The Club 2: Uncollared (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The Club 2: Uncollared (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 1

by Suzy Shearer

  The Club 2: Uncollared

  When the owner of The Club forced Cassie White's old Master to uncollar her in front of all the Club members, she wondered what would happen to her.

  All her adult life she has been a submissive and knows no other way to live. Now she is uncollared, scared, and alone.

  She never considered she would meet a new Master, especially one who would treat her with kindness. One who would teach her the true relationship between a Dom and his sub.

  Can she tell him she loves him or will he discard her as she believes happens when a sub makes the mistake of falling in love with her Dom?

  When a horror from Cassie's past returns to claim her, will she survive? Will she lose her newfound happiness?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary

  Length: 25,689 words


  Suzy Shearer


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance


  Copyright © 2014 by Suzy Shearer

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62741-745-7

  First E-book Publication: May 2014

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Dad, you said to me “Always aim for the moon—if you want it, go for it.”

  I believed you and here I am. Thank you.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  About the Author



  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  Antony was actually nervous. It was a very different feeling for him. He had always been very sure of himself. Some people thought him arrogant but he considered them wrong, he felt he was just a confident man. He knew what he wanted, knew who he was and acted accordingly. That is, until tonight.

  He was going back to the Club. Moreover, he was going with the intention of finding a sub.

  For over three years, he had considered that part of his life over. When Nancy had decided she no longer wanted the lifestyle and wanted to marry, he thought that his interest in the lifestyle died too. She had realised that although she and Antony had a great relationship, he was not in love with her and she did not love him either. They had a great relationship based on Dom/sub. There was mutual respect, he admired and liked her, but he did not intend to marry her. She had been the perfect sub and they had been partners for nine years.

  So he had been alone since then. He had not gone back to the Club because he thought it would be hard to find someone who suited him as well as Nancy had. However, over the past few months, he found himself looking at women again, not only looking at them but also wondering how it would feel to have them kneeling at his feet, obeying his every sexual command. He had gone out on dates, tried vanilla sex, but it left him dead. It held no excitement at all for him. He needed to follow his heart. He needed a sub.

  * * * *

  She was late, only by seven minutes but nevertheless, she was late and she was nervous. No, actually not nervous, terrified.

  She knew she would be severely punished for every minute she was late. Her Master had warned her. She had tried to get here on time, but in fact it had taken her longer than she had anticipated to grab all her clothes and her few personal effects from the house and then leave them in the downtown hotel room she had booked.

  So many times, in the last eighteen months, she had asked her Master to uncollar her. He had refused and instead had beaten her. He had handed her over to other Masters or to men, who had also beaten her. One had broken her arm and her Master had refused her treatment for three days. This was it. Tonight she would ask him to uncollar her in front of others who would be at The Club.

  She and her Master had never been there but she knew it was the most prestigious club in the country. She was hoping that the members would be honourable, not like those of her Master’s club. She hoped they would hear her and accept her using the safe word and her plea to be uncollared.

  Her Master had given her directions to the Club. They were supposedly spending a week’s holiday in the area, and he had told her she was to report in to the front desk then be on her knees in front of him in the main bar by seven twenty-five. It was now seven thirty-two.

  She raced in, showed her license and filled out the paperwork, got her photo taken, and was assigned her key. It was difficult to walk fast because her Master had hurt her ankle two nights ago and she wondered if it was broken. She hobbled into the change area and stripped down to a topless corset, no panties, and thigh-high boots, before entering into the bar area
to kneel before her Master.

  * * * *

  He was furious. That she was seven minutes late, leaving him sitting there like a fool. Well, she would pay for it. He lashed out with the toes of his boot and hit her in the chest. He asked the barman where he could take her to mete out punishment. The barman looked surprised at the ferocity of his kick but knew some subs got off on harsh treatment. He gave directions and watched as this visiting Master ordered her to follow him.

  The barman decided he would mention it to Richard, just in case this Master caused problems.

  * * * *

  She limped painfully after him as quick as possible. All that kept her going was the hope that tonight she would finally be free.

  Four times she had tried to escape, and each time, he had found her and dragged her back then beaten her so severely she thought she might die. When she had first met him two years ago, he seemed so nice, so caring, and continued to be until he collared her six months later. Then it all changed and she discovered she was sub to a sadist who controlled every aspect of her life. A man who threatened blackmail, ignored safe words, ignored her pleas for uncollaring, and never comforted or cared for her, who would throw her to others to use and abuse.

  So tonight it was going to end one way or another.

  * * * *

  He walked onto a dais and motioned her to stand in front of him. He ordered her to strip off the corset but not the boots and then, when she was naked, began tying her to the cross affixed to the wall. Arrayed along the wall were whips, paddles, canes, and crops. She looked around and saw there were two Masters with their subs in the area but not close enough to hear her unless she screamed really loud.

  Her Master walked along the racks deciding what to use on her first. She saw him test a crop then return it to the wall before selecting a short whip. She groaned, knowing how much pain he could inflict with it. He walked in front of her and spoke harshly. “You were seven minutes late. You will receive one strike for the first minute, two for the second, three for the third and so on. You will never be late again. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Master.” She was shaking with fear.

  He stepped back from her and swung the whip to test its weight, then sent the first strike to her. It lashed across both breasts, leaving a red welt. She cried out but he shouted at her and told her she was not to make a sound. She closed her eyes and hoped it would all be over soon.

  He then continued. After the fifth stroke, she could bear it no longer. Her body was covered in raised welts, many of which were bleeding, and the last one had split the skin across one breast. Opening her eyes, she screamed for him to stop and he laughed at her. She saw there were now at least a dozen people watching. Most seemed concerned by the fact she was bleeding. She noticed two men were watching intently, and judging by their faces, they were not happy. She was sure both were Masters.

