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The Claiming

Page 8

by Tara Sue Me

  “It still boggles my mind that you can sit there and be all Well, you know Henry the Eighth had it out for my family. I mean, that’s like me tracing my ancestors back to George Washington.”

  He laughed. He did that a lot lately according to Daniel, who’d said so at dinner the other night. He’d smiled when he said it. Then he added that Cole had rarely laughed around Kate. She was glad he felt more jovial around her.

  “I’m glad we were able to hide the family jewelry. Or else I wouldn’t be able to give you this.” He opened the box and revealed a gorgeous choker collar. It was double-stranded pearls and every so often distributed among the strands, there was a gem that looked like an emerald. But surely it couldn’t be.

  He lifted it out of the box. “The technical name for it is a carcanet, but it looks so much like a collar, I can’t help but think my family was getting kinky five hundred years ago. Sasha?”

  She couldn’t speak. She could barely breathe. Matter of fact, she wasn’t even able to think very much.


  “You’re giving me a piece of your family jewelry? That’s five hundred years old? I can’t even . . .”

  “I want you to have it. I want you to wear it.”

  “But, Sir. It’s priceless.”

  “As are you.”

  She shook her head, unable to wrap her mind around the idea. “Sir,” she started, but was unable to finish.

  “Sasha, I’m not going to argue with you about this. But it would mean a considerable amount to me if you would wear my collar. You’ve been doing so. I’m just changing the collar.”

  “To priceless jewels.”

  He held up the necklace. “This is nothing but metal, some rocks, and some pieces of sand that got stuck in an oyster. Believe me when I tell you, it is nothing. It means nothing to me compared with you.”

  Tears filled her eyes, but she nodded, accepting the gift of his collar. “Thank you, Sir. I would be honored to wear your collar.”

  Joy washed over his face and wasn’t until that moment that she knew how much it meant to him, too. “It is I who am honored,” he whispered.

  He leaned forward and his lips gently brushed hers. She tried to pull him closer, but he pulled back. “Abby and Julie will be here in a few minutes to help you get ready.”

  “But I’m ready now,” she said. “Why do Abby and Julie have to help me get ready?”

  “Damned if I know. But it was the condition they asked for in exchange for keeping quiet about the ceremony.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I love those two, but seriously?”

  He stood up. “I don’t get it, either, but they seem excited about it. I better get out and let them come in.”

  Sasha leaned back in the couch. “Oh, all right. Send them in.”

  He left, chuckling, and when he opened the door she heard mumbles from outside. Within seconds, Abby and Julie rushed in. As soon as she saw the excitement in her friend’s eyes, she knew exactly why Cole had agreed to their request. She didn’t think it was possible to be more excited, but seeing the two of them proved her wrong.

  Julie actually had tears in her eyes. “Do you remember when you helped me get ready for my collaring ceremony with Daniel?”

  “I remember.” Even though she’d helped her get ready, Sasha hadn’t been able to stay for the ceremony. It had been too soon after the incident with Peter. She was still too injured, both physically and mentally, to offer support for Julie in her BDSM journey. And in her heart of hearts, she’d thought Julie was taking things too fast with Daniel. But she had still wanted to support her friend, so she’d helped her get ready.

  Sasha looked behind Julie to where Abby was standing. She held something in her hands. Abby smiled. “It’s a dress. That’s why Cole set out the dressing gown. Julie and I thought you should have something a little formal.”

  “Yeah,” Julie said. “Of course, we were afraid you’d think something was up when you saw that on the bed.”

  “Well, I definitely knew something was going on. The only outfits he’s set out this week were the servant’s uniform and the croquet dress. Besides, the last time he wore a three-piece suit he also had a cane in his hand.”

  “We didn’t show him this dress,” Abby said. She placed a long white garment bag on the bed and motioned Sasha to come forward. “It’s Scottish lace. Julie and I thought that would be appropriate.”

  Abby glanced quickly over her shoulder to make sure she had Sasha’s attention and then she unzipped the bag. Sasha gasped as she took out the gorgeous gown. It was white and covered in fine delicate lace.

  “Oh my. It’s exquisite.” Sasha ran a tentative hand over the lace. “It sort of looks like a wedding gown.”

  Julie came up behind her and looked over her shoulder. “This designer does make some gorgeous wedding gowns and I’m sure this particular one has been used as a wedding gown before. But we thought it was perfect for your collaring ceremony.”

  “Besides,” said Abby. “A collaring ceremony is a lot like a wedding ceremony.”

  Sasha looked at the dress, certain she had never seen anything more gorgeous. “I love it.”

  “I knew you would.” Julie gave her a hug. “I remember thinking the night of my ceremony that I hoped you’d one day find your own happily-ever-after. Never in two million and a half years would I have thought that someone would be Cole Johnson.”

  “That would have been two of us,” Sasha agreed. “And now I can’t imagine being with anyone else.”

  Abby stood to the side, watching them both with a knowing smile. “Just you both wait. It only gets better from here.”

  Julie sniffled. “I knew I wouldn’t make it through this day without crying. Where are the tissues?”

  Sasha’s phone rang right as Abby passed a box to Julie.

