by Scott Ridley
———. Estevan José Martinez to Viceroy Manuel Antonio Flores, July 13, 1789.
Gobierno 1492–1858. Archivo General de Indias. Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley.
Meares, John. “An Answer to Mr. George Dixon, & c. by John Meares; in which the Remarks of Mr. Dixon are fully considered and refuted.” London, 1791.
Morris, Gouverneur. Gouverneur Morris to George Washington, May 29, 1790. George Washington Papers, 1741–1799. General Correspondence, Series 4, 526–536. Library of Congress.
Mozino, Joseph Marina. Relation de la ysla de Mazarredo … 1793. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
Munos, Josef. Josef Munos to Captain General Higgins, August 3, 1788. Estado 7102. Archivo General de Simancas, Seville.
New Age (journal). Washington, DC: Washington Supreme Council 33, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction, USA. Library of Congress (microform).
Nickerson, W. S. Some Lower Cape Cod Indians. Manuscript copy.
Paine, Josiah. Edward Kenwrick: The Ancestor of the Kenricks or Kendricks of Barnstable County and Nova Scotia and His Descendants. Yarmouth, MA: Charles W. Swift, 1915.
Papeles de Estado 20 N. 5642, Archivo General de Indias, Seville.
Randall, Thomas. Thomas Randall to Alexander Hamilton, August 14, 1791. Alexander Hamilton Papers, General Correspondence, 1734–1804. Manuscript Division, Box 4. Library of Congress.
Sanchez, Fray Francisco Miguel. Historio Compuesta de todo lo acaesido en la expediccon hecha al Puerto de Nuca ano de 1789. Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University.
Schuchert, Charles. “Biographical Memoir of Joseph Barrell, 1869–1919.” Paper presented to the National Academy of Sciences Annual Meeting, 1925.
Townsend, Ebenezer. “Extract of the Diary of Ebenezer Townsend, Jr., Supercargo of Sealing Ship Neptune on Her Voyage to the South Pacific and Canton.” Hawaiian Historical Society Reports, no. 4.
Treat, John B. John B. Treat to Samuel Breck, July 14, 1789. Samuel Breck Papers. Library Company of Philadelphia.
Vanela, Don Pedro. Don Pedro Vanela to Conde Campo de Alange, December 29, 1791. Archivo General de Simancas, Seville, Spain.
Washington, George. George Washington to Henry Lee, October 31, 1786. George Washington Papers, 1741–1799. Series 2, Letterbook 13, 205. Library of Congress.
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Hayes, Derek. Historical Atlas of the Pacific Northwest: Maps of Exploration and Discovery. Seattle: Sasquatch Books, 2000.
Horsburgh, James. The India Directory, or Directions for Sailing to and from the East Indies, China, Australia …. London: Wm. H. Allerton, 1852.
Meares, John. A Chart of the Interior Part of North America Demonstrating the Very Great Probability of an Inland Navigation from Hudson’s Bay to the West Coast. In John Meares, Voyages Made in the Years 1788 and 1789 …. London: Logographic Press, 1790.
Ortelis, Abraham. Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. Antwerp: Giles Coppens de Deist, 1570.
Ray, R. C. The Coast of British Columbia including Juan de Fuca Strait, Puget Sound, Vancouver and Queen Charlotte Islands. Hydrography Office of the U.S. Navy. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1891.
Williams, S. Wells. The Chinese Commercial Guide, Sailing Instructions. Hong Kong: A. Shortrede, 1863.
