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Winters' Thaw

Page 2

by W. Lynn Chantale

  A ghost of a smile hinted at his lips. “Their security is a joke.”

  She looked away. There were few places he couldn’t get in to or out of. Why should her exclusive spa be any different? He gripped her chin between his thumb and forefinger, turning her head until she once more stared into his eyes. A flicker of vulnerability clung to his honey-colored irises.

  “Are you saying you no longer trust me?”

  Did she doubt his ability to protect her or just his love? He would lay down his life for her without hesitation, but was it because of his sense of honor and duty or because he loved her? She needed to know that she was more than an assignment to be protected. She caressed his jaw. Day old stubble prickled her palm. “I trust you with my life, but you should’ve told me. You do this every time something or someone threatens me. Haven’t I proved to you that I won’t break in the face of adversity?”

  He nodded.

  “So why couldn’t we have stayed at the spa? At least there we weren’t trapped in an ice storm.”

  “Too many variables.”

  Her gaze roved the cabin. “And this is better?”

  “We weren’t followed. No one knows we’re here except Burg.”

  Burg? She smiled at the mention of his friend and former SEAL teammate. While Burg remained part of the military, Brock had chosen the U.S. Marshal service. Then her grin faded. If Burg was involved then maybe Owen had escaped. Michaela brought her gaze back to Logan.

  “Do you know who’s after me?” She held her breath, fearing the answer, hoping he’d lie and tell her it was all a mistake.

  “I do.”

  This was maddening. Why didn’t he just tell her? She narrowed her eyes and planted her fists on her hips. He slapped that unreadable mask into place, one he reserved for the worst news. She braced for the inevitable.


  Her breath left her body in a whoosh. Not Owen, but Reynolds, a well-known criminal who adored using knives on women he deemed worthy of his affection. And if he really liked a woman, he’d make hundreds of cuts on her body then wait until she bled to death. She’d seen his handiwork on more than one occasion. Early in her career, while she’d still been a prosecutor, he’d been on her list. If any man deserved to rot under the jail house it was Aloysius Reynolds. Even when confronted with his crimes he’d shown no remorse and gloated when he was convicted.

  He’d sent threats to her office for years. The letters only stopped after she moved from the prosecutor’s office to private practice. Looked like she was still on his list. Michaela swayed on her feet. Logan wrapped strong arms around her waist and hauled her close.

  She buried her face in his chest, breathing in his scent.

  “I won’t let him get his hands on you,” he murmured.

  Silence stretched between them. She should just take him at his word, but she had to know. She had to be sure. She angled away so she could look him in the eye.

  “How do you know it’s him and not someone else?”

  A shadow passed over his features, but he didn’t look away. “I’ve been tracking this threat, Michaela. It’s him.”

  The admission wasn’t enough, despite every instinct screaming at her that it was. “How do you know?” she insisted.

  He reached in his pocket, pulled out a small plastic evidence bag and held it aloft for her inspection.

  Saliva dried in her mouth as fading sunlight glinted off the broken silver chain. She touched her throat. It looked an awful lot like the locket Logan had given her for her birthday six months ago.

  “How did you get that? It’s supposed to be at the jeweler’s for repair.”

  “I intercepted it when he mailed it to your office.”

  “But it doesn’t mean it was Reynolds.” It couldn’t be him. She didn’t want it to be him.

  “He left a note as well, but I could only get a copy.”

  She shook her head. “Logan...”

  “He left the note in your room at the resort.”

  Chapter Three

  Michaela wrenched from his arms and bolted for the bathroom. She slammed the door in time for her stomach to rebel. This wasn’t what she wanted to hear, not now, when she ... they had so much to lose.

  Hot tears slid down her cheeks and she swiped at them angrily. Damn hormones. Everybody in her office suspected her predicament, but no one dared to ask. Now someone wanted her dead.

  When she had nothing more to offer the porcelain god, she flushed the toilet and labored to her feet. She rinsed her mouth and avoided the mirror. By the time she emerged from the bathroom, Logan stood just on the other side of the door.

