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Mandy M. Roth - Magic Under Fire (Over a Dozen Tales of Urban Fantasy)

Page 70

by Unknown

  "I think we should do a neighborhood watch, except on a larger scale. Set up magical blocks and cat patrols. We can split it up, and walk around with tazers.”

  A young man, who’d not quite earned the title warlock jumped to his feet at the word tazers and held up scrawny arms. “We should unite against whoever is attacking our town. You know like those people on the Walking Dead. We take turns sleeping and patrolling. Close all the businesses and we all move into City Hall. We can board up the windows and grow our own food."

  Even the cicadas went silent.

  The meeting finally ended after the mayor reassured everyone again the deputies had matters in hand and everyone pushed their way out into the cool evening. "I think that went well don't y'all?" Coy said as they walked to their respective cars.


  "A re you coming with me?" Abbie asked Becka the next afternoon. "We can run over to Cissie's before the afternoon crowd gets here. I'll just buzz Coy to watch the place for us." She scooped up jasmine tea and poured it into a canister that already held Earl Grey and hibiscus. She sniffed the mixture and scooped some into a mesh bag then dropped it into a cup of steaming water. "I'm going to call this Floral Grey."

  Just then the bell over the door rang and Deputy Jimmy Kiser walked in. "Good morning ladies." The handsome guy puffed his chest like a rooster and hooked both thumbs into his belt. "Looks like a slow morning."

  "Hey Jimmy," Becka said already pouring a cup of coffee in a to-go cup for him. "Any news on the random theft case?"

  The deputy accepted the coffee and eyed the scones. Today Becka had made chocolate chip and orange ginger flavors. "I'd like one of the chocolate chip ones please." He slid a glance at Abbie. "When you gonna go out with me?"

  "When you get a divorce," Abbie replied and blew at the hot tea. "For all I know you and Amy Lynn are getting back together."

  He let out a breath and gave her a saucy grin. "I am divorced. She moved to Kentucky. You scared or something? 'Sides we were good together."

  "That was high school Jimmy," Abbie retorted. "We're both almost forty now. Many things have changed." She eyed his flat stomach and wide chest and cursed inwardly. Both she and Jimmy had gotten bigger. He was muscular, a hunky buff type now and she'd gone from a size four to a fourteen. Although she considered herself attractive, her curves seemed a bit too curvy at times.

  Oblivious to her ogling, Jimmy bit into the scone and slurped coffee. "The thief struck again."

  "No!" Becka and Abbie chorused. "What was taken this time?" Becka asked.

  "The Harper's hummingbird feeders. When I went over, the darn birds were flapping and flying in circles all over the place. Mrs. Harper put out some bowls with sugar water or whatever she feeds them, but they were still angry little critters."

  "That's wrong," Becka said and looked at Abbie. "I'll go on the errand with you. We need to find out..."

  Abbie nudged her and attempted a subtle eye slide toward the deputy. "Yes we need to go see about getting some spearmint from the Piggly Wiggly. I can't believe we're out of spearmint."

  Fortunately Jimmy was settling into a table by the window where he could look outside, so he missed Becka's near slip-up.

  "Jimmy?" Abbie said sweetly as she walked towards the door with her purse and keys. "Can you hang out here for a bit? If someone comes in and wants something call Coy, she can help them."

  "Or tell them we'll be back in thirty minutes. This won't take but a second."

  "We're going to Piggly Wiggly." Becka added.

  He shrugged and leaned back. "Sure, but if I get a call, I've gotta go."

  They didn't wait for him to change his mind and scuttled out. "Hey!" Jimmy called before the door closed. "Why do both of you have to go?"

  They pretended not to hear him and rushed to Abbie's '84 pale blue VW Rabbit.

  Becka settled in and yanked at the seatbelt. "I can't believe you drive this old bucket on wheels. Most people upgrade after college."

  "Hey I have sentimental ties to this car. My parents saved it for me. It's fixed up and it drives like a dream." She started the engine and put it in first gear. The car stalled. "That was totally my fault."

  Becka laughed. "Maybe you keep it cause it reminds you of your slutty years. How many guys did you park with in the Rabbit?"

