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Loving Her Two Werewolves [Werebears of Shatland, Texas 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Jane Jamison

  “I don’t know. The story never took it that far.” He peered at her. “Why didn’t you ask one of your own kind?”

  “If I started asking around and the others found out, he’d be humiliated. He’s forbidden me to see them.” As embarrassing as it was, she couldn’t help but tear up. She’d hoped to find out something more helpful.

  Emma wrapped her arm around her waist. “Hey, now, don’t cry. I know we’re not helping you much, but look on the bright side.”

  “What bright side?” asked Jackson. “She’s a werebear in love with werewolves. You can’t get more messed up than that.”

  He was right. The whole situation was messed up.

  “Don’t listen to him. You found your mates. What could be better?”

  “It’d be better if her mates were werebears.” Jackson jerked backward at Emma’s glare.

  “Damn it. Will you stop it? I wouldn’t have cared if you were a werewolf, a werebear, or an alien for outer space. I would’ve loved you anyway.” Emma made a rueful face. “Although listening to you right now, I’m not so sure I made the right decision.”

  “Hey, I’m just stating the facts.”

  “He’s right. If you don’t know if it’s possible, how can we make it? Sometimes it seems so hopeless.” Her eyes stung with the tears.

  “Jackson, would Miss Clara know?”

  “Miss Clara?” She’d heard of the elderly woman who was considered the matriarch of the werewolf community. Supposedly, Miss Clara was both wise and tough.

  “She might.” Jackson pulled out his phone. “The thing is, if you want me to ask her then it’s not going to take long before word about you three gets around. Even from here to Shatland. Are you sure you want me to call her?”

  Was Miss Clara a gossip? She doubted it, but secrets always had a way of getting out. She was surprised the clan and the pack didn’t know already. “I’m sure.”

  “Okay.” He punched in a number then put the cell phone to his ear. After several rings, someone finally picked up on the other end. “Hey, Miss Clara. It’s Jackson. I’ve got a strange question for you.”

  Nicole wanted to shift just enough to bring out her sensitive hearing, but decided not to risk it. Instead, she clasped her hands together and said a silent prayer.

  “Here goes. Is it possible for a female werebear and two male werewolves to mate? Have you ever heard of such a thing?” He paused again. “Yeah. That’s what I said. So can it ever happen?”

  Her heart sank when he put his back to her. He was listening hard, only answering with an occasional “uh-huh.” After a few more agonizing minutes, he faced her again, ending the call and shoving his phone back into his pocket.

  “So?” Emma turned her loose. “What did Miss Clara say?”

  Chapter Seven

  The answer was in Jackson’s expression. Nicole was sure she could hear her heart break. She could definitely feel it.

  “Miss Clara said it’s the same way it is with real bears and wolves. The two can’t mate.”

  She’d feared as much. Brennan and Case would never be fathers to her children. She’d never experience the joy of giving birth. “Even though we’re part human?”

  “No. She’d said she’d never heard of it happening, and if Miss Clara’s never heard of it, then no one ever has. You can’t separate the human part from the shifter part. I’m sorry, Nicole.”

  She nodded, still trying to take it all in. Would the men she loved still want her once they knew?

  “What are you going to do, honey?” asked Emma.

  She stood taller, determined to stay strong. “I’ll tell them and let them make their own decision.”

  “What about you? Has this changed your mind about being with them?”

  She met Jackson’s firm stare. “I love them. My connection is with them. It’s awful that we can’t have babies, but I’m still theirs and they’re still mine. Nothing will change that.”

  Unless they change their minds about me once they find out.

  “Good for you.” Emma wiped a tear from Nicole’s face then one from her own cheek. “I’m sorry about the children part of it, but you’re luckier than most. You found true love with two great guys. Remember that.”

  “I will.” She was lucky, but it didn’t help ease her heartache.

  “You could always adopt,” offered Jackson.