  Concerned creased his brow. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded and trudged to the bedroom. She had no more strength to argue or fight and no longer wanted to go through what-if scenarios.

  A large four poster bed dominated the room. The bedspread had already been turned down and a fire crackled in the hearth in front of the bed. She suppressed a smile. A heavy sheet covered the windows and the tall chest of drawers sat in front of the window as well.

  She crawled onto the mattress and fell face down with a sigh. Tension seeped from her body. The bed dipped beside her. Gentle hands slid over her buttocks, up the curve of her spine, along her shoulders then back down again. He repeated the action until a moan eased between her lips.

  “I’m worried about you, Michaela.” His warm breath caressed her ear. “You’ve been sick and bitchy.”

  She tossed a frosty glare over her shoulder and he chuckled.

  “Even for you, hot mama.” He continued kneading the muscles in her shoulders, drifted his fingers down the curve of her spine, before jerking the hem of her tee from her waistband. He pushed up her shirt touching her skin.

  His hands were warm and strong. With practiced ease he slowly peeled her clothes from her. He worked her jeans down and over her hips, pausing to press a kiss at the base of her spine. She shivered as lust simmered in her veins and cooler air raced over her buttocks. Denim and cotton scraped against her calves, before thumping to the floor.

  “Stress,” she muttered. Desire built anew.

  He cupped her butt. She savored the caress. He shifted until he straddled her hips, his erection pressed into her flesh. The fabric of his jeans scraped against her sensitive skin as he leaned forward and pried her shirt over her head. Her bra followed. She tried to roll over, but a firm hand between her shoulder blades kept her in place.

  “You’re going to be my masseur now?”

  “Who else knows your body better than I do?” His lips grazed her ear before he swept her hair to one side and kissed the back of her neck. Not once did his hands stop moving on her shoulders or back.

  Each gentle caress relaxed her muscles and increased her desire. He massaged her calves. She gave herself over to his ministrations, reveling in the way his work roughened hands felt on her skin. Why couldn’t he do things like this all the time? A sigh left her lips. He did. Whenever they were together, he showed her how he felt, even if he never voiced the words.

  “I’m sorry, Logan.” Tears burned behind her lids and again she cursed her erratic hormones.

  He chuckled. “For what?”

  She rolled over. “For being so crazy.”

  Moisture leaked from the corner of her eye. He frowned and brushed the droplet away. “And you’re crying again. What’s up with that? You don’t cry. You’d rather empty a clip at the range than bawl your eyes out.”

  She chuckled.

  A smile softened his lips, his brows creased with worry.

  “I know this last case hasn’t been ideal for either one of us, especially being on the opposite sides as we have been.” He stood and removed his clothes, neatly folding each piece before placing it on the nightstand.

  Michaela settled back on the bed and enjoyed the striptease. Her mouth watered at the sight of his taut rippling muscles. A few scars dotted his otherwise smooth brown torso.

  She followed his mag
nificent form as he padded to the fireplace. God, the man had the sexiest butt she’d seen in a long time. How she loved sinking her hands into his firm backside. He tossed another log on the fire and stoked the flames higher.

  Heat curled around her toes and she wiggled them in appreciation.

  “Are you going to tell me what’s really going on with you?” He faced her, pinning her with those predator eyes of his.

  A small shiver snaked down her spine, and she resisted the urge to shudder beneath his intense scrutiny. She offered a quick smile. “Can it be a surprise?”

  “I don’t like surprises.” He moved to the end of the bed.

  She pulled her foot away and he shackled her ankle in a gentle grasp. He ran his thumb along her instep, before circling the balls of her foot. He repeated the motion with her other foot, then knelt between her legs and held her gaze.

  “Why not tell me now?”

  “It isn’t Christmas.”

  “What has that go to do with anything?” He cupped her mons, caressing the slick folds.