  "Hmm," Abbie replied biting her lip. "Just four. I was not super slutty, just a little slutty. Besides Clark and Jimmy, I only dated Ernie and Joe."

  "Jimmy and Ernie were hot. Jimmy still is. Joe got fat and Clark is still a geek."

  "True," Abbie agreed. "Joe is the only one that got pudgy like me."

  "You're not pudgy. Both of us are curvy now."

  "I like that." Abbie was glad she and Becka both were comfortable in their bodies.

  It took less than ten minutes to reach Cissie's house. "This time one of us stays by the car. If Cissie is home, we'll keep going," Abbie said feeling better they had a plan.

  "Looks like we're in luck. No Cissie." Becka leaned forward and studied the house. "I don't see Fugly in the window either. Maybe she took him with her."

  Abbie drove a bit past the house and parked. "Okay stand by the car. Act like you're judging the yard. I'll go around the back and check if I can see anything through the window." She jogged up the driveway and around to the back. There was a wooden gate, which was not locked. After a bit of a hesitation, Abbie pushed it open and slipped inside.

  The back of Cissie's house was impressive. There was a large paved covered sitting area with nice white wicker furniture. From the looks of it, she gardened, or had someone do it for her. The landscaping was gorgeous. Much better than Abbie’s hodge-podge, wild growing one. She hurried through the back yard up to the back of the house and thankfully there were no curtains on the windows.

  Abbie peered in and automatically hated Cissie. The interior looked like a combination of Southern Living and Martha Stewart. Not one thing out of place, not one speck of dust.

  On the counter was a bouquet of roses and a card. Unfortunately it was too far for her to make out the handwriting. No parakeets, no mailbox and definitely not one hummingbird feeder. Just then she spotted something that looked out of place. Along the far wall were two large boxes. Both were taped up and on the side of one it "Clark" was written in bold print, on the other "Mine Now" with a heart. Abbie eyes rounded. It was possible all the stolen goods, except for the rocker fit in the boxes. Hopefully the parakeets were not suffocating in one.


  Abbie yelped. Fugly had a firm hold on the hem of her jeans and upon her yanking her foot back, he bit down harder and shook his head. She bent over and petted it's head. "Shoo!"

  The little dog growled again. Finally it let go of her pants leg and dashed away through the back yard and out the open gate towards Becka who stood next to her car. Abbie ran after the dog. "Get the dog!"

  Yap. Yap. The dog was obviously enjoying its new found freedom. It ran in a circle barking and wagging its tail. Becka lunged for it, missing by mere inches when the dog cut left and ran across the street.

  "Damn it!" Abbie said as she ran past Becka. "The little shit is fast."

  They gave up the chase when the dog seemed to disappear into thin air. Becka held her side and bent forward. "I am so out of shape." She groaned and lifted an arm over her head to stretch out the cramping. "I need a milkshake."

  "Good idea," Abbie agreed and pulled her by the arm back to the car. "We can drive through Dairy Queen on our way back to the shop. I think Cissie might be the random thief."

  Once in the car she drove slowly looking for the dog. "I feel bad, what if the ugly dog gets hit by a car?"

  When they arrived back at Sweet Magnolia, Jimmy and Mrs. Grundy stood outside. Becka and Abbie let out a collective groan.

  "Well there you are. What kind of businesswomen are you that you abandon your business. The shop was empty when I walked in. Anyone could have robbed you blind."

  Abbie looked to Jimmy who pretended a sudden intere
st in his cell phone. "Deputy Kiser was here. I don't think anyone would have robbed me with him here Mrs. Grundy."

  "He was standing outside. I could have run out the back with anything I wanted." The old woman stomped away. "I don't want any tea now. You've lost a sale."

  Becka went inside shaking her head while Abbie remained outside wondering how to approach Jimmy about her suspicions. "So Jimmy, I know you're not going to discuss an ongoing investigation with me. But I am very concerned about the thefts. I noticed a few strange things."

  "Such as?" His gaze shifted from his cell to her.

  "I saw some strange boxes at Cissie's the other day when I took her dog back."

  Jimmy laughed. "You don't seriously think Cissie Bloom would take things do you? The woman is loaded."

  "Theft is not about the stuff. Sometimes it's the thrill of not getting caught."

