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Thread Strands (Golden Threads Trilogy)

Page 41

by Leeland Artra

  Rhonia: An island kingdom in the northern Darian Ocean, famous for rare and pungent spices and unique animals.

  Sea Princes’ Kingdom of Aelargo: A human kingdom on the southeastern edge of the North Duianna continent, bordering on the northern edge of the Halias-Ne Mountains between the Darain Ocean and the Kingdom of Nasur. Capital: Llino. Abbreviation: AE. Commands the largest known navy and tightly controls all sea trade.

  Yalthum: A human kingdom spanning the entire west coast of the North Duianna continent from the Halias-Ne Mountains on the south to the northern ice fields. Yalthum is as old as the Duianna Empire, and has never attempted to expand its borders, but has bitterly defended its borders and western sea lanes.


  Argos: The All-Father God of the Universe, who oversees the magicians in all lands; is considered the chief deity.

  Dalpha: Goddess of healing, woods, and the elves, represented by large temples in almost every major city in the realms.

  Gadriel: God of the dwarves.

  Lothia: Primary Goddess of Karakia, and wife of Argos, she often takes the form of a large raven.


  Algan: Inland farming city on the western border of the Kingdom of Aelargo.

  Alorn Mountain: An ancient volcano now dormant on the north western point of the Kingdom of Aelargo.

  Blue Dolphin Inn: Dagger Home and merchant’s inn that has a huge stainless steel hoop mounted on the roof with a platform which the owners and legends claim was the main port of call for the Emerald Heart.

  Breorchy: Onasa Channel port city on the northwestern border of the Kingdom of Aelargo.

  Burga Mountains: A blue mountain range which cuts east-west across the southern part of the North Duianna Continent from the Darain Ocean to the Onasa Channel.

  Burga Spine Mountains: A blue mountain range which cuts north-south from the Onasa Channel to the Windy Pass.

  Delivery Channel: A waterway system of all ancient port cities which connects one or more rivers together to flow under the city, creating a simple, smooth-flowing, barge-friendly means of transporting large loads.

  Dorn Hills: A large range of hills on the north edge of the border between the kingdoms of Aelargo and Nasur.

  Elraci: An unknown kingdom or city in ancient times, now lost.

  Greyrhan: A province of the Duianna Empire in the far north, just south of the great ice fields.

  Halias-Ne Mountains: A thick, rocky mountain and volcano range which cuts the entire Duianna continent in half, spanning from the Darain Ocean on the east to the Occiduis Ocean on the west.

  Llino: The Sea Prince’s stronghold and capital. Notable places: Blue Dolphin Inn, the Night Market.

  Loren Sound: An inlet of the Darian Ocean bordering the southeastern part of the north Duianna Continent.

  Miumi: Port trade city on the Loren Sound on the eastern border of Oslald.

  Night Market: A unique black market in Llino in which any service or goods may be purchased through brokers known as Hands. The market opens every day at sunset and closes at sunrise.

  Onasa Channel: Inlet of the Loren sound which traverses through hundreds of miles of canyons northerly to the great Empire Lakes, generally salt water transitioning to fresh water near the Empire Lake outlets. Also known as the Onasa River.

  Rhini Wood: The old-growth forest along the northwestern edge of Bear Foot Sea in the Kingdom of Aelargo. Also the name of the village and farming lands in the same location.

  Windy Pass: A series of hills and valleys which separate the Burga Spine Mountains from the Halias-Ne Mountain Range, bordering Nasur on the east and Laeusia on the west.


  Apprentice: Any tradesman under training for a guild (Mages’ Guild included).

  Blade: A professional soldier, mercenary fighter, sword master.

  Councilor: A member of Leading Council of the Argos Guild of Mages.

  Dagger: Professional warrior specialists for hire that hold to a strong set of ideals based on commitment, courage, and honor.

  Guard: City soldiers, general police force.

  Hand: Broker or facilitator for trade in various goods or services, usually illegal.

  High Councilor: Chairman of the Leading Council of the Argos Guild of Mages.

  Journeyman Mage: Title of a mid-level magician for the Argos Guild of Mages; carries a unique badge of office and is seen as a direct representative of Argos.