  She moaned and pushed against his hand. “My sense of nostalgia.” The man had magic fingers. And if someone were after her, she didn’t want to worry him unnecessarily. She clutched the sheets in her fists as he slid two fingers into her heat while his thumb strummed her clit.

  “I could make you.” His husky voice purred with seductive promise.

  His threat sent a ripple of anticipation through her. He was very adept at getting his way. With each swirl of his thumb and deliberate penetration of his fingers, he brought her closer to orgasm. Seeking relief, she rocked her pelvis against his hand and whimpered when he withdrew.

  “Look at me.”

  She met and held his gaze. Her body hummed and vibrated with unresolved climax. Lust burned in the depths of his honey-gold irises. Her breath caught in her throat as she read the quiet challenge in his eyes. He’d take pleasure in bringing her to the brink again and again.

  With his other hand he rolled her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. “Are you sure?” He circled a digit around her clit, teasing her with light strokes and taps.

  Michaela closed her eyes and bit her lip as sensation washed over her. Tension coiled tighter, her climax edging closer, her body seeking a much needed release. She bit back a curse when he ceased movement...again. She snapped open her eyes and glared.

  He chuckled. “We’ve only just begun.”

  She quirked an eyebrow. “It doesn’t matter. I still won’t tell you.” She uncurled her fingers from the sheet and settled them into her wet pussy. God, she was so turned on it wouldn’t take long, but Logan shackled her wrist before she could slide a finger across her sensitive clit. A frustrated sigh escaped.

  “I don’t think so.” He grabbed her other hand and dragged her arms above her head. His hard body blanketed hers, his cock tapping against her entrance. She lifted her hips to bring him more fully against her. He was having none of that. He tossed his leg over her thigh, hampering her movements. Oh, he was not playing fair.

  “I won’t give in.”

  He merely smiled.

  A moment later he’d secured her wrists in handcuffs, the chain fastened around a spindle of the headboard. Anticipation sharpened arousal. He slipped a pinky finger between the metal and her skin. “Too tight?”

  She shook her head.

  He kissed her lips with unexpected tenderness, then skimmed his hands over her breasts before his lips followed tightening the peaks even more.

  “You wouldn’t have gotten this treatment at the spa,” he murmured against her skin.

  “It was an extra fee.”

  He nipped her tit.

  “Ow.” The brief flare of pain was enough to ratchet up her desire and had her honey clinging to her thighs.

  His tongue eased the sting of his bite before he switched to her other breast, giving it the same careful attention.

  She squirmed beneath him, tugging on the cuffs. He caressed her pussy and her hips rose in response.

  “One more chance to tell me.” He whispered against her skin.

  “No.” She wanted to prolong this sweet torture.

  He moved down her body, using his mouth and tongue. When she tried to close her legs, he grasped her knees, pried them apart and wedged his shoulders between her thighs to keep her open to him.

  Her heart pounded and her womb clenched in anticipation. No secrets were hid from him. Dampness clung to her thighs. Her nether lips pulsed and throbbed with need while her musky scent of arousal perfumed the air.

  “Let’s take this slow,” he murmured. He penetrated her with one finger, then slowly thrust in and out.

  Michaela balled her fingers into fists. He was going to do everything he could to get her to talk, but she wasn’t going to budge. Sweat beaded on her forehead. He increased his rhythm and added a second finger. This was not taking things slow. Heat built and tension coiled, but the mischievous gleam in his eyes told her he wasn’t ready to send her over the edge, no matter how much her body demanded relief.

  He withdrew his fingers only to torment her with long slow licks. She wiggled her hips in an attempt to escape the torturous onslaught. Each swipe of his tongue sent her body into a dizzying tailspin only to be jerked back from the brink of ecstasy time and time again.

  His throaty chuckle vibrated through her core and every inch of her body. She would not yield her answer. Her fingers were numb from gripping the shackles so hard, but she didn’t care.

  As if he knew how close she was, he sat back and stared at her with desire turning his eyes a molten gold.

  “Had enough?”

  She wanted to scream, “Yes!” but bit her tongue.