  He pressed his lips together. "Wanna go out for a drink tomorrow night?"

  "Sure," Abbie said then realized what he'd asked. "Uh."

  "See ya at six. I'll pick you up." He walked to his patrol car and got in while she stood looking after him, her mouth open.

  "Damn it," she exclaimed as she went into the teashop.

  Becka held up a cup. "He didn't believe you huh? Want some tea?"

  "No he didn't. Also he caught me off guard. Asked me out and I said yes."

  Her girlfriend's laughter made her giggle. "Oh my goodness. You're going to end up naked with Jimmy."

  "I am not!" Abbie exclaimed and wondered if she was. It had been a while after all.

  Several customers entered. A couple of women lugging shopping bags sat and perused the menu on the wall while three teenagers approached the counter and in bored tones ordered a scone to split.

  By three in the afternoon, the teashop was full, almost every seat taken inside and even the two tables outside had customers. Abbie walked through the doorway to place a cup of herbal tea in front of a woman when she spotted the hunky vet heading toward her.

  "Hello Doctor Porter," she said, allowing him to open the door for her.

  "Call me Logan," he said and settled into the last stool at the counter and ordered coffee and a scone. After donning glasses, he spread paperwork in front of him and began reading.

  "He's like Clark Kent," Becka hissed. "Look how cute he looks with glasses."

  Abbie slid a glance towards Logan and had to agree. The man was hot. "Hush, he'll hear you."

  "How old are the scones?" Mrs. Grundy waddled in bumping the back of chairs with her walker. "I don't smell freshly baked goods."

  "You must have a sinus condition Mrs. Grundy," Becka said with a wide smile. "I'm about to pull pumpkin scones out of the oven."

  The woman went to the table that was just vacated and plopped down. "Damn walker. I should have brought a cane. Abbie bring me some tea. That lavender mix you made. It seems to help my nerves." She pulled an oversized bag off the walker and shoved it under the table. "Don't try to sneak any fake sweetener in it either."

  "Got a minute?" Logan said when Abbie returned from Mrs. Grundy's table.

  "Sure," Abbie said eyeing the door when two more people walked in. Looked like they'd be open later than usual. "What's going on?"

  Logan handed her a slip of paper. "Can you come with me to the mayor's reception on Saturday evening? I really need a date."

  "Uh. Okay?" She looked at the paper. A phone number was scribbled in messy handwriting. "Wait, what?"

  "I can pick you up at five-thirty. Dinner is at six. Call me if you need anything." He got up and grabbed his to-go cup. "Gotta go, see you." He kissed her cheek and strolled out whistling.

  "Seriously?" Abbie said as the door jingled and two more people walked in. "What do you put in those scones? All of a sudden two men asked me out," she asked Becka who grinned and batted her lashes.

  "Lots of love. I'm that good."

  "Are you sure you didn’t do anything?” Abbie narrowed her eyes at Becka who looked up at the ceiling.

  “I think your dry spell is over." Becka wagged her eyebrows.

  “I wonder.” Abbie walked past to brew some tea for a customer. "I've got another date."


  O n her way home after an exhausting and confusing day, Abbie drove around in case she spotted the terrier. She cut across town to Tall Pines Drive and turned left. There were no dogs, but she saw Cissie standing on the corner. In her bright pink skirt suit and black sunglasses the blonde looked more like an advertisement for a fashion magazine than a Whisper resident. "Hey Cissie," Abbie called out and pulled across the road to stop by where Cissie stood with papers and a staple gun. "What are you doing?"

  The blonde blew her bangs out of her eyes "I think my dog was stolen. Either that or the little shit ran off on it's own again. The back gate was open so anything could have happened. Stupid lawn service was here, they may have left it open. Who knows." She lifted the papers in her left hand. "Can you put a couple up in your shop?"

  Abbie hoped her guilt wasn't obvious. "I'm so sorry. I'm sure he'll come around."

  "I've decided to put him up for adoption. I don't need the stress with everything else that I have going on right now."

  Abbie pounced on Cissie's admission. "Goodness what is going on with you?"

  By her eyes widening for just a second, Cissie realized her slip up. "Oh nothing major. Just house stuff. You know real estate business, it’s a doggie dog world."

