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Thread Strands (Golden Threads Trilogy)

Page 16

by Leeland Artra

  Ticca looked at him and then at the man, who was obviously Duke’s secretary. “I’m sorry, Warlord Maru-Ashua. I do believe the Field Marshal has already sent his message to you. So it is most difficult to arrange for more consultation.”

  He felt his face beginning to heat. He forced his breath to remain even and brought his heart rate under control. Damn it, I don’t have time for these games. Looking at Ticca, he knew he had to win her first. He straightened and faced off with her. “General Ticca, please accept my apology. I was not informed of your rank. I am honored to meet with you.” He then bowed as an equal to an equal, keeping his eyes on hers. Her right brow rose slightly at the change in track.

  “Warlord, it was no serious oversight. Think of it no further.” She then bowed to him. When she straightened back up, she raised her eyebrow again in obvious question.

  “General Ticca, I am in breach of my duty to come here before presenting myself to Hisuru Amajoo. I have only a short time before I will be forced to continue my journey there in haste to compensate for the detour. Duke has sent me a personal communication which tells me he is aware of all this and more. However, I desire to dissuade him from this course, and I have certain information he must know now. I am willing to conduct this meeting alone and unarmed, if needed.”

  Ticca’s eyes widened at his offer. She looked down biting her lower lip and then at Duke’s secretary briefly before nodding. The secretary looked worried, but turned around and walked back towards the large tent.

  Ticca waved for the Daggers to clear the path onto the grounds, and they moved with precision. “Warlord, Duke may accept your offer. Allow me to show you and your men to a place out of this sun.”

  Nodding, he followed her, and his men followed him. He didn’t bother to look at them because he knew they all disapproved of his offer and actions. Ticca escorted them to a large tent with benches, which was used to serve meals. He did note that another Dagger had preceded her into the tent and that there was a closed rear exit. On a table, were some dishes: fruits, salted meat, sweet meats, and pitchers of wine and water, with glasses.

  Ticca pointed at the refreshments. “Please help yourself.” She then stepped over and took a glass from the table and placed it near the pitchers. “I am a little thirsty.”

  He needed no encouragement to understand what she was doing. He stepped over and picked a water pitcher at random and filled the glass for her. “Allow me, General.”

  She picked up the glass and downed it in a single motion. “Much better, thank you. I’ll be back shortly.” She grabbed a salted meat strip without looking and stuffed it into her mouth before stepping out of the tent.

  She is definitely more experienced than she should be. He chose a bench and sat down. “Wine.”

  Runa-Emry stepped over and picked a different glass, pouring wine into it and sipping it. He stood, tasting it, then held the glass out. Runa-Emry took the lead. “Warlord, may I speak?”

  He nodded for Runa-Emry to continue.

  “If Duke accepts your offer, it will not be well with Hisuru Amajoo.”

  He sighed. “Emry, it is already not well with Hisuru Amajoo. This will be a thimble of water added to the lake.”

  Runa-Emry thought this over for a time and none of the other officers appeared to desire to voice anything further. He leaned back and drank the wine, not surprised to find it was excellent.

  It was only half a mark before Ticca returned. She bowed to him. “Warlord, Duke accepts your offer. Please give your odassi to your senior officer.” He stood and removed the leather-shielded blades and handed them to Runa-Emry, who looked at him with worried eyes.

  Ticca held the tent flap open for him. She looked at the four remaining officers. “You four are to remain here in this tent. Please do not leave. I have ordered the guards to return to their other duties. Do not make me regret this.”

  He resisted the urge to smile. That is a courteous sign. We might have hope here.

  As he stepped out, he heard Runa-Emry advance behind him and ask Ticca, “General Ticca, if possible, may I have a word with you in private?”

  I’ll have to find out what that is about, but right now, I must see Duke and get him to see the dangers of his actions. Ticca looked at him and he nodded his approval of the request. She looked back at Runa-Emry. “I will return after escorting the warlord. Wait here.”