  Knife: An assassin or hired killer, strongly controlled by a secretive guild

  Magus (pl. Magi): A higher magician who has achieved the rank of master in the guild


  arit: A strong, bitter drink made from roasted beans of the aritia tree which only grows in tropical climates.

  blood compass: A magical artifact, made with blood, which is capable of retracing a person’s life. Its construction is taboo in many lands and illegal in a few. It is effective for as long as the subject lives and for many hours after death.

  Boadua of Mostill Valley: A senior priestess of Dalpha in Llino.

  cycle: One complete cycle of the moon Tempa. Each year has twelve lunar cycles divided into the four seasons winter (Samag, Noelag, Foilleg), spring (Gearra, Marta, Abra), summer (Sealen, Ogmen, Luchen), and autumn (Lunas, Sultas, Fomas).

  Dagger table: Various inns and taverns allow mercenaries to hire out from them. A Dagger table is reserved for only Daggers. Daggers signal they are open for hire by placing their dagger into the table standing up. Senior Dagger tables have a Dagger holder mounted on the table and, in Dagger Homes, can be owned exclusively.

  Damega Drakeruin: Legendary warrior who started many of the Dagger traditions. Although very mercenary, he is always portrayed in a ’Robin Hood’ fashion. A good-hearted rogue, who refused any offer to settle down. Supposedly stole or was gifted the Emerald Heart, a flying ship by the guardian of Sandeep.

  Ditani (aka Kiotiaditani Speaker of the Tribes of Kiliua-ona): A Karakian servant to Magus Vestul. Hero son of Lothia and Argos, and Lebuin’s Uncle.

  Dohma Gerani: Captain of the city and palace guards in Llino.

  Dolphin dagger doors: Unique doors which are considered unbreakable and thief proof, that require a combination and a special key to open, and are used only at the Blue Dolphin Inn in Llino for Dagger and special guest rooms.

  Emerald Heart: Legendary flying ship of Damega Drakeruin. Legend has it that it flies faster than any creature and is home-ported in a secret place far in the north.

  Faltla of Rhini Wood: Ticca’s Uncle, a retired tactics Dagger, who served in the Realms’ War and trained Ticca from birth.

  Genne: The current owner of the Blue Dolphin Inn, the original Dagger House in Llino.

  Hisuru Amajoo: The city fortress home of the Nhia-Samri.

  hyly: A semi-sweet liquor made from honey.

  Kliasa: The daughter of House Elaeus of Rea-Na-Rey

  Lebuin of House Caerni: Journeyman of the Guild of Argos, Son of Waylen and Alia, Grandson of All-Father Argos and Lothia.

  Magus Andros: A fifty-year master mage of the Argos Guild of Mages and Lebuin’s mentor at the Llino Guildhouse.

  Magus Cune: A twenty-five-year master mage of the Argos Guild of Mages and Lebuin’s nemesis for all of Lebuin’s twenty years at the Llino Guildhouse.

  Magus Gezu: A seventy-year master of the Argos Guild of Mages that died in the summer of 15348.

  Magus Nillo: High councilor and a sixty-year master mage of the Argos Guild of Mages and Lebuin’s mentor at the Llino Guildhouse.

  Magus Seriel of Elraci: An ancient mage who wrote the secret tombs of magic Lebuin acquired and studied.

  Magus Vestul: An immortal master mage who predates the Argos Guild of Mages. Close friend of Duke. Lives in Algan.

  mark: A period of time equal to a twenty-fourth part of a day and night and divided into 60 minutes. (see Lebuin’s Lexicon–TIME)

; Nhia-Samri: A shadowy, ruthless mercenary group of warriors of unknown size which fight with inhuman speed and agility.

  Nigan: A combat specialist Dagger that works out of the Blue Dolphin Inn in Llino. Partners with Risy and is called “Hairy” by Ticca.

  odassi: Single edged magical weapons of the shadowy faction of warrior mercenaries called the Nhia-Samri.

  Red Door: A high class brothel.

  Risy: A combat specialist Dagger that works out of the Blue Dolphin Inn in Llino. Partners with Nigan and is called “Frumpy” by Ticca.