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Adams, John, 2, 4, 160, 201, 358–59, 361
Adams, John Quincy, 208, 365–66
Adams, Sam, 90–91
Alava, José Manuel, 342–44
Alexander VI, Pope, 2
Amara, Marc, 348–50
Ambrose Island, 49–50, 304
Amelia, 303
American Revolution, 2–3, 5–8, 16, 37, 160
Anson, George, 26–29, 32–35, 51, 108, 162
Apenas, 308–9
Aranzazu, 46, 71–72, 122, 310, 339–40, 343
Argonaut, 103, 114, 118–36, 340; Nootka Sound, 119–36, 138–39; Nootka Sound, seizure of ship, 125–36, 138–39, 141, 185–86, 193–97, 214; San Blas, 150–53, 225–26
Asia, 27
Astor, John Jacob, 364–66
Atkins, Silas, 365–66
Atoo, 203, 207–8, 245
Avenger, 280–81, 306, 340, 366
“Ballad of the Bold Northwestman,” 305
Ballard, Bartholomew, 88
Banks, Joseph, 79, 193
Barber, Jonathan, 21, 81, 85–86, 106, 127, 140, 218
Barkley, Charles, 115–16, 266
Barrell, Joseph, 11–24, 13; building and crew of Columbia and Washington, 19–22; Columbia and Washington set sail, 22–24; Columbia’s homecoming, 202, 203–4; Constitution and, 90–91; death of, 365; Gray and, 138–39, 187, 203–10, 264–66, 283–84; Howell and, 357–58, 360; initial plans for Pacific expedition, 11, 13–18; Kendrick and, 16–18, 53–54, 90–91, 135–36, 184, 243–45, 264–66, 341–42; trade and, 16–17, 56–57, 187, 203–4, 207, 283–84; Washington (George) and, 159–60
Barrell, Nathaniel, 90–91
Barrell, Samuel, 365
Bartholome de Fonte, Pedro, 41, 129–30
Bell, Edward, 272, 273, 286
Billings, Joseph, 44, 68
Bill of Rights, 90–91
Black Current, 222–23, 226, 299
Blankett, John, 220–21
Bligh, William, 30
Bodega y Quadra, Juan Francisco de la, 152,230–31, 269–79, 287, 291, 300-303, 310, 314, 327, 342
Boit, John, 245–46, 267, 285–86
Boston, 11–23, 199–216
Bostonesa Fragata, 52, 54–55, 71
Boston Tea Party, 5, 6
Bounty, 30, 32
Bowell, William, 221
Bowles, William, 20–21, 140, 218
Boyd, James, 317–18, 321–22, 331
Briggs, James, 19
Britannia, 322, 330–31
Brown, Samuel, 15, 207
Brown, William, 216; Kendrick’s death and, 352–55; Nootka Sound, 272–73, 277-78, 286; Northwest Coast, 311–12, 315, 335–36, 344; Sandwich Islands, 293, 299, 318, 324–26, 332, 347–57; Vancou ver and, 277–78, 293, 299, 311–12, 315, 318, 324–26, 344
Brutus, 7
Bulfinch, Charles, 15, 207, 285, 365
Bulfinch, Thomas, 13, 207
Burling, Samuel, 360
Butterworth, 216, 310–12, 315; Nootka Sound, 272–73, 277–78, 286; Sandwich Islands, 293, 299, 318, 324–26, 332
Caamano, Jacinto, 310, 311, 314
Cabot, John, 40–41
Callicum, 93, 104–6, 131–34, 140–41, 148
Campo, Nicolás del, 194
Canton, 158, 182–84, 186–87, 191–92, 218–19
Cape Horn, 15, 16–17, 25–34, 47, 240–41
Cape of Good Hope, 14, 16–17, 17, 30, 68, 191, 216
Cape Verde, 25–32, 204
Captain Cook, 84–85
Carlos III of Spain, 37–38, 103–4, 117–128, 195
Carlos IV of Spain, 212, 214
Carmichael, William, 308
Carteret, Philip, 49
Carver, Jonathan, 42
Catherine II of Russia, 44, 68
Chatham, 215; Northwest Coast, 270–73, 275, 309–12, 339, 344; Sandwich Is-
lands, 253–63, 292–93, 321, 322, 329-31, 333
“chop” permit, 182–83, 218
Claquakinnah, 231–33, 301
Clarendon, 6
Clark, George Rogers, 39, 42, 290, 362, 363
Clark, William, 23, 313, 362–63, 369
Clayoquot Sound, 94–95, 137–41, 239–46, 272–7
Coleman, James, 248, 260–61, 281, 297, 317–18, 325–26