  “I’ll let it go to voice mail.” She couldn’t imagine talking to anyone right now anyway.

  “You might want to check that,” Julie said. “It might be Dena.”

  Sasha found her phone where she’d left it on the couch and sure enough, it was Dena.

  “Hey there,” she said.

  “Hey girl,” Dena said. “I so wish I could be there for you today.”

  “You’re on bedrest. I know you’d be here if you could.”

  “I don’t know why Cole had to take you all the way to England to collar you. But I’ll give him points for originality.”

  Sasha laughed. She couldn’t wait to show Dena her new collar. “I can’t believe you guys kept it a secret from me.”

  “You have met your Dom, right?” Dena asked with a laugh. “When he tells you to keep something secret, you keep it secret.”

  “Don’t tell anyone but he’s really a softie.”

  “I’ve seen him in action. Trust me, he may have a soft side, but he’s no softie.”

  Sasha muttered an agreement, but deep inside she was pleased that Cole showed his soft side only to her. It was like they had a secret they only shared with each other.

  “I better let you go,” Dena said. “I’m sure Abby and Julie are champing at the bit to get you ready.”

  They said their good-byes and Sasha turned back to her friends. “What else do I have to do to get ready?”

  In hindsight, that wasn’t the best question to ask. Another hour later, they’d discussed how they wanted to do to her hair, how much makeup she should wear, and if she needed shoes. Sasha didn’t quite understand the shoe thing, but Abby was busy texting, and when she looked up she said no to the shoes.

  When they finally let her look in a mirror, Sasha couldn’t believe the transformation. The combination of the dress and the light makeup made her look different than usual. But she could see this excitement in her eyes that absolutely transformed her. Hell, she felt different.

  “Cole is going to die when he
sees you.” Julie stood behind her in the mirror. “You look beautiful. And you know what else?”

  Sasha shook her head.

  “I don’t even have to ask how you’re doing; it’s written all over your face.”

  Sasha laughed at Julie’s mention of the phrase she told her she wanted someone to use one day. “Thank you.”

  Julie gave her a quick hug. “Are you ready? Because I think there’s a certain Dom waiting for you.”

  Abby and Julie led the way with Sasha following close behind. She had assumed the ceremony would be held indoors, perhaps in the library. But her two friends led her outside, where she could see what looked like hundreds of candles burning in the garden.

  Abby squeezed her hand. “We’re going to have a seat. Cole will let you know what to do next.”

  Sasha jumped when somebody touched her shoulder.

  “It’s just me, little one.”

  “Sir, you startled me.”

  “Forgive me, that was not my intent. But I wanted us to walk out together.”

  “Is there anything I need to do or prepare myself for?” she asked.

  “No, little one. I would have told you.”

  He knew her so well. Knew her struggles. What caused her stress. And likewise, he knew how to alleviate those stresses and struggles.

  She nodded and he cupped her face, softly stroking her cheek.

  “You look incredible,” he whispered. “In fact, incredible doesn’t begin to touch it. I need more adjectives.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  He held out his hand. “Are you ready?”

  “It seems odd, walking in together hand in hand.”

  He put his hand down and looked at her with a raised eyebrow. “Because you’re a submissive?”

  Duh, she wanted to say, but nodded instead.

  “I’m sure there are a lot of people who would agree with you, and I’m not saying they’re wrong. Just that for us, you and I, I think it works better to show that we’re each equal in the relationship. More important, I want you to know that I don’t view you as lesser than I. Quite the opposite, in fact. As a Dominant, I hold you and your well-being so far above my own. It’s quite humbling to have you trust me so much.”

  He never stopped amazing her. Just when she thought she couldn’t love him anymore, he’d say something like what he just did and her heart would swell. She held her hand out. “I’m ready now, Sir.”

  He lifted her hand to his lips for a quick kiss and then led the way outside.

  Chapter Eleven

  The candles that lit the garden looked amazing, like something out of a dream. They gave just enough light for her to see the path and the smiling faces of their friends. She felt as if she were walking on air the entire way down the stone pathway to where Cole had set up a small table. Something was on it, but it was covered up with a white tablecloth.

  Most shocking was Fritz, standing beside the table. She looked up at Cole, but he only winked at her.

  “Cole and Sasha,” Fritz started, when they came to a stop before him. “Is it your intent to enter into a Dominant/submissive relationship?”

  Cole gave her hand a squeeze. “It is.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she replied.

  Fritz stepped to the side and waved Cole to the table. She felt his absence when he dropped her hand to lift up the white cloth. Underneath was a bowl. She couldn’t figure out what that was for. She’d been to a few collaring ceremonies and she’d never seen a bowl used before.

  Cole took the bowl and handed it to her. She looked down into it as she took it. Water?

  What was she going to do with water? Was she supposed to drink it?

  Before her, Cole simply gave her the smile that always lifted her mood and eased her fears. She was being crazy. Cole knew what he was doing. He had the entire ceremony under control. She needed to relax and enjoy it.