  Sayscia: The high priestess or the great lady of Dalpha in Llino.

  Shar-Lumen: The shadowy Grand Warlord of the Nhia-Samri.

  sharre: A sweet wine made by the elves from unknown ingredients. If kept properly, it grows more potent over time. Five to fifty-year-old sharre is very robust and gives a little energy, as well as making people drunk extremely fast. Sharre over one hundred years old can heal wounds, revive tiredness, and sharpen the mind dramatically. Sharre over five hundred years old is thought to restore youth.

  Sula: Demi-God daughter of Dalpha and a priestess healer of the Temple of Dalpha.

  The Traitor (Amia-Dharo): The second-in-command Nhia-Samri who betrayed the Nhia-Samri in a great war and helped the Alliance Nations end hostilities. Second most deadly warrior in the world.

  Ticca of Rhini Wood: A hunter Dagger that works out of the Blue Dolphin Inn in Llino.

  vanedicha: A poison which induces a trance if a small amount is inhaled, and kills in less than a minute in larger doses. Victims are unusually truthful when revived from a vanedicha-induced trance.


  According to an ancient archive, the time on Niya-Yur is measured roughly the same as it was in all races’ histories, which is to say, based on evenly dividing one complete rotation of the planet into smaller and smaller units of time. For some races, their days are slightly longer or slightly shorter from their home of origin. For example, humans come from the legendary world called Terra. The archives state that Niya-Yur rotates on its axis slightly slower, making the Niya-Yur second about 1.1 Terra seconds. That minute difference means that humans have 2.4 marks additional time in the twenty-four mark day.

  Second: is the smallest unit of time measurable by available clocks and is of time equal to one-sixtieth of a minute.

  Minute: A period of time equal to 60 seconds or a 60th of an hour.

  Mark: One of the 24 equal parts of a day. The name ‘mark’ is based on the tick marks used on all clocks

  Day: The 24-hour period during which Niya-Yur completes one rotation on its axis.

  Week: A period of seven days.

  Cycle: A unit of time corresponding approximately to one cycle of the moon’s phases, or about thirty days or four weeks.

  Year: The period of time during which Earth completes a single revolution.


  Argos Guild of Mages Sigil: A stylized gold dragon with the five silver waves behind it.

  Demi-God: A son or daughter of the race of Gods who was conceived on purpose with enough magical energy to allow them to one day join the ranks of the Gods. Primary attributes are nearly immortal with the ability to control tremendous amounts of magic.

  Hero: A son or daughter of the race of Gods who was conceived on purpose or by accident with only enough magical energy to allow a live birth. Primary attributes are a very strong constitution, high strength, no magical abilities at all and with an expected life span of nine to eleven thousand years.

  Sencial (aka Sentient): An artificial life form that lives in the ancient machines and technologies. Sentients are not machines but life forms created by the non-magical races before coming to Niya-Yur. When Niya-Yur was settled Sentients were considered alive with all the same rights as any other intelligent race. They were voluntarily put to sleep as the old societies fell by an act of the Assembly to wait the time of the races’ re- ascension.


  For over 10,000 years, all of the nations of the Duianna continent, as well as many trade nations on other continents, have done trade based off of the Duianna Imperial Money System. The money system was further cemented by the Covenant of Duianna. Although prices may shift slightly and the value of various precious metals will fluctuate, the currency has remained stable. Any attempt to undermine the currency is seen as a capital offence in every nation known.

  Copper Ring (r)

  Ring: 1

  Pence: 4

  Bell: 6

  Tyme: 12

  Chera: 24

  Cross: 48

  Crown: 960

  1 lb 99% base: 360

  Coin (oz): .044

  Approx Size: 1/2 Penny

  Copper Pence (p)

  Ring: 1/4

  Pence: 1

  Bell: 1-1/2

  Tyme: 3

  Chera: 6

  Cross: 12

  Crown: 240

  1 lb 99% base: 90

  Coin (oz): .178

  Approx Size: ~ nickel

  Palladium Bell (b)

  Ring: 1/6

  Pence: 2/3

  Bell: 1


  Chera: 4

  Cross: 8

  Crown: 160

  1 lb 99% base: 220

  Coin (oz): .073

  Approx Size: ~ dime

  Palladium Tyme (t)