  “I guess so. Giving a child a home would be wonderful.” She brightened at the idea. But what kind of child could they adopt? A werewolf? A werebear? A human?

  “Once the clan and the pack find out you three are together, you’re going to need to rely on each other.”

  “You’re right, Jackson, but I’m not sure how to go about it. We’re kind of alone in this.”

  “Tell you what. Once word gets around, I’ll handle it here in Forever. But the clan and everyone else in Shatland won’t like it. If push comes to shove, you might have to move out of Texas.”

  She hadn’t thought that far ahead. First, she needed to tell Case and Brennan about the lack of babies in their futures. And find out if they still wanted her.

  “Nicole? Are you okay?” Jasmine leaned around the edge of the door. “You’ve been gone a while so I thought I’d better check on you.”

  “I’m okay.” Before meeting the Cagle brothers, she never would’ve dreamed of hugging a werewolf. She did now, hugging first Jackson, then Emma. Emma squeezed her back. “Thank you for helping me. I really appreciate it.”

  “No problem.” Jackson took hold of Emma’s hand.

  “You take care of yourself, okay? And remember, it’s always darkest before the dawn.”

  She’d already known her father was wrong to hate werewolves, but now she had proof. Jackson and Emma were kind and caring people. Being werewolves didn’t make their personalities any different than if they were completely human.

  “Thanks again.”

  Jasmine closed the door behind her. “Let’s go around the building. Some of those people were looking at me like I was their breakfast.”

  She nodded numbly and followed her friend back to the car. If Case and Brennan didn’t contact her again soon, she’d have to call them. They’d sent her a couple of texts to make sure she was all right, but the last one had come two days earlier.

  Why haven’t they contacted me?

  * * * *

  Brennan knew the answer, but he asked Case any way. “Have you heard from the old man yet?” He pulled on the reins, bringing his horse to a halt. The cattle they’d purchased a couple of weeks earlier were doing fine. They still needed to be branded, but after finding Nicole again, their minds had gotten sidetracked.

  Case drew up beside him, then leaned back in his saddle. His hat was pulled low on his forehead, making his eyes seem even darker. Or was it what he was thinking that gave him the brooding look?

  “Nope. I’ve called him a few times, but, like I expected, he’s not talking. Hell, I’ve never seen him so mad. For a minute there, I thought he was going to spit bullets.”

  “Damn it. I’ve called him, too. He’s a stubborn old fart.”

  “Yeah, well, he’ll either get over it or he won’t.”

  Despite Case’s flippant remark, he knew his brother was as torn up as he was. They’d known their father wouldn’t like his sons having a werebear mate, but he’d still held out hope. Hope that was all but gone now.

  “Give him some time, Brennan. No matter what we do or say, it’s not going to sit well with people around here. No matter what kind of shifter they are.”

  He’d thought about it. What if their mating with Nicole wasn’t accepted in either town? Would they stay? Or would the animosity one kind of shifter felt for the other eventually run them off? They hadn’t had the ranch long enough to sell it and even get their money back. Especially if the buyer was a shifter and knew their predicament.

  “The whole thing sucks.”

  “I agree, but all we can do about it is to enjoy our time with Nicole.”

bsp; Brennan twisted in his saddle. “You make it sound like our time with her is limited. Like we’re not taking her for our mate.” When Case hesitated, he added, “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing. Except other than a couple of texts to see how she was.” He urged his horse into the herd, keeping his eye out for any signs of illness or injury. The cattle moved around him, complaining about his presence once they figured out he hadn’t brought along any feed or hay.

  “You’re not saying all of it,” accused Case.

  He hadn’t wanted to say anything until he’d had time to think about it several times. “What if she’s changed her mind? I mean, I couldn’t blame her if she did. Not after seeing how her father reacted. Going against her family and her kind is a lot to ask of a woman.”

  “Damn. I see your point.”

