipples and sucked her so hard she thought she’d come from that alone. His fingers refused to remain still. Between his lips and his hands that found all her sweet spots, she was teetering on the verge of an orgasm all too soon.

  “N-no. Supposed to make you come first,” she rasped and arched up when he shoved two fingers deep inside her, rubbing against that spot that set her the hell off. “Yes, oh God. Yes, again.” She cried out and came hard, squeezing his fingers inside her, wishing he’d given her more.

  Opening eyes she hadn’t realized she’d closed, she saw him staring at her, his face drawn, his body still and hard as stone.

  “You are fucking beautiful when you come,” he confessed before he kissed her.

  The desperate, rough embrace she expected didn’t come. Instead, the kiss was whisper-light, a breath of affection from his lips to hers. He continued to kiss her—her lips, her cheeks, her forehead. He removed his fingers from inside her, and she felt bereft until he stroked her belly, her breasts, her hair.

  She felt the tenderness, awash in pleasure and an afterglow that seriously scared the hell out of her. Raunchy sex could be dirty and oh-so-good. But this climax had been all for her, unselfish, thorough in execution that didn’t stop as he eased her down. Had she ever been so taken care of, so…cherished?

  “M-Mike?” How had their tryst segued from her blowing him to…this? Whatever this was?

  “Hmm?” He had a dreamy look on his face as he petted her, yet that cock of his remained full and hot against her.

  She cleared her throat, determined to take charge of what should have been a dirty coupling but instead was turning into something else.

  “What?” he asked as he focused on her face.

  “My turn.” She shimmied out from under him, aware she got free because he let her, then shoved him onto his back.

  “I want to see,” he complained. “I can’t if I’m flat on my back.”

  “Good point.” She wanted him so turned on he couldn’t think. The way she’d just been. She needed that control, because without it, she felt…depe
ndent. On him for pleasure, for ease. For the gift of his smile. Gah. Get off the love train, sister. This is about fucking for fun. Nothing deeper.

  Mike sat up against her headboard, then propped a few pillows behind his back. “So my back won’t get bruised from your spindles.”

  “So weak. Go ahead…Nancy.”

  He laughed. “Nice one.”

  “I might have overheard your father the other day. Plus, Vanessa likes to taunt Cam with that.”

  “So what do you have to taunt me with?” he asked. “’Cause Nancy doesn’t hurt like you think it should.”

  She licked her lips, and his humor faded, replaced by a look of intensity. She winked. “Does that hurt?” She licked her lips again and moaned, and he blew out an uneven breath.


  “That’s me. Now spread your legs.”

  He did so without any further encouragement.

  “You’re plenty big.” She crawled between his thighs, taking her time, and heard his mumbled swearing. “Big cock, big balls. Like the rest of you.”

  He groaned when she breathed over his bobbing shaft. “You’re going to draw this out, aren’t you?”

  “Hell yeah.”

  He leaned his head back. “If you must…”

  “Shut up. Better yet, why don’t you hold on to the bed frame, so you’re not tempted to lose control.”

  “Please.” He snorted. “I can take…anything…” he trailed as she kissed her way up the insides of his thighs. His muscles contracted, those powerful legs tense.

  “Take anything…?” She licked the spot on his leg right next to his sac and watched him shudder.

  “Fuck. Just do it.”

  “My motto, right up there with the big swoosh.”

  He groaned, and she laughed.

  Then she lost her humor, needing to see him crumble, the way she had. “You’re going to beg me to finish you.”

  “I’m ready to beg now,” he muttered. “I beg you…stop yapping and get to suck—ing.”

  She took him into her mouth and bore down, accepting him to the back of her throat without gagging. A handy skill she’d learned in high school, when she’d been determined to be the queen of something. Obviously not books or school, but Queen of Easy had come to her without too much trouble, sad to say.

  It worked on Mike now, for which she was grateful. He moaned her name and pumped his hips, and she tasted a small spurt of seed. The big guy wanted her like crazy. After giving her such a treat before, he’d more than earned his happy time.

  She leaned down farther and cupped his balls in her hand while she moved her lips over him, slowly. Then she raised her ass in the air, knowing it was like waving a red flag at the particular bull readying to unload in her mouth.

  “Fuck. Baby, that is so good.” He swore when she stroked him with her tongue. Right at the sensitive point under the head of his crown. “Oh shit. Del, I’m not gonna last. Fuck.”

  He seemed to have devolved into a one-word vocabulary. And all because of her.

  She liked the power, liked knowing she held him, literally, in the palm of her hand. But more than that, she liked the intimacy between them. This open contact neither of them had had in a long time.

  Del pulled back and looked up at him, disconcerted to see him staring at her with that funny look on his face. When he caught her gaze, he let go of the bed with one arm, showcasing a mouthwatering array of muscle, and brought his huge hand to her head.

  Instead of shoving her back down over him, he cupped her cheek.

  Affection again, a clear messing of what should have been nothing more than a hot fuck between willing friends with benefits.

  Alarmed yet oddly touched, she closed her eyes, blocking out his expression, and started moving faster. She took less of him between her lips, the shallow drags a result of her speed. She used her hands to make up for his lack of full penetration. But he was so large, she couldn’t move so fast over him and not choke.

  He tried to resist, she could tell, as his hand stroked her cheek. But it didn’t take long before his fingers tangled in her hair, urging her for more.

  “So fucking hot. Yeah, eat me up. Suck my cock. So tight.”