  Ring: 1/12

  Pence: 1/3

  Bell: 1/2


  Chera: 2

  Cross: 4

  Crown: 80

  1 lb 99% base: 110

  Coin (oz): ..145

  Approx Size: < nickel

  Silver Chera (c)

  Ring: 1/24

  Pence: 1/6

  Bell: 1/4


  Chera: 1

  Cross: 2

  Crown: 40

  1 lb 99% base: 140

  Coin (oz): .114

  Approx Size: > dime

  Silver Cross (s)

  Ring: 1/48

  Pence: 1/12

  Bell: 1/8


  Chera: 1/2

  Cross: 1

  Crown: 20

  1 lb 99% base: 70

  Coin (oz): .229

  Approx Size: ~ quarter

  Gold Crown (g)

  Ring: 1/960

  Pence: 1/240

  Bell: 1/160

  Tyme: 1/80

  Chera: 1/40

  Cross: 1/20

  Crown: 1

  1 lb 99% base: 180

  Coin (oz): .089

  Approx Size: ~ dime

  Monthly Incomes

  Semi-skilled laborers (teamsters/porters/cooks) earn ~4 Crosses

  Servants/Domestics earn ~2 1/2 Crosses

  Skilled laborers (Masons/Millers/Sailors) earn ~6 Crosses

  Business owners/Courtesans/Guild Masters earn >15 Crosses

  Blades/Guards earns ~6 Crosses

  Junior Daggers earn ~8 Crosses

  Experienced Daggers earn up to ~16 Crosses

  Senior (well known) Daggers earn >30 Crosses

  Price Guide

  A mug of ale/hyly cost 1 round

  Pot of tea/arit cost 2 rounds

  Glass of milk is a pence

  Quality spirits cost 4 pence or more

  Cold meal of bread and cheese is generally available for 2 rounds

  Hot meal of meat and soup is generally available for a pence (or more)

  Cloak (linen) costs 6 crosses 6 pence

  Hood (linen) costs 7 pence

  Leggings (linen) costs 4 crosses 6 pence

  Robe/gown (linen) costs 4 crosses 6 pence

  Shirt (linen) costs 4 crosses

  Surcoat (linen) costs 5 crosses 7 pence

  Tunic (linen) costs 5 crosses 7 pence

  Vest (linen) costs 2 crosses 8 pence

  Belt (leather) costs 11 pence

  Cloak (leather) costs 17 crosses 11 pence
/>   Hat/cap (leather) costs 1 cross

  Hood (leather) costs 1 cross 7 pence

  Leggings (leather) costs 12 crosses 6 pence

  Shirt (leather) costs 11 crosses 8 pence

  Surcoat (leather) costs 14 crosses 8 pence

  Tunic (leather) costs 15 crosses 6 pence

  Vest (leather) costs 7 crosses 4 pence

  Gloves (leather) costs 1 cross 4 pence

  At an inn a room can be generally rented for 4-10 pence a night.



  In order to promote international cooperation and to achieve international peace and security by the acceptance of obligations not to resort to war, by the prescription of open, just and honorable relations between nations, by the firm establishment of the understandings of international law as the actual rule of conduct among Governments, and by the maintenance of justice and a scrupulous respect for all treaty obligations in the dealings of organized peoples with one another, Agree to this Covenant of the Duianna Alliance of Realms.


  The original Members of the Duianna Alliance of Realms shall be those Signatories named in Annex 3 to this Covenant and also such of those other States named in Annex 4 as shall accede without reservation to this Covenant. Such accession shall be effected by a Declaration deposited with the Secretariat within six months of the coming into force of the Covenant. Notice thereof shall be sent to all other Members of the Alliance.

  Any fully self-governing State, Dominion or Colony not named in the Annex may become a Member of the Alliance if its admission is agreed to by two-thirds of the Assembly, and provided that the joining party shall give effective guarantees of its sincere intention to observe its international obligations, and shall accept such regulations as may be prescribed by the Alliance in regard to its military, naval, air space and magical forces and armaments.


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