  Ticca turned and headed for a different group of tents. I thought Duke was in the big-ring tent. He followed. They walked through the grove of tents. Coming around one, he found there was one large tent that had been hidden. Ticca stepped up to this tent and held the flap open for him. As he stepped up, she announced, “Your Excellency, I present Warlord Maru-Ashua, who comes unarmed under the flag of truce.”

  I didn’t come with a flag of truce, but in actions and words, I have. Taking a small, hidden breath, he stepped into the large tent. He thought he was ready to face Duke. But when before him sat the legendary ten-foot-tall wall of muscle and teeth known as Duke, looking at him with the cold, steel eyes of an angry grey wolf, he wasn’t so sure. That the men in Llino had to fight him is tribute to their courage. That he was so wounded is testament to their honor. A shiver ran down his back as he stood facing a creature that he knew was still raging mad at the Nhia-Samri, and at that moment, all the anger was focusing on him alone.

  Duke’s voice was elegant. “Warlord, I believe I already communicated to you my intentions. I know you are not one to surrender your odassi. So why do you insist on this meeting?”

  He must be made to understand the danger. “Your Excellency, you must know that Hisuru Amajoo will not evacuate even one warrior from our legal outposts.”

  Duke nodded. “Yes, I am aware of the folly of Shar-Lumen. I look forward to hunting all that remain down. The evidence is clear; Hisuru Amajoo has committed an act of treason and war against the Duianna Alliance of Kingdoms.”

  He shook his head. “You would kill so many to avenge that loss so long ago?”

  “You mistake my intent. I will kill all for that action who continue to follow Hisuru Amajoo after being made aware of it. They may not have been alive then, but they are now. In thought, if they choose to remain faithful to Hisuru Amajoo, then they may as well have participated long ago. My personal revenge is far more focused. I want to rip apart all, most painfully and viciously, who participated in the killing of Magus Vestul. That, I will do with or without a warrant for war.” Duke’s voice went cold. “Tell me, Warlord, did that order come through you? Your outpost records indicate they came from Hisuru Amajoo.”

  Duke’s teeth were showing, and he felt himself start to sweat as a wave of cold flushed through him, despite the hot day. He is burning with a rage much deeper than I imagined him capable of, after all this time. Swallowing, he tried to regain control of his emotions. I have to get him to listen and believe. “No, Duke, I was not made aware of the order until a report came from Llino about the events there. But that is not important. Duke…” He didn’t have time to finish the sentence.

  Duke leapt at Warlord Maru-Ashua with a speed almost unimaginable. He was knocked to the ground. A tremendous weight was placed on both his shoulders. Duke was almost lying on top of him, pinning him to the ground. The wolf bared his teeth. Being nose to nose with Duke in this position could make a strong man faint. Duke roared, “MY FRIEND’S MURDER IS ALL THAT IS IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW.”

  Ticca, who had been silent so far, leapt at Duke, hammering at his side with her fists. “DUKE, get off of him. He is here under truce, and with your word of safety!” Ticca’s voice was wavering with emotion. “Duke, you’re crushing him! Stop!” He couldn’t see her face, but her voice sounded as if she was being injured. He could feel her pounding Duke’s sides through Duke’s body. My Lord, she is stronger than she looks.

  Trying to breathe, he managed to whisper, “Duke you don’t know what’s been done at the outposts. It has something to do with Elraci.”

  Duke’s eyes stared into his as
Ticca continued to pound on his side, yelling at him to get off. Duke growled and snapped his jaws only a hair’s width from Maru-Ashua’s throat, but he then moved off. He continued to growl as he settled himself back on the pillows he was using for a seat. Ticca stood between Duke and Maru-Ashua. “Get control of yourself!” she yelled, before going silent and glaring at Duke.

  Slowly, Maru-Ashua stood up before the growling wolf. He rubbed his shoulders to try to reduce the pain.

  Duke stopped growling and looked at Ticca. “Ticca, please take all the guards and Daggers from all of the surrounding tents and go find some work to do.”

  Ticca wiped her face with her hands, continuing to glare at Duke like a rebellious child. So she is as young as she looks. Still, she is treated as a general and superior, even by Duke. Ticca gained control of her emotions enough to nod. She pointed at Maru-Ashua. “DON’T HURT HIM.”