  “Must be a really good surprise.” He teased her swollen folds with the tip of his cock.

  “Mm hmm.”

  He eased the head inside just enough that she sucked in a breath and rose to greet him, eager for more. When he withdrew, she wasn’t quite able to stop her involuntary shriek of protest.

  She stared into his handsome face, stark with desire and restrained passion. The tight clench of his jaw let her know he was near his limits too. Maybe she could use it to her advantage if he didn’t have her begging for mercy soon. A flicker of mischief shone in his irises. Her body shivered in response to the challenge she read there. It seemed he intended to do just that.

  Slowly he entered her, giving her a little more this time. But not enough to dispel the constant ache. If anything, it increased. She whimpered and thrust her hips upward. He held her in place.

  “Please,” she murmured. She arched against his mouth when he captured one taut nipple and sucked. His tongue swirled around the tight bud. All she could do was hang on. So much sensation, and she was poised on the razor sharp of reality and all that was forbidden.

  He continued his slow almost penetration. Beads of sweat rolled off her body, while her legs wrapped around his waist. She writhed against the sheets.

  “I swear Brock if you don’t finish me off the next time we...ohmigod!”

  He thrust into her in one powerful stroke, and the forceful penetration catapulted her into a massive orgasm.

  Her muscles gripped and spasmed around him, savoring each scrape of his hardness within her creamy softness. She wanted to ride that wave forever. He kept a fast pace, pounding into her slick heat with deep even strokes. She wrapped her legs around his waist, locking her ankles at the small of his back to keep him nice and tight within her body.

  Tension built anew. She unwrapped her legs, only to have him toss her legs over his arms and press them until her heels touched her ears. Somehow he managed to sink deeper, hitting her cervix with each delicious stroke. He reached between their joined bodies and pinched her swollen clit. Sensation spurted and raced through her system until starlight flared and burst behind her lids. A tsunami of ecstasy crashed over and through her sucking her under a tumultuous wave of rapture just to bounce on choppy waves of joy.

  Logan maintained his
relentless pace. Then his pistoning hips momentarily stalled the frenzied pace. His cock twitched and spasmed within her, jerking from his release. He collapsed over top of her, paused long enough to release the cuffs, before rolling her until she was pillowed against his damp, heaving chest. She snuggled closer and he wrapped his arms around her.

  He drifted his fingertips down the curve of her spine. His heartbeat hammered beneath her ear and she swept a kiss over his collarbone.

  He squeezed her.

  “Did I hurt you?” he murmured, smoothing her hair from her face.

  She shook her head, dislodging the curls he’d just swept from her face. A soft smile creased her lips. “No more than usual.”

  His low chuckle rumbled in his chest. He playfully swatted her behind then rubbed the sting away. “Get some rest. Then I want you to tell me what this big secret is.”

  She nodded. It wouldn’t hurt anything if she didn’t wait until Christmas to give him his gift.


  The bed beside her was cold and empty. Michaela rolled to her side and opened bleary eyes.

  “Don’t raise your head.” The whispered order came from her left.

  Sleep fled and she rolled off the mattress, dragging the sheet with her. Every instinct screamed something was wrong. She shivered when a sudden blast of air blew through the room. The embers from the fire in the hearth glowed, then that too was extinguished leaving the room in total darkness.

  “Logan?” Equal parts relief and anxiety washed through her.

  “Get dressed.” Something scraped across the floor and came to rest against the sole of her foot. A shudder ran through her body. The nylon bag was cold.

  With care she eased the zipper down. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness, and she found Logan’s bulky outline crouched near the bedroom door. She pulled on clothes as quick as possible. She had just tugged on socks when a crash reverberated through the cabin.

  She tensed.


  She stuffed her feet in boots, and Logan all but tossed her in her jacket. He shoved a backpack in her direction.

  He crossed the room and hauled her close. “Burg is on his way. I don’t know how long it’s going to take him to get here.” He swept his thumb across her cheek, a faint smile on his lips. “You’re crying again.”


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