Colnett, James, 67, 79, 102, 237, 260; Macao, 225–26; Nootka Crisis (July 1789), 119–36; Northwest Coast, 142, 225, 344; San Blas, Mexico, 150–53, 225; Sandwich Islands, 299, 340
Columbia Rediviva, 2–3, 19; Boston, setting sail (September 1787), 22–24; Boston, homecoming (August 1790), 199, 202–8; Cape Horn (March-April 1788), 25–34, 47; Clayoquot Sound (July 1789), 137–41; Clayoquot Sound (August-September 1791), 239–46; Clayoquot Sound (September 1792), 272–74; crew of, 20–22; Juan Fernándes Island (April-June 1788), 48–49, 50–54; Macao (January 1790), 180, 183–84, 187–88; Macao (December 1792-May 1793), 283–86; Mexican Baja coast (June-August 1788), 55–58; Nootka Sound (September 1788-May 1789), 75–94, 96–98; Nootka Sound (May-June 1789), 99–108, 112–16, 118; Nootka Sound (July 1789), 122-29, 131–32, 134–35, 137–38; Nootka Sound (October 1790), 206–11; Oregon coast (April-June 1792), 267–68; Sand wich Islands (October 1789), 170–71; sea letter, 18, 22–23, 39, 106; Strait of Juan de Fuca (August 1789), 141–44
Columbia River, 266–67, 285–86, 362–66
Columbus, Christopher, 206
Comacho, José, 69, 151–52
Conception, 71–72
Constitution, U.S., 18, 90–91
Cook, James, 13–14; death of, 164–69, 257; Nootka Sound and, 20, 56, 65, 80; Northwest Coast, 13–14, 44–45, 56, 65, 67, 78–79, 84–85, 87, 116, 121, 129–30, 145, 335; Sandwich Islands, 13–14, 31, 161–69; scurvy and, 58
Coolidge, Robert Davis, 21, 140, 142, 145; California coast, 61–63; Cape Horn, 28, 33–34; death of, 365 ; Juan Fernandes Island, 48–49; Macao, 191, 218–19, 221, 263, 265–66; Nootka Sound, 99–102, 116, 130
Cordis, John, 21, 28, 140, 205, 218, 353, 354
Count d’Estaing, 7, 188
Coyah, 147–49, 227–29, 232, 241–42, 340
Crawford, James, 21, 82, 140, 218
Crook, Sam, 4
Crowell, Samuel, 242–43, 246–47, 263
Cruft, John, 366
Curtis, William, 216
Daedalus, 215; Northwest Coast, 266, 271, 278; Sandwich Islands, 256–58, 262, 294, 297, 321, 322
Dalrymple, Alexander, 79, 267
Dane, Nathan, 18
Davis, Isaac, 177, 332, 352
De Croix, Teodoro, 54–55, 69
Defoe, Daniel, 51
Delano, Amasa, 219, 361
Del Castillo, Gabriel, 101, 104, 120, 126
Delores, 53
Derby, John, 15, 207
Diego de Gardoqui, 35–39, 43–44, 289–90
Discovery, 215; Nootka Sound, 78–79, 84–85, 315–16; Northwest Coast, 275, 309–12, 334–36, 338–39; Sandwich Is lands, 162–67, 253–63, 291–99, 318–33
Dixon, George, 79, 102, 145, 158–59, 166-67, 257–58
Dohrman, Arnold Henry, 7
Dorr, Ebenezer, 265–66, 366
Douglas, William, 67; Japan, 219–25;
Macao, 190–91, 218–19; Nootka Sound, 81–83, 89–90, 96–98, 103–14; Sand wich Islands, 167, 171, 172
Drake, 196
Drake, Francis, 41, 44–45, 55, 213
Duffin, Robert, 195; Nootka Sound, 122-23, 126–29, 131, 136, 141, 276; San Blas, Mexico, 150–53
Duncan, Charles, 114–16, 142, 289–90
Dundas, Henry, 311
Dundas Island, 311–12
East India Company, 5, 31–32, 77, 102, 159, 184–86, 191–95, 216, 220, 267, 313
Eleanora, 176–78
Eliza, 360
Eliza, Francisco de, 230–31
Empress of China, 14
Esperanza, 27
Essex, 365
Estevan, 27
Etches, John, 196, 255
Etches, Richard Cadman, 102–3, 127, 159, 192–96, 255
Experiment, 84–85
Fair American, 144, 326; Sandwich Islands, 176–78, 218, 246, 247, 259–60, 291, 327
Fairy, 263, 265–66
Falkland Islands, 25, 32, 54, 205, 240
Fame, 214–15
Family Compact, 194, 197, 214
Fanny, 6, 20, 85, 190
Favorita, 46
Felice Adventurer, 76–77