  If she was going to do this it would have to be now, there was no way she could cope with the amount of lashes he had threatened, and she was so close to passing out from the pain. He raised the whip again and this time it went from the top of her breast to just above her legs. She screamed, “Red, please Red,” as the blood began to flow.

  As usual, he ignored her and swung again, this time going across her stomach, the whip cutting in the soft skin.

  “Red, Red, Red. Uncollar me! Red!” Her head fell forward as the pain surged through her body. She groaned softly, “Please Red,” as she hung.

  He laughed and stepped back to swing the whip again but as he did two Masters stepped onto the dais. One grabbed the whip and the other came to her.

  “Your sub has called Red. In this club you must stop. My name is Richard Grant and I own this club. Ignoring the club safe word in here ensures your removal.”

  “Ha, she is always using safe words. Now leave me to punish her.” He tried to push the man away but he stood his ground.

  “Our club rules are made for the safety of all concerned and must be respected. By not stopping you have violated the rules we enforce strongly here.”

  Meanwhile the Master who had come to her lifted her chin.

  He looked into her face. “Do you wish this to stop? Do you use the safe word to stop this?”

  “Please, Sir.” She whimpered in agony. “Make him go away, Red, Red, make him stop. Please, Sir, make him uncollar me, I beg you, Sir.”

  “Uncollar you?”

  Whispering to him, she said, “Sir, he won’t let me go. He ignores it every time I use any safe word. Sir, I’ve tried to get away for over a year.” She was sobbing in pain and fear. “Please help me, Sir. I beg you, help me.”

  He turned away from her. She looked and saw there were many people watching what was happening. The man went to her Master. “She says you always ignore her use of any safe word.”

  “She loves pain. She only pretends she wants me to stop. She just wants more and more, but to satisfy your ‘rules,’ I will stop.” He came over to her and untied her. She fell to the ground, unable to stand against the pain. He kicked her, telling her to get to her feet and go outside.

  “I believe you have been told by ignoring the safe word request you must leave, but your sub has asked for our help and in doing so she is now under the Club’s protection.”

  “Who are you to tell me what I can or can’t do with my own slave!” he sneered. “Now get out of my way. Leave the slut alone and let her crawl outside.”

  “No,” Richard said. “Your sub has also asked in front of witnesses to be uncollared from you. Do you accept her right to ask this?”

  “No!” Her Master looked furious. “I refuse. She is always asking that and I won’t.” He went to kick her again but the other Master twisted his body so he was between her Master and herself. She could only lie curled on the floor at his feet. The pain in her body was too much.

  She heard him speak to her Master, and although his words were softly spoken, there was no mistaking his power and authority. “You will leave this club now. You will leave this woman. You will never try to contact her again.” He then leant forward and spoke something so quietly only the two of them could hear, then she heard him say, “Do I make myself clear?”

  She heard her Master speak, and he sounded afraid. “You want her? Fine! Take the slut and throw her away when you have finished, she is useless except as a hole to fuck. There, she is uncollared!” With that he reached down and grabbed the leather collar around her neck and pulled. She felt herself start to choke until he lowered his other hand and used his fingers to undo the buckle. He threw the leather collar at her feet.

  Her Master turned to walk away but two DMs came on either side of him and escorted him past the witnesses.

  “Paul.” The Master, who had said he owned the Club, called another man who had been watching to him. “Can you see if Doc Wilson is here still? He was asleep in the Blue lounge last time I saw him, and can you ask Lisa to find Fleur, I think she was in the office? We will be in the Red Room.” The other man nodded. “Then can you throw that whip out? It will be impossible to sterilize it after that fool’s work.”

  “Will do,” the man said and left.

  Meanwhile, the Master who had spoken to her knelt before her and pulled her into a sitting position, “Can you stand?” Cassie could only moan, shaking her head. She hurt so much. She felt the Master gather her in his arms and lift her. The owner and this Master walked through the throng. They all stepped back respectfully and those she saw all smiled at her warmly. She let herself sink into the arms of the man who carried her so tenderly.

  “Antony, take her down to the left. I told Paul to find the Doc and meet us in the Red Room.” She felt herself slipping into darkness as the pain increased.

  Chapter Two

  She had no idea how long she had been unconscious, but she felt herself slowly become aware of where she was. She was lying on a bed, her boots had been removed, and an attractive older man was binding her ankle. She saw that the cuts and welts across her bo
dy had been covered with some antiseptic cream. Once he finished, he drew a sheet across her body, covering her nakedness.

  “Ha, hello there, my dear.” His gray eyes twinkled at her. “You will be okay. I have given you something for the pain. How long has your ankle been like this?”

  She cleared her throat and tried to talk but nothing came out. He held a glass of fruit juice to her mouth and told her to drink slowly. She nodded her thanks then managed to say, “Sir, two days ago, he pushed me down the stairs because I asked him to let me go.” Under her breath, they all heard her softly say, “Again.”

  The man looked up to his left and she followed his glance. She noticed the Master who had carried her was standing beside the bed. He looked furious and she cringed into the bed. He must have noticed because he took one of her hands. “I am not angry at you. I am furious that you have been subjected to this torture.”

  The door opened and the other man walked in with two women. One was a sub and the other was dressed in a black kimono. The man spoke. “Richard, I saw him off the premises. I doubt he will make trouble. I checked with Steve on the desk and he has all his details. His name is Les Avery. The woman is Cassie White and she came in her own car.”

  The woman in the kimono held her clothes and purse. She came over to the bed. “Hi, Cassie, my name is Lisa. Please forgive me but I took your key and brought your things to you. Please do not worry. Everyone here will look after you.” She placed her belongings on a small table and then she and the man left the room. The pretty sub went over to the owner and he put his arms around her.


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