  Duke looked down. Who is she to not be reprimanded for that? Duke nodded, and in a more casual tone said, “I won’t.” Duke looked back at Maru-Ashua. “Please forgive me. My emotions are not exactly under control at the moment. It was inexcusable.”

  Confused, Maru-Ashua looked at Duke. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear Ticca was Duke’s commander! “I accept your apology. It is understandable. About…” Duke shook his head, stopping him.

  Duke looked back at Ticca. “Please do as I asked.”

  Ticca looked back and forth between them. Maru-Ashua felt like a child being caught fighting a friend. Ticca nodded to both of them and left.

  The adrenaline coursing through her system felt like fire. Ticca kept her hands steady and closed the tent flap, taking one last look at Duke. Don’t betray us. I know you think you are above the law. You probably are, but if you kill him, it will set a bad example. Duke seemed to read her mind and gave her a small nod of assurance. She tied the tent door closed and took a deep breath to steady herself.

  Her command training took over as she turned around. Two Dagger guards looked at her anxiously. They had to have heard all that commotion. Oh well, now is not the time to explain things. “Clear the surrounding tents and set up a fifty-foot perimeter. No one is allowed near here until Duke gives the all clear.”

  The two Daggers nodded and moved off in different directions to put her orders into action.

  Lebuin’s soft voice sounded in her ear. He had placed a spell on her that let him see and hear everything around her, as well as allowing him to speak to her without anyone hearing. He used his connection with Illa to let her witness everything as he relayed her information and hints. “What was all of that about?”

  “I’m not sure, but I think Duke will be able to restrain himself. I take it, you were watching?”

  “Of course. The warlord said something that was outside of the incantation’s range. Did you catch it?”

  Ticca started walking back to the mess tent where the warlord’s officers waited. “Sorry. I was too busy trying to get Duke off of him, which means only Duke knows what was said. It was enough to snap him back to his senses before he ripped the warlord’s head off. It had to be pretty significant.”

  “Do you still want me to keep this up?”

  “Yes. I might need more of Illa’s help. Plus, I think she might want to witness this.”

  “She isn’t so sure. Whatever you are going to do, try to finish it soon. These incantations are fluctuating, using more power than my followers provide, at times. I’ve not yet recovered, and the magic is getting close to burning my channels out. I had to use some of my reserves to keep them up. And you know full well, I don’t have a lot of reserves. Also, I can’t go back into the tower until you let me drop them, and it is unbelievably hot up here on the observation deck.”

  Still, a bit of dandy remains. Oh well, at least, he mentioned his comfort last. I wonder if I’ll ever beat it out of him entirely.

  Ticca paused outside the mess tent, taking a few cleansing breaths. My stomach doesn’t feel like I’m spinning now. Back straight and head up, she took a step into the mess tent, brushing the tent flap aside. The four officers were seated around one table, near the cool liquids. Colonel Runa-Emry stood as she finished stepping in, and came to attention. The other three officers stood, snapping to attention only a hair behind their colonel.

  Ticca nodded. “Colonel, please join me outside for a moment.”

  The colonel nodded and stepped over to join her, motioning for the other three to remain. They remained at attention as she turned her back and stepped out. Without looking behind, she strode a distance away to a tall oak tree with some refreshing shade from the boiling hot sun. Turning around, she found the colonel right where she expected him to be—two steps behind and at attention.

  “You may stand at ease, Colonel. Warlord Maru-Ashua and His Excellency will be some time, I think. There is no one nearby. You have permission to speak freely.”

  The colonel relaxed his stance and looked around to assess the activities in the area. Then he looked back at her. His face was tight, and she noticed that he was trying to control it. The slight crinkles of a frown could still be made out and his brows were tight, giving his forehead the wrinkles of someone who is worried.

  Even though there was no chance of anyone hearing him, Lebuin still whispered through his spell. “Careful, Ticca. Illa says he is a master of reading people.”

  They stood assessing each other for a few seconds. The colonel’s eyes darted at every motion caused by the work being done around them. He is nervous about this. Or he is under orders to try to gain information. Either way, Illa is right. I need to be very careful.