  “We need to get together with her and find out where she stands. If she wants us, then great. We’ll do whatever we have to and make her our mate. But if she’s decided to ignore the connection, then we have to let her go. No matter what it does to us.”

  “Even if it means leaving the ranch behind?”

  “Yeah. Even then.”

  “Damn. I hate it when you’re right,” muttered Case.

  They sat on their horses, listening to the rumblings of the cows. If anything could give them a peace of mind, it was riding their favorite horse and being out on their ranch. But Brennan couldn’t rest easy and he doubted his brother could, either.

  “Let’s see if she’ll meet us at the old cabin. The one on Larimer Road.” Larimer Road was considered neutral ground where the town limits of Shatland and Forever converged. Sitting off the road under a group of old oaks was an abandoned cabin.

  “Why not have her come to our place?”

  “I’d just as soon not have to deal with either her father or ours barging in. We can use tonight to make a plan.”

  He nodded. Case was right. They needed to know where they stood with her and needed a plan before taking her to their ranch. They’d ask her if she’d live with them. And if necessary, if she’d leave with them. As much as he wanted to hear her voice, questions like those needed to be asked face to face. He pulled out his phone and texted her.


  Meet us at the old Larimer cabin? 7?

  C & B

  Once he was done, he felt better. At least they were done waiting around. A minute hadn’t passed before he received an answer. His heart skipped a beat as he checked the incoming message.



  “She’ll be there.” The relief on Case’s face matched his own.

  * * * *

  Nicole hadn’t seen the Cagle men for days, but it felt more like weeks. She practically jumped out of her car and hurried inside the cabin. As soon as she crossed over the threshold, she froze.


  Brennan and Case were naked, standing side by side, their arms crossed, their hot gazes locked on her. If she hadn’t already been breathless, they would’ve taken her breath away.

  “It’s about time you showed up.” Case’s mouth curved up, giving her only the hint of a smile. But from the sight of his already stiffening cock, he was more than happy to see her.

  “Yeah, Nic. It was starting to get embarrassing standing here, butt-ass naked, next to my brother.” Brennan shot her a full-force grin. His cock had grown and was already primed and ready to go.

  “I’m sorry. Getting out of the house wasn’t easy. My parents are watching me like hawks. I had to say I was meeting up with Jasmine. If they find out I lied, they’ll lock me up and throw the key away.”

  “Baby, why are you letting them tell you who you can see and where you can go?”

  “Because I respect them, Case. Because I don’t want to start any trouble between werebears and werewolves. Because I’m living in their home.” She stayed where she was, clinging to her raincoat.

  “I get that you respect them and you should. But sooner or later, everyone’s going to know about us. Whatever happens is going to happen. You can’t stop it.” Case’s gaze slid over her. “As for living in their home, we can rectify that situation tonight. Come home with us.”

  Brennan glanced at his brother as though surprised by what he’d said. Yet she had no doubt he wanted the same thing.

  “I can’t. Not yet. Not until we figure out what we’re doing. If we’re doing anything.”

  “We can and we will.” Brennan started toward her. “But first, I need to have you.”

  Before he could get close, she held up her hand, palm out. “Just a minute.”

  He stopped, his eyes narrowing. “Why?”

  “Are you sure you want me?” She spoke in a teasing tone, getting ready to give them her surprise.

  “Are you kidding?” Isn’t it obvious?” Brennan cast his gaze down, pointedly looking at his cock.

  “And do you think I’m pretty?”

  “You’re playing with us.” Case stepped forward, too, then paused. “What’s with the raincoat, anyway? There’s not a cloud in the sky.”

  She wouldn’t be able to stop them now. Instead, she pulled her coat wide open, exposing her naked body. “I guess we had the same idea.”

  Even Case grinned from ear to ear. “Looks like.”

  They rushed her, jostling each other to be the first to reach her. Case swept her up in his arms, then planted a huge kiss on her. The bond, the sizzling energy between them leapt to life. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back, nibbling on his lower lip, then giving way as he tugged on hers.