  "Right. So nothing else bothering you then? Like I mean sometimes people do crazy things when stressed out. You know?"

  "Nope. Just work." Cissie looked across the street toward her house. "Oh look there's my neighbor. I better go ask her is she saw anyone sneaking around my house." Her heels clacking on the pavement, she dashed away.

  Abbie's heart pounded. What if someone had seen her? How would she explain her skulking about Cissie's house to the woman? And why was Cissie acting so strange?

  After driving down a couple more streets, she gave up and went home. At her front door, she picked up a package. The package was from an Esty vendor, her latest shopping addiction. Unlike most days when she couldn't wait to tear into the package, she put it on the kitchen counter.

  The day couldn't have been stranger, the guilt over losing Cissie's dog battled against the giddiness of being asked out by two good-looking men. It was too much for a girl to bear at once.

  She shuffled through the living room to her bedroom. If she had two dates, it was best to figure out outfits and make a nail and pedicure appointment. A woman had to have her priorities after all.

  Tomorrow she'd worry about what to do about Cissie's ugly little dog.

  MORNING CAME TOO EARLY. Abbie took one last look in the mirror. It was a good hair day, without much more than a couple passes of the flat iron, it looked smooth and in place. Once she did her usual face and bed making magic quickie, she was set.

  She picked up her planner and notebook and shoved them into her flowery canvas tote. If her hair was any indication, the day would go well. She'd call Cissie and ask about Fugly and then she'd attend the Whisper festival meeting and find out if the random thief had been arrested.

  She stepped outside and her heel clunked onto the bare wood flooring. "What the hell?" The floor was exposed; her new welcome mat was gone. She'd ordered it online all the way from California, personalized with her initials in curvy lettering font that took hours to finally decide on. Not only that, but the darn thing had cost a hundred dollars.

  Abbie spun and looked at her front door. Her new beautiful wreath was also gone. She'd been lucky to get her order in on time for the Whisper festival. In bright rainbow pastels with a large wooden "W" hanging in the middle, it was beautiful. "Oh no." She looked up and down the street. The house across the way had a mat and wreath, so did her neighbor.

  The day was officially in the toilet.

  "I'M SO glad you're here!" Abbie called out when Becka trudged in later that morning.

  "Good morning to you too." On
Thursdays Becka came in later. She and Gary hosted spell study on Wednesday nights, and she often didn't get to bed until late.

  Abbie waited for Becka to come behind the counter. "I have the scones in the oven." "I've got the Whisper Festival committee meeting at ten. And you won't believe what happened to me this morning. I am the latest victim of the Random Thief." Her face flushed with anger, Abbie blinked to keep from crying. "He took my floor mat and Whisper Day wreath."

  "Oh no! The mat you ordered from California? The one I told you, you were crazy to spend so much money on?" Becka shook her head. "And the wreath I told you Mrs. Grundy would hate you for buying because you got the last one?"

  Abbie glared at Becka. "Focus on what is important here will ya? I'm a victim of a crime. I just lost over two hundred dollars worth of personal property."

  "I'm sorry." Becka seemed to look concerned, but Abbie wasn't sure. "Call Jimmy, he needs to know right away."

  As if conjured buy magic, Jimmy walked past the window. He hesitated at the door long enough that Abbie rushed around the counter to call him back in case he kept going. He opened the door and came to an abrupt halt at her heading to him. "Hey, you look like you're about to kick some serious butt."

  She grabbed his arm and yanked him inside. "I've been robbed. I need to file a report."

  To her chagrin, Jimmy looked longingly toward the counter before letting out a breath. "I am not sure I can concentrate on what you say unless I get something to eat. I'm starving."

  "Ugh," Abbie trudged to the counter and took the coffee and scone Becka proffered. "Here, now sit down and take notes."

  His handsome face brightened and he took a bite of the scone. "Wow, hadn't had this flavor Becka, it's great. You've outdone yourself."

  "I made it," Abbie snapped her fingers inches away from his nose and tapped her fingernail on his pad. "Now listen."

  She went through the entire sequence of events, from picking up the package from the mat upon arriving the evening before. Jimmy nodded and in between bites scribbled a word here and there.


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