  Ticca relaxed, breathing through her nose and doing the mental relaxation mantras in her head that her trainer had drilled into her.

  The colonel’s eyes came to stare into her eyes. They were ice blue, and Ticca also saw the same fine lines, which made Illa so beautiful, in the colonel’s carved face and almost-perfect nose line. He took a breath as if getting ready to jump off a cliff.

  “General Ticca, I do not expect to live much past reaching Hisuru Amajoo. I know I will not be questioned about what I am going to ask. So I beg of you to trust me in this. I…” his eyes darted around again, making sure no one was near. “I want… No, I need to know.” The colonel’s eyes watered, and he clenched and unclenched his hands. Ticca was sure he was fighting an internal battle to not wring his hands together. “You were there… The warlord said that…” The colonel licked his lips, took another breath, shaking his head and looking down.

  Understanding struck like lighting. Oh, Lady, he’s trying to ask how Illa died. What should I say? He wants to know, but is afraid to ask. Ticca’s heart ached for the lost father standing before her, unable to ask what he most desired to know. Her own father’s image came unbidden to her mind, and she recalled him hugging her strongly, and then more and more weakly, as the infection progressed. She recalled how he looked just like this father before her, so sad that he wouldn’t know his daughter’s life.

  ‘Ticca, I love you and will always be proud. I know you will follow your heart. Remember me,’ was the last coherent thing he had said to her. She had pushed that memory from her mind, but seeing this man trying so hard to ask what his training said he should not, brought it back, full force. She felt her own eyes water and her chest tightened.

  She stepped forward and grabbed the colonel by both shoulders. He looked up and she looked him in the eyes. I can’t tell him she is alive and well. She tried to speak, but her throat was tight with her own emotions. Damn it. She took a deep breath, and the colonel did the same. He did not try to break away from her grip. His eyes were pleading and the look on his face was longing, Ticca felt compelled to say something.

  Ticca forced a swallow to loosen her throat muscles. From somewhere deep in her soul, the words came. Staring into the colonel’s eyes, she spoke softly. “Ossa-Ulla and Runa-Illa fought hard and followed orders. They captured me. Then they faced a God, and yet, they fought. Runa-Illa even managed to
wound him before he took them from the Nhia-Samri.”

  Runa-Emry’s face hardened, but with a smile, and his eyes watered. “They fought a God? And she wounded him?”

  Ticca nodded.

  “She was taken with honor above all services. It could be no better.” Even though he said it, she knew he didn’t believe it. His eyes betrayed that he would rather hold his daughter than know she died with honor. This is why my father didn’t want me to become a Dagger. He was scared of having this conversation. She wished she could tell her father how much being a Dagger meant to her, and she wished she could tell this poor soul his daughter was alive and well. But that would expose too much. This is the price I must pay. I must carry these burdens.

  The colonel straightened and glanced around. Ticca let go of his shoulders. “Thank you.” His voice was grief itself. “I shall return and await my warlord. I know the way.” He turned and marched back to the mess tent, back stiff as a sword. He paused before stepping in to nod once to her.

  Lebuin’s voice was rife with emotions. “Illa says ‘thank you.’”

  Ticca nodded. “You can drop the spells now.”

  “Thank goodness. Oh, and when you have the time, come to the tower. I have something I need to show you.”

  “I’ll come after the warlord leaves.” She wasn’t sure if he heard her or not. It didn’t matter. She turned and walked an inspection of the guards. It was funny when Lebuin named me a general. Hell, it was even fun when Duke decided to let it stand. Now, damn it, I know why my uncle and trainer always said the weight of command was a heavy burden. Everything was in order, and as she rounded one of the tents, she saw Duke walking with the warlord back towards the mess tent. That didn’t take long.

  The warlord opened the flap of the mess tent and called his officers out. He introduced them to Duke, who sniffed each one. Ticca arrived as Duke finished sniffing the last officer.

  “All right, Warlord. I will accompany you to the tavern. So long as none of your other men were involved, you may leave.”


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