  “Hey, you two. This is a threesome, remember?”

  She broke the kiss, laughing at Brennan. “Is there a bed in this place?”

  “No. But there’s something better. There’s a fur rug.”

  She glanced around, but didn’t see anything until Case turned so that she could see the white fur rug on the floor. “You’re not serious, are you?” They had to be joking.

  “Why wouldn’t we be?” Case studied the rug, a frown dipping his eyebrows lower.

  “Fuck, bro. How could we not have noticed?”

  Case shrugged. “I still don’t get it. Is it because we didn’t start a fire? It’s too warm.”

  Brennan bopped him on the back of the head. “It’s a fur rug. A bear rug.”

  “Oh, shit.” Case shifted her, then held her tighter. “Baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t think. It’s a bear, but it’s not a shifter. I guess I was thinking it was romantic.”

  Brennan strode over to the rug and scooped it up. “Doesn’t matter, bro.” He slung it over his shoulder. “I’ll be right back.” He rounded the corner and disappeared into the next room.

  Case stared into her eyes, concern darkening them. “I’m really sorry. We didn’t think.”

  “It’s okay.” Yet if he hadn’t been holding her in his arms, she wasn’t sure she’d still be turned on.

  “Where’d he go?”


  Case was obviously having trouble concentrating on anything except brushing his finger over her nipple. But he wasn’t the only one having a hard time. His touch had her body flaming, burning its way into her brain and short-circuiting it.

  “Did he go into a bedroom?”

  “No. It’s the kitchen. Those are the only two rooms in the cabin.”

  “Oh.” She was fascinated with his mouth. How could it be so masculine-looking and yet so sensual?

  “Problem solved.” Brennan came back, carrying a pile of blankets. One by one, he spread them over the floor until they made a thick mattress. He rubbed his hands together. “What do you think?”

  She wouldn’t hold the bear rug against them. “It’s perfect.”

  Carrying her over to the pile, he knelt down and gently lowered her on top of the blankets. He looked at her again, taking her in from the top of her head, over her breasts, then her soft stomach until his gaze lingered between her legs. “Yeah. You are. You’re perfect.”

  “He’s right.” Brennan k
nelt on her other side. He trailed his fingers through her hair.

  “Even for a werebear?” She bit her bottom lip. She needed to tell them they couldn’t have children. And she would. Later.

  “We don’t care what you are. It’s who you are that matters.” Case gave her one of his questioning looks. “Do you feel the same way? Say so right now if you don’t.”

  She’d heard the same thing from Emma and had known then that it was the truth. She’d love her mates no matter what kind of shifters they were. Werewolves or not, they were the men she loved. The men she was destined to have as her mates. “Yes, I do. I love the men you are. The kind of shifters you are doesn’t make any difference at all.”

  Brennan groaned, then leaned over her and pressed his lips to hers. She closed her eyes, enjoying the way he brushed his fingers over her hair.

  “Good. You have me worried for a minute. You’re our mate and we’re yours. From this point on.” He pressed his lips to hers.

  She opened her eyes as the sweet kiss ended. “From this point on.”

  Her delight skyrocketed as Case joined in. They slid their hands over her like she was a prize they’d just received. As though this was their first time together. As if it might be their last time together.

  She hated that her thoughts had gone there and pushed the awful idea away. They were hers to have and she’d treasure every moment.

  Just in case.

  “We knew you were the one the night of the bonfire.” Brennan kissed her again, more urgently than before.

  “Why didn’t you say so then?”

  “You know why. You were all too young. We had to wait until the time was right.”

  Case positioned his body between her legs, skimming his fingers over the tender skin of her inner thigh. She spread her legs farther, tempting him to do what she longed for.

  He chuckled then slipped his fingers between the folds of her pussy. “She’s wet, Brennan.” He put his fingers to his lips then licked them. “Damn, but she’s sweet.”


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