Ferreira, Lazaro da Silva, 191, 218
Fidalgo, Salvador, 300–303, 309, 314, 344
Fitzhebert, Alleyne, 212–13
Flirt, 196
Flores Maldonado, Manuel Antonio, 42, 44–46, 55, 69–71, 100, 109, 122, 152, 162
Floridablanca, José Monino, 43, 43–45, 100, 152, 194–95, 197–98, 212–13, 271, 277, 289, 368
Foster, Thomas, 140, 218
Fox, Charles James, 196
France, 3, 6, 197–98, 214, 278–79
Franklin, Benjamin, 3, 6, 7
Friendly Cove. See Nootka
Fuca, Juan de, 41, 267
Funter, Robert, 81, 82
fur trade, 14, 56–57, 79, 86, 100, 113, 140, 145–46, 183–84, 186–87, 189, 207, 227, 242–43, 264–65, 272–73, 283–84, 306–7, 313, 364
Gaetano, Juan, 161–62
Galapagos Islands, 50, 57
Galiano, Dionisio, 269–71
Galvez, José de, 36
General Mercer, 6
Genet, Edmund Charles, 290
George III of the United Kingdom, 12, 13, 195–96, 212, 268, 292, 335–36
Gonzales, Don Blas, 51–55, 307–8
Gooch, William, 294
Gordon, Captain, 356, 357
Gorgon, 215
Grace, 191, 218–25, 263
Gravier, Charles, 38
Gray, Robert, 21; Barrell and, 138–39, 187, 203–10, 264–66, 283–84; Boston home coming (August 1790), 199, 202–8; California coast landings (June-August 1788), 59–65; Cape Horn (March-April 1788), 28, 31–33; Clayoquot Sound (July 1789), 137–41; Clayoquot Sound
Gray, Robert (cont)
(August-September 1791), 239–46; death of, 365; Juan Fernándes Island (April-June 1788), 47–50; Kendrick al legations and, 204–8, 264–66; Macao (January 1790), 180, 183–88; Macao (December 1792-May 1793), 283–86; Nootka Sound (September 1788-May 1789), 76–81, 85, 92–98; Nootka Sound (May-June 1789), 99–102, 104, 105, 112–17; Nootka Sound (October 1790), 206–11; Northwest Coast, 145, 310; (April-June 1792), 267–68
Gray, Samuel, 21
Green, Robert, 21, 28, 140, 218
Greenwood, Miles, 21
Grenville, William Wyndham, 195–96
Guipscoa, 27
Hamilton, Alexander, 201, 207, 358
Hammond, John, 58, 76
Hancock, 242–43, 246–47, 263
Hancock, John, 203
Hanna (Cleaskinah), 240, 302–3, 359
Hanna, James, 79, 148
Hannape, 89, 107, 233, 235
Hanover Planter, 6
Hansen, James, 152–53
Harmon, 79
Harriet, 14
Haswell, Robert, 21, 140, 204–5, 284; California coast landings (June-August 1788), 61–65; Cape Horn (March-April 1788), 26–34; Clayoquot Sound (September 1788-May 1789), 77, 80, 81, 83, 85–88, 90, 94–97; Clayoquot Sound (May-July 1789), 104–8, 112-15, 139; Clayoquot Sound (October 1790), 206–7, 210–11; Clayoquot Sound (August-September 1791), 239–40, 242–45; death of, 365; Juan Fernándes Island (April-June 1788), 47, 59; Queen Charlotte Islands (September-October 1789), 144–45
Hatch, Crowell, 15, 207
Hawaiian Islands. See Sandwich Islands
Hemmingway, Joshua, 21, 53, 81
Hergest, Richard, 294
Hermosa, 27
Hewett, George, 326
Hezeta, Bruno, 266
Hong Kong Island, 287–91
Hope, 209, 246–47, 260, 263, 265, 306–7, 366
Hoskins, John, 205–7, 209–10, 239–46, 266, 283–85, 365
Howe, Richard S., 21, 22, 171, 183–84; Nootka Sound, 82–83, 148; Nootka Sound (July 1789), 119–21, 123, 125, 205
Howell, John, 287, 303, 321–25, 331, 350, 353–60, 366
Hudson, Thomas, 114�
��16, 118, 120, 123, 130, 132–33
Hudson’s Bay Company, 313, 364–65
Humboldt Current, 48
Imperial Eagle, 115–16
Inamoo, 248, 259, 261, 297–99, 324–25, 332