  He gripped her hair hard enough to hurt, and the bite of pain aroused her all over again.

  “Oh fuck, Del. Touch yourself. Come hard, when I’m pouring into your mouth,” he ordered in a harsh voice. “Yeah, oh yeah. Coming so hard in you.”

  She gripped his balls tighter, and he swore so loud she feared the neighbors might hear. Then he jerked inside her mouth, and she released his sac to fondle herself as she swallowed him. He came for a long time, and had she not known better, she wouldn’t have thought they’d climaxed at all just moments ago. But damn if his release didn’t push her own. She came one final time while she swallowed the sweet yet salty taste of her lover’s seed.

  Once she could think again, she eased off Mike’s slowly softening erection.

  She licked her lips clean of him, not surprised when he stared at her in shock, breathing hard.

  “Good, hmm?”

  “Fuck me, but I think you blew my mind.” He sounded hoarse, his eyes wide and wild and so dark blue they looked black.

  “Told you.” She pretended she didn’t feel more than smug about his orgasm. It wasn’t that she—not another woman—had satisfied him. Or that she’d taken his wildness and that huge cock and had given him mindless ecstasy.

  “You did. You totally did.” He continued to pant while he watched her. Then, quick as lightning, he snatched her from between his legs and hugged her so tight she squeaked.


  “Anything you want.” He eased back to stare at her, his breathing slowing. “Seriously. You can have my house, my job, my kid, but the next time you do that, my mouth is buried in your pussy. That way when I die and go to heaven, I’ll be surrounded by all of you.”

  She laughed. “Gee. I get your house, your job, and Colin? What a deal.”

  “And me. Don’t forget I get to be the one licking you up again. I mean, wow. I gotta say. I’m still going to dream about someday coming inside your pussy, but now it’ll be a tie for remembering your mouth. You were right. You totally schooled me.”

  “That’s right. I did.”

  He flattened her under him in a heartbeat and kissed her until she couldn’t breathe. When he leaned up, his eyes gleamed. “But don’t forget I had you begging when I spanked you. I’m thinking next time I’m in you, we have you tied up so you can’t move. Hmm. I’d love to see you bound. How’d you like that?”

  One of her favorite kinks, but only with someone she totally trusted. Like Mike.

  When she nodded, his eyes narrowed. “So three orgasms for you, and it’s only,” he paused to look at her clock. “Ten? Shit. I have another two hours before my glass slippers break.”

  “That’s when your carriage turns back into a pumpkin, you mean.” Such a guy. Obviously princesses weren’t on the menu at the McCauley household.

  “Whatever. So what are we going to do for two hours?”

  She groaned at the spark of devilry in his gaze. “Two orgasms is one more than most guys can handle in a day. I don’t want to break you.”

  “Aw, scared, Delilah? Is mighty Sampson too strong for you?” He made a muscle.


  He snickered then eased back off her. “So I’m here ’til midnight. And I’m thinking we won’t be dressed until I go.”

  “Oh you do, do you?”

  “This isn’t going to embarrass you, is it?”

  “How so?”

  “Well, when your cousin comes back, my monster cock will no doubt be buried inside you again. And you know, she’ll hear you crying out my name and begging me to finish you. You okay with that?”

  “Dream on, Conan.” She eyed his arms. Not a bad likeness, and truth be told, she liked the idea of him getting her hot enough to beg. “How are you so buff anyway?”

  He settled on hi
s back, and she became his blanket this time. She liked being on top. It gave her the feeling of being bigger, when she knew darn well she wasn’t. “I work out a lot. I’m a big guy anyway, but I was into wrestling as a kid. Then I kept at it, because I liked it.”

  “You still wrestle?”

  “I hit the gym. Got a heavy bag in my garage that helps me de-stress. It’s either that or punch Flynn, and Maddie put a stop to that.”

  She grinned.

  “The gym is great, because the mixed martial arts guys like to use me to train with. Keeps me in fighting shape. Go ahead, baby, touch. You know you want to.”

  “Arrogant much?”

  He smirked. “Well, seeing as how you’re touching me, I’m not far from wrong, am I?”

  She swallowed a swear, because no way would she not take advantage of feeling every ripple and tendon on his incredible body.

  “But don’t worry, I’m as fascinated with your fine ass as you are with mine.”

  “Yeah, it is fine.”

  “Honey, I know. I’ve been dying to get my hands on you forever. But now I can’t just stop at hands. Like, my mouth and tongue and cock…”

  She grinned. “Quite the vocabulary, McCauley.”

  “Fuck yeah, Webster.” He sneered. “Now let’s keep touching while we play twenty questions. The one who comes first owes the other one a foot massage.”

  “Ew. No way I’m touching those giant whales on the ends of your legs. Besides, that’s not a fair contest. I’m a chick. We have stamina. You’re most likely done until next month.” Laying it on a bit thick, but she liked challenging him.

  Mike knew his worth, and that confidence gave him a whole layer of sexy he didn’t even need. “Oh, game on, Delilah. We’ll bet for something else then.”

  “Bring it, MC.”


  She grinned. “Monster Cock.”

  When he flushed, then tried to hide it with a grin, she laughed at him and pointed out his other assets. One way or the other, she planned on getting a bite of that tight ass before he left tonight.

  And then the betting really got started.


  Mike had never been so sexually sated in his life. He didn’t remember what he said to Cam and Vanessa when he returned, but they laughed at him and left soon after, so he didn’t care.


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