  “Sasha, my dearest little one, when you came to me, you were frightened and unsure. There were issues in your past that clouded your vision of the future.” He took a sponge from the table and put it in the bowl. He squeezed some water out of the sponge so it was only the slightest bit damp. “You are mine now and I am the one who will carry your fears and worries, letting there be only light for your journey forward. With this water, I wash all the pains of yesterday away.”

  With the gentlest touch, he ran the sponge across the bare skin of her neck and down her arms.

  “The nightmares that have haunted you are gone, washed away.” He knelt down and dribbled water across her feet. “The doubts you had, the fear, and all the secret things you kept hidden in your soul. They are all gone. There is only you and you are mine.”

  He stood up and took the bowl, but she could barely see him for the tears gathering in her eyes. His words healed the remaining dark spaces inside her and she knew the past wouldn’t bother her anymore. She had a feeling her panic attacks were gone forever, too.

  He put the bowl back on the table and took both her hands. “I vow to you today, in front of our friends that I will protect you, love you, cherish you, and pamper you.” The corner of his mouth lifted up with just a hint of smile. “I also promise to correct you when needed, push you when called for, and to ensure you never have trouble falling asleep. Knowing this, do you consent to be my submissive and to wear my collar as a symbol of my dominance?”

  “Yes, Sir,” she managed to get out.

  Cole nodded to Fritz and the German Dom took a pillow from under the table and placed it on the ground beside Cole.

  “Though I once told you about why I would ask my submissive to kneel on rocks,” he said so low she knew no one else could hear. “Tonight it would please me more for you to use a pillow.”

  When she knelt down before him, it felt right. Sure, she’d enjoyed walking in beside him and standing face to face holding hands, but it was when she knelt for him that her world felt like everything was in its place.

  He briefly touched her hair, the small act filling her with even more peace. But it wasn’t until she felt the collar being placed around her neck that she understood exactly what peace was. Though less than an hour had passed since he’d taken off her old collar, the feel of her new one caused her entire body to relax. And when he fastened it into place, she muttered a soft, “Yes.”

  His chuckle told her she hadn’t been as quiet as she thought she had.

  “I’ll admit,” he said, “I feel better with it around your neck as well.”

  She wasn’t sure if she was supposed to say anything or quote her own vows. Obviously, Cole had been planning this and would have had time to come up with something. She didn’t have a way with words like he did, and she didn’t think she could come up with anything meaningful on the fly. She hoped he didn’t ask her to say anything.

  But, of course, he knew her better than she knew herself, it seemed.

  He held his hand out to her. “Come stand by my side, little one.”

  She rose slowly to her feet and found herself facing Cole, once more in front of Fritz. For some reason the big German Dom didn’t seem as scary when he was smiling.

  “Cole,” he said, “I’ve known you for a long time. Probably longer than anyone here. I was with you as you discovered and defined your Dominant nature. You probably don’t remember and you’ll probably punch me for bringing it up, but there was a certain night when you were just starting out. We’d just finished a training session, it had been awkward, the chemistry wasn’t working, the sub had left, and we were talking. You looked at me and said, ‘Fritz, one day I’m going to find the One. And everything’s going to click. She won’t be perfect and we know I’m certainly not. But together, we’re going to be pretty damn close and when we’re together, sparks will fly.’”

  Cole didn’t move his gaze from her as he answered, “You’re right. As soon as we finish, I’m bu
sting your nose.”

  Around them, their friends laughed.

  “Hold on,” Fritz said. “I’m not finished. You’ve had some rough times. You never quite seemed settled. I think that’s why you were always off traveling the world. You thought you had what you wanted, but deep inside, your heart was still searching.”

  Cole squeezed Sasha’s hands.

  “Sasha,” Fritz said to her, “I don’t know you as well, but I know you’ve had some obstacles to overcome. And I know what I see before me now is a strong, independent woman who knows with her head and trusts with her heart. It’s a beautiful and precious thing that you offer to my friend and I thank you for not being perfect, because he’s certainly not. But together, you two are pretty damn close.

  “So, Cole and Sasha, I don’t have any earth-shattering words of advice. I can’t promise you that life will be smooth. I can’t even promise that you’re going to like each other all of the time. But I can tell you this, those sparks? They’re so bright, they’re blinding. And you have a circle of friends who are delighted and honored to share in this moment with you.”

  Sasha wiped a tear from her eye and she heard either Julie or Abby sniffle.

  “Oh right,” Fritz said. “You can kiss now.”

  Cole’s lips came over hers, and she no longer heard sniffles and she was no longer aware of Fritz or the candles or anything other than Cole. He filled her and in those seconds when he held her, she knew she filled him, too.

  “I love you, my Sasha.” His voice was rough and hoarse.

  “I love you, Cole.”

  It was only Fritz’s cough that finally pulled them apart. She found herself surrounded by Julie and Abby, both of them oohing and ahhing over her collar. Nathaniel and Fritz brought out food that seemed to have appeared from nowhere. Daniel passed out champagne flutes and everyone toasted them.

  It was the happiest day of Sasha’s life.

  She took Cole’s hand and was about to tell him that very thing when suddenly, everyone got quiet. She looked around, trying to find out what happened. Her gaze wandered up the path she’d walked down with Cole not long ago to find it wasn’t a what, but a who.


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