Ingraham, Joseph, 21, 140, 209, 260, 306–7, 357; Cape Horn (March-April 1788), 28, 30; Clayoquot Sound (August-September 1791), 242, 243, 246; death of, 365; Macao, 263, 264–66; Nootka Sound (September 1788-May 1789), 82–83, 148; Nootka Sound (May-June 1789), 107, 111–12; Nootka Sound (July 1789), 119–20, 121, 123, 125, 204–5, 275
Iphigenia Nubiana, 67, 167, 186; Nootka Sound, 80–83, 96–98, 101–13; seizure of ship, 108–13, 123, 171, 172
Jackall, 293, 311, 332, 335–36, 344, 350–56
Japan, 219–25
Jay, John, 38–39, 346–47, 358–59
Jefferson, 209, 304, 307, 309, 317, 337–38, 339, 347
Jefferson, Thomas, 42, 55, 200, 200–202, 287–90, 306, 307–8, 362–64
Jenkins, Robert, 108
Jenny, 273, 286, 338
Johnstone, James, 256, 270
Juanes, Nicholas, 52, 53
Juan Fernándes Island, 47–54, 77, 109, 304, 307
Kaahumanu, 291, 322, 329
Kaeo (Kaeokulani), 172, 247, 258, 296–99, 320, 332–33, 347–53
Kahekili, 172–73, 176–77, 246–48, 258, 260, 293, 295–99, 318, 320, 324–25, 328, 331–33, 347–50
Kaiana, 82, 157, 161, 167, 170–78, 246–48, 256–58, 297, 322, 327, 330, 356
Kalanikupule, 177–78, 297–98, 347–52, 354–56
Kalaniopuu, 166, 171–72, 257
Kameeiamoku, 176–78, 327–31
Kamehameha, 171–76, 173, 247–48, 257-58, 291–98, 317–33, 348, 352, 356, 364
Kaumaulii, 248, 259–62, 298–99
Kean, John, 18
Keao (Keaokulani), 248, 325
Keaweaheulu, 173, 175, 322–23
Keeaumoku, 291, 321, 327, 329–30
Kendrick, Alfred, 23, 304, 359
Kendrick, Benjamin, 23, 304, 359
Kendrick, Edward, 4, 5
Kendrick, Elizabeth, 4
Kendrick, Huldah Pease, 5, 23, 136, 188-89, 209, 304, 307, 359–60
Kendrick, John, 2–6; background of, 3–5; Barrell and, 16–18, 53–54, 90–91, 135–36, 184, 243–45, 264–66, 341–42; Boston, setting sail (September 1787), 22–24; California coast (June-August 1788), 55–58; Cape Horn (March-April 1788), 25–34, 47, 204, 206; Clayoquot Sound (July 1789), 137–41; Clayoquot Sound (August-September 1791), 239-46; Clayoquot Sound (July-September 1792), 272–74; death of, 352–54, 358-60; early sailing career, 5–8; family of, 6, 8, 23, 188–89, 209, 304, 359; Gray’s allegations against, 204–8, 264–66; Hong Kong Island (April-March 1793), 287–91; Japan (March-May 1791), 219-25, 226; Jefferson and, 55, 287–90, 306, 307–8; Juan Fernándes Island (April-June 1788), 50–54; legacy of, 361–69; Macao (January 1790), 179, 183–91, 198; Macao (January-June 1791), 217-19, 221; Macao (December 1791-January 1792), 263–66; Macao (September 1792-April 1793), 280, 283, 286–87; Nootka Sound (September 1788-May 1789), 75–94, 96–98; Nootka Sound (May-June 1789), 99–102, 104–14, 116, 118; Nootka Sound (July 1789), 122–29, 131–32, 134–35, 137–38; Nootka Sound (May-July 1791), 229–37; Nootka Sound (May-September 1793), 300-303; Nootka Sound (April-November 1794), 336–37; Northwest Coast (May-September 1793), 300–309; Northwest Coast (April-November 1794), 334, 336–37, 339–44; Queen Charlotte Is lands (September-October 1789), 144-49; Queen Charlotte Islands (May-July 1791), 226–37; Sandwich Islands, 315; Sandwich Islands (October-December 1789), 157–61, 167–78, 206; Sandwich Islands (September-October 1791), 246–49; Sandwich Islands (March-September 1792), 255–56, 259–60, 263–63; Sandwich Islands (January-March 1794), 317–33; Sandwich Islands (December 1794), 347–56; South China Sea typhoon (September 1792), 280–83; Strait of Juan de Fuca (August 1789), 141–44; Vancouver Island land pur chases, 232–38, 236